


A: Hi, Jim. How are you going?

B: I'm writing a book.

A: Really? What book?

B: About Olympics and Chinese culture.

A: Terrific! Talk aout it, OK?

B: Yes. It's well-known that Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008, and it's a golden chance to prosper our culture. I want to introduce the common cultural sense of China to show our splendid culture through my book.

A: Good idea! Anything else?

B: About the other.. oh, by introducing the common cultural sense, I want to make readers, especially foreign readers understand Chinese social value, life style and etc.

A: Good, very good!

B: We try our best to make Chinese culture merge into the world's cultural, economic and social development, to make it meet the need of the time.

A: Fantastic! I hope to become the first reader after you complete it. Wish you success!

B: Thank you very much!



A: oh! My God! Fancy meeting you here.

B: Yes, what a surprise! We haven't seen each other almost half a year.

A: Almost. Where are you heading now?

B: Oh. I'm going to attend a meeting about making Chinese culture various and globalized.

A: It's so significant. The east and west culture is a comparatively separate value system of their own society, and each style of culture has advantages and dregs. So the two cultures should nourish and benefit each other.

B: Right. It seems to be quite important to Chinese culture. The two-thousand-year feudual rule made Chinese traditional culture self-closed and isolated, and it's so short of democracy and open, which is the chief essence of the west culture. Through the meeting, we want to make it the beginning that Chinese culture fully absorb the essence of the west culture. The 2008 Olympics is a desirable chance.

A: I see. You apply to the chance of the 2008 Olympics to make your traditional culture absorb the advantage of the west culture, and make it various and globalized.

B: Yes. Only the essence.

A: I understand it. But I think Chinese culture has many advantages.

B: Of course. When Chinese culture absorbs the essence of the west culture, we maintain and carry forward it.

A: Good. The Olympics is a belt of the east and west culture. It advances the two different culture system's development. Suppose that the west and east cultures should merge into a more perfect and vigorous system with the development of the Olympics in the future.

B: I hope so.



A: Hi, Jim. How are you going?

B: I'm writing a book.

A: Really? What book?

B: About Olympics and Chinese culture.

A: Terrific! Talk aout it, OK?

B: Yes. It's well-known that Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008, and it's a golden chance to prosper our culture. I want to introduce the common cultural sense of China to show our splendid culture through my book.

A: Good idea! Anything else?

B: About the other.. oh, by introducing the common cultural sense, I want to make readers, especially foreign readers understand Chinese social value, life style and etc.

A: Good, very good!

B: We try our best to make Chinese culture merge into the world's cultural, economic and social development, to make it meet the need of the time.

A: Fantastic! I hope to become the first reader after you complete it. Wish you success!

B: Thank you very much!



A: oh! My God! Fancy meeting you here.

B: Yes, what a surprise! We haven't seen each other almost half a year.

A: Almost. Where are you heading now?

B: Oh. I'm going to attend a meeting about making Chinese culture various and globalized.

A: It's so significant. The east and west culture is a comparatively separate value system of their own society, and each style of culture has advantages and dregs. So the two cultures should nourish and benefit each other.

B: Right. It seems to be quite important to Chinese culture. The two-thousand-year feudual rule made Chinese traditional culture self-closed and isolated, and it's so short of democracy and open, which is the chief essence of the west culture. Through the meeting, we want to make it the beginning that Chinese culture fully absorb the essence of the west culture. The 2008 Olympics is a desirable chance.

A: I see. You apply to the chance of the 2008 Olympics to make your traditional culture absorb the advantage of the west culture, and make it various and globalized.

B: Yes. Only the essence.

A: I understand it. But I think Chinese culture has many advantages.

B: Of course. When Chinese culture absorbs the essence of the west culture, we maintain and carry forward it.

A: Good. The Olympics is a belt of the east and west culture. It advances the two different culture system's development. Suppose that the west and east cultures should merge into a more perfect and vigorous system with the development of the Olympics in the future.

B: I hope so.


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