


If you don't spend some time planning your ideas, it's likely that you'll run out of things to write, or you'll go off-topic. When planning, keep checking the question to make sure that your ideas are relevant.

Read the question below, and then look at my example plan.

The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

4-paragraph plan:

1. Introduce the topic of 'traditional ideas and modern life', then partly agree: some ideas are outdated, but others are still helpful

2. Paragraph about ideas which are not so helpful nowadays: Work - having a career for life is no longer normal

Relationships - 'rules' about who and when to marry are changing Gender roles - traditional fixed roles of men and women have changed

3. Paragraph about traditional ideas which we shouldn't forget: Work - work hard, do your best, take pride in your work

Behaviour - politeness, good manners, respect for others

Community - help others, be a good neighbour, look after local area

4. Conclusion: repeat / summarise the answer



If you don't spend some time planning your ideas, it's likely that you'll run out of things to write, or you'll go off-topic. When planning, keep checking the question to make sure that your ideas are relevant.

Read the question below, and then look at my example plan.

The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

4-paragraph plan:

1. Introduce the topic of 'traditional ideas and modern life', then partly agree: some ideas are outdated, but others are still helpful

2. Paragraph about ideas which are not so helpful nowadays: Work - having a career for life is no longer normal

Relationships - 'rules' about who and when to marry are changing Gender roles - traditional fixed roles of men and women have changed

3. Paragraph about traditional ideas which we shouldn't forget: Work - work hard, do your best, take pride in your work

Behaviour - politeness, good manners, respect for others

Community - help others, be a good neighbour, look after local area

4. Conclusion: repeat / summarise the answer


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