


1. Don’t turn your back on friends who are down and out.




2. There is no royal road to learning.




3.The headmaster broke the ice by asking how I like the college.

(A ) 校长先问我对学校印象如何。

(B) 校长问我对学校的清除冰雪的活动印象如何。

(C ) 校长打破僵局,问我对学校是否喜欢。

4. Can you tell me about the stone age?

(A) 你能告诉我石器时代的情况吗?

(B) 你能告诉我什么时候是石器时代吗?

(C) 你能给我讲讲你的少年时代吗?

5. Hitler was armed to the teeth.

(A) 希特勒武装齐备。 (B) 希特勒连牙齿都包裹起来。 (C) 希特勒武装到了牙齿。

6. Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.

(A) 船到桥头自然直。 (B) 没到桥头无法过桥。 (C) 不必自寻烦恼。

7. 学校不会管这样的事情。

(A)The school does not bother about such things.

(B)The school authority will not bother about such things.

(C)Such things will not be managed at this school.

8. 他变本加厉地剥削欺压工人。

(A)She redoubled his efforts in exploiting and oppressing the workers.

(B)She became aggravated, exploited and oppressed the workers.

(C)She became aggravated in order to exploit and oppress the workers.

9. 许多专家现已相信,癌症最后的克星将是大批强力的药品,而不是手术刀或X射线。

(A) Many experts now believe that the decisive thing that overcomes cancer will be a

large amount of powerful medicines but not the scalpel or the X-ray.

(B) Many experts are now convinced that cancer in the end will be killed, not by the scalpel or the X-ray, but by a huge armamentarium of powerful chemicals.

(C) Many experts think that the last thing that cures cancer will be a large amount of medicines instead of the scalpel or the X-ray.

10. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可没这个店啦。”

(A) The street peddler hawked: “Now or never!”

(B) The street peddler cried: “Come and buy! You’ll never get them later.”

(C) The street peddler hawked: “Please buy! Don’t lose the golden chance!”

11. 你相信我会跟那样的女孩结婚?你有病啊?

(A)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Are you ill?

(B)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Is there something wrong with you?

(C)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? You must have rocks in your head, eih?

12. 她常常动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她是刀子嘴豆腐心。

(A) She was always scolding her children, but they knew that her scolding might be like a knife but her heart was like bean curd.

(B) She was always scolding her children, but they knew her bark was worse than her bite.

(C) She was always scolding her children, but they knew that she was kindhearted while scolding.

13. 甩开膀子干四化。

(A) Swing our shoulders to do the modernizations.

(B) Coats off for our four modernizations.

(C) Work your shoulders to do the four modernizations.

14. “我只会马走日,象走田” “我让你车,马,炮”

(A)“I only know the most basic moves.” “Would you like me to allow you a handicap?”

(B) “I only know how to use the horse and the elephant.” “I will yield you the chariot, the horse and the cannon .”

(C)“I am only able to command the horse and the elephant .” “I will give up my chariot , the horse and the cannon.”

15.This morning he rose very early, and what should he do but take it into his head to

wash down the stairs.

(A) 今天他一大早起身,预备做点什么呢?竟突然想到要冲洗楼梯。

(B) 今天早晨他起得早。除了想到冲刷楼梯他还应该做点什么呢?

(C) 今天早上他起床很早。他想到冲刷一下楼梯吧,要么还做什么?

16. Of many thousand spare parts does not come up to the standard but one.

(A) 在成千上万个备件中,除了一个备件不合格,其他没有一个不合格。

(B) 在成千上万个备件中,就一个合格。

(C) 在成千上万个备件中,只发现一个不合格。

17. 这次展出还是老一套。

(A) The exhibit is the same old stuff.

(B) The exhibit is outmoded.

(C) The exhibit does not lend itself to much exciting variation.

18. 利润可能下降,但赞助活动仍方兴未艾。

(A) Profits may be failing, but sponsorship lives.

(B) Profits may be failing, but the activities of sponsorship are just unfolding.

(C) Although profits may be failing, the activities of sponsorship are still in the climax.

19. 不错,有了自己的孩子使他们的造反冲动收敛了许多。

(A) True, their rebellious impulses become weak because they have their own children.

(B) True, they have pulled in their horns to rebel since they have their own children.

(C) True, parenthood has tamed their rebellious impulses.

20. Could you have thought that a girl, so fond of reading, not sense in such lines the rapture and the anguish of a boy in love?

(A) 你是否想到了她这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘不能在字里行间感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦?

(B) 你本应该想到她这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘不能在字里行间里感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦,对吗?

(C) 难道你真的认为他这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘倒不能在字里行间感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦?

21. War was avoided by a master stroke of statesmanship.

(A) 战争被高度的政治策略避免了。

(B) 由于运用了高超的政治策略,战争才得以避免。

(C) 战争的被避免是由于运用了高度的政治策略。

22. 必须努力加强廉政建设。

(A) Great efforts should be made to keep government clean.

(B) We must strengthen the building of a clean and honest government in a great effort.

(C) Great efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of clean government.


(A) We can not alter it by arbitrarily decreasing revenues or increasing expenditures.

(B) We can not have an opening for arbitrarily decreasing revenues and increasing expenditures.

(C) We can not allow a tear in arbitrarily decreasing revenues and increasing expenditures.

24. I hope we’ll have got the instructions ready before you come tomorrow.

(A) 我希望明天你来之前我们将已经把说明书准备好了。

(B) 我希望明天在你来之前将可以把说明书准备好。

(C) 我希望明天你来时,我们已把说明书都准备好。

25. I shall have been learning English for ten years by next Mary.

(A) 到明年5月我就学了十年英语了。

(B) 到明年5月我将学习英语十年。

(C) 到明年5月我学英语就要满十年了。

26. All the boys there are being quiet. I wonder what they’re up to.

(A) 男孩子们现在都停止了吵闹。我真想知道他们在搞什么名堂。

(B) 男孩子们现在都正在安静。我真想知道他们在搞什么名堂。

(C) 男孩子们都在那儿规规矩矩的。我真不知道他们要搞什么花样。

27. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可没这个店啦。”

(A)The street peddler hawked: “Now or never!

(B)The street peddler cried: “Come and buy! You’ll never get them later.”

(C)The street peddler hawked: “Please buy! Don’t lose the golden chance!”

28. 提到赤壁,人们自然会想到“赤壁之战”,想象那场著名战役的情景。

(A)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of the Battle of Chi’Bi, of the fierce fighting in this well-known battle.

(B)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of the fierce fighting in the Battle of Chi’Bi which is well-known.

(C)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of what in Chinese history is known as the Battle of Chi’Bi fought in A.D.208 between the army of Cao Cao of Wei

and the joint forces of Sun Quan of Wu and Liu Bei of shulan in the period of three Kingdoms (220--280).

29. Our hopes and plans are scattered to the four winds.

(A) 我们的希望和计划全落空了。

(B) 我们的希望和计划被驱散,随风飘了。

(C) 我们的希望和计划都被分散到四种风里去了。

30. The new leaders may be better educated, more technologically inclined, and more cosmopolitan.




31. 有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。

(A) Some toilets seem immune to the clean-up campaign.

(B) Some toilets seem to be still dead corners in the clean-up campaign.

(C) Some toilets seem to remain untouched in the clean-up campaign.

32. Companies with a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.

(A) 在北京的员工庞大的公司发现自己受着高运行成本和萎缩业务两方面的挤压。

(B) 在北京,员工庞大的公司面临运行成本高,业务不断萎缩的局面,日子颇不好过。

(C) 北京的一些员工庞大的公司承受着运行成本高和业务不断委缩的双重压力。


1. Don’t turn your back on friends who are down and out.





解析:该题关键要注意两个英语中习语,turn „ back是不理睬的意思;而down and out是穷困潦倒的意思。

2. There is no royal road to learning.






3. The headmaster broke the ice by asking how I like the college.

(A ) 校长先问我对学校印象如何。

(B) 校长问我对学校的清除冰雪的活动印象如何。

(C ) 校长打破僵局,问我对学校是否喜欢。


解析:该题关键要注意broke the ice是打破坚冰,就是首先采取行动之意,而how „ like是问观点和看法。

4. Can you tell me about the stone age?

(A) 你能告诉我石器时代的情况吗?

(B) 你能告诉我什么时候是石器时代吗?

(C) 你能给我讲讲你的少年时代吗?


解析:该题关键要注意不能误解stone age石器时代的意思。

5. Hitler was armed to the teeth.

(A) 希特勒武装齐备。 (B) 希特勒连牙齿都包裹起来。 (C) 希特勒武装到了牙齿。



6. Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.

(A) 船到桥头自然直。 (B) 没到桥头无法过桥。 (C) 不必自寻烦恼。



7. 学校不会管这样的事情。

(A)The school does not bother about such things.

(B)The school authority will not bother about such things.

(C)Such things will not be managed at this school.


解析:该题关键要注意学校所指代的含义是the school authority

8. 他变本加厉地剥削欺压工人。

(A)She redoubled his efforts in exploiting and oppressing the workers.

(B)She became aggravated, exploited and oppressed the workers.

(C)She became aggravated in order to exploit and oppress the workers.



9. 许多专家现已相信,癌症最后的克星将是大批强力的药品,而不是手术刀或X射线。

(A) Many experts now believe that the decisive thing that overcomes cancer will be a large amount of powerful medicines but not the scalpel or the X-ray.

(B) Many experts are now convinced that cancer in the end will be killed, not by the scalpel or the X-ray, but by a huge armamentarium of powerful chemicals.

(C) Many experts think that the last thing that cures cancer will be a large amount of medicines instead of the scalpel or the X-ray.



10. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可没这个店啦。”

(A) The street peddler hawked: “Now or never!”

(B) The street peddler cried: “Come and buy! You’ll never get them later.”

(C) The street peddler hawked: “Please buy! Don’t lose the golden chance!” 试题答案及解析:正确答案A。


11. 你相信我会跟那样的女孩结婚?你有病啊?

(A)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Are you ill?

(B)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Is there something wrong with you?

(C)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? You must have rocks in your head, eih?



12. 她常常动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她是刀子嘴豆腐心。

(A) She was always scolding her children, but they knew that her scolding might be like a knife but her heart was like bean curd.

(B) She was always scolding her children, but they knew her bark was worse than her bite.

(C) She was always scolding her children, but they knew that she was kindhearted while scolding.



13. 甩开膀子干四化。

(A) Swing our shoulders to do the modernizations.

(B) Coats off for our four modernizations.

(C) Work your shoulders to do the four modernizations.



14. “我只会马走日,象走田” “我让你车,马,炮”

(A)“I only know the most basic moves.” “Would you like me to allow you a handicap?”

(B) “I only know how to use the horse and the elephant.” “I will yield you the chariot, the horse and the cannon .”

(C)“I am only able to command the horse and the elephant .” “I will give up my chariot , the horse and the cannon.”



15. This morning he rose very early, and what should he do but take it into his head to wash down the stairs.

(A) 今天他一大早起身,预备做点什么呢?竟突然想到要冲洗楼梯。

(B) 今天早晨他起得早。除了想到冲刷楼梯他还应该做点什么呢?

(C) 今天早上他起床很早。他想到冲刷一下楼梯吧,要么还做什么?


解析:该题关键要注意对but结构和take it into his head的正确理解

16. Of many thousand spare parts does not come up to the standard but one.

(A) 在成千上万个备件中,除了一个备件不合格,其他没有一个不合格。

(B) 在成千上万个备件中,就一个合格。

(C) 在成千上万个备件中,只发现一个不合格。



17. 这次展出还是老一套。

(A) The exhibit is the same old stuff.

(B) The exhibit is outmoded.

(C) The exhibit does not lend itself to much exciting variation.



18. 利润可能下降,但赞助活动仍方兴未艾。

(A) Profits may be failing, but sponsorship lives.

(B) Profits may be failing, but the activities of sponsorship are just unfolding.

(C) Although profits may be failing, the activities of sponsorship are still in the climax.



19. 不错,有了自己的孩子使他们的造反冲动收敛了许多。

(A) True, their rebellious impulses become weak because they have their own children.

(B) True, they have pulled in their horns to rebel since they have their own children.

(C) True, parenthood has tamed their rebellious impulses.



20. Could you have thought that a girl , so fond of reading, not sense in such lines the rapture and the anguish of a boy in love ?

(A) 你是否想到了她这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘不能在字里行间感觉出一个男孩


(B) 你本应该想到她这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘不能在字里行间里感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦,对吗?

(C) 难道你真的认为他这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘倒不能在字里行间感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦?



21. War was avoided by a master stroke of statesmanship.

(A) 战争被高度的政治策略避免了。

(B) 由于运用了高超的政治策略,战争才得以避免。

(C) 战争的被避免是由于运用了高度的政治策略。

试题答案及解析:正确答案B。[stroke 打击,一击;一次努力(的结果)] 解析:该题关键要注意英语被动语态的译法。

22. 必须努力加强廉政建设。

(A) Great efforts should be made to keep government clean.

(B) We must strengthen the building of a clean and honest government in a great effort.

(C) Great efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of clean government.


(A) We can not alter it by arbitrarily decreasing revenues or increasing expenditures.

(B) We can not have an opening for arbitrarily decreasing revenues and increasing expenditures.

(C) We can not allow a tear in arbitrarily decreasing revenues and increasing expenditures.



24. I hope we’ll have got the instructions ready before you come tomorrow.

(A) 我希望明天你来之前我们将已经把说明书准备好了。

(B) 我希望明天在你来之前将可以把说明书准备好。

(C) 我希望明天你来时,我们已把说明书都准备好。



25. I shall have been learning English for ten years by next Mary.

(A) 到明年5月我就学了十年英语了。

(B) 到明年5月我将学习英语十年。

(C) 到明年5月我学英语就要满十年了。



26. All the boys there are being quiet. I wonder what they’re up to.

(A) 男孩子们现在都停止了吵闹。我真想知道他们在搞什么名堂。

(B) 男孩子们现在都正在安静。我真想知道他们在搞什么名堂。

(C) 男孩子们都在那儿规规矩矩的。我真不知道他们要搞什么花样。


解析:该题关键要注意英语俚语be up to的准确用法和含义。

27. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可没这个店啦。”

(A)The street peddler hawked: “Now or never!

(B)The street peddler cried: “Come and buy! You’ll never get them later.”

(C)The street peddler hawked: “Please buy! Don’t lose the golden chance!” 试题答案及解析:正确答案A。


28. 提到赤壁,人们自然会想到“赤壁之战”,想象那场著名战役的情景。

(A)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of the Battle of Chi’Bi, of the fierce fighting in this well-known battle.

(B)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of the fierce fighting in the Battle of Chi’Bi which is well-known.

(C)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of what in Chinese history is known as the Battle of Chi’Bi fought in A.D.208 between the army of Cao Cao of Wei and the joint forces of Sun Quan of Wu and Liu Bei of shulan in the period of three Kingdoms (220--280).



29. Our hopes and plans are scattered to the four winds.

(A) 我们的希望和计划全落空了。

(B) 我们的希望和计划被驱散,随风飘了。

(C) 我们的希望和计划都被分散到四种风里去了。


解析:该题关键要注意英文成语scattered to the four winds的准确含义,是失败,落空之意。

30. The new leaders may be better educated, more technologically inclined, and more cosmopolitan.



(C)这些新的领导人可能知识层次更高,技术上更有天赋,眼界更为开阔。 试题答案及解析:正确答案C。


31. 有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。

(A) Some toilets seem immune to the clean-up campaign.

(B) Some toilets seem to be still dead corners in the clean-up campaign.

(C) Some toilets seem to remain untouched in the clean-up campaign.



32. Companies with a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.

(A) 在北京的员工庞大的公司发现自己受着高运行成本和萎缩业务两方面的挤压。

(B) 在北京,员工庞大的公司面临运行成本高,业务不断萎缩的局面,日子颇不好过。

(C) 北京的一些员工庞大的公司承受着运行成本高和业务不断委缩的双重压力。 试题答案及解析:正确答案B。




1. Don’t turn your back on friends who are down and out.




2. There is no royal road to learning.




3.The headmaster broke the ice by asking how I like the college.

(A ) 校长先问我对学校印象如何。

(B) 校长问我对学校的清除冰雪的活动印象如何。

(C ) 校长打破僵局,问我对学校是否喜欢。

4. Can you tell me about the stone age?

(A) 你能告诉我石器时代的情况吗?

(B) 你能告诉我什么时候是石器时代吗?

(C) 你能给我讲讲你的少年时代吗?

5. Hitler was armed to the teeth.

(A) 希特勒武装齐备。 (B) 希特勒连牙齿都包裹起来。 (C) 希特勒武装到了牙齿。

6. Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.

(A) 船到桥头自然直。 (B) 没到桥头无法过桥。 (C) 不必自寻烦恼。

7. 学校不会管这样的事情。

(A)The school does not bother about such things.

(B)The school authority will not bother about such things.

(C)Such things will not be managed at this school.

8. 他变本加厉地剥削欺压工人。

(A)She redoubled his efforts in exploiting and oppressing the workers.

(B)She became aggravated, exploited and oppressed the workers.

(C)She became aggravated in order to exploit and oppress the workers.

9. 许多专家现已相信,癌症最后的克星将是大批强力的药品,而不是手术刀或X射线。

(A) Many experts now believe that the decisive thing that overcomes cancer will be a

large amount of powerful medicines but not the scalpel or the X-ray.

(B) Many experts are now convinced that cancer in the end will be killed, not by the scalpel or the X-ray, but by a huge armamentarium of powerful chemicals.

(C) Many experts think that the last thing that cures cancer will be a large amount of medicines instead of the scalpel or the X-ray.

10. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可没这个店啦。”

(A) The street peddler hawked: “Now or never!”

(B) The street peddler cried: “Come and buy! You’ll never get them later.”

(C) The street peddler hawked: “Please buy! Don’t lose the golden chance!”

11. 你相信我会跟那样的女孩结婚?你有病啊?

(A)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Are you ill?

(B)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Is there something wrong with you?

(C)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? You must have rocks in your head, eih?

12. 她常常动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她是刀子嘴豆腐心。

(A) She was always scolding her children, but they knew that her scolding might be like a knife but her heart was like bean curd.

(B) She was always scolding her children, but they knew her bark was worse than her bite.

(C) She was always scolding her children, but they knew that she was kindhearted while scolding.

13. 甩开膀子干四化。

(A) Swing our shoulders to do the modernizations.

(B) Coats off for our four modernizations.

(C) Work your shoulders to do the four modernizations.

14. “我只会马走日,象走田” “我让你车,马,炮”

(A)“I only know the most basic moves.” “Would you like me to allow you a handicap?”

(B) “I only know how to use the horse and the elephant.” “I will yield you the chariot, the horse and the cannon .”

(C)“I am only able to command the horse and the elephant .” “I will give up my chariot , the horse and the cannon.”

15.This morning he rose very early, and what should he do but take it into his head to

wash down the stairs.

(A) 今天他一大早起身,预备做点什么呢?竟突然想到要冲洗楼梯。

(B) 今天早晨他起得早。除了想到冲刷楼梯他还应该做点什么呢?

(C) 今天早上他起床很早。他想到冲刷一下楼梯吧,要么还做什么?

16. Of many thousand spare parts does not come up to the standard but one.

(A) 在成千上万个备件中,除了一个备件不合格,其他没有一个不合格。

(B) 在成千上万个备件中,就一个合格。

(C) 在成千上万个备件中,只发现一个不合格。

17. 这次展出还是老一套。

(A) The exhibit is the same old stuff.

(B) The exhibit is outmoded.

(C) The exhibit does not lend itself to much exciting variation.

18. 利润可能下降,但赞助活动仍方兴未艾。

(A) Profits may be failing, but sponsorship lives.

(B) Profits may be failing, but the activities of sponsorship are just unfolding.

(C) Although profits may be failing, the activities of sponsorship are still in the climax.

19. 不错,有了自己的孩子使他们的造反冲动收敛了许多。

(A) True, their rebellious impulses become weak because they have their own children.

(B) True, they have pulled in their horns to rebel since they have their own children.

(C) True, parenthood has tamed their rebellious impulses.

20. Could you have thought that a girl, so fond of reading, not sense in such lines the rapture and the anguish of a boy in love?

(A) 你是否想到了她这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘不能在字里行间感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦?

(B) 你本应该想到她这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘不能在字里行间里感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦,对吗?

(C) 难道你真的认为他这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘倒不能在字里行间感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦?

21. War was avoided by a master stroke of statesmanship.

(A) 战争被高度的政治策略避免了。

(B) 由于运用了高超的政治策略,战争才得以避免。

(C) 战争的被避免是由于运用了高度的政治策略。

22. 必须努力加强廉政建设。

(A) Great efforts should be made to keep government clean.

(B) We must strengthen the building of a clean and honest government in a great effort.

(C) Great efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of clean government.


(A) We can not alter it by arbitrarily decreasing revenues or increasing expenditures.

(B) We can not have an opening for arbitrarily decreasing revenues and increasing expenditures.

(C) We can not allow a tear in arbitrarily decreasing revenues and increasing expenditures.

24. I hope we’ll have got the instructions ready before you come tomorrow.

(A) 我希望明天你来之前我们将已经把说明书准备好了。

(B) 我希望明天在你来之前将可以把说明书准备好。

(C) 我希望明天你来时,我们已把说明书都准备好。

25. I shall have been learning English for ten years by next Mary.

(A) 到明年5月我就学了十年英语了。

(B) 到明年5月我将学习英语十年。

(C) 到明年5月我学英语就要满十年了。

26. All the boys there are being quiet. I wonder what they’re up to.

(A) 男孩子们现在都停止了吵闹。我真想知道他们在搞什么名堂。

(B) 男孩子们现在都正在安静。我真想知道他们在搞什么名堂。

(C) 男孩子们都在那儿规规矩矩的。我真不知道他们要搞什么花样。

27. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可没这个店啦。”

(A)The street peddler hawked: “Now or never!

(B)The street peddler cried: “Come and buy! You’ll never get them later.”

(C)The street peddler hawked: “Please buy! Don’t lose the golden chance!”

28. 提到赤壁,人们自然会想到“赤壁之战”,想象那场著名战役的情景。

(A)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of the Battle of Chi’Bi, of the fierce fighting in this well-known battle.

(B)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of the fierce fighting in the Battle of Chi’Bi which is well-known.

(C)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of what in Chinese history is known as the Battle of Chi’Bi fought in A.D.208 between the army of Cao Cao of Wei

and the joint forces of Sun Quan of Wu and Liu Bei of shulan in the period of three Kingdoms (220--280).

29. Our hopes and plans are scattered to the four winds.

(A) 我们的希望和计划全落空了。

(B) 我们的希望和计划被驱散,随风飘了。

(C) 我们的希望和计划都被分散到四种风里去了。

30. The new leaders may be better educated, more technologically inclined, and more cosmopolitan.




31. 有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。

(A) Some toilets seem immune to the clean-up campaign.

(B) Some toilets seem to be still dead corners in the clean-up campaign.

(C) Some toilets seem to remain untouched in the clean-up campaign.

32. Companies with a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.

(A) 在北京的员工庞大的公司发现自己受着高运行成本和萎缩业务两方面的挤压。

(B) 在北京,员工庞大的公司面临运行成本高,业务不断萎缩的局面,日子颇不好过。

(C) 北京的一些员工庞大的公司承受着运行成本高和业务不断委缩的双重压力。


1. Don’t turn your back on friends who are down and out.





解析:该题关键要注意两个英语中习语,turn „ back是不理睬的意思;而down and out是穷困潦倒的意思。

2. There is no royal road to learning.






3. The headmaster broke the ice by asking how I like the college.

(A ) 校长先问我对学校印象如何。

(B) 校长问我对学校的清除冰雪的活动印象如何。

(C ) 校长打破僵局,问我对学校是否喜欢。


解析:该题关键要注意broke the ice是打破坚冰,就是首先采取行动之意,而how „ like是问观点和看法。

4. Can you tell me about the stone age?

(A) 你能告诉我石器时代的情况吗?

(B) 你能告诉我什么时候是石器时代吗?

(C) 你能给我讲讲你的少年时代吗?


解析:该题关键要注意不能误解stone age石器时代的意思。

5. Hitler was armed to the teeth.

(A) 希特勒武装齐备。 (B) 希特勒连牙齿都包裹起来。 (C) 希特勒武装到了牙齿。



6. Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.

(A) 船到桥头自然直。 (B) 没到桥头无法过桥。 (C) 不必自寻烦恼。



7. 学校不会管这样的事情。

(A)The school does not bother about such things.

(B)The school authority will not bother about such things.

(C)Such things will not be managed at this school.


解析:该题关键要注意学校所指代的含义是the school authority

8. 他变本加厉地剥削欺压工人。

(A)She redoubled his efforts in exploiting and oppressing the workers.

(B)She became aggravated, exploited and oppressed the workers.

(C)She became aggravated in order to exploit and oppress the workers.



9. 许多专家现已相信,癌症最后的克星将是大批强力的药品,而不是手术刀或X射线。

(A) Many experts now believe that the decisive thing that overcomes cancer will be a large amount of powerful medicines but not the scalpel or the X-ray.

(B) Many experts are now convinced that cancer in the end will be killed, not by the scalpel or the X-ray, but by a huge armamentarium of powerful chemicals.

(C) Many experts think that the last thing that cures cancer will be a large amount of medicines instead of the scalpel or the X-ray.



10. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可没这个店啦。”

(A) The street peddler hawked: “Now or never!”

(B) The street peddler cried: “Come and buy! You’ll never get them later.”

(C) The street peddler hawked: “Please buy! Don’t lose the golden chance!” 试题答案及解析:正确答案A。


11. 你相信我会跟那样的女孩结婚?你有病啊?

(A)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Are you ill?

(B)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Is there something wrong with you?

(C)You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? You must have rocks in your head, eih?



12. 她常常动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她是刀子嘴豆腐心。

(A) She was always scolding her children, but they knew that her scolding might be like a knife but her heart was like bean curd.

(B) She was always scolding her children, but they knew her bark was worse than her bite.

(C) She was always scolding her children, but they knew that she was kindhearted while scolding.



13. 甩开膀子干四化。

(A) Swing our shoulders to do the modernizations.

(B) Coats off for our four modernizations.

(C) Work your shoulders to do the four modernizations.



14. “我只会马走日,象走田” “我让你车,马,炮”

(A)“I only know the most basic moves.” “Would you like me to allow you a handicap?”

(B) “I only know how to use the horse and the elephant.” “I will yield you the chariot, the horse and the cannon .”

(C)“I am only able to command the horse and the elephant .” “I will give up my chariot , the horse and the cannon.”



15. This morning he rose very early, and what should he do but take it into his head to wash down the stairs.

(A) 今天他一大早起身,预备做点什么呢?竟突然想到要冲洗楼梯。

(B) 今天早晨他起得早。除了想到冲刷楼梯他还应该做点什么呢?

(C) 今天早上他起床很早。他想到冲刷一下楼梯吧,要么还做什么?


解析:该题关键要注意对but结构和take it into his head的正确理解

16. Of many thousand spare parts does not come up to the standard but one.

(A) 在成千上万个备件中,除了一个备件不合格,其他没有一个不合格。

(B) 在成千上万个备件中,就一个合格。

(C) 在成千上万个备件中,只发现一个不合格。



17. 这次展出还是老一套。

(A) The exhibit is the same old stuff.

(B) The exhibit is outmoded.

(C) The exhibit does not lend itself to much exciting variation.



18. 利润可能下降,但赞助活动仍方兴未艾。

(A) Profits may be failing, but sponsorship lives.

(B) Profits may be failing, but the activities of sponsorship are just unfolding.

(C) Although profits may be failing, the activities of sponsorship are still in the climax.



19. 不错,有了自己的孩子使他们的造反冲动收敛了许多。

(A) True, their rebellious impulses become weak because they have their own children.

(B) True, they have pulled in their horns to rebel since they have their own children.

(C) True, parenthood has tamed their rebellious impulses.



20. Could you have thought that a girl , so fond of reading, not sense in such lines the rapture and the anguish of a boy in love ?

(A) 你是否想到了她这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘不能在字里行间感觉出一个男孩


(B) 你本应该想到她这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘不能在字里行间里感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦,对吗?

(C) 难道你真的认为他这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘倒不能在字里行间感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦?



21. War was avoided by a master stroke of statesmanship.

(A) 战争被高度的政治策略避免了。

(B) 由于运用了高超的政治策略,战争才得以避免。

(C) 战争的被避免是由于运用了高度的政治策略。

试题答案及解析:正确答案B。[stroke 打击,一击;一次努力(的结果)] 解析:该题关键要注意英语被动语态的译法。

22. 必须努力加强廉政建设。

(A) Great efforts should be made to keep government clean.

(B) We must strengthen the building of a clean and honest government in a great effort.

(C) Great efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of clean government.


(A) We can not alter it by arbitrarily decreasing revenues or increasing expenditures.

(B) We can not have an opening for arbitrarily decreasing revenues and increasing expenditures.

(C) We can not allow a tear in arbitrarily decreasing revenues and increasing expenditures.



24. I hope we’ll have got the instructions ready before you come tomorrow.

(A) 我希望明天你来之前我们将已经把说明书准备好了。

(B) 我希望明天在你来之前将可以把说明书准备好。

(C) 我希望明天你来时,我们已把说明书都准备好。



25. I shall have been learning English for ten years by next Mary.

(A) 到明年5月我就学了十年英语了。

(B) 到明年5月我将学习英语十年。

(C) 到明年5月我学英语就要满十年了。



26. All the boys there are being quiet. I wonder what they’re up to.

(A) 男孩子们现在都停止了吵闹。我真想知道他们在搞什么名堂。

(B) 男孩子们现在都正在安静。我真想知道他们在搞什么名堂。

(C) 男孩子们都在那儿规规矩矩的。我真不知道他们要搞什么花样。


解析:该题关键要注意英语俚语be up to的准确用法和含义。

27. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可没这个店啦。”

(A)The street peddler hawked: “Now or never!

(B)The street peddler cried: “Come and buy! You’ll never get them later.”

(C)The street peddler hawked: “Please buy! Don’t lose the golden chance!” 试题答案及解析:正确答案A。


28. 提到赤壁,人们自然会想到“赤壁之战”,想象那场著名战役的情景。

(A)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of the Battle of Chi’Bi, of the fierce fighting in this well-known battle.

(B)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of the fierce fighting in the Battle of Chi’Bi which is well-known.

(C)The name Chi’Bi or Red Cliff would remind one of what in Chinese history is known as the Battle of Chi’Bi fought in A.D.208 between the army of Cao Cao of Wei and the joint forces of Sun Quan of Wu and Liu Bei of shulan in the period of three Kingdoms (220--280).



29. Our hopes and plans are scattered to the four winds.

(A) 我们的希望和计划全落空了。

(B) 我们的希望和计划被驱散,随风飘了。

(C) 我们的希望和计划都被分散到四种风里去了。


解析:该题关键要注意英文成语scattered to the four winds的准确含义,是失败,落空之意。

30. The new leaders may be better educated, more technologically inclined, and more cosmopolitan.



(C)这些新的领导人可能知识层次更高,技术上更有天赋,眼界更为开阔。 试题答案及解析:正确答案C。


31. 有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。

(A) Some toilets seem immune to the clean-up campaign.

(B) Some toilets seem to be still dead corners in the clean-up campaign.

(C) Some toilets seem to remain untouched in the clean-up campaign.



32. Companies with a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.

(A) 在北京的员工庞大的公司发现自己受着高运行成本和萎缩业务两方面的挤压。

(B) 在北京,员工庞大的公司面临运行成本高,业务不断萎缩的局面,日子颇不好过。

(C) 北京的一些员工庞大的公司承受着运行成本高和业务不断委缩的双重压力。 试题答案及解析:正确答案B。



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