


题目: 垂直电子商务环境下物流配送模式 选择研究

课 题 类 型: 设计□ 实验研究□ 论文

学 生 姓 名: 林靖

学 号: 3132504229

专 业 班 级: 物流 102

学 院: 管理工程学院

指 导 教 师: 桂 云 苗

开 题 时 间: 2014.04.10


一、 毕业论文的研究意义与研究现状

当前,国内垂直电子商务的发展如火如荼,根据艾瑞咨询的调查显示,2013 年中国网络购物市场交易规模达1.5万亿元,同比增长42.0%。据商务部 2012-2013 年《中国电子商务发展报告》,2013年中国网络购物用户达3.1亿人,发达国家如美国电商销售额占据了全美网购市场80%的份额,这些数据吸引着越来越多的企业进入电子商务领域目前电子商务领域,市场份额较大的有天猫﹑京东﹑苏宁和易购等,也有凡客﹑当当﹑麦考林等中型企业,还有像红孩子和钻石小鸟等中小型企业,竞争非常激烈,有专家指出,电子商务企业的竞争是一场持久战。




二、 毕业论文的研究现状和发展趋势














[9] 国外的文献对垂直电子商务的探讨要更丰富和深入,A S Hornby(2011)



[10]务是在传统物流向现代物流发展的道路上。Sally Bush(2011)从现实的约束为















[1] 王虹.浅析电子商务环境下物流配送模式研究[J].科技创业月刊,2013,(04): 44-45

[2] 杨晨.我国B2C电子商务物流配送模式研究[J].现代工业经济和信息化,2013,(12): 85-86

[3] 郭琳.电子商务物流配送模式比较—以淘宝网与京东商城为例[J].商业时代,2013,

(16): 42-43

[4] 张成志,赵亮.电子商务下的物流配送模式研究[J].物流技术,2012,31(10): 66-67

[5] 宁志明.B2C电子商务环境下物流配送模式研究[J].物流技术,2012,31(7): 146-147

[6] 王乐鹏,刘轩,张世翔.B2C电子商务企业物流配送模式选择研究[J].商业经济,2012,(9): 42-43

[7] 王建新.电子商务物流配送模式分析[J].科技信息,2012,(32): 77-78

[8] 张建奇.B2C电子商务物流配送模式探讨及研究[J].物流工程与管理,2012,34(06): 21-22

[9] A S Hornby. Research on Logistics Distribution Mode for E-commerce Businesses

[J].Logistics Management,2011,23(23): 47-48

[10]Sally Bush.Study on Logistics Distribution Mode of B2C E-commerce[J].Logistics

and Transportation Review,2011,34(4):105-107

China's B2C e-commerce type of logistics and distribution

【Abstract】 This paper attempts to restrict the present stage of development constraints B2C e-commerce as a hypothetical structural model to understand e-commerce businesses in this under optimizing selection, and the combination of case analysis, and then make relevant policy recommendations. As this stage, the absence of the credit system, choose the delivery door of the distribution model is B2C e-commerce site through the default risk onto themselves in order to win consumer confidence in the product. However, triggered the higher the cost of the site had made through the establishment of distribution costs of such price discrimination means abandoning some of meager profits, demand the most densely concentrated within a small business, while leading consumers to turn over a single consumption for the consumer alone. In addition, from the distribution system itself, the timing of the B2C e-commerce market has led to the status quo; online stores and traditional outlets comparative advantage can only be reflected in prices. On this basis, e-commerce business and government, relevant recommendations.

Key words: B2C mode of e-commerce, logistics and distribution, comparative advantages

1. Introduction

Although not yet fully universal, the concept of e-commerce has been as PC prices continue to decline in cost of Internet use and Internet connection into the lower rate continues to accelerate gradually been taking root. Commercial business-to-consumer business model (Business to Consumer, referred to as B2C) e-commerce transactions as a model, albeit with only a small fraction of the annual total value of transactions, however, and the vast majority of consumers very closely. As we all know, China's late start e-commerce, whether it is the network infrastructure, security systems or the management of the relevant laws and regulations, reputation mechanisms are rather imperfect, in which case there can be no B2C portal, go too far. However, there are still a number of our country, like excellence, Dang dang these networks started out the first wave of B2C e-commerce site in 2001 has withstood the severe test of dot-com bubble burst in the face of the status quote of China's e-commerce.

2. Literature Review

Distribution refers to the economic rationality within the area, according to the user's requirements, selection of items, processing, packaging, partition, group distribution and other operations, and on time delivery of logistics activities in designated locations. The field of B2C e-commerce refers to e-commerce website received a consumer under the orders after the realization of tangible goods from the upstream suppliers to the consumer space and time to transfer. Accordance with the processes and trading partners, the entire logistics chain of e-commerce website is divided into home from the ordering, storing, and sorting and stocking down at home, with the process of loading and transportation of the two. Although the upstream suppliers will undoubtedly affect the transaction costs of logistics and distribution chain, and speed, but with the acceleration of the process of logistics information technology, logistics and distribution upstream speed increases and cost reduction can be achieved through the database docking. In comparison, the goods to consumers in this part is directly related to consumer evaluation of B2C e-commerce site, it seems more important. This paper studies the distribution pattern refers only to goods sent to the consumer from the site of the downstream distribution process.

B2C e-commerce enterprises to adopt at this stage of the logistics and distribution

model is essentially divided into three categories: built-in implementation services, that company's own logistics management; traditional distribution channels, that is, from manufacturers to send goods directly to customers; third-party logistics (Third Party Logistics, 3PL) from a third party outside of the demand side of the supply part or all of the use of the supply side to demand-side resources through the contract to provide logistics services, also known as outsourcing, contract logistics. of e-business - logistics, information flow and cash flow starting to explore the relationship between the importance of logistics; also has three elements and scholars from the future development trend of the starting expounded the necessity of establishing a modern logistics system. If Liang Yang jun (2003) considered that, due to consumers online ordering and selection of payment method, with the network bandwidth, network security technology improvement and the establishment of Internet banking, they (information flow and capital flow) achieved is no longer a B2C model of the main bottlenecks; so the problem lies in delivery aspects, namely, logistics and distribution problems.

Another scholar at the present stage of China's logistics and distribution problems in the development of technology, cost, management, and human resources were discussed, pointing out that the modernization of logistics long way to go. In recent years, with a number of B2C e-commerce businesses using third-party logistics, a lot of calls on the analysis or third-party logistics literature came into being. These documents analyzed, using third-party logistics companies to significantly reduce operating costs and the required inventory, consumers can also get faster and more high-quality service, truly a "capital flow, information flow, logistics," the unity, and therefore a a win-win choice. Of course, there are some scholars, such as ZHU Guan Yin (2003), referring to the independent operation of logistics and distribution agent is also involved in property ownership will lead to risk liability, costs cost, product quality, and dispute resolution aspects of legal issues.

Three. B2C Distribution pattern analysis

On China's current situation of e-commerce development, due to a sound credit system has not been established, online shopping fraud cases, as well as newspapers and magazines a lot of negative reports on the frequent e-commerce businesses, enabling people are always skeptical about e-commerce, fear not on track to close to the quality of the goods or the goods do not conform with their expectations. With the largest proportion of online shopping book, for example, although the standardization of quality assessment to determine their likely than other commodities, but there are also that they are not the same version, the wrong page missing pages, piracy and so on. Lack of credibility in the face of the current e-commerce of this constraint, in order to attract a higher degree of risk aversion of customers to join the ranks of online shopping which, B2C e-commerce businesses the only way out is to breach of contract to transfer risk to themselves, which is now Most of B2C e-commerce sites to provide consumers with a free or fee home delivery and cash on delivery service. This "single hand cold number-crunching" approach despite. is minimal. Let us choose the way of e-commerce distribution constraints in decision-making assumptions as follows:

Suppose one, with the spread of personal computers, access the network to continuously reduce costs, coupled with the increase in the number of e-commerce sites and services to improve, more and more people will be willing to try to use this form of shopping online trading activities . Thus, e-commerce businesses operating conditions of an area is constantly turn for the better;

Assumption 2, if an e-commerce enterprises to provide home delivery services to an

area and will be even greater extent to enhance the e-commerce businesses in the region, the volume of business;

Assumption 3, the postal system can reach any place, regardless of the market prospects for its e-commerce businesses are not interested in a sense, will provide mail service in the region, because the mail Pei song will be fully transferred to the consumers, it is only for businesses earnings suffered no loss.

Assumption 4, the best ratio of distribution costs of the transfer, the best selling price, the best delivery time in the model as exogenous variables which are, demand increases and is only concerned with the distribution mode selection; and assume that e-business expansion decisions do not consider the competitive pressures less advanced e-commerce businesses.

According to assumption 3, let the initial state only when the demand for mail services, the rate of change subject to Brownian motion,, where. According to our assumption is that a smaller constant.

c for e-commerce businesses, the use of the mail delivery unit of the full costs to consumers, and that c = 0;

p units of goods that the average earnings, X, said he expected sales. The use of the profit recorded for the mail;

Distribution points for the establishment of the initial fixed costs, such as leasing of land, recruitment of personnel

According to one hypothesis, if the business provides an area to send books on-site service will stimulate the local e-commerce needs, and establish distribution points on the profits recorded as follows:

In the above set conditions, enterprises will choose to enter the time T, that is the choice of timing to provide home delivery services in the region, bringing its total discounted profit maximization:

The solution of this problem must be the existence of one, when up to, that is the area of e-commerce business environment, good to a certain extent, is expected to have a good market, companies will decide in the region to establish their own distribution stations, home delivery for the areas of services, better market share.

This formula (1) to come and go as


F.O.C (2)

Right (2) the nature of style analysis, we can get the following conclusions:

increases would be increased. This shows that if an e-commerce businesses can not be at a lower cost in the region to provide home delivery service, then it will delay the expansion into the region of time.

Suppose a consumer is a homogeneous, consumer utility and the price of book is inversely proportional to access time is inversely proportional with the book.

Hypothesis 2, in the [-1,1] of the interval, assuming uniform distribution in which consumers, the traditional bookstore is located in the center of the range, at the point -1, a consumer to the textbooks required for the traditional bookstore time is T. Total demand on the whole interval is D

Hypothesis three, assuming that e-businesses provide distribution costs and delivery time is inversely proportional to it, and assumed that the e-commerce businesses with a fixed ratio will Pei song to consumers. To calculate a simple, set, of which c for e-commerce enterprises in the distribution costs on this one, t, said e-commerce businesses the time promised to send books, k as a parameter, reflecting the level of distribution costs.

In order to make the model more intuitive solution, assuming that e-commerce business goal is not to do with the traditional stores under the premise of price competition, by choosing delivery time to maximize their own profits: relatively large fluctuations in demand, e-commerce enterprises to find a better status quote be willing to enter the market.

3. When the increases would be reduced. This means that if a region's development trends in the status quote emerged very good or the e-commerce businesses in the area have a good demand is expected, then these will attract the earlier and faster e-commerce businesses to enter the area.

The following model analysis with Joy nationwide distribution within the business development decisions. Is known as "China's largest audio book mall" in Joyo was released in May 2000, the main audio and video, books, software, games, gifts and other fashion cultural products. Since the birth of Joy, with patented "selected species, the audience inventory, fast delivery" of the "excellent model" for the country's most rapidly growing and radiation influential e-commerce website, has won more than 5.2 million registered users wholeheartedly supports the development of China's most visited, the highest turnover of retail Web site.

In April 2004, Joy in the original Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, three home delivery outside the city, has opened in Shenzhen, Nanjing, Jinan, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Ning bo, Fuzhou, Xiamen and other 29 cities home delivery service . The 29 cities where the five provinces ,the proportion of Internet users is just the number of residents in the province accounted for the nation's top five. This shows that these cities, the demand for online shopping () larger than in other regions. In these cities to provide home delivery services, if the cost and the same situation in other regions is expected to bring greater sales profits will not only be able to advance into the site, talks and other expenses to recover quickly, but also diluted distribution costs, resulting in decline. On the contrary in some less developed provinces such as He bey, Shan xi, although away from the headquarters in Beijing than in Guan dong Province, close to large population, but the reasons for network construction led to weak demand, without a distribution center built in these areas is reasonable. We speculate that as the network development in these areas, and excellent distribution lines quickly to keep up with.


【摘要】 本文试图限制当前发展阶段的限制作为假设的结构模型来理解电子商务B2C电子商务企业在这下的优化选择,并结合案例分析,然后提出相关政策建议。这个阶段,缺乏信贷体系的情况下,选择送货门分布模型的B2C电子商务网站通过违约风险到自己为了赢得消费者对产品的信心。然而,引发的成本越高的网站通过建立了分销成本的价格歧视意味着放弃一些微薄的利润,要求大多数人口集中在一个小企业,而导致消费者把单独对消费者消费。此外,从分配制度本身,B2C电子商务市场的时机导致现状;在线商店和传统媒体比较优势只能反映在价格上。在此基础上,电子商务企业和政府、相关建议。








另一位学者在现阶段中国的物流和配送技术的发展中存在的问题,成本,管理,和人力资源进行了探讨,指出物流的现代化长的路要走。近年来,随着大量的B2C电子商务企业使用第三方物流,很多呼吁分析或第三方物流文学应运而生。这些文档分析,使用第三方物流公司大幅降低运营成本和所需的库存,消费者也可以更快和更优质的服务,一个真正的“资本流、信息流、物流、”的统一,因此一个双赢的选择。当然,也有一些学者,如朱Guan Yin(2003),指的是独立运营的物流和分销代理还参与财产所有权将导致风险责任、费用成本、产品质量,和争议解决方面的法律问题。








c电子商务企业,使用邮件发送完整的成本转嫁给消费者,单位,c = 0;









假设2,(1,1)的间隔,假设均匀分布的消费者,传统书店位于中心的范围,在1日消费者所需的课本传统书店时间t .总需求在整个区间是D

假设3,假设电子商务提供分销成本和交货时间成反比,和认为,电子商务企业与一个固定的比例将范Pei song消费者。计算一个简单的设置,其中c电子商务企业的分销成本,t,说电子商务企业承诺的时间送书,k作为参数,反映出分销成本的水平。









题目: 垂直电子商务环境下物流配送模式 选择研究

课 题 类 型: 设计□ 实验研究□ 论文

学 生 姓 名: 林靖

学 号: 3132504229

专 业 班 级: 物流 102

学 院: 管理工程学院

指 导 教 师: 桂 云 苗

开 题 时 间: 2014.04.10


一、 毕业论文的研究意义与研究现状

当前,国内垂直电子商务的发展如火如荼,根据艾瑞咨询的调查显示,2013 年中国网络购物市场交易规模达1.5万亿元,同比增长42.0%。据商务部 2012-2013 年《中国电子商务发展报告》,2013年中国网络购物用户达3.1亿人,发达国家如美国电商销售额占据了全美网购市场80%的份额,这些数据吸引着越来越多的企业进入电子商务领域目前电子商务领域,市场份额较大的有天猫﹑京东﹑苏宁和易购等,也有凡客﹑当当﹑麦考林等中型企业,还有像红孩子和钻石小鸟等中小型企业,竞争非常激烈,有专家指出,电子商务企业的竞争是一场持久战。




二、 毕业论文的研究现状和发展趋势














[9] 国外的文献对垂直电子商务的探讨要更丰富和深入,A S Hornby(2011)



[10]务是在传统物流向现代物流发展的道路上。Sally Bush(2011)从现实的约束为















[1] 王虹.浅析电子商务环境下物流配送模式研究[J].科技创业月刊,2013,(04): 44-45

[2] 杨晨.我国B2C电子商务物流配送模式研究[J].现代工业经济和信息化,2013,(12): 85-86

[3] 郭琳.电子商务物流配送模式比较—以淘宝网与京东商城为例[J].商业时代,2013,

(16): 42-43

[4] 张成志,赵亮.电子商务下的物流配送模式研究[J].物流技术,2012,31(10): 66-67

[5] 宁志明.B2C电子商务环境下物流配送模式研究[J].物流技术,2012,31(7): 146-147

[6] 王乐鹏,刘轩,张世翔.B2C电子商务企业物流配送模式选择研究[J].商业经济,2012,(9): 42-43

[7] 王建新.电子商务物流配送模式分析[J].科技信息,2012,(32): 77-78

[8] 张建奇.B2C电子商务物流配送模式探讨及研究[J].物流工程与管理,2012,34(06): 21-22

[9] A S Hornby. Research on Logistics Distribution Mode for E-commerce Businesses

[J].Logistics Management,2011,23(23): 47-48

[10]Sally Bush.Study on Logistics Distribution Mode of B2C E-commerce[J].Logistics

and Transportation Review,2011,34(4):105-107

China's B2C e-commerce type of logistics and distribution

【Abstract】 This paper attempts to restrict the present stage of development constraints B2C e-commerce as a hypothetical structural model to understand e-commerce businesses in this under optimizing selection, and the combination of case analysis, and then make relevant policy recommendations. As this stage, the absence of the credit system, choose the delivery door of the distribution model is B2C e-commerce site through the default risk onto themselves in order to win consumer confidence in the product. However, triggered the higher the cost of the site had made through the establishment of distribution costs of such price discrimination means abandoning some of meager profits, demand the most densely concentrated within a small business, while leading consumers to turn over a single consumption for the consumer alone. In addition, from the distribution system itself, the timing of the B2C e-commerce market has led to the status quo; online stores and traditional outlets comparative advantage can only be reflected in prices. On this basis, e-commerce business and government, relevant recommendations.

Key words: B2C mode of e-commerce, logistics and distribution, comparative advantages

1. Introduction

Although not yet fully universal, the concept of e-commerce has been as PC prices continue to decline in cost of Internet use and Internet connection into the lower rate continues to accelerate gradually been taking root. Commercial business-to-consumer business model (Business to Consumer, referred to as B2C) e-commerce transactions as a model, albeit with only a small fraction of the annual total value of transactions, however, and the vast majority of consumers very closely. As we all know, China's late start e-commerce, whether it is the network infrastructure, security systems or the management of the relevant laws and regulations, reputation mechanisms are rather imperfect, in which case there can be no B2C portal, go too far. However, there are still a number of our country, like excellence, Dang dang these networks started out the first wave of B2C e-commerce site in 2001 has withstood the severe test of dot-com bubble burst in the face of the status quote of China's e-commerce.

2. Literature Review

Distribution refers to the economic rationality within the area, according to the user's requirements, selection of items, processing, packaging, partition, group distribution and other operations, and on time delivery of logistics activities in designated locations. The field of B2C e-commerce refers to e-commerce website received a consumer under the orders after the realization of tangible goods from the upstream suppliers to the consumer space and time to transfer. Accordance with the processes and trading partners, the entire logistics chain of e-commerce website is divided into home from the ordering, storing, and sorting and stocking down at home, with the process of loading and transportation of the two. Although the upstream suppliers will undoubtedly affect the transaction costs of logistics and distribution chain, and speed, but with the acceleration of the process of logistics information technology, logistics and distribution upstream speed increases and cost reduction can be achieved through the database docking. In comparison, the goods to consumers in this part is directly related to consumer evaluation of B2C e-commerce site, it seems more important. This paper studies the distribution pattern refers only to goods sent to the consumer from the site of the downstream distribution process.

B2C e-commerce enterprises to adopt at this stage of the logistics and distribution

model is essentially divided into three categories: built-in implementation services, that company's own logistics management; traditional distribution channels, that is, from manufacturers to send goods directly to customers; third-party logistics (Third Party Logistics, 3PL) from a third party outside of the demand side of the supply part or all of the use of the supply side to demand-side resources through the contract to provide logistics services, also known as outsourcing, contract logistics. of e-business - logistics, information flow and cash flow starting to explore the relationship between the importance of logistics; also has three elements and scholars from the future development trend of the starting expounded the necessity of establishing a modern logistics system. If Liang Yang jun (2003) considered that, due to consumers online ordering and selection of payment method, with the network bandwidth, network security technology improvement and the establishment of Internet banking, they (information flow and capital flow) achieved is no longer a B2C model of the main bottlenecks; so the problem lies in delivery aspects, namely, logistics and distribution problems.

Another scholar at the present stage of China's logistics and distribution problems in the development of technology, cost, management, and human resources were discussed, pointing out that the modernization of logistics long way to go. In recent years, with a number of B2C e-commerce businesses using third-party logistics, a lot of calls on the analysis or third-party logistics literature came into being. These documents analyzed, using third-party logistics companies to significantly reduce operating costs and the required inventory, consumers can also get faster and more high-quality service, truly a "capital flow, information flow, logistics," the unity, and therefore a a win-win choice. Of course, there are some scholars, such as ZHU Guan Yin (2003), referring to the independent operation of logistics and distribution agent is also involved in property ownership will lead to risk liability, costs cost, product quality, and dispute resolution aspects of legal issues.

Three. B2C Distribution pattern analysis

On China's current situation of e-commerce development, due to a sound credit system has not been established, online shopping fraud cases, as well as newspapers and magazines a lot of negative reports on the frequent e-commerce businesses, enabling people are always skeptical about e-commerce, fear not on track to close to the quality of the goods or the goods do not conform with their expectations. With the largest proportion of online shopping book, for example, although the standardization of quality assessment to determine their likely than other commodities, but there are also that they are not the same version, the wrong page missing pages, piracy and so on. Lack of credibility in the face of the current e-commerce of this constraint, in order to attract a higher degree of risk aversion of customers to join the ranks of online shopping which, B2C e-commerce businesses the only way out is to breach of contract to transfer risk to themselves, which is now Most of B2C e-commerce sites to provide consumers with a free or fee home delivery and cash on delivery service. This "single hand cold number-crunching" approach despite. is minimal. Let us choose the way of e-commerce distribution constraints in decision-making assumptions as follows:

Suppose one, with the spread of personal computers, access the network to continuously reduce costs, coupled with the increase in the number of e-commerce sites and services to improve, more and more people will be willing to try to use this form of shopping online trading activities . Thus, e-commerce businesses operating conditions of an area is constantly turn for the better;

Assumption 2, if an e-commerce enterprises to provide home delivery services to an

area and will be even greater extent to enhance the e-commerce businesses in the region, the volume of business;

Assumption 3, the postal system can reach any place, regardless of the market prospects for its e-commerce businesses are not interested in a sense, will provide mail service in the region, because the mail Pei song will be fully transferred to the consumers, it is only for businesses earnings suffered no loss.

Assumption 4, the best ratio of distribution costs of the transfer, the best selling price, the best delivery time in the model as exogenous variables which are, demand increases and is only concerned with the distribution mode selection; and assume that e-business expansion decisions do not consider the competitive pressures less advanced e-commerce businesses.

According to assumption 3, let the initial state only when the demand for mail services, the rate of change subject to Brownian motion,, where. According to our assumption is that a smaller constant.

c for e-commerce businesses, the use of the mail delivery unit of the full costs to consumers, and that c = 0;

p units of goods that the average earnings, X, said he expected sales. The use of the profit recorded for the mail;

Distribution points for the establishment of the initial fixed costs, such as leasing of land, recruitment of personnel

According to one hypothesis, if the business provides an area to send books on-site service will stimulate the local e-commerce needs, and establish distribution points on the profits recorded as follows:

In the above set conditions, enterprises will choose to enter the time T, that is the choice of timing to provide home delivery services in the region, bringing its total discounted profit maximization:

The solution of this problem must be the existence of one, when up to, that is the area of e-commerce business environment, good to a certain extent, is expected to have a good market, companies will decide in the region to establish their own distribution stations, home delivery for the areas of services, better market share.

This formula (1) to come and go as


F.O.C (2)

Right (2) the nature of style analysis, we can get the following conclusions:

increases would be increased. This shows that if an e-commerce businesses can not be at a lower cost in the region to provide home delivery service, then it will delay the expansion into the region of time.

Suppose a consumer is a homogeneous, consumer utility and the price of book is inversely proportional to access time is inversely proportional with the book.

Hypothesis 2, in the [-1,1] of the interval, assuming uniform distribution in which consumers, the traditional bookstore is located in the center of the range, at the point -1, a consumer to the textbooks required for the traditional bookstore time is T. Total demand on the whole interval is D

Hypothesis three, assuming that e-businesses provide distribution costs and delivery time is inversely proportional to it, and assumed that the e-commerce businesses with a fixed ratio will Pei song to consumers. To calculate a simple, set, of which c for e-commerce enterprises in the distribution costs on this one, t, said e-commerce businesses the time promised to send books, k as a parameter, reflecting the level of distribution costs.

In order to make the model more intuitive solution, assuming that e-commerce business goal is not to do with the traditional stores under the premise of price competition, by choosing delivery time to maximize their own profits: relatively large fluctuations in demand, e-commerce enterprises to find a better status quote be willing to enter the market.

3. When the increases would be reduced. This means that if a region's development trends in the status quote emerged very good or the e-commerce businesses in the area have a good demand is expected, then these will attract the earlier and faster e-commerce businesses to enter the area.

The following model analysis with Joy nationwide distribution within the business development decisions. Is known as "China's largest audio book mall" in Joyo was released in May 2000, the main audio and video, books, software, games, gifts and other fashion cultural products. Since the birth of Joy, with patented "selected species, the audience inventory, fast delivery" of the "excellent model" for the country's most rapidly growing and radiation influential e-commerce website, has won more than 5.2 million registered users wholeheartedly supports the development of China's most visited, the highest turnover of retail Web site.

In April 2004, Joy in the original Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, three home delivery outside the city, has opened in Shenzhen, Nanjing, Jinan, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Ning bo, Fuzhou, Xiamen and other 29 cities home delivery service . The 29 cities where the five provinces ,the proportion of Internet users is just the number of residents in the province accounted for the nation's top five. This shows that these cities, the demand for online shopping () larger than in other regions. In these cities to provide home delivery services, if the cost and the same situation in other regions is expected to bring greater sales profits will not only be able to advance into the site, talks and other expenses to recover quickly, but also diluted distribution costs, resulting in decline. On the contrary in some less developed provinces such as He bey, Shan xi, although away from the headquarters in Beijing than in Guan dong Province, close to large population, but the reasons for network construction led to weak demand, without a distribution center built in these areas is reasonable. We speculate that as the network development in these areas, and excellent distribution lines quickly to keep up with.


【摘要】 本文试图限制当前发展阶段的限制作为假设的结构模型来理解电子商务B2C电子商务企业在这下的优化选择,并结合案例分析,然后提出相关政策建议。这个阶段,缺乏信贷体系的情况下,选择送货门分布模型的B2C电子商务网站通过违约风险到自己为了赢得消费者对产品的信心。然而,引发的成本越高的网站通过建立了分销成本的价格歧视意味着放弃一些微薄的利润,要求大多数人口集中在一个小企业,而导致消费者把单独对消费者消费。此外,从分配制度本身,B2C电子商务市场的时机导致现状;在线商店和传统媒体比较优势只能反映在价格上。在此基础上,电子商务企业和政府、相关建议。








另一位学者在现阶段中国的物流和配送技术的发展中存在的问题,成本,管理,和人力资源进行了探讨,指出物流的现代化长的路要走。近年来,随着大量的B2C电子商务企业使用第三方物流,很多呼吁分析或第三方物流文学应运而生。这些文档分析,使用第三方物流公司大幅降低运营成本和所需的库存,消费者也可以更快和更优质的服务,一个真正的“资本流、信息流、物流、”的统一,因此一个双赢的选择。当然,也有一些学者,如朱Guan Yin(2003),指的是独立运营的物流和分销代理还参与财产所有权将导致风险责任、费用成本、产品质量,和争议解决方面的法律问题。








c电子商务企业,使用邮件发送完整的成本转嫁给消费者,单位,c = 0;









假设2,(1,1)的间隔,假设均匀分布的消费者,传统书店位于中心的范围,在1日消费者所需的课本传统书店时间t .总需求在整个区间是D

假设3,假设电子商务提供分销成本和交货时间成反比,和认为,电子商务企业与一个固定的比例将范Pei song消费者。计算一个简单的设置,其中c电子商务企业的分销成本,t,说电子商务企业承诺的时间送书,k作为参数,反映出分销成本的水平。








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