


1 体现学校的精神面貌,特殊性。(show the spirits and character of school)

2 便于老师管理。哪个学校的孩子在网吧里玩一目了然。。。(convenient for management and surveillance)

3 参加学校组织的团体活动,样子好,整齐如一。(good-looking,clean and in order when host the group activity)

4 保护学生之间免于互相攀比,影响了学业。(protect student from comparing with each other)


1 不会去和同学攀比,不会花心思在穿和吃上,更多的时间精力花费在时间上

2 培养了学生的团队潜意识,我们是一个团队,穿一样的校服,交流更加亲切。 3 运动校服很舒适,适合我们的体育课活动。各种校服都量身定做。也不难看。


1 不用操心孩子的穿着打扮

1.School uniforms are a symbol of identity, as required in different occupations, like wearing a different uniform. Such as the police want to wear a police uniform, firemen need to wear uniforms, such as fire。

2.Wearing a school uniform can strengthen the discipline of students. Said that apart from wearing a school uniform on the whole seem to be more tidy, but also remind students to enable them to get a clear understanding of their own identity, and constantly monitor their own behavior.

3.Students to wear uniforms to school, apart from look tidy up, improve the discipline of students, the school's also got a good reputation.

4.Undesirable elements from entering into the school to avoid trouble and protect the lives of teachers and students safe.

5.Between individuals and students to reduce the competition between schools, so that the living conditions of families in different psychological balance of the Child.

6.The function of education, students wear uniforms will cultivate a good sense of team and collective sense of honor, will be at the natural behavior to students for self-identity.

7.Protection, wear school uniforms to facilitate the community supervision, such as random access is not easy to place video games, bars and so on.

8.Uniform in accordance with the requirements of cotton fabrics containing less than 35% should not be, breathable and comfortable to wear will be beneficial to the health of students.

9.Unified school students reflects the individual's identity and status of equality, so that will

help students to get along with the mentality of equality, to enhance friendship between the Classmate and of great benefit to United.

10.Students to wear school uniform and tidy uniform of one, easy-to-manage, publicity School.



1 体现学校的精神面貌,特殊性。(show the spirits and character of school)

2 便于老师管理。哪个学校的孩子在网吧里玩一目了然。。。(convenient for management and surveillance)

3 参加学校组织的团体活动,样子好,整齐如一。(good-looking,clean and in order when host the group activity)

4 保护学生之间免于互相攀比,影响了学业。(protect student from comparing with each other)


1 不会去和同学攀比,不会花心思在穿和吃上,更多的时间精力花费在时间上

2 培养了学生的团队潜意识,我们是一个团队,穿一样的校服,交流更加亲切。 3 运动校服很舒适,适合我们的体育课活动。各种校服都量身定做。也不难看。


1 不用操心孩子的穿着打扮

1.School uniforms are a symbol of identity, as required in different occupations, like wearing a different uniform. Such as the police want to wear a police uniform, firemen need to wear uniforms, such as fire。

2.Wearing a school uniform can strengthen the discipline of students. Said that apart from wearing a school uniform on the whole seem to be more tidy, but also remind students to enable them to get a clear understanding of their own identity, and constantly monitor their own behavior.

3.Students to wear uniforms to school, apart from look tidy up, improve the discipline of students, the school's also got a good reputation.

4.Undesirable elements from entering into the school to avoid trouble and protect the lives of teachers and students safe.

5.Between individuals and students to reduce the competition between schools, so that the living conditions of families in different psychological balance of the Child.

6.The function of education, students wear uniforms will cultivate a good sense of team and collective sense of honor, will be at the natural behavior to students for self-identity.

7.Protection, wear school uniforms to facilitate the community supervision, such as random access is not easy to place video games, bars and so on.

8.Uniform in accordance with the requirements of cotton fabrics containing less than 35% should not be, breathable and comfortable to wear will be beneficial to the health of students.

9.Unified school students reflects the individual's identity and status of equality, so that will

help students to get along with the mentality of equality, to enhance friendship between the Classmate and of great benefit to United.

10.Students to wear school uniform and tidy uniform of one, easy-to-manage, publicity School.


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