

1. What does good customer service mean to you?

my seniors.

2. How would you deal with an extremely irate customer?

3. Why do you think you are suitable for a customer service position?

I am suitable for this post because I understand that at times we may go back on our word, either intentionally or unintentionally, leading to mass customer dissatisfaction. I have been a part of that crowd too, which is why I would like to deliver one hundred percent customer satisfaction to those who come with their woes.

4. What kind of customer would you like to approach? A satisfied customer, a doubtful customer, or an irate customer?

I would like to approach the irate customer, because of the challenge the situation presents. Attending to a satisfied customer will not give me the chance to understand how good (or bad), I am at my job.

5. Under what circumstances would you escalate the customer's query or problem to your supervisor or boss?

I don't think there would be a need to escalate a matter, but considering dire straits, then it would be only in the case where the customer out-rightly refuses to speak to me, due to a prior bad experience while he/she was lodging a complaint with us.

6. If a customer shows up with a complicated problem five minutes before you are to leave for the day, what would you do?

I would politely tell the customer that we are closing for the day, and that he/she could visit/call us the next day. But if they insist on it being urgent, I would smile and say I am happy to help them, along with being firm with regard to the timings the next time they have a problem.

7. If you are faced with a technical product query or difficulty that you aren't well-versed with or confident about, what would you do?

I would ask the customer if he/she would be kind enough to hold the line while I transfer their call to a technical expert, since they would be able to help the customer better.

8. Do you think you have the ability to maintain your cool during a call where the customer is firing you with abusive language?

A customer chooses to abuse only when his/her needs have not been met by us, even after

continued efforts to seek help in resolving the matter. Hence, the problem is ours. So I would totally understand their plight.

9. If a customer provides you with severely negative feedback or stinging criticism about your service or product, how would you take it?

am here to provide one percent customer satisfaction. If I am not doing a good job,

10. Do you believe in the statement that the 'Customer is the king'; what does it mean to you?

analyze how catering to our field. In order to develop a good customer base, it would be my duty to give them all they want with regard to answers, services, and whatever else they would like to include in the list.


1. What does good customer service mean to you?

my seniors.

2. How would you deal with an extremely irate customer?

3. Why do you think you are suitable for a customer service position?

I am suitable for this post because I understand that at times we may go back on our word, either intentionally or unintentionally, leading to mass customer dissatisfaction. I have been a part of that crowd too, which is why I would like to deliver one hundred percent customer satisfaction to those who come with their woes.

4. What kind of customer would you like to approach? A satisfied customer, a doubtful customer, or an irate customer?

I would like to approach the irate customer, because of the challenge the situation presents. Attending to a satisfied customer will not give me the chance to understand how good (or bad), I am at my job.

5. Under what circumstances would you escalate the customer's query or problem to your supervisor or boss?

I don't think there would be a need to escalate a matter, but considering dire straits, then it would be only in the case where the customer out-rightly refuses to speak to me, due to a prior bad experience while he/she was lodging a complaint with us.

6. If a customer shows up with a complicated problem five minutes before you are to leave for the day, what would you do?

I would politely tell the customer that we are closing for the day, and that he/she could visit/call us the next day. But if they insist on it being urgent, I would smile and say I am happy to help them, along with being firm with regard to the timings the next time they have a problem.

7. If you are faced with a technical product query or difficulty that you aren't well-versed with or confident about, what would you do?

I would ask the customer if he/she would be kind enough to hold the line while I transfer their call to a technical expert, since they would be able to help the customer better.

8. Do you think you have the ability to maintain your cool during a call where the customer is firing you with abusive language?

A customer chooses to abuse only when his/her needs have not been met by us, even after

continued efforts to seek help in resolving the matter. Hence, the problem is ours. So I would totally understand their plight.

9. If a customer provides you with severely negative feedback or stinging criticism about your service or product, how would you take it?

am here to provide one percent customer satisfaction. If I am not doing a good job,

10. Do you believe in the statement that the 'Customer is the king'; what does it mean to you?

analyze how catering to our field. In order to develop a good customer base, it would be my duty to give them all they want with regard to answers, services, and whatever else they would like to include in the list.


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