
I am who I am 我就是我

Hello,everyone! I am very happy to stand here today.Do you know me? Of course ,you don’t know me well before listening my speech . Ok,now let me tell you who am I.


I’m steven,I’m eight yers old. I’m a lovely and handsome boy! 我叫Steven ,今年8岁。我是一个活泼帅气的男孩。

At home, I am a good child of my parents. I can help my mother do some housework and I can play chess with my father. We are a happy family!


At school,I am a good student. I listen to the lessons carefully in class and I do well in all my subjects . Every teacher like me!


In the class,I am a good friend of my classmates . I often help my classmates with their study and I enjoy sharing my things with them. So they all like to make friends with me.



Besides , I have a lot of hobbies . After school, my life is aslo wonderful ! I like sports and I’m good at playing basketball and boxing. I aslo like playing the game of Go and drawing .They make me very happy!


Nobody is perfect! I know that I have some shortcomings. Sometimes I may be careless and make some mistakes but I will try my best to be a better boy.I believe I can!


Well,that’s me! I’m who I am,the only one. Do you like me? Please support me more! Thank you very much!


I am who I am 我就是我

Hello,everyone! I am very happy to stand here today.Do you know me? Of course ,you don’t know me well before listening my speech . Ok,now let me tell you who am I.


I’m steven,I’m eight yers old. I’m a lovely and handsome boy! 我叫Steven ,今年8岁。我是一个活泼帅气的男孩。

At home, I am a good child of my parents. I can help my mother do some housework and I can play chess with my father. We are a happy family!


At school,I am a good student. I listen to the lessons carefully in class and I do well in all my subjects . Every teacher like me!


In the class,I am a good friend of my classmates . I often help my classmates with their study and I enjoy sharing my things with them. So they all like to make friends with me.



Besides , I have a lot of hobbies . After school, my life is aslo wonderful ! I like sports and I’m good at playing basketball and boxing. I aslo like playing the game of Go and drawing .They make me very happy!


Nobody is perfect! I know that I have some shortcomings. Sometimes I may be careless and make some mistakes but I will try my best to be a better boy.I believe I can!


Well,that’s me! I’m who I am,the only one. Do you like me? Please support me more! Thank you very much!



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