
6 Sentences You Should Never Tell Your Good Friends 不能对好朋友说的6句话

1.―Let me just check my cell phone‖


Cell phones ruin many relationships and friendships. If you are always

checking your phone, your friend may get the signal that he or she is not worth your time. Give your friend your full attention while you are together — switch off your phone!


2.―I can’t tell you – it’s private‖


Telling your good friend this means that you do not trust them enough with confidential information. True friendship is about sharing our real selves and that will include private stuff. Start something confidential with ―I know I can trust you with this.‖


3.―I never have enough time‖


In ancient times, friendship was such a high calling and a privilege that it was often more valued than marriage. Time is an essential ingredient in nurturing friendships. Telling a good friend you have not enough time is a real turn off. Try saying, ―I’ll always have enough time for you.‖


4.―I am going to be late‖


This shouldn’t sound like a chronic condition. A lack of punctuality can mean missed restaurant bookings or walking into a film that has already started. If you are unpunctual, it might be time to start getting more organized. You should say, ―I really am going to get my unpunctuality under control.‖


5.―You could have asked me for advice or help‖


The truth is that good friends know when to be there and when to lend a shoulder to cry on. You should not need to be asked or told. You should say, ―You know that I am always around, if you need help with anything.‖


6.―I told Y all about your problems‖


Gossip and betrayal will damage a friendship irrevocably. A true test of

friendship is communicating fully with each other. You can rely on each other

not to gossip and this adds a great sense of security and serenity to your friendship. With a good friend, ―You can trust me, I won’t tell anyone else.‖ 八卦和背叛都会让友谊陷入万劫不复之地。经过考验的友谊就是你们之间有足够的交流。你们可以彼此依赖不互相八卦,这样会给彼此一种安全感,祥和感。好朋友之间,“你可以相信我,我不会告诉别人。”

6 Sentences You Should Never Tell Your Good Friends 不能对好朋友说的6句话

1.―Let me just check my cell phone‖


Cell phones ruin many relationships and friendships. If you are always

checking your phone, your friend may get the signal that he or she is not worth your time. Give your friend your full attention while you are together — switch off your phone!


2.―I can’t tell you – it’s private‖


Telling your good friend this means that you do not trust them enough with confidential information. True friendship is about sharing our real selves and that will include private stuff. Start something confidential with ―I know I can trust you with this.‖


3.―I never have enough time‖


In ancient times, friendship was such a high calling and a privilege that it was often more valued than marriage. Time is an essential ingredient in nurturing friendships. Telling a good friend you have not enough time is a real turn off. Try saying, ―I’ll always have enough time for you.‖


4.―I am going to be late‖


This shouldn’t sound like a chronic condition. A lack of punctuality can mean missed restaurant bookings or walking into a film that has already started. If you are unpunctual, it might be time to start getting more organized. You should say, ―I really am going to get my unpunctuality under control.‖


5.―You could have asked me for advice or help‖


The truth is that good friends know when to be there and when to lend a shoulder to cry on. You should not need to be asked or told. You should say, ―You know that I am always around, if you need help with anything.‖


6.―I told Y all about your problems‖


Gossip and betrayal will damage a friendship irrevocably. A true test of

friendship is communicating fully with each other. You can rely on each other

not to gossip and this adds a great sense of security and serenity to your friendship. With a good friend, ―You can trust me, I won’t tell anyone else.‖ 八卦和背叛都会让友谊陷入万劫不复之地。经过考验的友谊就是你们之间有足够的交流。你们可以彼此依赖不互相八卦,这样会给彼此一种安全感,祥和感。好朋友之间,“你可以相信我,我不会告诉别人。”


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