考研英语二 大作文讲义






2. 。


1. 2. 3. In the light of the information, it can be noticed that the number of has been rising consistently.

1. In , the number was at the bottom end, only about number, while within no more than several years it jumped to number.

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2. In the year of year number, the number was at a low level, merely number; surprisingly, however, it soared to nearly number in year.

3. In the year of year number, the number was merely number, whereas number years later, it climbed to more than number.

1. Meanwhile , however, the,have/has witnessed a sharp decline, reaching in.

2. dramatically, reaching in.

1. changes.

2. trend.

3. 1. society,


3. 4. 6. 1. with 。

2. Moreover, this fact cannot be ignored that the trend derives partly from.

1. Last but not the least, is another significant factor that cannot be ignored.

2. Another identified point that should be highlighted here is / that。

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3. Lastly, we may notice that plays a positive role as well in leading to this phenomenon.

4. Finally, we must recognize that produces a contributing factor upon the current condition as well.

1. 2. 3.

1. forthcoming years.

2. come.

3. 4. 5. clearly the statistics of subscription number of since Meanwhile the subscriptions in developing countries have The table of market share owned by domestic car According to the chart, It can be seen that the market share of domestic car brands has increased a lot, climbing nearly to 33% in 2009. Meanwhile the market percentage of Japanese cars has witnessed/experienced a dramatic decline, dropping by 10% from 2008 to 2009. In comparison, the share of American cars has remained almost constant/stable.

The table above clearly reflects/shows the employment satisfaction of workers in different ages in a certain company. Based upon the data

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provided above, one can see that 40% of the workers over 50 are content with their employment situation. In contrast, 64% of the employees between the age o 41 and 50 are not satisfied with their employment situation, which is the highest among all three categories.

The bar chart clearly demonstrates to us the condition of the percentage of students’ taking part-time job in a certain university. According to the data in the chart, it is quite easy for us to find out that on the whole, the figure is on the rise from freshmen to seniors. To specific, slow increase, from67.77% to 71.93, while the a

The contributing factors accounting this summarized as follows. First and it to huge improvement of people’s in It is reported that, with rapid of Finally, what is the is phone The for phenomenon can be summarized as is due to the rapid of is reported that, many in they can be afforded by more but least/lastly, what is responsible for the is that, with the of the Chinese society, Chinese The factors accounting for this phenomenon can be summarized follows. First and foremost, employers’ have higher 54% of the middle-aged workers have to burn the candle at both ends from time to time. Besides, we must admit that people aged between 41and 50 are not energetic enough to attain their ambition. Finally/last but not least/lastly, what is responsible for the situation is that , most of the staff in their forties cannot see the slightest prospect of promotion. There are many factors contributing to the above-mentioned phenomenon, but in general, they may come down to 3 major ones. At the top of the list,

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part-time job is in rigid demand by university student, especially by those to-be graduates. What’s more, the notion of finance independence is spreading among university despite growing family affluence of the present generation. Under such circumstances, more of them are inclined to take up various types of part-time jobs. Another important factor that cannot ignore is that the undergraduates’ enthusiasm in part-time jobs is a trend among them; therefore they are inclined to imitate the behaviors of others.

Given the points discussed above, it can be concluded that the change concerned are normal and acceptable. And I firmly believed that this established trend will continue for quite a while in the forthcoming years. Considering/Given the points discussed above, it is not surprise to see this situation. And I firmly believed that this established trend will continue for quite a while in the forthcoming years.

Considering/Given the points discussed above, it is not surprise to see the middle aged employees’ discontentment with their jobs. And I am quite certain that this situation will keep going in the years to come.

In view of the description and analysis above, I am convinced that this trend is quite positive and therefore acceptable. And we can predict with assurance that this situation will continue maintaining an upward trend in the following years. Therefore, undergraduates’ participation in diverse part-time jobs should be, from every aspect, encouraged and further advocated.

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MADA BY MISS ZHANG 严禁以任何形式公开上传,公开演示或作为商业利用






2. 。


1. 2. 3. In the light of the information, it can be noticed that the number of has been rising consistently.

1. In , the number was at the bottom end, only about number, while within no more than several years it jumped to number.

MADA BY MISS ZHANG 严禁以任何形式公开上传,公开演示或作为商业利用

2. In the year of year number, the number was at a low level, merely number; surprisingly, however, it soared to nearly number in year.

3. In the year of year number, the number was merely number, whereas number years later, it climbed to more than number.

1. Meanwhile , however, the,have/has witnessed a sharp decline, reaching in.

2. dramatically, reaching in.

1. changes.

2. trend.

3. 1. society,


3. 4. 6. 1. with 。

2. Moreover, this fact cannot be ignored that the trend derives partly from.

1. Last but not the least, is another significant factor that cannot be ignored.

2. Another identified point that should be highlighted here is / that。

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3. Lastly, we may notice that plays a positive role as well in leading to this phenomenon.

4. Finally, we must recognize that produces a contributing factor upon the current condition as well.

1. 2. 3.

1. forthcoming years.

2. come.

3. 4. 5. clearly the statistics of subscription number of since Meanwhile the subscriptions in developing countries have The table of market share owned by domestic car According to the chart, It can be seen that the market share of domestic car brands has increased a lot, climbing nearly to 33% in 2009. Meanwhile the market percentage of Japanese cars has witnessed/experienced a dramatic decline, dropping by 10% from 2008 to 2009. In comparison, the share of American cars has remained almost constant/stable.

The table above clearly reflects/shows the employment satisfaction of workers in different ages in a certain company. Based upon the data

MADA BY MISS ZHANG 严禁以任何形式公开上传,公开演示或作为商业利用

provided above, one can see that 40% of the workers over 50 are content with their employment situation. In contrast, 64% of the employees between the age o 41 and 50 are not satisfied with their employment situation, which is the highest among all three categories.

The bar chart clearly demonstrates to us the condition of the percentage of students’ taking part-time job in a certain university. According to the data in the chart, it is quite easy for us to find out that on the whole, the figure is on the rise from freshmen to seniors. To specific, slow increase, from67.77% to 71.93, while the a

The contributing factors accounting this summarized as follows. First and it to huge improvement of people’s in It is reported that, with rapid of Finally, what is the is phone The for phenomenon can be summarized as is due to the rapid of is reported that, many in they can be afforded by more but least/lastly, what is responsible for the is that, with the of the Chinese society, Chinese The factors accounting for this phenomenon can be summarized follows. First and foremost, employers’ have higher 54% of the middle-aged workers have to burn the candle at both ends from time to time. Besides, we must admit that people aged between 41and 50 are not energetic enough to attain their ambition. Finally/last but not least/lastly, what is responsible for the situation is that , most of the staff in their forties cannot see the slightest prospect of promotion. There are many factors contributing to the above-mentioned phenomenon, but in general, they may come down to 3 major ones. At the top of the list,

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part-time job is in rigid demand by university student, especially by those to-be graduates. What’s more, the notion of finance independence is spreading among university despite growing family affluence of the present generation. Under such circumstances, more of them are inclined to take up various types of part-time jobs. Another important factor that cannot ignore is that the undergraduates’ enthusiasm in part-time jobs is a trend among them; therefore they are inclined to imitate the behaviors of others.

Given the points discussed above, it can be concluded that the change concerned are normal and acceptable. And I firmly believed that this established trend will continue for quite a while in the forthcoming years. Considering/Given the points discussed above, it is not surprise to see this situation. And I firmly believed that this established trend will continue for quite a while in the forthcoming years.

Considering/Given the points discussed above, it is not surprise to see the middle aged employees’ discontentment with their jobs. And I am quite certain that this situation will keep going in the years to come.

In view of the description and analysis above, I am convinced that this trend is quite positive and therefore acceptable. And we can predict with assurance that this situation will continue maintaining an upward trend in the following years. Therefore, undergraduates’ participation in diverse part-time jobs should be, from every aspect, encouraged and further advocated.

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MADA BY MISS ZHANG 严禁以任何形式公开上传,公开演示或作为商业利用

MADA BY MISS ZHANG 严禁以任何形式公开上传,公开演示或作为商业利用


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