关于环境的作文 1

How to protect the environment

Now we live a better life than before, but as we all know, the

environment around us is getting worse and worse. For example, we are facing air pollution, water pollution, and white pollution every day. These pollutions are bad for human beings’ health.

If we don’t want to live in such a terrible environment, we should do something to protect the environment as fast as possible. First, many factories produce a lot of rubbish every day. Second, lots of people make a noise all day and all night. Third, the natural disasters, including flood and typhoon, are more than before because people cut too many trees. At present, some measures have to be taken to prevent those serious problems. The government can punish the owners whose factories produce too much rubbish without restraint. And we should realize the seriousness of the noise pollution which is bad for the human beings, too. In addition, we must encourage people to plant more and more trees because trees can keep people off some natural disasters.

If everyone pays more attention to do it, there will be less pollution and our life will be better.

How to protect the environment

Now we live a better life than before, but as we all know, the

environment around us is getting worse and worse. For example, we are facing air pollution, water pollution, and white pollution every day. These pollutions are bad for human beings’ health.

If we don’t want to live in such a terrible environment, we should do something to protect the environment as fast as possible. First, many factories produce a lot of rubbish every day. Second, lots of people make a noise all day and all night. Third, the natural disasters, including flood and typhoon, are more than before because people cut too many trees. At present, some measures have to be taken to prevent those serious problems. The government can punish the owners whose factories produce too much rubbish without restraint. And we should realize the seriousness of the noise pollution which is bad for the human beings, too. In addition, we must encourage people to plant more and more trees because trees can keep people off some natural disasters.

If everyone pays more attention to do it, there will be less pollution and our life will be better.


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