
高一课文:Unit 19 JobsJane and Zhou Lan are talking about the jobs that men and women do in Britain. 珍妮和周兰在谈论英国男人和妇女所干的工作。ZHOU LAN: What jobs do women do in Britain? 周兰:在英国,妇女们都干些什么工作?JANE :All kinds of jobs. There are women police officers, women doctors, teachers, engineers, farmers and so on.珍妮:各种各样的工作。有女警官、女医生、女教师、女工程师、女农场主等。ZHOU LAN: Are there any jobs which women don't do? 周兰:有妇女不干的工作吗?JANE: I don't think there are. But there are more men than women scientists. And more men than women are heads of companies. 珍妮:我想没有。但是,男科学家比女科学家多。而且,各公司的负责人中,男人要比女人多。ZHOU LAN: It seems that it's more difficult for women to get to the top of a company. 周兰:妇女要想得到一个公司的最高职位,似乎更加困难。JANE: That's right. It's harder for them. 珍妮:说得对。对她们来说更加困难。ZHOU LAN: That's not fair. I'm sure there's nothing that a woman can't do. 周兰:这不公平。我相信,没有什么事情妇女干不了的。JANE: You're right. And there are some jobs that men can't do very ell. 珍妮:你说得对。有些工作男人干得不怎么好。ZHOU LAN: Really? Which ones? 周兰:真的吗?哪种工作呢?JANE: Companies that make telephones and computers and so on prefer to employ women. I guess men's hands and fingers are too big! They can't pick up the small pieces with their fingers. 珍妮:生产电话、电子计算机等之类的公司,更喜欢雇佣女性。我猜想是男人的手和手指太大了!他们用手指拿不起小零件。ZHOU LAN: I can believe that. 周兰:我相信。Many years ago, one of the best engineers in the Notco Company in Australia was Mr King. He had only worked there for five months, but already he was one of the best workers in the team. His job was to design new machines. 许多年前,金先生是澳大利亚诺特科公司最优秀的工程师之一。 他虽然仅仅在那里干了五个月,但是已成为班组里最优秀的工人之一。 他的工作是设计新机器。One day, Mr King had an accident. A worker drove a small handtruck so carelessly that it hit the back of Mr King's legs. Mr King, whose legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital. There a doctor asked him to remove his trousers so that he could examine his legs. To everyone's surprise, Mr King refused. Nobody could understand what the problem was. Finally, the doctor said to Mr King gently, 金先生的腿肚子。 金先生的双腿严重受伤,很快被送进医院。 在医院里,医生要他把裤子脱下来,好让他检查他的腿部。 使大家惊奇的是,金先生拒绝了。谁也不理解到底是什么问题。 最后,医生和蔼地对金先生说:

高一课文:Unit 19 JobsJane and Zhou Lan are talking about the jobs that men and women do in Britain. 珍妮和周兰在谈论英国男人和妇女所干的工作。ZHOU LAN: What jobs do women do in Britain? 周兰:在英国,妇女们都干些什么工作?JANE :All kinds of jobs. There are women police officers, women doctors, teachers, engineers, farmers and so on.珍妮:各种各样的工作。有女警官、女医生、女教师、女工程师、女农场主等。ZHOU LAN: Are there any jobs which women don't do? 周兰:有妇女不干的工作吗?JANE: I don't think there are. But there are more men than women scientists. And more men than women are heads of companies. 珍妮:我想没有。但是,男科学家比女科学家多。而且,各公司的负责人中,男人要比女人多。ZHOU LAN: It seems that it's more difficult for women to get to the top of a company. 周兰:妇女要想得到一个公司的最高职位,似乎更加困难。JANE: That's right. It's harder for them. 珍妮:说得对。对她们来说更加困难。ZHOU LAN: That's not fair. I'm sure there's nothing that a woman can't do. 周兰:这不公平。我相信,没有什么事情妇女干不了的。JANE: You're right. And there are some jobs that men can't do very ell. 珍妮:你说得对。有些工作男人干得不怎么好。ZHOU LAN: Really? Which ones? 周兰:真的吗?哪种工作呢?JANE: Companies that make telephones and computers and so on prefer to employ women. I guess men's hands and fingers are too big! They can't pick up the small pieces with their fingers. 珍妮:生产电话、电子计算机等之类的公司,更喜欢雇佣女性。我猜想是男人的手和手指太大了!他们用手指拿不起小零件。ZHOU LAN: I can believe that. 周兰:我相信。Many years ago, one of the best engineers in the Notco Company in Australia was Mr King. He had only worked there for five months, but already he was one of the best workers in the team. His job was to design new machines. 许多年前,金先生是澳大利亚诺特科公司最优秀的工程师之一。 他虽然仅仅在那里干了五个月,但是已成为班组里最优秀的工人之一。 他的工作是设计新机器。One day, Mr King had an accident. A worker drove a small handtruck so carelessly that it hit the back of Mr King's legs. Mr King, whose legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital. There a doctor asked him to remove his trousers so that he could examine his legs. To everyone's surprise, Mr King refused. Nobody could understand what the problem was. Finally, the doctor said to Mr King gently, 金先生的腿肚子。 金先生的双腿严重受伤,很快被送进医院。 在医院里,医生要他把裤子脱下来,好让他检查他的腿部。 使大家惊奇的是,金先生拒绝了。谁也不理解到底是什么问题。 最后,医生和蔼地对金先生说:


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