



1. 关于本研究为什么没有历史对照?



1. 2013 Nov;82(2):197-203. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2013.07.026. Epub 2013 Aug 20

Is there an oligometastatic state in non-small cell lung cancer?

A systematic review of the literature. 1, , , .

 1Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Canada.



Long-term survival has been observed in patients with oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with locally ablative therapies to all sites of metastatic disease. We performed a systematic review of the evidence for the oligometastatic state in NSCLC. MATERIALS AND METHODS:

A systematic review of MEDLINE, EMBASE and conference abstracts was undertaken to identify survival outcomes and prognostic factors for NSCLC patients with 1-5 metastases

treated with surgical metastatectomy, Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR), or Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), according to PRISMA guidelines.


Forty-nine studies reporting on 2176 patients met eligibility criteria. The majority of patients (82%) had a controlled primary tumor and 60% of studies included patients with brain

metastases only. Overall survival (OS) outcomes were heterogeneous: 1 year OS: 15-100%, 2 year OS: 18-90% and 5 year OS: 8.3-86%. The median OS range was 5.9-52 months (overall median 14.8 months; for patients with controlled primary, 19 months). The median time to any progression was 4.5-23.7 months (overall median 12 months). Highly significant prognostic factors on multivariable analyses were: definitive treatment of the primary tumor, N-stage and disease-free interval of at least 6-12 months.


Survival outcomes for patients with oligometastatic NSCLC are highly variable, and half of patients progress within approximately 12 months; however, long-term survivors do exist. Definitive treatment of the primary lung tumor and low-burden thoracic tumors are strongly associated with improved long-term survival. The only randomized data to guide management of oligometastatic NSCLC pertains to patients with brain metastases. For other oligometastatic NSCLC patients, randomized trials are needed, and we propose that these prognostic factors be utilized to guide clinical decision making and design of clinical trials.

2. 2014 Jul 15;89(4):880-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2014.04.007. Epub 2014 May 24.

Definitive primary therapy in patients presenting with

oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer. 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4.

 123Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts; Brigham and Women's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. 4

Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. Electronic address: [email protected].



Although palliative chemotherapy is the standard of care for patients with diagnoses of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), patients with a small metastatic burden,


We identified 186 patients (26% of stage IV patients) prospectively enrolled in our institutional database from 2002 to 2012 with oligometastatic disease, which we defined as 5 or fewer distant metastatic lesions at diagnosis. Univariate and multivariable Cox proportional hazards models were used to identify patient and disease factors associated with improved survival. Using propensity score methods, we investigated the effect of definitive local therapy to the primary tumor on overall survival.


Median age at diagnosis was 61 years of age; 51% of patients were female; 12% had squamous histology; and 33% had N0-1 disease. On multivariable analysis, Eastern

Cooperate Oncology Group performance status ≥ 2 (hazard ratio [HR], 2.43), nodal status, N2-3 (HR, 2.16), squamous pathology, and metastases to multiple organs (HR, 2.11) were associated with a greater hazard of death (all P

Definitive local therapy to the primary tumor was associated with prolonged survival (HR, 0.65, P=.043).


Definitive local therapy to the primary tumor appears to be associated with improved survival in patients with oligometastatic NSCLC. Select patient and tumor characteristics, including good performance status, nonsquamous histology, and limited nodal disease, may predict for improved survival in these patients.




1. 关于本研究为什么没有历史对照?



1. 2013 Nov;82(2):197-203. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2013.07.026. Epub 2013 Aug 20

Is there an oligometastatic state in non-small cell lung cancer?

A systematic review of the literature. 1, , , .

 1Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Canada.



Long-term survival has been observed in patients with oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with locally ablative therapies to all sites of metastatic disease. We performed a systematic review of the evidence for the oligometastatic state in NSCLC. MATERIALS AND METHODS:

A systematic review of MEDLINE, EMBASE and conference abstracts was undertaken to identify survival outcomes and prognostic factors for NSCLC patients with 1-5 metastases

treated with surgical metastatectomy, Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR), or Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), according to PRISMA guidelines.


Forty-nine studies reporting on 2176 patients met eligibility criteria. The majority of patients (82%) had a controlled primary tumor and 60% of studies included patients with brain

metastases only. Overall survival (OS) outcomes were heterogeneous: 1 year OS: 15-100%, 2 year OS: 18-90% and 5 year OS: 8.3-86%. The median OS range was 5.9-52 months (overall median 14.8 months; for patients with controlled primary, 19 months). The median time to any progression was 4.5-23.7 months (overall median 12 months). Highly significant prognostic factors on multivariable analyses were: definitive treatment of the primary tumor, N-stage and disease-free interval of at least 6-12 months.


Survival outcomes for patients with oligometastatic NSCLC are highly variable, and half of patients progress within approximately 12 months; however, long-term survivors do exist. Definitive treatment of the primary lung tumor and low-burden thoracic tumors are strongly associated with improved long-term survival. The only randomized data to guide management of oligometastatic NSCLC pertains to patients with brain metastases. For other oligometastatic NSCLC patients, randomized trials are needed, and we propose that these prognostic factors be utilized to guide clinical decision making and design of clinical trials.

2. 2014 Jul 15;89(4):880-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2014.04.007. Epub 2014 May 24.

Definitive primary therapy in patients presenting with

oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer. 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4.

 123Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts; Brigham and Women's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. 4

Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. Electronic address: [email protected].



Although palliative chemotherapy is the standard of care for patients with diagnoses of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), patients with a small metastatic burden,


We identified 186 patients (26% of stage IV patients) prospectively enrolled in our institutional database from 2002 to 2012 with oligometastatic disease, which we defined as 5 or fewer distant metastatic lesions at diagnosis. Univariate and multivariable Cox proportional hazards models were used to identify patient and disease factors associated with improved survival. Using propensity score methods, we investigated the effect of definitive local therapy to the primary tumor on overall survival.


Median age at diagnosis was 61 years of age; 51% of patients were female; 12% had squamous histology; and 33% had N0-1 disease. On multivariable analysis, Eastern

Cooperate Oncology Group performance status ≥ 2 (hazard ratio [HR], 2.43), nodal status, N2-3 (HR, 2.16), squamous pathology, and metastases to multiple organs (HR, 2.11) were associated with a greater hazard of death (all P

Definitive local therapy to the primary tumor was associated with prolonged survival (HR, 0.65, P=.043).


Definitive local therapy to the primary tumor appears to be associated with improved survival in patients with oligometastatic NSCLC. Select patient and tumor characteristics, including good performance status, nonsquamous histology, and limited nodal disease, may predict for improved survival in these patients.


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