3.3.6 斐波那契和蜡烛线配合使用

3.3.6 斐波那契和蜡烛线配合使用

Combining Fibs with Candlesticks

If you’ve been paying attention in class, you’d know by now that you can combine the Fibonacci tool with support and resistance levels and trend lines to create a simple but super awesome trading strategy.


But we ain’t done yet! In this lesson, we’re going to teach you how to combine the Fibonacci tool with your knowledge of Japanese candlestick patterns that you learned in Grade 2.


In combining the Fibonacci tool with candlestick patterns, we are actually looking for exhaustive candlesticks. If you can tell when buying or selling pressure is exhausted, it can give you a clue of when price may continue trending.


We here at ealoong.com like to call them "Fibonacci Candlesticks," or "Fib Sticks" for short. Pretty catchy, eh? Let’s take a look at an example to make this clearer.

在本学院,我们称它们会斐波那契蜡烛,或简称FIBS 。很吸引人,是吧?为了更了清楚认识,让我们来看个例子。

Below is a 1-hour chart of EUR/USD.


The pair seems to have been in a downtrend the past week, but the move seems to have paused for a bit. Will there be a chance to get in on this downtrend? You know what this means. It’s time to take the Fibonacci tool and get to work!


As you can see from the chart, we’ve set our Swing High at 1.3364 on March 3, with the Swing

Low at 1.2523 on March 6.


Since it’s a Friday, you decided to just chill out, take an early day off, and decide when you wanna enter once you see the charts after the weekend.


Whoa! By the time you popped open your charts, you see that EUR/USD has shot up quite a bit from its Friday closing price.


While the 50.0% Fib level held for a bit, buyers eventually took the pair higher. You decide to wait and see whether the 61.8% Fib level holds. After all, the last candle was pretty bullish! Who knows, price just might keep shooting up!


Well, will you look at that? A long legged doji has formed right smack on the 61.8% Fib level. If you paid attention in Grade 2, you’d know that this is an "exhaustive candle." Has buying pressure die d down? Is resistance at the Fib level holding? It’s possible. Other traders were probably eyeing that Fib level as well.


Is it time to short? You can never know for sure (which is why risk management is so important), but the probability of a reversal looks pretty darn good!


If you had shorted right after that doji had formed, you could have made some serious profits. Right after the doji, price stalled for a bit before heading straight down. Take a look at all those red candles!


It seems that buyers were indeed pretty tired, which allowed sellers to jump back in and take control. Eventually, price went all the way back down to the Swing Low. That was a move of about 500 pips! That could’ve been your trade of the year!


Looking for "Fib Sticks" can be really useful, as they can signal whether a Fib level will hold. 斐波那契工具和蜡烛线形态的结合使用相当有效,因为它能够显示,斐波那契水平位是否能够守住。

If it seems that price is stalling on a Fib level, chances are that other traders may have put some orders at those levels. This would act as more confirmation that there is indeed some resistance or support at that price.


Another nice thing about Fib Sticks is that you don’t need to place limit orders at the Fib levels. You may have some concerns whether the support or resistance will hold since we are looking at a "zone" and not necessarily specific levels.


This is where you can use your knowledge of candlestick formations.


You could wait for a Fib Stick to form right below or above a Fib level to give you more confirmation on whether you should put in an order.


If a Fib stick does form, you can just enter a trade at market price since you now have more confirmation that level could be holding.


汇安东方团队是由华尔街的投资银行家及高级交易员组成,拥有全球化视角和领先的投资理念,团队能够为客户提供世界一流的资讯分析和技术指导,让投资人自身获得巨大成长。几年来团队培养了众多年轻的操盘手和理财顾问,不仅提升了投资技能,同时获得更大的财富自由和人生自由。目前团队合作伙伴有香港汇丰银行、花旗银行、澳洲联邦银行等顶尖金融机构。 www.fxcbm.com

3.3.6 斐波那契和蜡烛线配合使用

Combining Fibs with Candlesticks

If you’ve been paying attention in class, you’d know by now that you can combine the Fibonacci tool with support and resistance levels and trend lines to create a simple but super awesome trading strategy.


But we ain’t done yet! In this lesson, we’re going to teach you how to combine the Fibonacci tool with your knowledge of Japanese candlestick patterns that you learned in Grade 2.


In combining the Fibonacci tool with candlestick patterns, we are actually looking for exhaustive candlesticks. If you can tell when buying or selling pressure is exhausted, it can give you a clue of when price may continue trending.


We here at ealoong.com like to call them "Fibonacci Candlesticks," or "Fib Sticks" for short. Pretty catchy, eh? Let’s take a look at an example to make this clearer.

在本学院,我们称它们会斐波那契蜡烛,或简称FIBS 。很吸引人,是吧?为了更了清楚认识,让我们来看个例子。

Below is a 1-hour chart of EUR/USD.


The pair seems to have been in a downtrend the past week, but the move seems to have paused for a bit. Will there be a chance to get in on this downtrend? You know what this means. It’s time to take the Fibonacci tool and get to work!


As you can see from the chart, we’ve set our Swing High at 1.3364 on March 3, with the Swing

Low at 1.2523 on March 6.


Since it’s a Friday, you decided to just chill out, take an early day off, and decide when you wanna enter once you see the charts after the weekend.


Whoa! By the time you popped open your charts, you see that EUR/USD has shot up quite a bit from its Friday closing price.


While the 50.0% Fib level held for a bit, buyers eventually took the pair higher. You decide to wait and see whether the 61.8% Fib level holds. After all, the last candle was pretty bullish! Who knows, price just might keep shooting up!


Well, will you look at that? A long legged doji has formed right smack on the 61.8% Fib level. If you paid attention in Grade 2, you’d know that this is an "exhaustive candle." Has buying pressure die d down? Is resistance at the Fib level holding? It’s possible. Other traders were probably eyeing that Fib level as well.


Is it time to short? You can never know for sure (which is why risk management is so important), but the probability of a reversal looks pretty darn good!


If you had shorted right after that doji had formed, you could have made some serious profits. Right after the doji, price stalled for a bit before heading straight down. Take a look at all those red candles!


It seems that buyers were indeed pretty tired, which allowed sellers to jump back in and take control. Eventually, price went all the way back down to the Swing Low. That was a move of about 500 pips! That could’ve been your trade of the year!


Looking for "Fib Sticks" can be really useful, as they can signal whether a Fib level will hold. 斐波那契工具和蜡烛线形态的结合使用相当有效,因为它能够显示,斐波那契水平位是否能够守住。

If it seems that price is stalling on a Fib level, chances are that other traders may have put some orders at those levels. This would act as more confirmation that there is indeed some resistance or support at that price.


Another nice thing about Fib Sticks is that you don’t need to place limit orders at the Fib levels. You may have some concerns whether the support or resistance will hold since we are looking at a "zone" and not necessarily specific levels.


This is where you can use your knowledge of candlestick formations.


You could wait for a Fib Stick to form right below or above a Fib level to give you more confirmation on whether you should put in an order.


If a Fib stick does form, you can just enter a trade at market price since you now have more confirmation that level could be holding.


汇安东方团队是由华尔街的投资银行家及高级交易员组成,拥有全球化视角和领先的投资理念,团队能够为客户提供世界一流的资讯分析和技术指导,让投资人自身获得巨大成长。几年来团队培养了众多年轻的操盘手和理财顾问,不仅提升了投资技能,同时获得更大的财富自由和人生自由。目前团队合作伙伴有香港汇丰银行、花旗银行、澳洲联邦银行等顶尖金融机构。 www.fxcbm.com


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