
The little red hen

1.A little red hen once found a grain of wheat."Who will plant this wheat?"she said.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"Then I will,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

2.So she planted the grain of wheat.Very soon the wheat began to grow and the green leaves came out of the ground.The sun shone and the rain fell and the wheat kept on growing until it was tall,strong,and ripe.

3."Who will reap this wheat?"says the little red hen.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"Then I will,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

So she reaped the wheat.

4."Who will thresh this wheat?"says the little red hen.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"I will,then,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

So she threshed the wheat.

5."Who will take this wheat to mill to have it ground?"says the little red hen.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"I will,then,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

So she took the wheat to mill,and by and by she came back with the flour.

6."Who will bake this flour?"says the little red hen.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"I will,then,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

So she baked the flour and made a loaf of bread.

7."Who will eat this bread?"says the little red hen.

"I will,"says the dog.

"I will,"says the cat.

"I will,"says the pig.

"I will,"says the turkey.

"No,I will,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

8.And she ate up the loaf of bread.

The little red hen

1.A little red hen once found a grain of wheat."Who will plant this wheat?"she said.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"Then I will,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

2.So she planted the grain of wheat.Very soon the wheat began to grow and the green leaves came out of the ground.The sun shone and the rain fell and the wheat kept on growing until it was tall,strong,and ripe.

3."Who will reap this wheat?"says the little red hen.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"Then I will,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

So she reaped the wheat.

4."Who will thresh this wheat?"says the little red hen.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"I will,then,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

So she threshed the wheat.

5."Who will take this wheat to mill to have it ground?"says the little red hen.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"I will,then,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

So she took the wheat to mill,and by and by she came back with the flour.

6."Who will bake this flour?"says the little red hen.

"I won't,"says the dog.

"I won't,"says the cat.

"I won't,"says the pig.

"I won't,"says the turkey.

"I will,then,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

So she baked the flour and made a loaf of bread.

7."Who will eat this bread?"says the little red hen.

"I will,"says the dog.

"I will,"says the cat.

"I will,"says the pig.

"I will,"says the turkey.

"No,I will,"says the little red hen."Cluck!cluck!"

8.And she ate up the loaf of bread.


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