


●能在视觉空间推理能力测试中取得高分---一种在许多任务中都需要的技能(包括数学) 。




●提高大脑左右半球之间的交流效率。幼儿时期就接受音乐训练的音乐家比常人拥有一个更大的胼胝体(一种连接左右半球的结构组织) 。

●提高阅读能力---积极地参与音乐活动(唱歌) 和接受早期音乐训练有助于婴幼儿调节区分语音的能力。这在语言获得和朗读训练中已被视为是一种必须的学习技能。













语言和音乐作为两个以相同方式发展的平行系统,具有许多相同的特性。在出生后的第一年里,婴儿的牙牙学语和自发哼唱前兆是很难区分的。他们通过聆听、模仿看护人的非言语 父母亲的话









为论证言语系统和音乐系统的相似性,美国哈特福特大学的约翰·M. 费尔拉本德、克拉克·桑德斯及其同事们进行了一系列研究,观察学龄前儿童对歌曲的记忆程度是如何随着旋律或歌词的改变而改变。研究人员给一群3-5岁的幼儿播放一组原创歌曲,然后,再重新播放一遍歌曲:同样的旋律,不同的歌词;或是不同的旋律,相同的歌词。结果,费尔拉本德和同事们发现,相对于歌词而言,受试幼儿对歌曲的记忆力更受到旋律的影响。但如果多放几遍歌曲,歌词和旋律之间的关系就显得密切起来---也就是说,幼儿在多次重复听歌曲后,旋律和歌词都能对歌曲的记忆最终起到相同的帮助作用。有鉴于此,研究人员开始假设,大脑的某一区域(被认为是左颞叶) 负责处理歌曲的旋律或节奏;而另一区域(被认为是右颞叶) 则负责处理歌曲的歌词。



莫扎特胎教音乐 订阅本知识点 查看所有知识点


∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 什么是莫扎特胎教音乐 专家解答

莫扎特胎教音乐 什么是莫扎特胎教音乐



所谓“莫扎特效应”是指莫扎特的音乐可以作为胎教音乐,可以提高孩子智商,这是上个世纪九十年代初美国科学家的研究结论。这个结论称,当你听一首莫扎特的曲子之后,你的大脑活力将会增强,思维更敏捷,运动更有效,它甚至可缓解癫痫等神经障碍病人的病情。 其实这样笼统的论断是会误导人的。因为莫扎特的创作主题丰富、风格多样,他的音乐也有很多表现激越强烈的感情,或忧伤或狂热或悲壮,这样风格的音乐就算是天才之作也不适宜选作胎教音乐的。其实,只要是母亲喜欢的乐曲,古典音乐也好,爵士音乐也罢,对母子都会有好处。 莫扎特的胎教音乐

当宝宝还在腹中,不少妈妈就用听音乐的方法进行“胎教”。音乐有独特的魅力和明显促进智力发育的作用,它对孩子的健康成长也有很大的帮助。其中最富盛名的莫扎特音乐的确对宝宝的空间智能有帮助,原因大致是因为他的曲式均衡且对称,严谨的风格有一种格式美,而且有助于脑部的理性分析及认知的智能。 莫扎特胎教音乐的优势











莫扎特胎教音乐速度适中,有些甚至偏慢,而且旋律好听,力度变化不明显,追求的是一种美好的意境,准妈妈们在听的时候,想象力可以迅速打开。 莫扎特胎教音乐的争议



依然有很多父母认为听音乐会让孩子更聪明。人们相信存在莫扎特效应,并认为最初的研究也是针对婴儿的,这正因为婴儿是人们焦虑的中心——望子成龙、盼女成凤的典型表现。听还是不听,成为摆在面前的选择题。莫扎特或一切古典音乐,都未被证明有提高智商的魔力,但这不会妨碍人们喜欢去聆听,至少不会毒害你的身体,降低你的智商。 适合做胎教的莫扎特音乐




第39号交响曲E 大调

双钢琴奏鸣曲D 大调



第25号交响曲G 小调


第23号钢琴协奏曲A 大调

第1号法国协奏曲D 大调

长笛四重奏 竖笛五重奏 费加罗的婚礼 第40号交响曲 第41号交响曲 莫扎特弦乐小夜曲 音乐影响行为











音乐的功能 [编辑]



Promoting Literacy Through Music

Laura Woodall and Brenda Ziembroski

The successful acquisition of reading and writing in early childhood depends on a solid background in oral language skills. What better way to gain knowledge and confidence in oral language than through music? Oral language is an interactive and social process, and music is a natural way for children to experience rich language in a pleasurable way.

Young children seem to be naturally "wired" for sound and rhythm. Besides providing enjoyment, music can play an important role in language and literacy development. Strong social bonds are encouraged through music and songs beginning in preschool. Toddlers can begin to experiment with grammatical rules and various rhyming patterns in songs and other written text.

Establishing a sense of rhythm can be used to increase a student's awareness of rhyming patterns and alliteration in other areas of reading and writing. Through music, memory skills can be improved, and aural discrimination increased (Chong & Gan 1997). Music can focus the mind on the sounds being perceived and promote learning through an interactive process. It is important in teaching early childhood students to be conscious of auditory and discrimination skills. Music and songs help increase these listening skills in a fun, relaxed manner. Listening skills are key in singing, language and expressive movement, and later reading and writing (Wolf, 1992).

Music has always been a way for children to remember stories and learn about the world around them. Using music as a stimulus can effect one's emotions and make information easier to remember. Music also creates an environment that is conducive to learning. It can reduce stress, increase interest, and set the stage for listening and learning. The similarities between literacy acquisition and musical development are many. Therefore, teaching that combines music with language arts instruction can be the most effective (Davies, 2000). Furthermore, it is important for emergent readers to experience many connections between literacy in language, music, and in print. Language in music and language in print have many similarities, such as the use of abstract symbols. Both oral language and written language can be obtained in the same manner. That is, by using them in a variety of holistic literacy experiences, and building on what the students already know about oral and written language (Clay, 1993).

For example, emergent readers will attempt to "read" along in a shared reading of a familiar text, just as they will join in a sing along to a familiar song. (Sometimes making up the words as they go!) Just as emergent reading and writing are acquired to drawing and pretending to write, musical learning is connected to song and movement. Children instinctively listen to music and try to

identify familiar melodies and rhythms, just as early readers will look for words that sound alike, have patterns, or rhyme (Jalongo & Ribblett, 1997). Song picture books such as The Ants Go Marching or The More We Get Together, support early readers in this manner. They also illustrate how the use of familiar text, predictability, and repetition can encourage children to read. Using songs put to print can expand vocabulary and knowledge of story structure, as well as build on concepts about print. The use of music for reading instruction allows children to easily recall new vocabulary, facts, numbers, and conventions of print. For example,try to remember how you learned your ABC's or other memory skills -- many people learn them musically. Meet Me at the Garden Gate* can be used to teach children to skip count by two's; it is a song that is readily learned while at the same time assimilates the mathematical concept.

Repetition in songs supports and enhances emergent literacy by offering children an opportunity to read higher-leveled text and to read with the music over and over again in a meaningful context. Print put to music also allows children to build on past experiences, which in turn invites them to participate in reading and singing at the same time. Using (Child,1996) for instruction affords first grade students the familiarity necessary to read a higher leveled text based on past experiences. Furthermore, teachers using repetitive text can easily model and exaggerate the repetition, rhyme, and rhythm of story, thereby encouraging the children to join in.

A child's initial introduction to patterned text often first occurs in songs, chants, and rhymes that are repeated over and over again throughout childhood. Once children become familiar with this patterning, they are excited and able to participate in shared reading, writing and other oral language experiences. Concepts about print become more meaningful, and conventions of print are learned in context. Additionally, substitutions in songs, chants or poems can provide for real language experience opportunities. When emergent readers see printed words in the text again and again, they come to identify those words and phrases by their similarities and configurations. Emergent readers who learn (Christelow. 1989), for instance, can quickly spot the quotations marks and capital letters in the doctor's statement, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" (Jalongo & Ribblett, 1997).

The effects of music on the emotions are commonly known. However the effects of music on the brain and thinking are demonstrable. Research has shown that during an electroencephalogram (EEG), music can change brain waves and make the brain more receptive to learning. Music connects the functions of the right and left hemispheres of the brain so that they work together and make learning quick and easy. Brain function is increased when listening to music and studies have shown that music promotes more complex thinking. It can make connections between emotions, thinking and learning (Davies, 2000).

Howard Gardner's research on Multiple Intelligences supports this idea. He describes how people demonstrate different skills and talents while trying to learn. Therefore, classrooms must provide different approaches to meet an individual student's areas of strength in order to be the most successful. For example, Gardner's Musical-Rhythmic learners are sensitive to nonverbal sounds and are very much aware of tone, pitch and timbre. Using rhythm, chanting, and songs with these students can increase their attention and interest while motivating them to learn (Gardner, 1985.) Advertisers and filmmakers realize and utilize the power of music to evoke emotions and get our

attention. Educators need to learn from this multi-million dollar industry and use music to our advantage to help children to learn (Davies, 2000).

Good first teaching is based on using what children already know, and the influence of music on learning is clear. Therefore it seems that teachers should be motivated to incorporate music, rhymes, chants, rhythm, and songs in the classroom.

If music can set the stage for learning, increase a child's interest, and activate a student's thinking, what are we waiting for?

Music gives a soul to the universe,

Wings to the mind,

Flight to the imagination...

And life to everything.



Becker, J. (1973). . New York: Scholastic.

Bonne, R. (1961). I Know An Old Lady. New York: Scholastic.

Buchoff, R. (1994). Joyful Voices: Facilitating Language Growth Through the Rhythmic Response to Chants. Young Children, 26-29.

Buchoff, R. (1995). Jump Rope Rhymes.... in the Classroom? Childhood Education,149-151. Canover, C. (1976). Six Little Ducks. New York: Scholastic.

Carle, E. (.1991). . New York: Scholastic.

Child, L. (1996). . New York: Scholastic.

Chong, S. & Gan, L. (1997). The Sound of Music. Early Child Development and Care, 323. Christelow, E. (1989). . New York: Trumpet.

Clay, M. (1993). . NH: Heinemann. Cunningham, P.M. & Allington, R.L. (1994). . New York: Harper Collins.

Davies, NL (2000). Learning ... The Beat Goes On. Childhood Education, 148-153.

Dunn, S. (I 990). Crackers and Crumbs: Chants for Whole Language. NH: Heinemann. Freschet, B. (1973). The Ants Go Marching. New York: Scribners.

Gardner, H. (1985). .

New York: Basic Books.

Glazer, T. (1990). The More We Get Together. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, Jovanovich. Hennings, D. (1989). .

New Jersey: Houghton Mifflin.

Hill, S. (1993). Jump for Joy--More Raps and Rhymes. Australia: Eleanor Curtain Publishing. Hoberman, M. (1998). . New York: Scholastic.

Jalongo, M. & Ribblett, D. (1997). Using Song Picture Books to Support Emergent Literacy. Childhood Education 15-22.

Seeger, P. (1989). . New York: Scholastic,.

Wolf, J. (I 992). Using Song Picture Books to Support Emergent Literacy. Young Children, 56-61. Wright Group. (1992). Animal Fair. Hong Kong: Colorcraft.

Wright Group. (1992). Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Hong Kong: Colorcraft



●能在视觉空间推理能力测试中取得高分---一种在许多任务中都需要的技能(包括数学) 。




●提高大脑左右半球之间的交流效率。幼儿时期就接受音乐训练的音乐家比常人拥有一个更大的胼胝体(一种连接左右半球的结构组织) 。

●提高阅读能力---积极地参与音乐活动(唱歌) 和接受早期音乐训练有助于婴幼儿调节区分语音的能力。这在语言获得和朗读训练中已被视为是一种必须的学习技能。













语言和音乐作为两个以相同方式发展的平行系统,具有许多相同的特性。在出生后的第一年里,婴儿的牙牙学语和自发哼唱前兆是很难区分的。他们通过聆听、模仿看护人的非言语 父母亲的话









为论证言语系统和音乐系统的相似性,美国哈特福特大学的约翰·M. 费尔拉本德、克拉克·桑德斯及其同事们进行了一系列研究,观察学龄前儿童对歌曲的记忆程度是如何随着旋律或歌词的改变而改变。研究人员给一群3-5岁的幼儿播放一组原创歌曲,然后,再重新播放一遍歌曲:同样的旋律,不同的歌词;或是不同的旋律,相同的歌词。结果,费尔拉本德和同事们发现,相对于歌词而言,受试幼儿对歌曲的记忆力更受到旋律的影响。但如果多放几遍歌曲,歌词和旋律之间的关系就显得密切起来---也就是说,幼儿在多次重复听歌曲后,旋律和歌词都能对歌曲的记忆最终起到相同的帮助作用。有鉴于此,研究人员开始假设,大脑的某一区域(被认为是左颞叶) 负责处理歌曲的旋律或节奏;而另一区域(被认为是右颞叶) 则负责处理歌曲的歌词。



莫扎特胎教音乐 订阅本知识点 查看所有知识点


∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 什么是莫扎特胎教音乐 专家解答

莫扎特胎教音乐 什么是莫扎特胎教音乐



所谓“莫扎特效应”是指莫扎特的音乐可以作为胎教音乐,可以提高孩子智商,这是上个世纪九十年代初美国科学家的研究结论。这个结论称,当你听一首莫扎特的曲子之后,你的大脑活力将会增强,思维更敏捷,运动更有效,它甚至可缓解癫痫等神经障碍病人的病情。 其实这样笼统的论断是会误导人的。因为莫扎特的创作主题丰富、风格多样,他的音乐也有很多表现激越强烈的感情,或忧伤或狂热或悲壮,这样风格的音乐就算是天才之作也不适宜选作胎教音乐的。其实,只要是母亲喜欢的乐曲,古典音乐也好,爵士音乐也罢,对母子都会有好处。 莫扎特的胎教音乐

当宝宝还在腹中,不少妈妈就用听音乐的方法进行“胎教”。音乐有独特的魅力和明显促进智力发育的作用,它对孩子的健康成长也有很大的帮助。其中最富盛名的莫扎特音乐的确对宝宝的空间智能有帮助,原因大致是因为他的曲式均衡且对称,严谨的风格有一种格式美,而且有助于脑部的理性分析及认知的智能。 莫扎特胎教音乐的优势











莫扎特胎教音乐速度适中,有些甚至偏慢,而且旋律好听,力度变化不明显,追求的是一种美好的意境,准妈妈们在听的时候,想象力可以迅速打开。 莫扎特胎教音乐的争议



依然有很多父母认为听音乐会让孩子更聪明。人们相信存在莫扎特效应,并认为最初的研究也是针对婴儿的,这正因为婴儿是人们焦虑的中心——望子成龙、盼女成凤的典型表现。听还是不听,成为摆在面前的选择题。莫扎特或一切古典音乐,都未被证明有提高智商的魔力,但这不会妨碍人们喜欢去聆听,至少不会毒害你的身体,降低你的智商。 适合做胎教的莫扎特音乐




第39号交响曲E 大调

双钢琴奏鸣曲D 大调



第25号交响曲G 小调


第23号钢琴协奏曲A 大调

第1号法国协奏曲D 大调

长笛四重奏 竖笛五重奏 费加罗的婚礼 第40号交响曲 第41号交响曲 莫扎特弦乐小夜曲 音乐影响行为











音乐的功能 [编辑]



Promoting Literacy Through Music

Laura Woodall and Brenda Ziembroski

The successful acquisition of reading and writing in early childhood depends on a solid background in oral language skills. What better way to gain knowledge and confidence in oral language than through music? Oral language is an interactive and social process, and music is a natural way for children to experience rich language in a pleasurable way.

Young children seem to be naturally "wired" for sound and rhythm. Besides providing enjoyment, music can play an important role in language and literacy development. Strong social bonds are encouraged through music and songs beginning in preschool. Toddlers can begin to experiment with grammatical rules and various rhyming patterns in songs and other written text.

Establishing a sense of rhythm can be used to increase a student's awareness of rhyming patterns and alliteration in other areas of reading and writing. Through music, memory skills can be improved, and aural discrimination increased (Chong & Gan 1997). Music can focus the mind on the sounds being perceived and promote learning through an interactive process. It is important in teaching early childhood students to be conscious of auditory and discrimination skills. Music and songs help increase these listening skills in a fun, relaxed manner. Listening skills are key in singing, language and expressive movement, and later reading and writing (Wolf, 1992).

Music has always been a way for children to remember stories and learn about the world around them. Using music as a stimulus can effect one's emotions and make information easier to remember. Music also creates an environment that is conducive to learning. It can reduce stress, increase interest, and set the stage for listening and learning. The similarities between literacy acquisition and musical development are many. Therefore, teaching that combines music with language arts instruction can be the most effective (Davies, 2000). Furthermore, it is important for emergent readers to experience many connections between literacy in language, music, and in print. Language in music and language in print have many similarities, such as the use of abstract symbols. Both oral language and written language can be obtained in the same manner. That is, by using them in a variety of holistic literacy experiences, and building on what the students already know about oral and written language (Clay, 1993).

For example, emergent readers will attempt to "read" along in a shared reading of a familiar text, just as they will join in a sing along to a familiar song. (Sometimes making up the words as they go!) Just as emergent reading and writing are acquired to drawing and pretending to write, musical learning is connected to song and movement. Children instinctively listen to music and try to

identify familiar melodies and rhythms, just as early readers will look for words that sound alike, have patterns, or rhyme (Jalongo & Ribblett, 1997). Song picture books such as The Ants Go Marching or The More We Get Together, support early readers in this manner. They also illustrate how the use of familiar text, predictability, and repetition can encourage children to read. Using songs put to print can expand vocabulary and knowledge of story structure, as well as build on concepts about print. The use of music for reading instruction allows children to easily recall new vocabulary, facts, numbers, and conventions of print. For example,try to remember how you learned your ABC's or other memory skills -- many people learn them musically. Meet Me at the Garden Gate* can be used to teach children to skip count by two's; it is a song that is readily learned while at the same time assimilates the mathematical concept.

Repetition in songs supports and enhances emergent literacy by offering children an opportunity to read higher-leveled text and to read with the music over and over again in a meaningful context. Print put to music also allows children to build on past experiences, which in turn invites them to participate in reading and singing at the same time. Using (Child,1996) for instruction affords first grade students the familiarity necessary to read a higher leveled text based on past experiences. Furthermore, teachers using repetitive text can easily model and exaggerate the repetition, rhyme, and rhythm of story, thereby encouraging the children to join in.

A child's initial introduction to patterned text often first occurs in songs, chants, and rhymes that are repeated over and over again throughout childhood. Once children become familiar with this patterning, they are excited and able to participate in shared reading, writing and other oral language experiences. Concepts about print become more meaningful, and conventions of print are learned in context. Additionally, substitutions in songs, chants or poems can provide for real language experience opportunities. When emergent readers see printed words in the text again and again, they come to identify those words and phrases by their similarities and configurations. Emergent readers who learn (Christelow. 1989), for instance, can quickly spot the quotations marks and capital letters in the doctor's statement, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" (Jalongo & Ribblett, 1997).

The effects of music on the emotions are commonly known. However the effects of music on the brain and thinking are demonstrable. Research has shown that during an electroencephalogram (EEG), music can change brain waves and make the brain more receptive to learning. Music connects the functions of the right and left hemispheres of the brain so that they work together and make learning quick and easy. Brain function is increased when listening to music and studies have shown that music promotes more complex thinking. It can make connections between emotions, thinking and learning (Davies, 2000).

Howard Gardner's research on Multiple Intelligences supports this idea. He describes how people demonstrate different skills and talents while trying to learn. Therefore, classrooms must provide different approaches to meet an individual student's areas of strength in order to be the most successful. For example, Gardner's Musical-Rhythmic learners are sensitive to nonverbal sounds and are very much aware of tone, pitch and timbre. Using rhythm, chanting, and songs with these students can increase their attention and interest while motivating them to learn (Gardner, 1985.) Advertisers and filmmakers realize and utilize the power of music to evoke emotions and get our

attention. Educators need to learn from this multi-million dollar industry and use music to our advantage to help children to learn (Davies, 2000).

Good first teaching is based on using what children already know, and the influence of music on learning is clear. Therefore it seems that teachers should be motivated to incorporate music, rhymes, chants, rhythm, and songs in the classroom.

If music can set the stage for learning, increase a child's interest, and activate a student's thinking, what are we waiting for?

Music gives a soul to the universe,

Wings to the mind,

Flight to the imagination...

And life to everything.



Becker, J. (1973). . New York: Scholastic.

Bonne, R. (1961). I Know An Old Lady. New York: Scholastic.

Buchoff, R. (1994). Joyful Voices: Facilitating Language Growth Through the Rhythmic Response to Chants. Young Children, 26-29.

Buchoff, R. (1995). Jump Rope Rhymes.... in the Classroom? Childhood Education,149-151. Canover, C. (1976). Six Little Ducks. New York: Scholastic.

Carle, E. (.1991). . New York: Scholastic.

Child, L. (1996). . New York: Scholastic.

Chong, S. & Gan, L. (1997). The Sound of Music. Early Child Development and Care, 323. Christelow, E. (1989). . New York: Trumpet.

Clay, M. (1993). . NH: Heinemann. Cunningham, P.M. & Allington, R.L. (1994). . New York: Harper Collins.

Davies, NL (2000). Learning ... The Beat Goes On. Childhood Education, 148-153.

Dunn, S. (I 990). Crackers and Crumbs: Chants for Whole Language. NH: Heinemann. Freschet, B. (1973). The Ants Go Marching. New York: Scribners.

Gardner, H. (1985). .

New York: Basic Books.

Glazer, T. (1990). The More We Get Together. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace, Jovanovich. Hennings, D. (1989). .

New Jersey: Houghton Mifflin.

Hill, S. (1993). Jump for Joy--More Raps and Rhymes. Australia: Eleanor Curtain Publishing. Hoberman, M. (1998). . New York: Scholastic.

Jalongo, M. & Ribblett, D. (1997). Using Song Picture Books to Support Emergent Literacy. Childhood Education 15-22.

Seeger, P. (1989). . New York: Scholastic,.

Wolf, J. (I 992). Using Song Picture Books to Support Emergent Literacy. Young Children, 56-61. Wright Group. (1992). Animal Fair. Hong Kong: Colorcraft.

Wright Group. (1992). Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Hong Kong: Colorcraft


  • 幼儿智力开发的探索
  • 摘 要:作为一名农村教师,怎样去开发幼儿的智力,怎样为幼儿的成长打好第一个基础,可以说使命神圣.责任重大.克服各种影响教学效果的障碍,提高幼儿智力开发的水平,是一个大课题.采用音乐方法.运动方法开发幼儿的智力,可以促进幼儿智力的形成和开发. ...查看

  • 老年人进行音乐训练可以提高思维和记忆力
  • 据美国<健康日>网站8月2日报道称,据说音乐可以抚慰野蛮的野兽,但如果你亲自演奏乐器,它可能有利于开发你的大脑. 越来越多的证据表明,学习演奏乐器并不断练习可以对心理有很大的好处,听音乐也被证明是有积极的影响的. 最新的研究发表 ...查看

  • 认知心理学音乐识别实验设计
  • 音乐识别模式实验 研究的方向 主要研究大脑额叶对音乐模式识别的方式. 前人的工作与存在问题 圣地亚哥神经科学研究所的Aniruddh D. Patel通过对声音识别的研究在其书<Music, Language, and the Bra ...查看

  • 浅论幼儿音乐教育的重要性
  • 浅论幼儿音乐教育的重要性 音乐学院 音乐表演专业 12220212 董珍祯 指导教师:邝嘉 摘要:当代儿童作为国家后备人才的储备的基础,他们身体与智力的健康综合的发展至关重要.音乐作为人们生活中的重要组成部分,它具有美化心灵的作用,是儿童生 ...查看

  • 右脑开发,引领右脑潜能开发
  • 大脑怎么阅读文字和影像 来源:引领右脑潜能开发中心 当右脑得到充分有效运用时,左右脑通力合作,形成影像记忆和速度阅读.影像记忆力指的是对物体的回忆能力,而速度阅读指的是对文字的回忆能力. 大脑怎么阅读文字和影像 左脑 左脑将一个词汇分隔成若 ...查看

  • 音乐教育对中学生的成长作用
  • 浅析音乐教育对中学生的成长作用 广河县回民第二中学(731301) 吕国梁 [关键词] 音乐教育 情感态度价值观 声音音响 全面高素质 音乐是人类最古老.最具普通性和感染力的艺术形式之一,是人类通过特定的音响结构实现思想和感情表现与交流的必 ...查看

  • 铃木镇一:用音乐开启孩子的大脑潜能
  • 导读:铃木镇一认为,孩子能够在童年学到音乐固然很幸福,但随着年龄的增长.课业加重,往往会挤掉学音乐的时间,但孩子成人后,音乐的消遣会使生活更为充实.幸福. 一.音乐是一种具有智慧的语言 音乐可以开启人的天才思维. 孩子对音乐的敏感远远超出了 ...查看

  • 音乐的五大治疗作用
  • 音乐的五大治疗作用 l       刺激大脑 音乐刺激能影响大脑某些递质如去甲肾上腺素的释放,改善大脑皮层功能. l       镇痛作用 音乐刺激听觉中枢对疼痛有交互抑制作用,音乐还能提高垂体脑啡肽浓度,而脑啡肽能抑制疼痛,所以有镇痛作用 ...查看

  • 心理健康黑板报
  • 2012第十期黑板报 标题:心理减压方法 内容: 一.饮食减压法 饮食疗法包括两个方面.一方面是指科学合理的饮食可以保证同学们生理健康:另一方面,研究表明有的食物有直接减轻人的心理压力的作用. 如维生素C就具有减轻心理压力的作用,当人承受巨 ...查看
