
  Disneyland is the world’s biggest entertainment park, it was created by Walt Disney. Nowadays, many children like to go to Disneyland and have fun for a day. Last year, my family went to Hong Kong and we spent a day in it. It was such a good memory for me.



  When I went to Hong Kong, I felt so excited, because I wanted to go to Disneyland for a long time, and this time my dream finally came true. Before I came to the entrance, I saw the big pictures of the Disneyland world and the classic cartoon characters. They were so lovely. When I got to the Disneyland world, there were so many people, the atmosphere was so lively.

  当我去香港的时候,我感到很兴奋,因为我很久之前就想去迪斯尼乐园了,而这一次我的梦想终于实现了。在我来到门口前, 我看到了迪斯尼世界的大图片和经典的卡通人物。他们是如此可爱。当我到达迪士尼乐园的世界里,有那么多人,气氛很热闹。

  I was so impressed by the amusement equipments. As the music was playing, I felt myself was in the wonderland. I saw the pumpkin car, the wooden horse, the Ferris wheel and so on. I played all the amusement equipments and felt so satisfied. The most excited thing was to see the parade. I saw my favorite Mickey Mouse and other cartoon characters.

  我对游乐设备印象非常深刻。由于音乐一直在放, 我觉得自己是在仙境里。我看到了南瓜车,木马,摩天轮等等。我玩遍了所有的游乐设备,感到很满意。最兴奋的事是去看游行。我看到了我最喜欢的米老鼠等卡通人物。

  I had a great day in the Disneyland world.


  Disneyland is the world’s biggest entertainment park, it was created by Walt Disney. Nowadays, many children like to go to Disneyland and have fun for a day. Last year, my family went to Hong Kong and we spent a day in it. It was such a good memory for me.


  When I went to Hong Kong, I felt so excited, because I wanted to go to Disneyland for a long time, and this time my dream finally came true. Before I came to the entrance, I saw the big pictures of the Disneyland world and the classic cartoon characters. They were so lovely. When I got to the Disneyland world, there were so many people, the atmosphere was so lively.

  当我去香港的时候,我感到很兴奋,因为我很久之前就想去迪斯尼乐园了,而这一次我的梦想终于实现了。在我来到门口前, 我看到了迪斯尼世界的大图片和经典的卡通人物。他们是如此可爱。当我到达迪士尼乐园的世界里,有那么多人,气氛很热闹。

  I was so impressed by the amusement equipments. As the music was playing, I felt myself was in the wonderland. I saw the pumpkin car, the wooden horse, the Ferris wheel and so on. I played all the amusement equipments and felt so satisfied. The most excited thing was to see the parade. I saw my favorite Mickey Mouse and other cartoon characters.

  我对游乐设备印象非常深刻。由于音乐一直在放, 我觉得自己是在仙境里。我看到了南瓜车,木马,摩天轮等等。我玩遍了所有的游乐设备,感到很满意。最兴奋的事是去看游行。我看到了我最喜欢的米老鼠等卡通人物。

  I had a great day in the Disneyland world.



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