
仁爱版英语九年级下册Section D教学设计

摘要: Section D部分作为仁爱版英语的复习部分的教学内容,是很重要的复习内容,此部分的教学设计非常重要。在按照常规的复习定语从句的同时,在教学过程中,还需要加强学生对英语文章的理解能力的提升。因此,探索英语的行文逻辑也是很有必要的,这些是本次教学设计的重难点部分内容。

关键词: 仁爱版英语 分析 教学设计


本次分析的内容为北京市仁爱教育研究所编著的Project English仁爱版教材九年级下册Unit 5 Topic 1(第五单元第一个话题)的Section D部分内容。此部分内容为本次话题的复习内容。课文讲述的是中国南北方的几个方面的差异。课文采用了总分的方式,第一部分总地来说南北方有区别,第二部分从两个方面具体地说明了区别的内容。课文逻辑清楚,结构清晰,是一篇值得欣赏和理解的好文章。

学习本课有以下需要注意的方面。在语法方面,本话题的主要内容是复习定语从句that, which的用法;同时需了解中国地理的相关知识,以及中国南北方的差异;能听懂有关中国地理的对话和短文,并能够提取有用信息;能用英语谈谈中国的名山大川,并表达自己的看法;能用英语交流自己的旅游经历和感受;另外,还要能根据上下文推断、理解生词的含义;能阅读并理解关于中国地理的短文;能在阅读中根据上下文和句子结构理解短文内容;能根据所学内容,扩大课外阅读并汇报阅读内容。在学习课文的同时,鼓励学生积极参与并在与他人合作中共同完成学习任务;预习和收集相关资料,总结定语从句的规律并运用;根据已经掌握的历史地理知识,理解相关的英语对话和短文;通过积极参与课内外英语活动,了解和学习中国文化。 [教学目标分析]

教学目标是指教学活动实施的方向和预期达成的结果,是一切教学活动的出发点和最终归宿。根据教材特点、学生特点、单元目标以及年级目标,我确定了这篇课文的教学目标为: 1.对课文短语、句型的学习和理解;(同时也是本课的教学重点) 2.对定语从句的理解和运用;

3.对文章篇章结构组织行文方面的理解;(同时也是本课的教学难点) 4.相关内容的衍生阅读,以提升英语文章的理解能力。









第一步:复习、呈现。 1.复习上节课所学内容,引导学生回忆并且用定语从句对香港、澳门和台湾进行简单的介绍。如:

S1: Hong Kong that/ which has many places of interest is known as the Pearl of the Orient and Shopping Heaven.

S2: Macao is regarded as a place that is called Gambling City.

S3: The scenery in Taiwan which is considered the Treasure Island of China is very beautiful. ...

2.让学生找出本课的定语从句,并导入1a。如: T: Can you find the attributive clauses in the text? Ss: Yeah.

S4: Northern people are used to eating food that is made with wheat flour while rice is the main food of southern people.

S5: People who live on the northern plains usually come and go by land, but people in the south travel not only by land but also by water.


T: Please watch the video carefully and write down the following phrases: has its own features, in many ways, stays below zero, is covered with, such as, at the same time, is different from, is used to...



A. Northern people are used to eating food that is made with wheat flour while rice is the main food of southern people.

在这句话中, that is made with wheat flour 作为定语从句用来修饰eating food,并且在从句中作主语。

B. People who live on the northern plains usually come and go by land, but people in the south travel not only by land but also by water.

在这句话中, who live on the northern plains usually come and go by land作为定语从句用来修饰people,并且在从句中作主语。

第二步:宏观把握文文章结构和行文逻辑。 1.总分结构是英语文章的重要行文结构。 2.划分文章段落并分析。

T: Read the text carefully and tell me how many paragraphs are there? Ss: Three.

T: Good, and you can mark the sentences in each paragraph. Ss: There are two, seven and three of each paragraph.

T: The first paragraph tells us the topic and key words: the north and the south of China, difference. Then read paragraph two and three, think it over: what are the differences of the north and the south.

S5: The climate and people’s way of life.

T: Wonderful. Let’s look at paragraph two in detail. As far as the climate is concerned, there are some details.

S6: The temperature, the clothes, the activities and Hainan Province.

T: Yes, the contrast of the south and the north. OK then, let’s see the last paragraph, which is about people’s way of life. How many kinds of differences? S7: Two.

T: Yes, the eating habit and the transportation. In this text, the author uses the instances to illustrate what she or he wants to talk about. For example, in the second paragraph, the temperature, the clothes and activities are good ways to show the topic sentence: In winter, it’s rather cold in the north of China. At the same time, parallel is also widely used in English text. We can see it from the second paragraph and the third paragraph, which is also true to the inside of each paragraph. For example, the weather in paragraph two and people’s way of life in paragraph three is a parallel part; and the temperature, the clothes and activities inside paragraph two is also parallel part. During the learning period, we should pay attention to this, which will help us a lot. 3.再次看1a中的flash,再次熟悉课文结构。 T: Watch the video again and finish 1b, work alone. 第三步:学以致用,对比训练,能力提升。

学生阅读仁爱版教材九年级上册第65页课文:American English and British English. T: Read the text carefully and tell me how many paragraphs are there? Ss: Three.

T: Good, and you can mark the sentences in each paragraph. Ss: There are two, five and three of each paragraph.

T: The first paragraph tells us the topic and key words: American English and British English, differences. Then read paragraph two and three, think it over: what are the differences of American English and British English. S8: The pronunciation and spelling..

T: Yes. OK then, let’s see the last paragraph, which is about expressions. How many kinds of differences? S9: Two.

T: Yes, the author uses some examples to show the differences. After class, you should read this text more carefully as what I have shown you in the preceding text. I am sure you will learn

something useful.





仁爱版英语九年级下册Section D教学设计

摘要: Section D部分作为仁爱版英语的复习部分的教学内容,是很重要的复习内容,此部分的教学设计非常重要。在按照常规的复习定语从句的同时,在教学过程中,还需要加强学生对英语文章的理解能力的提升。因此,探索英语的行文逻辑也是很有必要的,这些是本次教学设计的重难点部分内容。

关键词: 仁爱版英语 分析 教学设计


本次分析的内容为北京市仁爱教育研究所编著的Project English仁爱版教材九年级下册Unit 5 Topic 1(第五单元第一个话题)的Section D部分内容。此部分内容为本次话题的复习内容。课文讲述的是中国南北方的几个方面的差异。课文采用了总分的方式,第一部分总地来说南北方有区别,第二部分从两个方面具体地说明了区别的内容。课文逻辑清楚,结构清晰,是一篇值得欣赏和理解的好文章。

学习本课有以下需要注意的方面。在语法方面,本话题的主要内容是复习定语从句that, which的用法;同时需了解中国地理的相关知识,以及中国南北方的差异;能听懂有关中国地理的对话和短文,并能够提取有用信息;能用英语谈谈中国的名山大川,并表达自己的看法;能用英语交流自己的旅游经历和感受;另外,还要能根据上下文推断、理解生词的含义;能阅读并理解关于中国地理的短文;能在阅读中根据上下文和句子结构理解短文内容;能根据所学内容,扩大课外阅读并汇报阅读内容。在学习课文的同时,鼓励学生积极参与并在与他人合作中共同完成学习任务;预习和收集相关资料,总结定语从句的规律并运用;根据已经掌握的历史地理知识,理解相关的英语对话和短文;通过积极参与课内外英语活动,了解和学习中国文化。 [教学目标分析]

教学目标是指教学活动实施的方向和预期达成的结果,是一切教学活动的出发点和最终归宿。根据教材特点、学生特点、单元目标以及年级目标,我确定了这篇课文的教学目标为: 1.对课文短语、句型的学习和理解;(同时也是本课的教学重点) 2.对定语从句的理解和运用;

3.对文章篇章结构组织行文方面的理解;(同时也是本课的教学难点) 4.相关内容的衍生阅读,以提升英语文章的理解能力。









第一步:复习、呈现。 1.复习上节课所学内容,引导学生回忆并且用定语从句对香港、澳门和台湾进行简单的介绍。如:

S1: Hong Kong that/ which has many places of interest is known as the Pearl of the Orient and Shopping Heaven.

S2: Macao is regarded as a place that is called Gambling City.

S3: The scenery in Taiwan which is considered the Treasure Island of China is very beautiful. ...

2.让学生找出本课的定语从句,并导入1a。如: T: Can you find the attributive clauses in the text? Ss: Yeah.

S4: Northern people are used to eating food that is made with wheat flour while rice is the main food of southern people.

S5: People who live on the northern plains usually come and go by land, but people in the south travel not only by land but also by water.


T: Please watch the video carefully and write down the following phrases: has its own features, in many ways, stays below zero, is covered with, such as, at the same time, is different from, is used to...



A. Northern people are used to eating food that is made with wheat flour while rice is the main food of southern people.

在这句话中, that is made with wheat flour 作为定语从句用来修饰eating food,并且在从句中作主语。

B. People who live on the northern plains usually come and go by land, but people in the south travel not only by land but also by water.

在这句话中, who live on the northern plains usually come and go by land作为定语从句用来修饰people,并且在从句中作主语。

第二步:宏观把握文文章结构和行文逻辑。 1.总分结构是英语文章的重要行文结构。 2.划分文章段落并分析。

T: Read the text carefully and tell me how many paragraphs are there? Ss: Three.

T: Good, and you can mark the sentences in each paragraph. Ss: There are two, seven and three of each paragraph.

T: The first paragraph tells us the topic and key words: the north and the south of China, difference. Then read paragraph two and three, think it over: what are the differences of the north and the south.

S5: The climate and people’s way of life.

T: Wonderful. Let’s look at paragraph two in detail. As far as the climate is concerned, there are some details.

S6: The temperature, the clothes, the activities and Hainan Province.

T: Yes, the contrast of the south and the north. OK then, let’s see the last paragraph, which is about people’s way of life. How many kinds of differences? S7: Two.

T: Yes, the eating habit and the transportation. In this text, the author uses the instances to illustrate what she or he wants to talk about. For example, in the second paragraph, the temperature, the clothes and activities are good ways to show the topic sentence: In winter, it’s rather cold in the north of China. At the same time, parallel is also widely used in English text. We can see it from the second paragraph and the third paragraph, which is also true to the inside of each paragraph. For example, the weather in paragraph two and people’s way of life in paragraph three is a parallel part; and the temperature, the clothes and activities inside paragraph two is also parallel part. During the learning period, we should pay attention to this, which will help us a lot. 3.再次看1a中的flash,再次熟悉课文结构。 T: Watch the video again and finish 1b, work alone. 第三步:学以致用,对比训练,能力提升。

学生阅读仁爱版教材九年级上册第65页课文:American English and British English. T: Read the text carefully and tell me how many paragraphs are there? Ss: Three.

T: Good, and you can mark the sentences in each paragraph. Ss: There are two, five and three of each paragraph.

T: The first paragraph tells us the topic and key words: American English and British English, differences. Then read paragraph two and three, think it over: what are the differences of American English and British English. S8: The pronunciation and spelling..

T: Yes. OK then, let’s see the last paragraph, which is about expressions. How many kinds of differences? S9: Two.

T: Yes, the author uses some examples to show the differences. After class, you should read this text more carefully as what I have shown you in the preceding text. I am sure you will learn

something useful.






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