

of leisure pursuits were conducted today, the findings would indicate that television is the most popular activity of all. 全世界的人都把看电视作为重要的居家消遣方式。许多人晚睡,竟然都是因为割舍不下精彩的电视节目!

电视节目 TV programme

电影 film

电视系列片 TV Series

言情片 romance

电视连续剧 TV Serial

喜剧片 comedy

肥皂剧 soap opera

惊险片 thriller

动画片 animated cartoon

科幻片 science fiction

专题片 feature programme

新闻 news

主题影片 feature film

纪录片 documentary

文艺晚会 variety show

知识竞赛 quiz show

小品 comic sketch

历史剧 docudrama


Types Definitions:

1. a documentary programme

a programme which provides a record or report of facts

2. a feature programme

a broadcast presented to explore a particular topic

3.the news

a regular broadcast of the latest news on the radio or television

4. a TV series

a set of TV programmes which have the same actors, etc., but each has a complete story in itself

5. a TV serial

a TV play, with a continuing story, which is shown in regular instalments

6. a live broadcast

event watched on TV at the time of its performance, e.g. a sports event, a political campaign, a quiz show, etc.

7. a feature film

a full-length film intended as the main item in a cinema programme

8. a wildlife documentary

documentary programme about wildlife, i.e. animals and plants

9. a variety show

a TV programme which includes different kinds of entertaining performance such as singing, dancing, etc.

10. a children's cartoon

a TV programme made by animating a set of drawings of stories for children

11. a docudrama

a dramatised television film based on real events

12. a comic sketch

a very short play which is humorous and limited to one scene



当我们和朋友谈论电视节目的时候,我们可以使用例如“My favourite program of all is...” (我最喜欢的电视节目是...)这样的短语表达。

“I love watching...” 我喜欢看...

“I adore watching...”我喜欢看...

“I hate watching...” 我讨厌看...

“I can’t bear watching...”我无法忍受看...

“That program keeps me on the edge of my seat”那个节目让我看得很专心。 “I can’t bear to miss an episode of...” 我不能忍受错过一个片段...

“The special effects are...” 特技效果真是...

“I missed last night’s episode. Can you tell me what happened?” 我错过了昨天晚上的片段,你能告诉我发生了什么吗?


“What did you think about..?”你觉得...怎么样?

“Could you believe what happened last night in..?” 你相信昨天晚上发生的吗? “Did you understand the ending of..?”你理解了最后的结局吗?

“What was going on in..?”发生什么了?


“Scary” 可怕的

“Interesting” 有趣的

“Fascinating” 迷人的

“Great fun”很有趣

“Funny” 滑稽的


“Exciting” 刺激的


“Sad” 难过的


“Boring” 无聊的

“Realistic” 真实的

“Amazing” 令人惊讶的

“Unrealistic” 不切实际的

“Soppy” 多愁善感的






“I think soaps are boring.”我觉得肥皂剧很无聊。

“In my opinion, news and weather programs are usually depressing.” 我认为,新闻和天气节目通常都很令人失望。

“Most sports programs send me to sleep, but I quite enjoy watching tennis and


“I love comedies – I always feel optimistic and happier after having a good laugh.” 我喜欢喜剧 -开怀大笑之后,我总是觉得很快乐。

“I love watching most types of films – even tear-jerkers.” 我喜欢看很多类型的电影-甚至是催人泪下的电影。

“I find wildlife documentaries totally absorbing and thought-provoking. ”我觉得野生记录片非常吸引人,发人深思。

entertainment 娱乐

play an educational role in our daily lives


English programs 英语节目

many channels to choose from 有许多频道可供选择

make our life more colorful 使我们的生活更加多彩

make us well-informed 使我们了解时事

a waste of time 浪费时间

harmful to the youth and children 对年轻人和儿童有害

not old enough to distinguish fantasy from reality 年龄太小,无法分清幻想和现实 bad examples 不好的例子

bring a vivid world before our eyes 在我们眼前展现出一个生动的世界 appreciate the beautiful landscapes of other countries


know various kinds of events at home and abroad 了解国内外的事件

distract us from our study or work 使我们不能专心学习和工作

too many commercials 太多的电视广告

waste the audience’s time 浪费观众的时间


of leisure pursuits were conducted today, the findings would indicate that television is the most popular activity of all. 全世界的人都把看电视作为重要的居家消遣方式。许多人晚睡,竟然都是因为割舍不下精彩的电视节目!

电视节目 TV programme

电影 film

电视系列片 TV Series

言情片 romance

电视连续剧 TV Serial

喜剧片 comedy

肥皂剧 soap opera

惊险片 thriller

动画片 animated cartoon

科幻片 science fiction

专题片 feature programme

新闻 news

主题影片 feature film

纪录片 documentary

文艺晚会 variety show

知识竞赛 quiz show

小品 comic sketch

历史剧 docudrama


Types Definitions:

1. a documentary programme

a programme which provides a record or report of facts

2. a feature programme

a broadcast presented to explore a particular topic

3.the news

a regular broadcast of the latest news on the radio or television

4. a TV series

a set of TV programmes which have the same actors, etc., but each has a complete story in itself

5. a TV serial

a TV play, with a continuing story, which is shown in regular instalments

6. a live broadcast

event watched on TV at the time of its performance, e.g. a sports event, a political campaign, a quiz show, etc.

7. a feature film

a full-length film intended as the main item in a cinema programme

8. a wildlife documentary

documentary programme about wildlife, i.e. animals and plants

9. a variety show

a TV programme which includes different kinds of entertaining performance such as singing, dancing, etc.

10. a children's cartoon

a TV programme made by animating a set of drawings of stories for children

11. a docudrama

a dramatised television film based on real events

12. a comic sketch

a very short play which is humorous and limited to one scene



当我们和朋友谈论电视节目的时候,我们可以使用例如“My favourite program of all is...” (我最喜欢的电视节目是...)这样的短语表达。

“I love watching...” 我喜欢看...

“I adore watching...”我喜欢看...

“I hate watching...” 我讨厌看...

“I can’t bear watching...”我无法忍受看...

“That program keeps me on the edge of my seat”那个节目让我看得很专心。 “I can’t bear to miss an episode of...” 我不能忍受错过一个片段...

“The special effects are...” 特技效果真是...

“I missed last night’s episode. Can you tell me what happened?” 我错过了昨天晚上的片段,你能告诉我发生了什么吗?


“What did you think about..?”你觉得...怎么样?

“Could you believe what happened last night in..?” 你相信昨天晚上发生的吗? “Did you understand the ending of..?”你理解了最后的结局吗?

“What was going on in..?”发生什么了?


“Scary” 可怕的

“Interesting” 有趣的

“Fascinating” 迷人的

“Great fun”很有趣

“Funny” 滑稽的


“Exciting” 刺激的


“Sad” 难过的


“Boring” 无聊的

“Realistic” 真实的

“Amazing” 令人惊讶的

“Unrealistic” 不切实际的

“Soppy” 多愁善感的






“I think soaps are boring.”我觉得肥皂剧很无聊。

“In my opinion, news and weather programs are usually depressing.” 我认为,新闻和天气节目通常都很令人失望。

“Most sports programs send me to sleep, but I quite enjoy watching tennis and


“I love comedies – I always feel optimistic and happier after having a good laugh.” 我喜欢喜剧 -开怀大笑之后,我总是觉得很快乐。

“I love watching most types of films – even tear-jerkers.” 我喜欢看很多类型的电影-甚至是催人泪下的电影。

“I find wildlife documentaries totally absorbing and thought-provoking. ”我觉得野生记录片非常吸引人,发人深思。

entertainment 娱乐

play an educational role in our daily lives


English programs 英语节目

many channels to choose from 有许多频道可供选择

make our life more colorful 使我们的生活更加多彩

make us well-informed 使我们了解时事

a waste of time 浪费时间

harmful to the youth and children 对年轻人和儿童有害

not old enough to distinguish fantasy from reality 年龄太小,无法分清幻想和现实 bad examples 不好的例子

bring a vivid world before our eyes 在我们眼前展现出一个生动的世界 appreciate the beautiful landscapes of other countries


know various kinds of events at home and abroad 了解国内外的事件

distract us from our study or work 使我们不能专心学习和工作

too many commercials 太多的电视广告

waste the audience’s time 浪费观众的时间


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