

The 21st century is a new era, the rapid development of science and technology. The development of scientific fields has caused a better life, but,technology is a double-edged sword and we should conservative use it. For example, Should we use the cloning technology?

To be or not to be, that is a question.

The Roslin institute is where Dolly the Sheep was born in1996 marking a breakthrough in the science of cloning. It means a new age dawned with the born of the Dolly andcloning technology has obtain the development at full speed over the next two decades. mankind have cloneda large number of animals, shch as horses, cows, pigs and so on. Of course, mankind have the ability to clone human itself, so it terrifying.

When asked whetherI support to clone, I am silent for a while and giving the answer: We should use it reasonable.

Of course, some people think the answer is omnipotent to all questions, but it is useless. Actually this is not so, and as the ancient said: whatever is has every reason for being.Cloning technologyhas its advantages and disadvantages.

Let me turn first to thedisadvantages of cloning technology. The focus of the problem maybe is human cloning, because of

the influence of moral and ethical that it has beenexists in humans for a very long time.Just think, if clone humanexists in our life, What kind of identity and social position does he should have?What happens if we don't solve this? It is so horrible. What’s more, cloning technology can have devastating consequences to nature, such as the unbalance ofecology, genovariation and so forth.

Next it's time fortheadvantages of cloning technology. Cloning can saves endangered species from extinction and keep the ecological balance. What’s more, cloning technology can produces human organ’s alternative for some people which organ is diseased. Of course, cloning technology also has as a number of applications for every aspect of human beings 'life.


The 21st century is a new era, the rapid development of science and technology. The development of scientific fields has caused a better life, but,technology is a double-edged sword and we should conservative use it. For example, Should we use the cloning technology?

To be or not to be, that is a question.

The Roslin institute is where Dolly the Sheep was born in1996 marking a breakthrough in the science of cloning. It means a new age dawned with the born of the Dolly andcloning technology has obtain the development at full speed over the next two decades. mankind have cloneda large number of animals, shch as horses, cows, pigs and so on. Of course, mankind have the ability to clone human itself, so it terrifying.

When asked whetherI support to clone, I am silent for a while and giving the answer: We should use it reasonable.

Of course, some people think the answer is omnipotent to all questions, but it is useless. Actually this is not so, and as the ancient said: whatever is has every reason for being.Cloning technologyhas its advantages and disadvantages.

Let me turn first to thedisadvantages of cloning technology. The focus of the problem maybe is human cloning, because of

the influence of moral and ethical that it has beenexists in humans for a very long time.Just think, if clone humanexists in our life, What kind of identity and social position does he should have?What happens if we don't solve this? It is so horrible. What’s more, cloning technology can have devastating consequences to nature, such as the unbalance ofecology, genovariation and so forth.

Next it's time fortheadvantages of cloning technology. Cloning can saves endangered species from extinction and keep the ecological balance. What’s more, cloning technology can produces human organ’s alternative for some people which organ is diseased. Of course, cloning technology also has as a number of applications for every aspect of human beings 'life.


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