
Li Ming

13 Yan Ta St

Xi'an, China

H: 1212-345; W: (999)1212-3765



Want to be a Software Engineer or Software Programmer for the company about software development or e-business applications. Xi'an or Beijing preferred.

Profile Summary

Having outgoing personality with some introverted. Sincerely, reading books about computer or philosophy and learning. Work steadfast and can complete various tasks successfully. Good communication with people in work. Glad to cooperate with Members. Can adapt develop rapidly of technology and accepted this quickly.

Qualifications Summary

Get a master's degree at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. Having experience in using cutting-edge development tools. Articulate and professional communication skills, including formal presentations and technical documentation. Successfully complete in both team-based and self-managed projects. Have a good command on both spoken and written, passed CET-4.

Technical Skills

● Languages: C, C++, JAV A, C#, SQL

● Applications: Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Access, SQL

Server, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual C++

● Requirements Gathering and Analysis

● Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns

● Technical and End User Documentation

● Web Site Design and Development

● Project Teamwork an Communication


Institute of Computer Application and Technology, Xi'an, China.

● Develop Web-site that Financial Information Query System of Office for using

SQL Server Database, Microsoft Visual Studio and C#.

● Design a Bespeak Meal System for using Database, and Java.


● Master Degree. Computer Application Technology, Xi'an University of

Architecture and Technology, Xi'an (2013-2016).

● Bachelor Degree. Computer Science and Technology. Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an (2008-2012).

Li Ming

13 Yan Ta St

Xi'an, China

H: 1212-345; W: (999)1212-3765



Want to be a Software Engineer or Software Programmer for the company about software development or e-business applications. Xi'an or Beijing preferred.

Profile Summary

Having outgoing personality with some introverted. Sincerely, reading books about computer or philosophy and learning. Work steadfast and can complete various tasks successfully. Good communication with people in work. Glad to cooperate with Members. Can adapt develop rapidly of technology and accepted this quickly.

Qualifications Summary

Get a master's degree at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. Having experience in using cutting-edge development tools. Articulate and professional communication skills, including formal presentations and technical documentation. Successfully complete in both team-based and self-managed projects. Have a good command on both spoken and written, passed CET-4.

Technical Skills

● Languages: C, C++, JAV A, C#, SQL

● Applications: Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Access, SQL

Server, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual C++

● Requirements Gathering and Analysis

● Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns

● Technical and End User Documentation

● Web Site Design and Development

● Project Teamwork an Communication


Institute of Computer Application and Technology, Xi'an, China.

● Develop Web-site that Financial Information Query System of Office for using

SQL Server Database, Microsoft Visual Studio and C#.

● Design a Bespeak Meal System for using Database, and Java.


● Master Degree. Computer Application Technology, Xi'an University of

Architecture and Technology, Xi'an (2013-2016).

● Bachelor Degree. Computer Science and Technology. Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an (2008-2012).


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