



ⅰ. introduction

entering the 21st century, intercultural communication has become an indispensable content of people’s life. due to the regional differences, different nationalities and countries has formed there own culture. the table manners are an

important part of intercultural communication. understand the differences between chinese and occidental table

etiquette and its origin, for foreign language learners, not only increase the understanding of the target language culture, but also can improve the success rate of

intercultural communication, avoid misunderstandings and communication barriers by inappropriate behavior.

ⅱ.the differences between china and occidental table etiquette

2.1 brief introduction of china table etiquette

it is documented that china’s food etiquette has formed a




ⅰ. introduction

entering the 21st century, intercultural communication has become an indispensable content of people’s life. due to the regional differences, different nationalities and countries has formed there own culture. the table manners are an

important part of intercultural communication. understand the differences between chinese and occidental table

etiquette and its origin, for foreign language learners, not only increase the understanding of the target language culture, but also can improve the success rate of

intercultural communication, avoid misunderstandings and communication barriers by inappropriate behavior.

ⅱ.the differences between china and occidental table etiquette

2.1 brief introduction of china table etiquette

it is documented that china’s food etiquette has formed a


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