

2010-07-23 00:49:59 作者:admin 来源: 浏览次数:58 1. How I went there

We had a chance to Japan at the end of last term. There was an exchange program between my school with Xinxie primary school of Japan. 18 students from grade 6 in our school

1. How I went there

We had a chance to Japan at the end of last term. There was an exchange program between my school with Xinxie primary school of Japan. 18 students from grade 6 in our school were chosen to communicate with the students from Japan.I was lucky and I caught the opportunity. We could exchange with the students in Japan. I felt excited when I entered the plane. We had a short journey which was only 3 hours. We arrived at the Tokyo Airport. Then, we took a subway, just like the train in China, to Xinxie. We met our tour guide at the subway station. The scenes were beautiful. And we took some pictures on our way to Xinxie. We had a tiring but great journey.

2. What I did there

We went to Xinxie on the first and second day. At first night, we had a meal with the schoolmaster from Xinxie Primary School. That food was so delicious, but we had eaten meals on the subway, so we just had a little. On the next day, we studied and played with the students in Xinxie Primary School. They w

ere so friendly. After those two days, we went to Tokyo. We communicated with another primary school. And we were shopping for a whole day at last.

3. What interested me most?

Well, I think it must be our trip in Disneyland. After entering Disneyland, we saw equipment which seemly very scaring. We tried that equipment and there were many small boats on a river. We chose a very ordinary boat and sat on it. It was very dark and after a few minutes, we entered a tunnel. A pirate was sitting on the floor. There are many golden coins near him. I was surprised because I thought he was a real man. When we were closer to him, I could see him clearly—just a machine. We had a good journey on that river.

We played another kind of equipment called Space Mountain. It was a roller coaster. I thought that was so cool. You could see stars and planets when you were playing. And like other roller coasters, it was fast and exciting. One of my classmate felt very sick after play it. To my surprise, that was a boy. I always think that boys are braver than girls. But that time, every girl thought that was so fun.

We spend a whole day in Disneyland. We felt tired but happy.

4. My impression of Japan

Japan left me a deep impression. Firstly, Japan is quite clean. You couldn’t see any dirty things on the roads or in the supermarkets. They throw different things in different kind of dustbin, like the bottles must be thrown in the dustbin named bottles. If you don’t do that, the government will punish y

ou. Secondly, the economic of Japan is very developed. There are so many high buildings and the electric products are of high quality. Thirdly, Japanese are so quiet. They never speak loudly indoor, although some of them laugh a bit loudly outdoor. And they are not allowed to use mobiles on the subways. It is said that an old woman died when a student’s mobile rang. And they almost say nothing at public occasions.


2010-07-23 00:49:59 作者:admin 来源: 浏览次数:58 1. How I went there

We had a chance to Japan at the end of last term. There was an exchange program between my school with Xinxie primary school of Japan. 18 students from grade 6 in our school

1. How I went there

We had a chance to Japan at the end of last term. There was an exchange program between my school with Xinxie primary school of Japan. 18 students from grade 6 in our school were chosen to communicate with the students from Japan.I was lucky and I caught the opportunity. We could exchange with the students in Japan. I felt excited when I entered the plane. We had a short journey which was only 3 hours. We arrived at the Tokyo Airport. Then, we took a subway, just like the train in China, to Xinxie. We met our tour guide at the subway station. The scenes were beautiful. And we took some pictures on our way to Xinxie. We had a tiring but great journey.

2. What I did there

We went to Xinxie on the first and second day. At first night, we had a meal with the schoolmaster from Xinxie Primary School. That food was so delicious, but we had eaten meals on the subway, so we just had a little. On the next day, we studied and played with the students in Xinxie Primary School. They w

ere so friendly. After those two days, we went to Tokyo. We communicated with another primary school. And we were shopping for a whole day at last.

3. What interested me most?

Well, I think it must be our trip in Disneyland. After entering Disneyland, we saw equipment which seemly very scaring. We tried that equipment and there were many small boats on a river. We chose a very ordinary boat and sat on it. It was very dark and after a few minutes, we entered a tunnel. A pirate was sitting on the floor. There are many golden coins near him. I was surprised because I thought he was a real man. When we were closer to him, I could see him clearly—just a machine. We had a good journey on that river.

We played another kind of equipment called Space Mountain. It was a roller coaster. I thought that was so cool. You could see stars and planets when you were playing. And like other roller coasters, it was fast and exciting. One of my classmate felt very sick after play it. To my surprise, that was a boy. I always think that boys are braver than girls. But that time, every girl thought that was so fun.

We spend a whole day in Disneyland. We felt tired but happy.

4. My impression of Japan

Japan left me a deep impression. Firstly, Japan is quite clean. You couldn’t see any dirty things on the roads or in the supermarkets. They throw different things in different kind of dustbin, like the bottles must be thrown in the dustbin named bottles. If you don’t do that, the government will punish y

ou. Secondly, the economic of Japan is very developed. There are so many high buildings and the electric products are of high quality. Thirdly, Japanese are so quiet. They never speak loudly indoor, although some of them laugh a bit loudly outdoor. And they are not allowed to use mobiles on the subways. It is said that an old woman died when a student’s mobile rang. And they almost say nothing at public occasions.


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