
1. What are the general features of Britain’s independent school ? (Independentschool ),简单地说就是财务独立于政府的私立学校,也就是部分或完全不接受政府财源的学校。独立学校和国立学校(Stateschool )相对而立,前者的财源主要来自于学生的学费和部分慈善组织的捐款,后者则完全或大部分依赖政府拨款。独立学校不只是财源独立,其入学政策和教学课程也是独立的,独立学校不必按照国家订的课程来教学,但是大部分的独立学校都以国家订的教学课程作为最低基础。简单地说,英国教育系统中的独立学校,就是要缴学费才能读的学校,也就是私校的意思,国立学校则是免费的。不论怎么看,就读独立学校的学生毕竟只占少数,绝大多数的学生还是在公立,或者说是国立学校就读。那么独立学校凭什么让人花钱受教育呢?简单地说就是靠教学成绩来吸引学生。根据统计,有92%的独立学校毕业生能够上大学,而且当中的绝大多数都能按照自己选择的学科和就读心中理想的大学,这是因为独立学校的学生成绩好,能够拿到的申请大学的总积分较高。除了教学成绩之外,传统上来讲,英国社会的精英阶级都是独立学校出身的,因为这样,独立学校也培养出英国社会的精英阶级,这是一种循环。最近有调查指出,英国下议院议员有三分之一是读私校出身,上议院更有将近三分之二的议员都是接受私校教育,等于是说,英国管理国家的精英阶级就读私校的比率远远高出整体人口就读私校的比例。

( Independentschool ), in short is the independent private schools, it is partially or fully accept the government resources to schools. separate schools and the national school ( stateschool ) stand facing, the relative wealth comes mainly from the student fees and part of the organization of charitable donations, and the latter all or most dependent on government funding.Independent school is not only financial resources, its own admission policy and the teaching programmes is also independent, independent schools need not in accordance with state for lessons to teach, but most of the independent schools in the country for teaching classes as a minimum. in short, the education system is independent schools. tuition can read the school, the private school, national school is free.

2. Why is the united States was regarded as a “melting pot” and a “salad ” ?

美国的人口由来自不同种族、国籍和宗教的多个民族群体组成。如此多的群体最终形成某一共同的文化生活,拥有共同的社会价值观。我们将这个过程称作“同化”。学者们对于美国目前的同化程度意见不一,有些人将美国称作“熔炉”,认为不同种族和民族间已经发生融合,形成了同一种文化。其他人则倾向于把美国比作“ 色拉碗” ,认为不同群体间仍相对独立和存在差异,这导致了整个国家呈现出了一种文化的多样性。

U.S. population from different races, nationalities and religious composition of the various ethnic groups.So many groups in the final formation of a common cultural life, a common social values.We will call this process "assimilation."The scholars of assimilation for the current U.S. level of disagreement, some people will the United States as "melting pot", that between different racial and ethnic integration has occurred, forming the same kind of culture.Other people tend to compare the United States "salad bowl" that different groups were still relatively independent, and there are differences, which led to the Zheng Ge Cheng Xian Chu State had one kind of cultural diversity.

3. Why did America change its policy and enter World War Two ? 因为一战时期的巨大伤亡,加上战后瓜分世界的巴黎和会,都没有为美国带来巨大的利益。

所以在二战初期,美国国内的孤立情绪高涨。 而依靠民意当选总统的罗斯福当然不能违抗民意。所以只能在权力允许的范围内打擦边球。比如给珍珠港增加战备力量,利用租界法案给英国借驱逐舰、商船、物资。 但是1941年12月7日清晨,日本海军的航空母舰舰载飞机和微型潜艇突然袭击美国海军太平洋舰队在夏威夷基地珍珠港以及美国陆军和海军在欧胡岛上的飞机场。太平洋战争由此爆发。 日本对美国宣战,美国对日本宣战,而脑子少了根经的希特勒按照《德意日三国同盟条约》对美国宣战。(只对苏联共同宣战,没有规定对美国共同作战,而德国对苏联作战之后,小日本并没有对苏联作战) 美国才正式的参加了二战。

For a period of war casualties, and after the partition of the paris peace conference and the united states brought about great interest. in early in world war ii, the united states domestic isolation spirits. but the early morning of december 7, 1941, japanese attacked pearl harbor and the united states navy had suddenly the united states of the army and naval 欧胡岛 the airport. the pacific war broke out in the united states. the japanese war, the united states declared war on japan's declaration to the united states. the united states of the world war ii

4. What were Nixon ’s well —known contributions during his


1972年访华,成为首位访华的美国总统。使中美关系出现重大转机与发展。在尼克松的任期内,将美国军队撤出了 越南 ,逐渐结束了那场使国家陷入危机的战争。

China in 1972 and became the first us president to visit. sino-us relations in the major transit and development. during nixon's term of office within the united states the army pulled out of vietnam and gradually over the left the country in danger of war.

5. What was the cause of the American Civil War ?

美国内战爆发的根本原因,在于“两种社会制度即奴隶制度与自由劳动制度之间的 斗争”。美国独立后,南方和北方沿着两条不同的道路发展。在北方,资本主义经济发 展迅速。而在南方,则实行的是种植园黑 人奴隶制度。南方奴隶制度严重窒息了北方工商业的发展,南北矛盾和斗争自19世纪起日趋激烈。斗争主要 围绕西部土地展开。北方要求在西部地区发展资本主义,限制甚至禁止奴隶制度的扩大; 南方则力图在西部甚至全国扩展奴隶制度。双方矛盾到19世纪50年代在局部地区已酿成 武装冲突。在奴隶主的进逼面前,北方人民发起了声势浩大的“废奴运动”,南方黑奴 也不断展开暴动。在人民斗争的推动下,北方资产阶级开始主张废除奴隶制度。1854年 共和党成立,1860年,反对奴隶制的共和党人林肯当选为总统,这预示了奴隶制度的末 日。于是,南方7州退出联邦,1861年2月建立了一个新“国家”——“美利坚诸州联 盟”,定都里士满。4月12日,南方军队炮击并于14日占领了联邦军的萨姆特要塞,挑 起了内战(又称“南北战争”)。

The root cause of the civil war broke out in the "two systems with freedom or slavery the struggle between labour system". the independence, the southern and northern down two different road development. in the north, a capitalist economic outlook rapidly. in the south, a plantation black slavery. the slavery serious suffocating the industrial and commercial development and civil strife and conflict since the nineteenth century is an increasingly fierce.In 1860, abraham lincoln fought against slavery republican president, this presupposes the end of the slavery。12 april, the southern

troops fired on the fourteenth army occupied the fort sumter on the civil war

6. What are the two charactristics of the U.S constitutions ? 1、美国宪法是成文宪法。美国是世界上最早制定成文宪法的国家,此宪法于1787年通过,1789年生效。其中,值得一提的是,北美独立宣言被美国学者视为探索美国延续过程的象征,它确认了" 天赋人权" 、" 人民主权" 的原则。邦联条例是美国的第一个宪法性文件,这两个历史性文献促成美国制定一部成文宪法来巩固资产阶级胜利成果。


1, the U.S. Constitution was written constitution.The United States is the world's oldest writ ten constitution developed countries, this constitution was passed in 1787, entered into force in 1789.One, it is worth mentioning that the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. scholars in North America as a continuation of the process of exploring the symbol of the United States, it recognized the "natural rights", "popular sovereignty" principle.Confederation of the United S tates the first constitutional document, the two historical documents led to the formulation of a written constitution the United States to consolidate the achievements of bourgeois success.

2, has strong adaptability.The U.S. Constitution is the world's longest constitution applies, which lasted over 200 years.This is because the U.S. capitalist system of private ownership has not changed, the political situation is relatively stable, no restoration, and anti-restoration often struggle to carry out its constitution only minor repairs can be applied, and the provisions of the Constitution of the United States have some flexibility, whilethe United States through the amendment, judicial review, practice, etc. to adapt to the changing relationship of class forces, which meet the conditions of change and development of the United States.

7. What are the qualifications for a senator and a Representative

respectively ?


Senator is in office when the qualification must be at least 30 years of age, have U.S. citizenship must be more than 9 years, the election must be residents of the state elections.When assuming office, the House of Representatives must be at least 25 years of age, have U.S. citizenship must be more than seven years, the election must be residents of the constituency.

8. What are the major powers of the supreme court ?


邦或州的立法或行政行为是否违宪。不论是初审案件,还是复审案件,都是终审判决。 The United S tates Constitution, the Supreme Court involving ambassadors, other diplomats and consular as well as a state party to the proceedings have original jurisdiction of cases; on the state Supreme Court or the Federal Court of Appeal heard the case, the right to review the legal issues; the right to award"transfer trial order", stressed the lower federal courts or state trial court cases.Supreme Court also has the right to judicial review, review the federal or state legislative or administrative action is unconstitutional.Whether the trial of cases, or review of the case are final.

9. How does an American university choose its appplicants ?

申请到美国留学必须提供的语言考试成绩是TOEFL 成绩。美国大学对申请入学者并无统一TOEFL 录取分数线。大部分美国大学对申请读研究生课程的新生,要求TOEFL 分数达到550分以上。近年来,美国有些学校对申请者也要求必须提供TSE 英语口语测试成绩证明。另外,只有那些在报考专业方面学有所长的考生才可能被录取。

Apply to study in the United States must provide the language test scores is TOEFL scores.Those who apply for admission to American universities there is no unity on the TOEFL minimum qualifications.Most U.S. university students for graduate school courses require TOEFL score of 550 points or more.In recent years, some schools also require applicants to provide TSE Test of Spoken English scores.In addition, only those registered for professional candidates who excel in skills can be admitted.

10. What are the origins of Thanksgiving Day ?

17世纪初,英国的清教徒遭到迫害。1620年9月,102名清教徒登上“五月花”号帆船,于12月26日到达了美国的普利茅斯港,准备开始新的生活。然而,这些移民根本不适应当地环境,第一年冬天过后,只有50人幸存。第二年春天,当地印第安人送给他们很多必需品,并教会他们如何在这块土地上耕作。这一年秋天,移民们获得了大丰收,11月底,移民们请来印第安人共享玉米、南瓜、火鸡等制作成的佳肴,感谢他们的帮助,感谢上帝赐予了一个大丰收。自此,感恩节变成了美国的固定节日。 The early 17th century, British Puritans were persecuted.September 1620, 102 pilgrims boarded the "Mayflower" was sailing on Dec. 26 to reach the U.S. port of Plymouth, ready to begin a new life.However, these immigrants are not suited to the local environment, the winter after the first year, only 50 survived.Spring, the local Indians to give them a lot of necessities, and to teach them how to farm this land.This year the fall harvest immigrants received, by the end of November, immigrants are invited to share Indian corn, pumpkin, turkey and other delicacies produced, for their help, Thank God for a good harvest.Since then, the Thanksgiving holiday to become the U.S. Fixed.

11. What is the essence of American Puritanism ?

清教,基督教新教派别之一。16世纪出现于英国。该派反对国王和主教的专制。主张清除国教会所保留的天主教旧制度,简化仪式,提倡过勤俭清洁的生活,故名清教。 清教徒并不是一种严格意义上派别,而是一种态度,一种倾向,一种价值观,它是对信徒群体的一种统称。。他们主张简单、实在、上帝面前人人平等的信徒生活 Puritan, Protestant factions.Appeared in the 16th century, the United Kingdom.The faction opposed to the autocratic king and bishop.Advocated removal States Catholic Church retained the old

system, simplify the ceremony, too thrifty to promote clean living, hence the name Puritanism.Puritan factions is not a strict sense, but rather an attitude, a tendency to a value, it is the followers of a group collectively..They argued that simple, really, everyone is equal before God, the faithful life

12. What is the lost generation ?


Lost Generation, appeared in the United States after World War I, a literary genre.After the First World War, the United States, one after another to board a group of young literary writers.They are not only the same age, and experience similar to ideas similar sentiments, in writing to show much in common, and gradually form a new literary genre."Lost Generation" refers to young people growing up after World War I, their trauma of war have lost faith in life, but they did not lose the desire of human nature.

13. What are the characteristics of American writing during the

Romantic period ?

这一时期大多数美国文学作品中, 普遍强调文学的想象力和情感因素, 注重生动的描写、异国情调的表达、感官的体会和对超自然力的描述。美国作家特别注意感情的自由表达和人物的心理描写。作品中的主人公富有敏感激动的特质。注重表现个人和普通人是这一时期作品的强烈倾向, 几乎成了美国的信仰。总的来说, 美国浪漫主义时期的文学上接英国文学传统, 下开美国文学之风。虽然美国文学受到外国文学的影响, 但这一时期著名的文学作品表现的却是富有美国色彩的浪漫主义思想。

During this period most of the works of American literature, literature in general emphasizes imagination and emotional factors, focusing on vivid descriptions of exotic expression, sensory experience and description of supernatural power.American writers special attention to the free expression of feelings and characters of psychological description.Works sensitive emotional nature of the hero rich.Focus on the performance of individuals and ordinary people is a strong tendency to work in this period, almost a belief in the United States.Overall, the American Romantic period of literature on the British literary tradition then, under the open style of American literature.Although the American literature by the impact of foreign literature, but this time the performance of the famous literary works are full of romantic ideas the U.S. colors.

14. State the background for the American Civil Rights movement?


After World War II the United States is a tolerant of racism, discrimination of black society.So African

Americans against apartheid and discrimination, the mass movement for democratic rights.The first 10 years after the war, African Americans for equality and freedom of movement is limited by the United States NAACP's struggle in the courts.Gradually extended to the whole country.

15. Make comments on women’s Liberation Movement.

提高妇女的政治地位, 保障妇女平等享有参与政治生活的权力, 使妇也能成为国家主人的一份子, 为推动社会进步和政治民主化进程作出贡献

Increase women's political status, to protect women's equal right to participate in political life, the power, so that women can become part of masters of the country, to promote social progress and contribute to the process of political democratization

16. What is the Ivy league ? Name at least 4 of its member. 常春藤联盟由美国东北部之八所学校组合而成:布朗大学(Brown )、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia )、康乃尔大学(Cornell )、达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth )、哈佛大学(Harvard )、宾州大学(Pennsylvania )、普林斯顿大学(Princeton )、及耶鲁大学(Yale )。根据一种理论," 常春藤联盟" 之原名应追溯到1937年,一位纽约报作者铸造了此名词,因美国最古老及最菁英的学校建筑物均被常春藤覆盖住。另外一个理论对此名词的解释则较为古老,来自较早称之为" 四联盟" (Four Leage)的运动协会,成员包括哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学、和耶鲁大学。根据第二个理论,在保持学术传统之时," 四联盟" (Four Leage)被写为罗马数字的" 四联盟" (IV League)。读英文字母时,"IV" 有著和"Ivy" 同样的发音。不论何种理论是正确的,到1954年时," 常春藤联盟" 一词被正式形成沿用。

Ivy League from the northeastern United S tates, composed of eight schools: Brown University (Brown), Columbia University (Columbia), Cornell University (Cornell), Dartmouth College (Dartmouth), Harvard University (Harvard), BinState University (Pennsylvania), Princeton University (Princeton), and Yale University (Yale).According to one theory, the "Ivy League" of the original name should be traced back to 1937, a report on the New York cast of this term, because of America's oldest and most elite ivy covered school buildings were occupied.Another theory to explain this term is more ancient, from the earlier known as the "Four League" (Four Leage) sports associations, members of Columbia University, Harvard University, Princeton University, and Yale University.Under the second theory, in maintaining the academic tradition, the "four Union" (Four Leage) are written as Roman numerals "IV League" (IV League).Reading in English letters, "IV" has and "Ivy" the same pronunciation.Whatever the theory is correct, to 1954, the "Ivy League" has been officially formed in use.


1. What are the general features of Britain’s independent school ? (Independentschool ),简单地说就是财务独立于政府的私立学校,也就是部分或完全不接受政府财源的学校。独立学校和国立学校(Stateschool )相对而立,前者的财源主要来自于学生的学费和部分慈善组织的捐款,后者则完全或大部分依赖政府拨款。独立学校不只是财源独立,其入学政策和教学课程也是独立的,独立学校不必按照国家订的课程来教学,但是大部分的独立学校都以国家订的教学课程作为最低基础。简单地说,英国教育系统中的独立学校,就是要缴学费才能读的学校,也就是私校的意思,国立学校则是免费的。不论怎么看,就读独立学校的学生毕竟只占少数,绝大多数的学生还是在公立,或者说是国立学校就读。那么独立学校凭什么让人花钱受教育呢?简单地说就是靠教学成绩来吸引学生。根据统计,有92%的独立学校毕业生能够上大学,而且当中的绝大多数都能按照自己选择的学科和就读心中理想的大学,这是因为独立学校的学生成绩好,能够拿到的申请大学的总积分较高。除了教学成绩之外,传统上来讲,英国社会的精英阶级都是独立学校出身的,因为这样,独立学校也培养出英国社会的精英阶级,这是一种循环。最近有调查指出,英国下议院议员有三分之一是读私校出身,上议院更有将近三分之二的议员都是接受私校教育,等于是说,英国管理国家的精英阶级就读私校的比率远远高出整体人口就读私校的比例。

( Independentschool ), in short is the independent private schools, it is partially or fully accept the government resources to schools. separate schools and the national school ( stateschool ) stand facing, the relative wealth comes mainly from the student fees and part of the organization of charitable donations, and the latter all or most dependent on government funding.Independent school is not only financial resources, its own admission policy and the teaching programmes is also independent, independent schools need not in accordance with state for lessons to teach, but most of the independent schools in the country for teaching classes as a minimum. in short, the education system is independent schools. tuition can read the school, the private school, national school is free.

2. Why is the united States was regarded as a “melting pot” and a “salad ” ?

美国的人口由来自不同种族、国籍和宗教的多个民族群体组成。如此多的群体最终形成某一共同的文化生活,拥有共同的社会价值观。我们将这个过程称作“同化”。学者们对于美国目前的同化程度意见不一,有些人将美国称作“熔炉”,认为不同种族和民族间已经发生融合,形成了同一种文化。其他人则倾向于把美国比作“ 色拉碗” ,认为不同群体间仍相对独立和存在差异,这导致了整个国家呈现出了一种文化的多样性。

U.S. population from different races, nationalities and religious composition of the various ethnic groups.So many groups in the final formation of a common cultural life, a common social values.We will call this process "assimilation."The scholars of assimilation for the current U.S. level of disagreement, some people will the United States as "melting pot", that between different racial and ethnic integration has occurred, forming the same kind of culture.Other people tend to compare the United States "salad bowl" that different groups were still relatively independent, and there are differences, which led to the Zheng Ge Cheng Xian Chu State had one kind of cultural diversity.

3. Why did America change its policy and enter World War Two ? 因为一战时期的巨大伤亡,加上战后瓜分世界的巴黎和会,都没有为美国带来巨大的利益。

所以在二战初期,美国国内的孤立情绪高涨。 而依靠民意当选总统的罗斯福当然不能违抗民意。所以只能在权力允许的范围内打擦边球。比如给珍珠港增加战备力量,利用租界法案给英国借驱逐舰、商船、物资。 但是1941年12月7日清晨,日本海军的航空母舰舰载飞机和微型潜艇突然袭击美国海军太平洋舰队在夏威夷基地珍珠港以及美国陆军和海军在欧胡岛上的飞机场。太平洋战争由此爆发。 日本对美国宣战,美国对日本宣战,而脑子少了根经的希特勒按照《德意日三国同盟条约》对美国宣战。(只对苏联共同宣战,没有规定对美国共同作战,而德国对苏联作战之后,小日本并没有对苏联作战) 美国才正式的参加了二战。

For a period of war casualties, and after the partition of the paris peace conference and the united states brought about great interest. in early in world war ii, the united states domestic isolation spirits. but the early morning of december 7, 1941, japanese attacked pearl harbor and the united states navy had suddenly the united states of the army and naval 欧胡岛 the airport. the pacific war broke out in the united states. the japanese war, the united states declared war on japan's declaration to the united states. the united states of the world war ii

4. What were Nixon ’s well —known contributions during his


1972年访华,成为首位访华的美国总统。使中美关系出现重大转机与发展。在尼克松的任期内,将美国军队撤出了 越南 ,逐渐结束了那场使国家陷入危机的战争。

China in 1972 and became the first us president to visit. sino-us relations in the major transit and development. during nixon's term of office within the united states the army pulled out of vietnam and gradually over the left the country in danger of war.

5. What was the cause of the American Civil War ?

美国内战爆发的根本原因,在于“两种社会制度即奴隶制度与自由劳动制度之间的 斗争”。美国独立后,南方和北方沿着两条不同的道路发展。在北方,资本主义经济发 展迅速。而在南方,则实行的是种植园黑 人奴隶制度。南方奴隶制度严重窒息了北方工商业的发展,南北矛盾和斗争自19世纪起日趋激烈。斗争主要 围绕西部土地展开。北方要求在西部地区发展资本主义,限制甚至禁止奴隶制度的扩大; 南方则力图在西部甚至全国扩展奴隶制度。双方矛盾到19世纪50年代在局部地区已酿成 武装冲突。在奴隶主的进逼面前,北方人民发起了声势浩大的“废奴运动”,南方黑奴 也不断展开暴动。在人民斗争的推动下,北方资产阶级开始主张废除奴隶制度。1854年 共和党成立,1860年,反对奴隶制的共和党人林肯当选为总统,这预示了奴隶制度的末 日。于是,南方7州退出联邦,1861年2月建立了一个新“国家”——“美利坚诸州联 盟”,定都里士满。4月12日,南方军队炮击并于14日占领了联邦军的萨姆特要塞,挑 起了内战(又称“南北战争”)。

The root cause of the civil war broke out in the "two systems with freedom or slavery the struggle between labour system". the independence, the southern and northern down two different road development. in the north, a capitalist economic outlook rapidly. in the south, a plantation black slavery. the slavery serious suffocating the industrial and commercial development and civil strife and conflict since the nineteenth century is an increasingly fierce.In 1860, abraham lincoln fought against slavery republican president, this presupposes the end of the slavery。12 april, the southern

troops fired on the fourteenth army occupied the fort sumter on the civil war

6. What are the two charactristics of the U.S constitutions ? 1、美国宪法是成文宪法。美国是世界上最早制定成文宪法的国家,此宪法于1787年通过,1789年生效。其中,值得一提的是,北美独立宣言被美国学者视为探索美国延续过程的象征,它确认了" 天赋人权" 、" 人民主权" 的原则。邦联条例是美国的第一个宪法性文件,这两个历史性文献促成美国制定一部成文宪法来巩固资产阶级胜利成果。


1, the U.S. Constitution was written constitution.The United States is the world's oldest writ ten constitution developed countries, this constitution was passed in 1787, entered into force in 1789.One, it is worth mentioning that the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. scholars in North America as a continuation of the process of exploring the symbol of the United States, it recognized the "natural rights", "popular sovereignty" principle.Confederation of the United S tates the first constitutional document, the two historical documents led to the formulation of a written constitution the United States to consolidate the achievements of bourgeois success.

2, has strong adaptability.The U.S. Constitution is the world's longest constitution applies, which lasted over 200 years.This is because the U.S. capitalist system of private ownership has not changed, the political situation is relatively stable, no restoration, and anti-restoration often struggle to carry out its constitution only minor repairs can be applied, and the provisions of the Constitution of the United States have some flexibility, whilethe United States through the amendment, judicial review, practice, etc. to adapt to the changing relationship of class forces, which meet the conditions of change and development of the United States.

7. What are the qualifications for a senator and a Representative

respectively ?


Senator is in office when the qualification must be at least 30 years of age, have U.S. citizenship must be more than 9 years, the election must be residents of the state elections.When assuming office, the House of Representatives must be at least 25 years of age, have U.S. citizenship must be more than seven years, the election must be residents of the constituency.

8. What are the major powers of the supreme court ?


邦或州的立法或行政行为是否违宪。不论是初审案件,还是复审案件,都是终审判决。 The United S tates Constitution, the Supreme Court involving ambassadors, other diplomats and consular as well as a state party to the proceedings have original jurisdiction of cases; on the state Supreme Court or the Federal Court of Appeal heard the case, the right to review the legal issues; the right to award"transfer trial order", stressed the lower federal courts or state trial court cases.Supreme Court also has the right to judicial review, review the federal or state legislative or administrative action is unconstitutional.Whether the trial of cases, or review of the case are final.

9. How does an American university choose its appplicants ?

申请到美国留学必须提供的语言考试成绩是TOEFL 成绩。美国大学对申请入学者并无统一TOEFL 录取分数线。大部分美国大学对申请读研究生课程的新生,要求TOEFL 分数达到550分以上。近年来,美国有些学校对申请者也要求必须提供TSE 英语口语测试成绩证明。另外,只有那些在报考专业方面学有所长的考生才可能被录取。

Apply to study in the United States must provide the language test scores is TOEFL scores.Those who apply for admission to American universities there is no unity on the TOEFL minimum qualifications.Most U.S. university students for graduate school courses require TOEFL score of 550 points or more.In recent years, some schools also require applicants to provide TSE Test of Spoken English scores.In addition, only those registered for professional candidates who excel in skills can be admitted.

10. What are the origins of Thanksgiving Day ?

17世纪初,英国的清教徒遭到迫害。1620年9月,102名清教徒登上“五月花”号帆船,于12月26日到达了美国的普利茅斯港,准备开始新的生活。然而,这些移民根本不适应当地环境,第一年冬天过后,只有50人幸存。第二年春天,当地印第安人送给他们很多必需品,并教会他们如何在这块土地上耕作。这一年秋天,移民们获得了大丰收,11月底,移民们请来印第安人共享玉米、南瓜、火鸡等制作成的佳肴,感谢他们的帮助,感谢上帝赐予了一个大丰收。自此,感恩节变成了美国的固定节日。 The early 17th century, British Puritans were persecuted.September 1620, 102 pilgrims boarded the "Mayflower" was sailing on Dec. 26 to reach the U.S. port of Plymouth, ready to begin a new life.However, these immigrants are not suited to the local environment, the winter after the first year, only 50 survived.Spring, the local Indians to give them a lot of necessities, and to teach them how to farm this land.This year the fall harvest immigrants received, by the end of November, immigrants are invited to share Indian corn, pumpkin, turkey and other delicacies produced, for their help, Thank God for a good harvest.Since then, the Thanksgiving holiday to become the U.S. Fixed.

11. What is the essence of American Puritanism ?

清教,基督教新教派别之一。16世纪出现于英国。该派反对国王和主教的专制。主张清除国教会所保留的天主教旧制度,简化仪式,提倡过勤俭清洁的生活,故名清教。 清教徒并不是一种严格意义上派别,而是一种态度,一种倾向,一种价值观,它是对信徒群体的一种统称。。他们主张简单、实在、上帝面前人人平等的信徒生活 Puritan, Protestant factions.Appeared in the 16th century, the United Kingdom.The faction opposed to the autocratic king and bishop.Advocated removal States Catholic Church retained the old

system, simplify the ceremony, too thrifty to promote clean living, hence the name Puritanism.Puritan factions is not a strict sense, but rather an attitude, a tendency to a value, it is the followers of a group collectively..They argued that simple, really, everyone is equal before God, the faithful life

12. What is the lost generation ?


Lost Generation, appeared in the United States after World War I, a literary genre.After the First World War, the United States, one after another to board a group of young literary writers.They are not only the same age, and experience similar to ideas similar sentiments, in writing to show much in common, and gradually form a new literary genre."Lost Generation" refers to young people growing up after World War I, their trauma of war have lost faith in life, but they did not lose the desire of human nature.

13. What are the characteristics of American writing during the

Romantic period ?

这一时期大多数美国文学作品中, 普遍强调文学的想象力和情感因素, 注重生动的描写、异国情调的表达、感官的体会和对超自然力的描述。美国作家特别注意感情的自由表达和人物的心理描写。作品中的主人公富有敏感激动的特质。注重表现个人和普通人是这一时期作品的强烈倾向, 几乎成了美国的信仰。总的来说, 美国浪漫主义时期的文学上接英国文学传统, 下开美国文学之风。虽然美国文学受到外国文学的影响, 但这一时期著名的文学作品表现的却是富有美国色彩的浪漫主义思想。

During this period most of the works of American literature, literature in general emphasizes imagination and emotional factors, focusing on vivid descriptions of exotic expression, sensory experience and description of supernatural power.American writers special attention to the free expression of feelings and characters of psychological description.Works sensitive emotional nature of the hero rich.Focus on the performance of individuals and ordinary people is a strong tendency to work in this period, almost a belief in the United States.Overall, the American Romantic period of literature on the British literary tradition then, under the open style of American literature.Although the American literature by the impact of foreign literature, but this time the performance of the famous literary works are full of romantic ideas the U.S. colors.

14. State the background for the American Civil Rights movement?


After World War II the United States is a tolerant of racism, discrimination of black society.So African

Americans against apartheid and discrimination, the mass movement for democratic rights.The first 10 years after the war, African Americans for equality and freedom of movement is limited by the United States NAACP's struggle in the courts.Gradually extended to the whole country.

15. Make comments on women’s Liberation Movement.

提高妇女的政治地位, 保障妇女平等享有参与政治生活的权力, 使妇也能成为国家主人的一份子, 为推动社会进步和政治民主化进程作出贡献

Increase women's political status, to protect women's equal right to participate in political life, the power, so that women can become part of masters of the country, to promote social progress and contribute to the process of political democratization

16. What is the Ivy league ? Name at least 4 of its member. 常春藤联盟由美国东北部之八所学校组合而成:布朗大学(Brown )、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia )、康乃尔大学(Cornell )、达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth )、哈佛大学(Harvard )、宾州大学(Pennsylvania )、普林斯顿大学(Princeton )、及耶鲁大学(Yale )。根据一种理论," 常春藤联盟" 之原名应追溯到1937年,一位纽约报作者铸造了此名词,因美国最古老及最菁英的学校建筑物均被常春藤覆盖住。另外一个理论对此名词的解释则较为古老,来自较早称之为" 四联盟" (Four Leage)的运动协会,成员包括哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学、和耶鲁大学。根据第二个理论,在保持学术传统之时," 四联盟" (Four Leage)被写为罗马数字的" 四联盟" (IV League)。读英文字母时,"IV" 有著和"Ivy" 同样的发音。不论何种理论是正确的,到1954年时," 常春藤联盟" 一词被正式形成沿用。

Ivy League from the northeastern United S tates, composed of eight schools: Brown University (Brown), Columbia University (Columbia), Cornell University (Cornell), Dartmouth College (Dartmouth), Harvard University (Harvard), BinState University (Pennsylvania), Princeton University (Princeton), and Yale University (Yale).According to one theory, the "Ivy League" of the original name should be traced back to 1937, a report on the New York cast of this term, because of America's oldest and most elite ivy covered school buildings were occupied.Another theory to explain this term is more ancient, from the earlier known as the "Four League" (Four Leage) sports associations, members of Columbia University, Harvard University, Princeton University, and Yale University.Under the second theory, in maintaining the academic tradition, the "four Union" (Four Leage) are written as Roman numerals "IV League" (IV League).Reading in English letters, "IV" has and "Ivy" the same pronunciation.Whatever the theory is correct, to 1954, the "Ivy League" has been officially formed in use.



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