

题 目:An Analysis Of Difference

学 院: 南方学院

专 业: 计算机科学与技术

学 号: 090801215

学生姓名: 秦 赟

任课教师: 吴雪峰


1.Introduction: China as a country has a long history and American as a short time but the most powerful country all have its different educational system. This determines the country’s future. This article discusses the differences from different aspects and compare the differences. Try to find the best way to all the two countries.


2.1 First of all, two countries elementary education teaching target is different.

In China, our education teaching target is making our children to be more and more so-called smart. Make they learn how to add and subtract just when they are only two or three years old. Children in China almost spend their childhood to learn things. In my mind, I almost every weekend time is learn English, or study playing piano. The truly weekend for I to relax is rare. But in American is just the opposite. Elementary education in the United States, the only one objective is to cultivate children's creativity. They spent their times with friends playing in the garden or other places.

2.2 Second, there are differences in the concept of knowledge between two countries. It is important to teach students show respect to the knowledge and authority in China. They told students: “The answer is the only”. So the others are not right. This kind of education is killing the students' creativity. I think, students in American are lucky. Because of the American pay more attention to train students to use the knowledge, but not follow them. They always could have their own opinion about everything. They can say everything is wrong until they realize who is truly wrong. The students in American don’t believe the answer is the only one. They can hold their personal idea until they give up so far.

2.3 Differences in family education.

Child in American family, when he was young, he has to face a strict management. Parents make a lot of rules to constraints children. If they broke the rule, they must face the punishment. But when they grew up, they don’t have so many rules. They can do everything they want. Parents just give some advices, they don’t ask to do something. In China, it’s exactly the opposite. When we are young, we have the whole world. We can get anything we want, especially boys. But when we are young people, our parents begin to ask us to do what they wish us to do. We don’t have our freedom

and we can’t do something we like to do.

People in American pay more attention to train children’s responsibility. This make American young people more independent than Chinese young people. In a college, there a large amount of young people who good at study, but poor ability. They can study well, but they don’t know how to get well with their friend. Even, they can’t live without parents. They can’t wash their dirty clothes.

2.4 Differences in curriculum setting in school.

2.4.1 All students use the same book.

In China, all the students have to study the same classes based on the education outline. For example, when I am a high-school student, I have a maths, Chinese, English, physics and so on unfiled regulation lessons. And, everyone in my school or in my city is the same. If you don’t like English, sorry, you have no choice. You must learn English, because there is no other foreign language book for you to study. I also have a PE class once a week, but when I was the third year high school students, I have to say goodbye to my PE class. Because of I have to face the most important exam in my life. I have to spend all of my time to study harder. Only In this way, I can go to a good college and have a better life in my future.

2.4.2 Different people different choices.

Different of us students in China, the American students have a lot of choices. They can choose study Spanish, French, Latin and so on. Instead of we have to study English during the six years of high school time (Even now the students in elementary school also have to study English ). There are also some special lessons in American school. One of my classmates told me when he first come to his new school in Boston, he is very nervous. When his first class begin in a foreign country, he suddenly found this lesson’s name is “family life” class. In this class, teacher and students don’t have a book. They just talk and do everything in a people’s life, such as like, sewing, cooking and mending things. This class is teaching students things which are outside books. These tings is the basic things to keep a person alive. It taught the students how necessary for living in the world.

2.5 Differences in education mode and selects talented student system

2.5.1 The education mode

As I mentioned before, students in China were told “The answer is the only” when they are little. And this opinion will accompany their lifetime. But let’s make an assumption. If Copernicus believe in “The sun going around the earth”, no one could say this is wrong. Maybe now we still think the earth is the center of the universe. Just because of him don’t believe in it. He can say “It’s wrong”. So we knew the truth, the sun is the center of the universe. The education in China is make student use the only way to find the only answer, and make students remember it.

One of my friends studying in Columbia University told me that teacher in American just lead students to understand and get the correct answer which all people consistent, in the other hand they give students enough space to imagine the deeper place.

2.5.2 The system of selecting talented student

In China, I think nobody don’t heard about “The college entrance examination”. It can be looked as the most important examination in a person’s life. Because of the huge number of Chinese population, there may be ten students join in the competition and only one can get the chance to enter the college. It is a war happening once a year. The score is the only thing can evaluation your 20 years study times. And you almost have the only one chance. But in American, this is very different. Students have at least one examination in every year. So, if you are failed in the first examination. It doesn’t matter. You have another chance to prove yourself. On the other hand, your score is not the only thing can make you whether get into a college or not. There still have others, just like your performance in community service, your character and quality. Etc. These are all decisions you can enter the university.

3.Conclusion: Chinese educational system is not very good. It pays more attention to the student’s score about the book, but ignore the ability's development. This make young people have a high IQ and a little EQ. Chinese student have a very solid foundation. They can plus a very hard number without calculator or they can recite

famous person’s famous word. But, they have poor innovation ability. China should pay more attention to teach students what is innovation and how to improve it. Only in this way, China will follow the world’s steps and at last China will get more and more powerful.

Students in American is opposite. They have a strong ability on innovation but they ignore the importance of basic. It is caused by its educational system. So, American students should pay more attention to back to the book and try their best to remember something what is the most important.

Education is a kind of cultural phenomenon. Different cultural makes different education, but it is not true to insist on the old one. With the development of the world, the old way is not fit for nowadays. Only way is to reference the other country’s better one and fix up with ours, try our best to create a new way to teach students. Then, the students will follow the world and also I believe they can make more contribution to our country.


[2] 胡裴.《中美教育对比》

[3] http://

[4] http://www.edu.cn/20011105/3008262.shtml


题 目:An Analysis Of Difference

学 院: 南方学院

专 业: 计算机科学与技术

学 号: 090801215

学生姓名: 秦 赟

任课教师: 吴雪峰


1.Introduction: China as a country has a long history and American as a short time but the most powerful country all have its different educational system. This determines the country’s future. This article discusses the differences from different aspects and compare the differences. Try to find the best way to all the two countries.


2.1 First of all, two countries elementary education teaching target is different.

In China, our education teaching target is making our children to be more and more so-called smart. Make they learn how to add and subtract just when they are only two or three years old. Children in China almost spend their childhood to learn things. In my mind, I almost every weekend time is learn English, or study playing piano. The truly weekend for I to relax is rare. But in American is just the opposite. Elementary education in the United States, the only one objective is to cultivate children's creativity. They spent their times with friends playing in the garden or other places.

2.2 Second, there are differences in the concept of knowledge between two countries. It is important to teach students show respect to the knowledge and authority in China. They told students: “The answer is the only”. So the others are not right. This kind of education is killing the students' creativity. I think, students in American are lucky. Because of the American pay more attention to train students to use the knowledge, but not follow them. They always could have their own opinion about everything. They can say everything is wrong until they realize who is truly wrong. The students in American don’t believe the answer is the only one. They can hold their personal idea until they give up so far.

2.3 Differences in family education.

Child in American family, when he was young, he has to face a strict management. Parents make a lot of rules to constraints children. If they broke the rule, they must face the punishment. But when they grew up, they don’t have so many rules. They can do everything they want. Parents just give some advices, they don’t ask to do something. In China, it’s exactly the opposite. When we are young, we have the whole world. We can get anything we want, especially boys. But when we are young people, our parents begin to ask us to do what they wish us to do. We don’t have our freedom

and we can’t do something we like to do.

People in American pay more attention to train children’s responsibility. This make American young people more independent than Chinese young people. In a college, there a large amount of young people who good at study, but poor ability. They can study well, but they don’t know how to get well with their friend. Even, they can’t live without parents. They can’t wash their dirty clothes.

2.4 Differences in curriculum setting in school.

2.4.1 All students use the same book.

In China, all the students have to study the same classes based on the education outline. For example, when I am a high-school student, I have a maths, Chinese, English, physics and so on unfiled regulation lessons. And, everyone in my school or in my city is the same. If you don’t like English, sorry, you have no choice. You must learn English, because there is no other foreign language book for you to study. I also have a PE class once a week, but when I was the third year high school students, I have to say goodbye to my PE class. Because of I have to face the most important exam in my life. I have to spend all of my time to study harder. Only In this way, I can go to a good college and have a better life in my future.

2.4.2 Different people different choices.

Different of us students in China, the American students have a lot of choices. They can choose study Spanish, French, Latin and so on. Instead of we have to study English during the six years of high school time (Even now the students in elementary school also have to study English ). There are also some special lessons in American school. One of my classmates told me when he first come to his new school in Boston, he is very nervous. When his first class begin in a foreign country, he suddenly found this lesson’s name is “family life” class. In this class, teacher and students don’t have a book. They just talk and do everything in a people’s life, such as like, sewing, cooking and mending things. This class is teaching students things which are outside books. These tings is the basic things to keep a person alive. It taught the students how necessary for living in the world.

2.5 Differences in education mode and selects talented student system

2.5.1 The education mode

As I mentioned before, students in China were told “The answer is the only” when they are little. And this opinion will accompany their lifetime. But let’s make an assumption. If Copernicus believe in “The sun going around the earth”, no one could say this is wrong. Maybe now we still think the earth is the center of the universe. Just because of him don’t believe in it. He can say “It’s wrong”. So we knew the truth, the sun is the center of the universe. The education in China is make student use the only way to find the only answer, and make students remember it.

One of my friends studying in Columbia University told me that teacher in American just lead students to understand and get the correct answer which all people consistent, in the other hand they give students enough space to imagine the deeper place.

2.5.2 The system of selecting talented student

In China, I think nobody don’t heard about “The college entrance examination”. It can be looked as the most important examination in a person’s life. Because of the huge number of Chinese population, there may be ten students join in the competition and only one can get the chance to enter the college. It is a war happening once a year. The score is the only thing can evaluation your 20 years study times. And you almost have the only one chance. But in American, this is very different. Students have at least one examination in every year. So, if you are failed in the first examination. It doesn’t matter. You have another chance to prove yourself. On the other hand, your score is not the only thing can make you whether get into a college or not. There still have others, just like your performance in community service, your character and quality. Etc. These are all decisions you can enter the university.

3.Conclusion: Chinese educational system is not very good. It pays more attention to the student’s score about the book, but ignore the ability's development. This make young people have a high IQ and a little EQ. Chinese student have a very solid foundation. They can plus a very hard number without calculator or they can recite

famous person’s famous word. But, they have poor innovation ability. China should pay more attention to teach students what is innovation and how to improve it. Only in this way, China will follow the world’s steps and at last China will get more and more powerful.

Students in American is opposite. They have a strong ability on innovation but they ignore the importance of basic. It is caused by its educational system. So, American students should pay more attention to back to the book and try their best to remember something what is the most important.

Education is a kind of cultural phenomenon. Different cultural makes different education, but it is not true to insist on the old one. With the development of the world, the old way is not fit for nowadays. Only way is to reference the other country’s better one and fix up with ours, try our best to create a new way to teach students. Then, the students will follow the world and also I believe they can make more contribution to our country.


[2] 胡裴.《中美教育对比》

[3] http://

[4] http://www.edu.cn/20011105/3008262.shtml


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