


关键词: 绍兴;干菜;猪肉;蒸煮;咸香

Shaoxing Stewed Pork with Preserved Vegetable

Dry Preserved Vegetable is shaoxing local specialties, has a long history. Dry Preserved V egetables are made from salted pickled vegetables by dry in sun. Some Dry Preserved V egetables are also mixed with bamboo shoots which make it much tastier. Due to easily making and long-term preservation, almost every family of Shaoxing villagers process Dry Preserved V egetable . The main making procedures of Stewed Pork with Preserved Vegetable process are as follows: First Dry Preserved V egetable is soaked with clear water to reduce salty and drain, and washed pork belly is appropriately fried. Second, the Dry Preserved V egetable and the pork both mixed together in the appropriate container, add appropriate sugar, no water, and put into steamer for almost eight hours by slow-fire cooking until pork is quite tender. At this time, the Dry Preserved V egetable aroma completely infiltrate into the pork, and the pork oil is also well-absorbed by the Dry Preserved V egetable , and the pork fat is rather tender but not greasy, and Dry Preserved V egetable is also getting light dark. Because the dish stimulate appetite when you eat some with rice, Stewed Pork with Preserved Vegetable is popular in Shaoxing, which is called "very salty but delicious". Keywords: shaoxing, dried vegetable, pork, steaming, salty and fragrant



关键词: 绍兴;干菜;猪肉;蒸煮;咸香

Shaoxing Stewed Pork with Preserved Vegetable

Dry Preserved Vegetable is shaoxing local specialties, has a long history. Dry Preserved V egetables are made from salted pickled vegetables by dry in sun. Some Dry Preserved V egetables are also mixed with bamboo shoots which make it much tastier. Due to easily making and long-term preservation, almost every family of Shaoxing villagers process Dry Preserved V egetable . The main making procedures of Stewed Pork with Preserved Vegetable process are as follows: First Dry Preserved V egetable is soaked with clear water to reduce salty and drain, and washed pork belly is appropriately fried. Second, the Dry Preserved V egetable and the pork both mixed together in the appropriate container, add appropriate sugar, no water, and put into steamer for almost eight hours by slow-fire cooking until pork is quite tender. At this time, the Dry Preserved V egetable aroma completely infiltrate into the pork, and the pork oil is also well-absorbed by the Dry Preserved V egetable , and the pork fat is rather tender but not greasy, and Dry Preserved V egetable is also getting light dark. Because the dish stimulate appetite when you eat some with rice, Stewed Pork with Preserved Vegetable is popular in Shaoxing, which is called "very salty but delicious". Keywords: shaoxing, dried vegetable, pork, steaming, salty and fragrant


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