
MY Suggestions on the Bank

As a service industry, qualified service is the essence of the bank and the China Citic Bank is no exception. Only by increasing the sense of providing good service and shifting the concept of service can the whole level of the service be improved.


First: improving the quality of the service

Qualified service shows the management level of a bank. Therefore, in the process of carrying on the strategy of qualified service, the bank should rely on the management system strictly. It includes the post standard, wearing the same uniform, the suitable expression in communicating with the clients, which should also be the criterion observed by all the employees. In addition, enhancing the training education, improving the business skills and creating good service environment are also needed.

Second: improving the popularity and reputation among the public Establishing and completing service awareness and service action of the employees, establishing the awareness that clients come first and serving the clients actively. Inside the bank, intensive exam, mock test and sudden inspection are necessary, which can urge the employers to master the content of the qualified service. Outside, promotion is needed

via newspapers, radio station and TV station etc to broaden the social influence.

During the development of the bank, although the innovation is important, rethinking its process is of great significance, such as thinking of the real need of the clients, continually amending the work flow,being close to the real need of the public and conducting the marketing honestly.

Then I believe, in the heart of the public, such a bank can be their primary choice. And the bank can rank first in the industry.

MY Suggestions on the Bank

As a service industry, qualified service is the essence of the bank and the China Citic Bank is no exception. Only by increasing the sense of providing good service and shifting the concept of service can the whole level of the service be improved.


First: improving the quality of the service

Qualified service shows the management level of a bank. Therefore, in the process of carrying on the strategy of qualified service, the bank should rely on the management system strictly. It includes the post standard, wearing the same uniform, the suitable expression in communicating with the clients, which should also be the criterion observed by all the employees. In addition, enhancing the training education, improving the business skills and creating good service environment are also needed.

Second: improving the popularity and reputation among the public Establishing and completing service awareness and service action of the employees, establishing the awareness that clients come first and serving the clients actively. Inside the bank, intensive exam, mock test and sudden inspection are necessary, which can urge the employers to master the content of the qualified service. Outside, promotion is needed

via newspapers, radio station and TV station etc to broaden the social influence.

During the development of the bank, although the innovation is important, rethinking its process is of great significance, such as thinking of the real need of the clients, continually amending the work flow,being close to the real need of the public and conducting the marketing honestly.

Then I believe, in the heart of the public, such a bank can be their primary choice. And the bank can rank first in the industry.


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