
This guide is provided free of charge

and is for use outside the UK only



You should read this information guide to help you decide w hich documents may be useful in supporting the statements that you have made on your visa application form.


Please note that all the specified documents must be original and in English or Welsh otherw ise you must include a certified English translation that can be independently verified by the Home Office.

请注意所有提交的文件都必须为英语或威尔士语原件,否则您必须同时提供可供内政部独立核查的英文翻译件。 支持材料指南 计点积分制第四层级(普通)

You should also read the policy guidance on the .


Sponsor – evidence if you are not applying to study English language

担保方 – 申请非英语语言课程的材料

Confirmation of Acceptance for

Studies (CAS)

录取确认函(CAS) Before you can apply for permission to enter or remain in the UK under Tier 4 (General), your education provider must assign a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) to you. This confirms that you have been given an

unconditional offer of a place on a course of study with a licensed Tier 4





Write your CAS reference number on your application form - your Tier 4 sponsor

will give you the reference number.



Sponsor – evidence if you are applying to study English language

担保方 – 申请英语语言课程的材料

Assessment based on your


对您学历的评估 If your Tier 4 sponsor has assessed your qualifications in order to assign your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), you must send us these qualifications with your application. Each certificate of qualification or transcript

must be the original (not a copy). 如果您的第四层级担保方评估了您的学历并



You will need to know what evidence your Tier 4 sponsor has included on your

CAS, so that you can include it with your application. You must get this

information directly from your Tier 4 sponsor before you apply. 您必须了解您



Further guidance on CAS can be found on the page on the GOV.UK website.


ATAS certificates 学术技术审核计划证书

Post graduate doctor or dentist 医生或牙医研究生

Evidence of your money 您的资金证明

Further guidance on money requirements can be found on the page on the GOV.UK website. 更多资金要求指南,请参考Gov.UK网站学习类签证页面。

Evidence about your care arrangements for students aged 16 or 17 16 或17 岁学生照顾安排相关材料

If you are 16 or 17 years old, you must

show that your proposed care

arrangement is acceptable.



You must have parental consent to travel to the UK. You must provide a letter from your parent(s) or legal guardian, confirming: 只有获得父母允许您才能前往英国。您必须提供父母(一方或双方)或法定监护人的同意信,信中确认:  Your relationship with your parent(s) or legal guardian (accompanied by your birth certificate, adoption certificate or Court issued guardianship




 Your parent(s) or legal guardian's consent to your application;


 Your parent(s) or legal guardian's agreement to your living arrangements in

the UK; and


 Your parent(s) or legal guardian's agreement to the arrangements made for your travel to and reception in the UK.


If the letter is signed by only one parent or legal guardian, it must confirm that they have legal custody or sole responsibility for you. If they do not have sole custody, the letter must confirm that each parent or legal guardian agrees to the contents of the letter, and must be signed by each parent or legal guardian.


Bringing your family (dependants) 携家人同行(家属)


1 VER.07 April 2015

Further guidance on family members can be found on the page on the GOV.UK website.



2 VER.07 April 2015 更多关于家庭成员的指南,请参考GOV.UK网站

This guide is provided free of charge

and is for use outside the UK only



You should read this information guide to help you decide w hich documents may be useful in supporting the statements that you have made on your visa application form.


Please note that all the specified documents must be original and in English or Welsh otherw ise you must include a certified English translation that can be independently verified by the Home Office.

请注意所有提交的文件都必须为英语或威尔士语原件,否则您必须同时提供可供内政部独立核查的英文翻译件。 支持材料指南 计点积分制第四层级(普通)

You should also read the policy guidance on the .


Sponsor – evidence if you are not applying to study English language

担保方 – 申请非英语语言课程的材料

Confirmation of Acceptance for

Studies (CAS)

录取确认函(CAS) Before you can apply for permission to enter or remain in the UK under Tier 4 (General), your education provider must assign a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) to you. This confirms that you have been given an

unconditional offer of a place on a course of study with a licensed Tier 4





Write your CAS reference number on your application form - your Tier 4 sponsor

will give you the reference number.



Sponsor – evidence if you are applying to study English language

担保方 – 申请英语语言课程的材料

Assessment based on your


对您学历的评估 If your Tier 4 sponsor has assessed your qualifications in order to assign your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), you must send us these qualifications with your application. Each certificate of qualification or transcript

must be the original (not a copy). 如果您的第四层级担保方评估了您的学历并



You will need to know what evidence your Tier 4 sponsor has included on your

CAS, so that you can include it with your application. You must get this

information directly from your Tier 4 sponsor before you apply. 您必须了解您



Further guidance on CAS can be found on the page on the GOV.UK website.


ATAS certificates 学术技术审核计划证书

Post graduate doctor or dentist 医生或牙医研究生

Evidence of your money 您的资金证明

Further guidance on money requirements can be found on the page on the GOV.UK website. 更多资金要求指南,请参考Gov.UK网站学习类签证页面。

Evidence about your care arrangements for students aged 16 or 17 16 或17 岁学生照顾安排相关材料

If you are 16 or 17 years old, you must

show that your proposed care

arrangement is acceptable.



You must have parental consent to travel to the UK. You must provide a letter from your parent(s) or legal guardian, confirming: 只有获得父母允许您才能前往英国。您必须提供父母(一方或双方)或法定监护人的同意信,信中确认:  Your relationship with your parent(s) or legal guardian (accompanied by your birth certificate, adoption certificate or Court issued guardianship




 Your parent(s) or legal guardian's consent to your application;


 Your parent(s) or legal guardian's agreement to your living arrangements in

the UK; and


 Your parent(s) or legal guardian's agreement to the arrangements made for your travel to and reception in the UK.


If the letter is signed by only one parent or legal guardian, it must confirm that they have legal custody or sole responsibility for you. If they do not have sole custody, the letter must confirm that each parent or legal guardian agrees to the contents of the letter, and must be signed by each parent or legal guardian.


Bringing your family (dependants) 携家人同行(家属)


1 VER.07 April 2015

Further guidance on family members can be found on the page on the GOV.UK website.



2 VER.07 April 2015 更多关于家庭成员的指南,请参考GOV.UK网站


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