

P2 playground, library, garden , canteen打勾


P4 computer; This is…… pen; This is my bag; class; That

is…… desk; That is your fan

P5 ABA打勾


(3) 5134排序

P7(1)picture; wall; Is this a computer; desk; Is this a ball; it is; floor;Yes, it is; door

(2)at wall fan name 圈出来

P8 B c E d A a C e D b

P10(2) three five nine four one

(3) It’s four; PE; What time is it; seven


P12 he: me she be

Ten: egg bed desk we pen 连线

P13(1) time six at music five all nine eight tea 在图上圈出来

(2)C seven

B What time; It’s Chinese

A What time is it ;math

P14 BAB 打勾

P15 BAA 打勾

P17 15342 排序

P18(2) That is ;It’s ;That is ; It’s ; Are those ; it’s not ; is this ; It’s 圈出来

(3) CABD

P19 shirt ; colour ; white ; jacket; colour is it ; red ; dress ; What colour is it ; It’s


P20 T-shirt ; red ; What colour ; No ; it isn’t ; It’s yellow


P22(1)light ;socks ; dress ; gym ; English book 圈出来

(2)错 对 错 对 对

(3) This is a teacher’s desk

What time is it

It’s time for math class

P24(6) 5317246 排序


(8) 错 错 对 对

(9) What colour is it ; Is this your T –shirt ; What time is it ;

It’s time to play football

(10) 错 错 对 错

(12) CACBC

(13) math; English class; music class; Chinese class; PE class

P29 cold-Beijing warm-Lhasa hot-Shenzhen warm-kunming cool-Shanghai cold-Harbin

P30 BAAA 打勾

P31 football ; It’s today ; Let’s play ; pants ;It’s warm today ; Let’s play football ;

shoes; socks

P32 cloudy rainy snowy rainy windy 圈出来

P33 BCA 连线

P34 (2) sunny ; Is it cold ; snowy ; Is it cold

(3) lock hole fox no 圈出来


P38 对 对 错 对 对

P39 错 错 对 对

P40 (1) apple ; banana ; pear ; orange; watermelon ; How much are they ; It’s

(2) are they ; They’re ;They’re ; them ; is it; It’s ; It’s ;it


P42 ABA 圈出来

P43 No,they aren’t ; pig ;rabbit ; three ; Yes,they are ; I can see three ; A re they


P44 错 对 错 错 错 对

P45 ABB打勾

P46 Nine;rabbits ; Eleven ; geese ; Fifteen; How many pigs ; Fourteen ; How

many horses are there; Twelve


P48 13; pants ; socks; watermelon; football; cat ; shoes ;horse ; pig ; banana P49 对 对 错 对 对

P53 (7) PE:math music Chinese English

pink: white yellow blue green

fan: board desk floor wall

socks: sweater pants shirt shoes



(10) two fifteen ;four thirteen ; five twelve

(11) 错 错 错 对 对

(12) 左: cold dress T-shirt

右: warm skirt sweater pant

(13) 261534897排序

(14) That is my computer

It is warm today

What colour is her dress

How much are they

How many sheep are there

It’s time for music class


P2 playground, library, garden , canteen打勾


P4 computer; This is…… pen; This is my bag; class; That

is…… desk; That is your fan

P5 ABA打勾


(3) 5134排序

P7(1)picture; wall; Is this a computer; desk; Is this a ball; it is; floor;Yes, it is; door

(2)at wall fan name 圈出来

P8 B c E d A a C e D b

P10(2) three five nine four one

(3) It’s four; PE; What time is it; seven


P12 he: me she be

Ten: egg bed desk we pen 连线

P13(1) time six at music five all nine eight tea 在图上圈出来

(2)C seven

B What time; It’s Chinese

A What time is it ;math

P14 BAB 打勾

P15 BAA 打勾

P17 15342 排序

P18(2) That is ;It’s ;That is ; It’s ; Are those ; it’s not ; is this ; It’s 圈出来

(3) CABD

P19 shirt ; colour ; white ; jacket; colour is it ; red ; dress ; What colour is it ; It’s


P20 T-shirt ; red ; What colour ; No ; it isn’t ; It’s yellow


P22(1)light ;socks ; dress ; gym ; English book 圈出来

(2)错 对 错 对 对

(3) This is a teacher’s desk

What time is it

It’s time for math class

P24(6) 5317246 排序


(8) 错 错 对 对

(9) What colour is it ; Is this your T –shirt ; What time is it ;

It’s time to play football

(10) 错 错 对 错

(12) CACBC

(13) math; English class; music class; Chinese class; PE class

P29 cold-Beijing warm-Lhasa hot-Shenzhen warm-kunming cool-Shanghai cold-Harbin

P30 BAAA 打勾

P31 football ; It’s today ; Let’s play ; pants ;It’s warm today ; Let’s play football ;

shoes; socks

P32 cloudy rainy snowy rainy windy 圈出来

P33 BCA 连线

P34 (2) sunny ; Is it cold ; snowy ; Is it cold

(3) lock hole fox no 圈出来


P38 对 对 错 对 对

P39 错 错 对 对

P40 (1) apple ; banana ; pear ; orange; watermelon ; How much are they ; It’s

(2) are they ; They’re ;They’re ; them ; is it; It’s ; It’s ;it


P42 ABA 圈出来

P43 No,they aren’t ; pig ;rabbit ; three ; Yes,they are ; I can see three ; A re they


P44 错 对 错 错 错 对

P45 ABB打勾

P46 Nine;rabbits ; Eleven ; geese ; Fifteen; How many pigs ; Fourteen ; How

many horses are there; Twelve


P48 13; pants ; socks; watermelon; football; cat ; shoes ;horse ; pig ; banana P49 对 对 错 对 对

P53 (7) PE:math music Chinese English

pink: white yellow blue green

fan: board desk floor wall

socks: sweater pants shirt shoes



(10) two fifteen ;four thirteen ; five twelve

(11) 错 错 错 对 对

(12) 左: cold dress T-shirt

右: warm skirt sweater pant

(13) 261534897排序

(14) That is my computer

It is warm today

What colour is her dress

How much are they

How many sheep are there

It’s time for music class


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