
Zhou:Hello .Gald to meet you.

Wu :Hello .It’s already 12 o’clock where have you been?

Zhou:Hmm, it’s really a busy morning. I got up at 8 a.m. and spent three more hours in the library doing the tough mathshomework!Thanks to the God.I did it finally.

Wu :That’s a busy but meaningful moring.You may not believe it that when I woke up,it’s already 10 o’clock.A whole moring was wasted.I wish I could get up earlier.

Zhou:Yes.As it is colder,getting up early becomes a challenge.But don’t let laziness take up you.You are the monster of yourself.

Wu :You say it .By the way ,have you had lunch?

Zhou:No,i haven't.

Wu :Shall we eat together? Zhou:That’s a good idea.

Wu :I’m extremely hungry. Let’s go!

(In the dinning-hall)

Zhou:There’s a diversity of foods there.Sometimes it’s not easy to make a choice.

Wu :Yes,noodles, dumplings, roast

chicken,bakebeef,hot pot and so on. Zhou:Which do you prefer?

Wu :Hmm,what about the hot pot.There’s smaller one,just suitable for us.

Zhou:It can’t be more better.It seems delicious.

Wu :You know that it's fantastic to have hot pot in such cold weather!We can eat meat.vegetables and many others. Zhou:I can't wait it.Let's begin. Wu :Takecare.It'shot!Haha.

Zhou:Hello .Gald to meet you.

Wu :Hello .It’s already 12 o’clock where have you been?

Zhou:Hmm, it’s really a busy morning. I got up at 8 a.m. and spent three more hours in the library doing the tough mathshomework!Thanks to the God.I did it finally.

Wu :That’s a busy but meaningful moring.You may not believe it that when I woke up,it’s already 10 o’clock.A whole moring was wasted.I wish I could get up earlier.

Zhou:Yes.As it is colder,getting up early becomes a challenge.But don’t let laziness take up you.You are the monster of yourself.

Wu :You say it .By the way ,have you had lunch?

Zhou:No,i haven't.

Wu :Shall we eat together? Zhou:That’s a good idea.

Wu :I’m extremely hungry. Let’s go!

(In the dinning-hall)

Zhou:There’s a diversity of foods there.Sometimes it’s not easy to make a choice.

Wu :Yes,noodles, dumplings, roast

chicken,bakebeef,hot pot and so on. Zhou:Which do you prefer?

Wu :Hmm,what about the hot pot.There’s smaller one,just suitable for us.

Zhou:It can’t be more better.It seems delicious.

Wu :You know that it's fantastic to have hot pot in such cold weather!We can eat meat.vegetables and many others. Zhou:I can't wait it.Let's begin. Wu :Takecare.It'shot!Haha.


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