


二、主题句(topic sentence):可出现在段首、段中或段末;但一般来说都是在段首。





Advertisement can be a service to people(主题句)have been put into.

Some advertisements, however(转)(主题句). An advertisement like this, for examplenumber to his sheep.

products. Therefore1. “启”

generally speaking, it goes without saying that,

2. “承”常用词语:用来承接主题句或第一个展开句。

second, secondly, third, thirdly,

at the same time , meanwhile, by this time, from now on,

for example, for instance, for this purpose,

besides, in addition (to), furthermore, what’s more, moreover in the same manner, similarly, unlike

after, after a few days, after awhile,

certainly, of course

in fact, indeed

particularly, in particular

no doubt, obviously,

3. “转”常用词语:用来表示不同或相反语气

but, however, anyway, yet, otherwise, whereas

despite, in spite of, nevertheless, notwithstanding

luckily, fortunately, unfortunately

at the same time , by this time

after all(毕竟), all the same4. “ by and large(大体上,基本上), on the whole

in brief, briefly, in sum, in summary, to sum up, to summarize thus, hence, therefore, consequently, accordingly

as a result, as a consequence

to speak frankly, as has been noted, as I have said, by doing so



二、主题句(topic sentence):可出现在段首、段中或段末;但一般来说都是在段首。





Advertisement can be a service to people(主题句)have been put into.

Some advertisements, however(转)(主题句). An advertisement like this, for examplenumber to his sheep.

products. Therefore1. “启”

generally speaking, it goes without saying that,

2. “承”常用词语:用来承接主题句或第一个展开句。

second, secondly, third, thirdly,

at the same time , meanwhile, by this time, from now on,

for example, for instance, for this purpose,

besides, in addition (to), furthermore, what’s more, moreover in the same manner, similarly, unlike

after, after a few days, after awhile,

certainly, of course

in fact, indeed

particularly, in particular

no doubt, obviously,

3. “转”常用词语:用来表示不同或相反语气

but, however, anyway, yet, otherwise, whereas

despite, in spite of, nevertheless, notwithstanding

luckily, fortunately, unfortunately

at the same time , by this time

after all(毕竟), all the same4. “ by and large(大体上,基本上), on the whole

in brief, briefly, in sum, in summary, to sum up, to summarize thus, hence, therefore, consequently, accordingly

as a result, as a consequence

to speak frankly, as has been noted, as I have said, by doing so


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