


To sum up, but honesty is the foundation of success, even if you are just also must abide by the principle of good faith will show you own social value. The good faith and the success is like a valuable assistants of people, is a little also not. Now the community is very to success, but

unfortunately, our society is very lack of honesty. A people don't want to do that he lost his life value for higher power, a man does not have good faith that he lost his position of trust, will not be based on in society. If the



To sum up, we think the brocade as urgently needed. To make resources can be fully used, we emphasize the common prosperity, all the things in the world, there is no fair, only relatively fair, and

social harmony.

party and government organs and fair is the citizens of the responsibility and the duty.


Our view is for frauds, we should punish mercilessly

.This should be honest is the Chinese traditional virtue

.But in the 21 st century the quality have been completely overturn, its existence and its importance has also become the masses of the wave of discussion. And TangJun degree door


Our view is should not for billion-dollar enterprise executives extend housing subsidies, because brocade as urgently needed.

Make resources can't get enough of the optimization of the use, we emphasize the common prosperity, and the practice is the gap between rich and poor is more big, departing from our original intention, please remember that the world is not just to us as well as to you, I can't do too greedy shameless.

So we insist on shenzhen FangBu door event is against fair




To sum up, but honesty is the foundation of success, even if you are just also must abide by the principle of good faith will show you own social value. The good faith and the success is like a valuable assistants of people, is a little also not. Now the community is very to success, but

unfortunately, our society is very lack of honesty. A people don't want to do that he lost his life value for higher power, a man does not have good faith that he lost his position of trust, will not be based on in society. If the



To sum up, we think the brocade as urgently needed. To make resources can be fully used, we emphasize the common prosperity, all the things in the world, there is no fair, only relatively fair, and

social harmony.

party and government organs and fair is the citizens of the responsibility and the duty.


Our view is for frauds, we should punish mercilessly

.This should be honest is the Chinese traditional virtue

.But in the 21 st century the quality have been completely overturn, its existence and its importance has also become the masses of the wave of discussion. And TangJun degree door


Our view is should not for billion-dollar enterprise executives extend housing subsidies, because brocade as urgently needed.

Make resources can't get enough of the optimization of the use, we emphasize the common prosperity, and the practice is the gap between rich and poor is more big, departing from our original intention, please remember that the world is not just to us as well as to you, I can't do too greedy shameless.

So we insist on shenzhen FangBu door event is against fair



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