
鹅妈妈童谣集 中英对照

一、什么是鹅妈妈童谣 (Mother Goose) 鹅妈妈童谣(Mother Goose)是英国民间童谣集,中文译为鹅妈妈童谣集。这些民间童谣在英国流传时间相当久,有的长达数百年,总数约有八百多首,内容典雅,有幽默故事、游戏歌曲、儿歌、谜语、催眠曲、字母歌、数数歌、绕口令、动物歌等,英国人称其为 Nursery Rhymes(儿歌),美国人称其为 Mother Goose(鹅妈妈童谣),是英、美人士从孩童时代就耳熟能详的儿歌。 二、起源

0.1 鹅妈妈童谣的起源

对于鹅妈妈童谣流传的时间众说纷纭,至今无法确切定论。一般有两种说法,第一是源自法国作家 Charles Perrault 在 1697 年写的故事集 Contes de ma mère l'Oye(Tales of My Mother Goose),之后由英国人收集编辑而成。不过也有十四世纪就出现的说法。因为大部份的歌词为了顺口的缘故,句末都会押韵,而有些字随着时代不同会有不同发音。所以有人发现,某某歌的歌词如果要押韵的话,应该用十四世纪的发音才对,因此就有从十四世纪开始流传的说法。

0.2 鹅妈妈童谣中残酷句子的起源 著名的「伦敦铁桥倒下来」、「玛丽有只小绵羊」等童谣,都是所谓的鹅妈妈童谣。 随着时间的流逝,鹅妈妈童谣的内容不断扩大,至今包涵数百首童谣,不过有少数歌词内容相当的血腥,其最大的原因,即是由于东、西方对死亡的态度不同,东方人非常避讳谈到「死」这个字眼或相关话题;西方人则相反,他们不畏惧谈到关于死亡,甚至对于生死有关的教育皆是从小教起。不过鹅妈妈童谣中的歌词,也可以从它的时代背景来看。

18 世纪的英国,发生了工业革命,促使资本主义产生,也造成严重的贫富不均与阶级对立。使得大多数的人民成了资本主义的工具和牺牲品,他们大多生活困苦艰难,在这种人心动乱、生活环境差的年代,会出现鹅妈妈童谣里的这类歌词也不会是稀奇的事。有些歌词是反应时代背景,有些歌词则是反映了一部份的现实,发疯的人、杀人犯、杀了父母的小孩、卖掉小孩的父母„等等,在穷困的时代皆是常见的角色,把他们的故事写进童谣中,或许现在的人们看了会无法接受,但那却是一个历史的悲哀。

==========+===================+===================+============= 1.My mother has killed me

My mother has killed me My father is eating me,

My brothers and sisters sit under the table, Picking up my bones,

And they bury them under the cold marble stones.

我的母亲杀了我, 我的父亲在吃我,

我的兄弟姐妹坐在桌旁, 收拾着我的残骸,

然后将他们埋葬在冰冷的大理石下。 ========+================+==================+==============+==== 2. Lizzie Borden

Lizzie Borden took an axe, Hit her father forty whacks.

When she saw what she had done, She hit her mother forty-one.

里兹·波顿拿起斧头 打了她爸爸四十下

当她看见自己所做的一切 她又打了她妈妈四十一下

备注: 出自《少年的孵化之音》-《布丁小姐的悲剧》




===================+=============我,甲虫说, 用我的线和针, 我来为他制丧衣。

Who'll dig his grave? ======+=================+====== 3.Who killed Cock Robin

Who killed Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.

谁杀死了知更鸟? 我,麻雀说, 用我的弓和箭, 我杀了知更鸟。

Who saw him die? I, said the Fly, With my little eye, I saw him die.

谁看见他的死? 我,苍蝇说, 用我的小眼睛, 我看见他死去。

Who caught his blood? I, said the Fish, With my little dish, I caught his blood.

谁取走了他的血? 我,鱼说, 用我的小碟子, 我取走了他的血。

Who'll make his shroud? I, said the Bettle,

With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud.

谁来为他制丧衣? I, said the Owl,

With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave.

谁来为他挖坟墓? 我,猫头鹰说, 用我的锄和铲


Who'll be the parson? I, said the Rook, With my little book, I'll be the parson.

谁来当他的牧师? 我,乌鸦说, 用我小小的册子, 我来当他的牧师。

Who'll be the clerk? I, said the Lark,

If it's not in the dark, I'll be the clerk.

谁来为他记史? 我,云雀说,

如果不是在黑暗中, 我来为他记史。

Who'll carry the link? I, said the Linnet,

I'll fetch it in a minute, I'll carry the link.

谁来秉持火把? 我,红雀说,

我马上就把它拿来, 我来秉持火把。

Who'll be the chief mourner?

I, said the Dove, I mourn for my love, I'll be chief mourner.

谁来充当丧主? 我,鸽子说,

我来悼念我的爱人, 我来充当丧主。

Who'll carry the coffin? I, said the Kite,

If it's not through the night, I'll carry the coffin.

谁来运载棺材? 我,鸢说。

如果不用穿过夜晚, 我将运载棺材。

Who'll bear the pall? We, said the Wren,

Both the cock and the hen, We'll bear the pall.

谁来负责棺罩? 我们,鹪鹩说, 夫妇俩一起,


Who'll sing a psalm? I, said the Thrush, As she sat on a bush, I'll sing a psalm.

谁来吟唱圣歌? 我,画眉说, 她停坐在灌木上, 我来吟唱圣歌。

Who'll toll the bell? I, said the Bull, Because I can pull, I'll toll the bell. 3

谁来敲响丧钟? 我,公牛说, 因为我能够拉, 我来敲响丧钟。

All the birds of the air

Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing, When they heard the bell toll For poor Cock Robin.

空中所有的鸟 叹息并且悲哀

当他们听到丧钟响起 为了可怜的知更鸟。


To all it concerns, This notice apprises, The Sparrow's for trial, At next bird assizes.


给所在有关者, 这则启事通知, 麻雀将受审判,


备注: 收录于《谁杀了知更鸟》

===========+================+====================+============== 4.When a good King Arthur rule this land

When good King Arthur ruled this land, He was a goodly king;

He stole three pecks of barley-meal To make a bag-pudding.

当亚瑟王统治这片土地的时候 他是一位优秀的国王 他偷了三配克大麦粗粉 为了做一个大布丁

A bag-pudding the king did make, And stuffed it well with plum;


And in it put great lumps of fat,

As big as my two thumbs.

国王做的大布丁 塞满了李子干

还放进了一块大奶油 像我的两个拇指那么大

The king and queen did eat thereof, And noblemen beside;

And what they could not eat that night, The queen next morning fried.

国王和皇后吃了该吃的那份 吃了身边贵族们的那份,

还吃了那天晚上不该吃的那份, 第二天早上皇后被油煎了


世上留传著许多关于亚瑟王的精彩故事,以及英勇的圆桌武士的传奇。他大约是在一千五百年前统治英国,打了许多场胜仗。但历史上是否存在这位王还有待查证。这首关于亚瑟王的童谣揭示了古代王族中的残忍吧。===============+=================+======================+======= 5.Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy, Born on a Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on Wednesday, Took ill on Thursday, Worse on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday. This is the end

Of Solomon Grundy.

所罗门·格朗迪 星期一出生 星期二受洗 星期三结婚 星期四生病 星期五病危 星期六死亡 星期天掩埋 这就是


备注: 出自《God Child vol 5》- 《周日的所罗门·格朗迪》

这个算是《God Child》里的一个特别短篇。把人的一生所会经历到的事融汇在这个短短的童谣里——一个星期里的7天。 ===================+====================+======================= 6.Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses, And all the king's men,

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

蛋放在墙上, 蛋重重的摔下来。

就算聚集了国王所有的马, 就算聚集了国王所有的臣子, 蛋也不能恢复原来的样子 。



=======================+===================+==================== 7.There was a lady all skin and bone

There was a lady all skin and bone, Sure such a lady was never known: It happened upon a certain day, This lady went to church to pray.





When she came to the church stile, There she did rest a little while; When she came to the church yard, There the hells so loud she heard.

当她来到教堂阶梯, 她停了一小会; 当她来到教堂墓园,


When she came to the church door, She stopped to rest a little more; When she came the church within,

The parson prayed 'gainst pride and sin.

当她来到教堂的门口, 她又停了一会; 当她进入教堂,


On looking up, on looking down, She saw a dead man on the ground; And from his nose unto his chin, The worms crawled out, the worms crawled in.


她看见一个死人躺在地上; 从他的鼻子到下巴, 蛆们爬出, 蛆们蠕进。

Then she unto the parson said, Shall I be so when I am dead? O yes!

O yes, the parson said,

You will be so when you are dead.

然后她对牧师说, 我死后会变成这样吗? 5


噢,是的,牧师说道, 你死后就会变成这样。

======================+===================+===================+= 8.There was a man, a very untidy man

There was a man, a very untidy man,

Whose fingers could nowhere to be fonud to put in his tomb.

He had rolled his head far underneath the bed; He had left his legs

and arms lying all over the room.


一个非常不整洁的男子 他的手指无法被寻到 以放进他的墓中。 他把头滚落到床下 四肢散落在房间里。

备注 : 出自《谁杀了知更鸟》-《布丁小姐的悲剧》

=====================+====================+================+==== 9.Crooked man

There was a crooked man,

and he walked a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat,

which caught a crooked mouse,

And they all lived together in a little crooked house.


走在一条长一里的扭曲的路上 手里那着扭曲的六便士 踏在扭曲的台阶上 他买了一只扭曲的猫 猫捉了一只扭曲的老鼠


备注: 出自《God Child vol.1》-《The Little 24只黑鸟, 烤在派中 Crooked House》

==========+===================+===================+============= 10.Baa, Baa, Black sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool ? Yes, sir, yes, sir, Three bags full; One for the master, And one for the dame, And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

咩,咩,黑羊, 你有羊毛吗?

是的,先生,是的,先生, 三袋满满的 一袋给主人 一袋给夫人 还有一袋给那个 住在街尾的小男孩

备注: 出自《God Child vol.1》-《Black Sheep》

在最早的时候,最后一句是:什么都没有给小男孩。童谣里“master”指的是国王,“dame”指的是贵族,“little boy”即是最底层的平民。揭示了上流社会的有钱人对底层人的压迫和榨取。

==========+===================+===================+============= 11.Sing a song of sixpence

Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye;

Four and twenty blackbirds, Baked in a pie.

唱一首六便士的歌, 慢慢一袋的黑麦;

When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing; Was not that a dainty dish, To set before the king ?

当派被打开, 鸟儿们开始歌唱; 这是多么美味的菜肴, 摆放在国王面前?

The king was in his counting-house, Counting out his money; The queen was in the parlour, Eating bread and honey.

国王在他的金库里, 清点他的财富; 皇后在大厅里, 吃着面包和蜂蜜。

The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes, There came a little blackbird, And snapped off her nose.

女仆在花园里, 晾着刚洗的衣服, 来了只小黑鸫,


备注: 出自《God Child vol.2》-《Bloodberry jam》

这首童谣大约是17世纪中叶在民间出现,但在更早些时候似乎就有了迹象,在莎士比亚的《第12夜》中有这样的一句话:Come on, there is sixpence for you; let's have a song. 1614年,在包蒙(Beaumont 1584-1616)和佛勒契(John Fletcher 1579-1625)合作的一部作品中有这样的一句:Whoa, here's a stir now!

Sing a song of sixpence!在这首童谣中,皇帝

指的是英国都铎王朝的第二代国王亨利八世(HenryⅧ,1509-1547),他的残暴乖戾在历代君主中是很突出的,拥有6位妻子并处决了2位而闻名。童谣中的女王指的是凯瑟琳(Catherine of Aragon),她是西班牙阿拉贡国王斐迪南二世的女儿,曾经是亨利七世的妻子,亨利八世的第一任妻子,但是由于她没有为亨利生下皇子,渐渐导致亨利对她的冷淡,但又由于教会的原因使之迟迟不能废后。“皇后在大厅里吃着面包和蜂蜜”这句算是影射了当时凯瑟琳被冷落的情形吧。在那时亨利看中了安妮·博林(Anne Boleyn, 1507?--1516),她是托马斯·博林爵士和伊丽莎白·霍华德郡主的小女儿,也就是他的第2任妻子--童谣中的那个侍女。然而她也没有为亨利生下儿子,又由于她天生的生理缺陷和一些政治因素,安妮被控告与5个男人通奸,其中包括与她的亲兄弟乔治?伯林通奸——乱伦的罪行被关进伦敦塔,随后于1536年5月19日被处决,成为第一个被处决的王后。这也就是“来了只小黑鸫,突然啄下她的鼻子”的来历吧。童谣中的“派”和“24只黑鸫”分别是指格拉斯顿堡的管理人,和他所赠送给亨利八世的圣诞礼物。

-------------------------------- 12.There was an old man

There was an old man And he had a calf And that's half

从前有个老人 他养了一头小牛 现在说到一半

He took him out of the stall And put his on the wall And that's all

老人把小牛带出牛舍 再把它系在墙上 这就是全部

备注:出自《Mad tea party》《Scold's Bridle》《Zigeunerweisen》《Mortician's daughter》《Little Miss Muffet》《Bloody Maria》《Castrato》《ユダの接吻》《エディプスの刃》《Misericorde》每一章的最后一句

-------------------------------- 13.Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey; There came a big spider, Who sat down beside her

And frightened Miss Muffet away

小玛菲特小姐 坐在土堆上 吃着乳凝和乳清 来了一只大蜘蛛 坐在她旁边


备注: 出自《God Child vol.3》-《Little Miss Muffet》

==========+===================+===================+============= 14.What are little boys made of ?

What are little boys made of ? Frogs and snails

And puppy-dogs' tails,

小男孩是由什么做的? 青蛙和蜗牛


What are little girls made of ? Sugar and spice And all that's nice.

小女孩是由什么做的? 糖和香料


备注:出自《God Child vol.4》-《Bloody “让我尝尝你的东西。 ”

Says the pieman to Simple Simon,

Says Simple Simon to the pieman,



15.Georgie Porgie

Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,

Kissed the girls and made them cry; When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away.

乔治·珀治 布丁和派

亲吻女孩惹她们哭 男孩们出来玩耍时 乔治·珀治就跑了

备注: 出自《God Child vol.2》《-Bloodyberry Jam》

-------------------------------- 16. Simple Simon

Simple Simon met a pieman Going to the fair;

Says Simple Simon to the pieman,

无知的西蒙遇见一个卖派的商人 正要赶往集市;


商人对无知的西蒙说: “先让我看看你的便士吧。” 无知的西蒙对商人说: “其实我身无分文。”

He went to catch a dickeybird, And thought he could not fail, Because he'd got a little salt, To put upon his tail.


并认为自己不会失败, 因为他有一把盐, 撒在它的尾巴上。

He went to take a bird's nest, Was built upon a bough;

The branch gave way and Simon fell Into a dirty slough.


那个筑在一根大树枝上的鸟窝; 树枝断了西蒙掉下来 落在肮脏的泥沼里。

He went to shoot a wild duck, But wild duck flew away; Say Simon, I can't hit him, Because he will not stay.

他去打野鸭, 但是野鸭飞走了; 西蒙说,我打不中它, 因为他不呆在那里。

Simple Simon went a-fishing, For to catch a whale;

All the water he had got

Was in his mother's pail.

无知的西蒙去钓鱼, 想要钓一条鲸鱼; 然而他所拥有的水 都在妈妈的水桶里。

Simple Simon went a-hunting, For to catch a hare;

He rode an ass about the streets, But couldn't find one there.

无知的西蒙去打猎, 想要打中一只野兔; 他骑着驴穿过街道, 那里找不到一只野兔。

He went for to eat honey, Out of the mustard pot;

He bit his tongue until he cried, That was all the good he got.


从一只餐桌上的芥末罐子; 他咬着自己的舌头直到哭出来, 这就是他吃到的全部。

He went to ride a spotted cow That had a little calf;

She threw him down upon the ground, Which made the people laugh.

他去骑头花斑牛 可母牛还有头小牛; 母牛甩他在地上, 惹的人们笑哈哈。

Once Simon made a great snowball, And brought it in to roast; He laid it down before the fire, And soon the ball was lost.

一次西蒙做了个大雪球, 把它带回来烤一烤; 把它放在火前面, 雪球一会儿不见了。

He went to slide upon the ice Before the ice would bear;

Then he plunged in above his knees, Which made poor Simon stare.

他到冰上去滑冰 在冰还能支撑前;

接着他陷入水中直到膝盖, 可怜的西蒙睁大了眼。

He washed himself with blacking ball, Because he had no soap; Then said unto his mother,

他用黑色的鞋油来洗澡, 因为他没有肥皂; 然后他对妈妈说:


Simple Simon went to look If plum grew on a thistle;

He pricked his fingers very much, Which made poor Simon whistle.

无知的西蒙去看看 李子是不是长在蓟上; 手被刺伤了好几次, 可怜的西蒙唿哨着。

He went for water in a sieve, But soon it all ran through. And now poor Simple Simon Bids you all adieu.


但是水很快就漏光了。 可怜而又无知的西蒙啊 永远地再见了

备注: 出自《God Child vol.8》-《Godless》

一个睡过头还剩八个。 最后一章的最后一句


17.Three Blind Mice

Three blind mice! See how they run! They all ran after the farmer's wife,

Who cut off their tails with a carving knife. Did you ever see such a thing in your life As three blind mice?

三只瞎眼的老鼠!看它们跑的方式! 它们追着农夫的老婆, 她用餐刀切了它们的尾巴。 你这辈子见过像这样的东西吗? 和三只瞎眼的老鼠一样。


18.Ten Little Nigger Boys Went Out To Dine

Ten little nigger boys went out to dine;

One choked his little self, and then there were nine.

Nine little nigger boys sat up very late;

One overslept himself, and then there were eight.

十个小黑人出外用膳; 一个噎死还剩九个。 九个小黑人熬夜到很晚;

Eight little nigger boys travelling in Devon; One said he'd stay there, and then there were seven.

Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in half, and then there were six.

八个小黑人在到丹文游玩; 一个说要留在那儿还剩七个。 七个小黑人在砍柴;


Six little nigger boys playing with a hive; A bumble-bee stung one, and then there were five.

Five little nigger boys going in for law;

One got in chancery, and then there were four.


一只黄蜂叮住一个还剩五个。 五个小黑人进入法院; 一个被留下还剩四个。

Four little nigger boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one, and then there were three.

Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo; A big bear bugged one, and then there were two.


一条红鲱鱼吞下一个还剩三个。 三个小黑人走进动物园里; 一只大熊抓走一个还剩两个。

Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up, and then there was one. One little nigger boy living all alone;

He got married, and then there were none.

两个小黑人坐在太阳下; 一个热死只剩一个。



-------------------------------- 19.All Around The Mulberry Bush

All around the mulberry bush, The monkey chased the weasel.

The monkey thought ’t was all in fun. Pop! goes the weasel.

围绕着桑树丛, 猴子追赶着黄鼠狼。 猴子认为这只是玩笑。


A penny for a spool of thread, A penny for a needle.

That’s the way the money goes. Pop! Goes the weasel.

一便士买了线轴, 一便士买了针。 这就这样花完了。 砰!责任被推托。

Up and down the City Road, In and out of the Eagle,

That’s the way the money goes. Pop! goes the weasel.

来来往往的城市街道, 飞进飞出的鹰, 这就这样花完了。 砰!责任被推托。

-------------------------------- 20.As I Went Over Lincoln Bridge

As I went over Lincoln Bridge I met Mister Rusticap;

Pins and needles on his back, A-going to Thorney Fair.

当我走过林肯桥, 我遇到了锈帽子先生; 钉和针在他背上, 正向着荆棘集市走去。


21.As White As Milk

As white as milk, And not milk; As green as grass, And not grass; As red as blood, And not blood; As black as soot, And not soot.

像牛奶一样白, 而不是牛奶; 像青草一样绿, 而不是青草; 像鲜血一样红, 而不是鲜血; 像煤烟一样黑, 而不是煤烟。

---------------------------------------------------------------- 22.BAT

Bat,Bat,Come Under My Hat

Bat, bat, come under my hat,

And I’ll give you a slice of bacon; And when I bake, I’ll give you a cake, If I am not mistaken.

蝙蝠,蝙蝠,来我的帽子下, 我会分给你一片熏肉, 而当我烘焙食物, 我会分给你一块蛋糕,



23.Birds Of A Feather

Birds of a feather flock together, And so will pigs and swine;

Rats and mice will have their choice, And so will I have mine.


老鼠和耗子有他们自己的选择, 而我也有我的。


24.Boys And Girls,Come Out To Play

Boys and girls, come out to play.

The moon doth shine as bright as day! Leaves your supper and leave your sleep, And come with your playfellows into the street.

Come with a whistle, Come with a call,

Come with a good will, or not at all.

男孩女孩出来玩。 月亮亮得像白天! 抛开晚餐和睡眠, 携朋带友游大街。 伴着一声呼哨, 伴着一声号召,


Variant form:

Boys and girls, come out to play.

The moon doth shine as bright as day! Leaves your supper and leave your sleep, And come with your playfellows into the street.

Come with a whoop, come with a call, Come with a good will, or not at all. Up the ladder and down the wall, A half-penny loaf will serve us all;

You find the milk, and I’ll find the flour, And we’ll have a pudding in half an hour.


男孩女孩出来玩, 月亮亮得像白天! 抛开晚餐和睡眠, 携朋带友游大街。

伴着一声呼喊,伴着一声号召, 伴着一个好意愿,或者干脆都没有。 爬上梯子跳下墙, 半条面包都吃饱;

你找到了牛奶,我找到了面粉, 半个小时做布丁。



Butterfly, butterfly, Whence do you come? I know not, I ask not, Nor ever had a home. Butterfly, butterfly, Where do you go? Where the sun shines, And where the buds grow.

蝴蝶,蝴蝶, 你来自何方?

我不知道,我不问, 从来就没有一个家。 蝴蝶,蝴蝶, 你要去何方? 太阳闪耀的地方, 蓓蕾成长的地方。


26.Barber,Barber,Shave A Pig

Barber, barber, shave a pig!

How many hairs to make a wig?

Four and twenty, that’s enough! Give the barber a pinch of snuff.

剃头匠,剃头匠,给猪刮毛! 要多少毛发做头假发? 二十四,那就够了! 给剃头匠一撮鼻烟。


27.A Cat Came Fiddling Out Of A Barn

A cat came fiddling out of a barn,

With a pair of bagpipes under her arm. She could sing nothing but fiddle dee dee, The mouse has married the bumblebee. Pipe, cat; dance, mouse;

We’ll have a wedding at our good house.

一只猫蹑手蹑脚地走出谷仓, 手臂下面夹着一对风笛。

她唱不了任何东西除了乱拉着嘀嘀声。 老鼠嫁给了大黄蜂, 风笛,猫;舞蹈,老鼠;



28.The Cats Went Out To Serenade

The cats went out to serenade And on a banjo sweetly played;

And summer nights they climbed a tree And sand,

猫儿们出去歌唱小夜曲, 用一台班卓琴美妙演奏; 在这夏夜它们爬上了树, 唱着:“吾爱,哦,来我怀抱!”


29.Come To The Window

Come to the window, My baby, with me, And look at the stars That shine on the sea! There are two little stars That play bo-peep With two little fish Far down in the deep; And two little frogs Cry

That should be asleep.


我的宝贝,和我一起, 看看繁星, 闪耀在海上。 有两颗小星星, 他们玩躲猫猫 和两条小鱼儿 远在深海里; 两只小青蛙, 叫着:“小潮,小潮,小潮;”(偶疑心这是象声词)

我看见一个亲爱的宝贝 他该睡觉了。


30.Curly Locks, Curly Locks

Curly Locks, Curly Locks, Will you be mine?

You shall not wash dishes, Nor feed the swine, But sit on a cushion And sew a fine seam,

And sup upon strawberries, Sugar, and cream.

古力·洛克斯,古力·洛克斯, 你会成为我的吗? 你不必洗碟子, 不必喂猪,


牢牢地缝合裂口, 吃一口草莓, 带着糖,和奶油。

==========+===================+===================+============= 31.Cut Thistles In May

Cut thistles in May, They’ll grow in a day; Cut them in June, That is too soon; Cut them in July, Then they will die.

五月割蓟, 他们一天就长; 六月割蓟, 那会太快; 七月割蓟, 他们死亡。


32.Cross Patch,Draw The Latch

Cross Patch, draw the latch, Sit by the fire and spin;

Take up a cup, and drink it up, Then call the neighbors in.

克劳斯?帕奇,画上门插销, 坐在炉子和纺车边上; 拿起一杯茶,把它喝光, 然后把邻居们叫进来。

=============================================================== 33.Dame Trot And Her Cat

Dame Trot and her cat Led a peaceable life,

When they were not troubled With other folks’ strife. When Dame had her dinner, Pussy would wait,

And was sure to receive A nice piece from her plate.

特罗特女爵和她的猫, 过着平静的生活, 当她们不被

别的亲戚的冲突打扰。 当特罗特女爵进晚餐, 猫将等待, 确定能够得到, 她盘中美味的一份。

=============================================================== 35.Do Your Ears Hang Low

Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie ’em in a knot? Can you tie ’em in a bow?

Can you throw ’em over your shoulder Like a continental soldier? Do your ears hang low?

你是否垂耳倾听? 他们是否摇摆不定?

你能否将他们打进一个结中? 你能否将他们系进一张弓中? 你能否将他们从肩头掷出 就像一个步兵? 你是否垂耳倾听?

================================================================ 36.Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsey, And Bess

Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsey, and Bess,

They all went together to seek a bird’s nest; They found a bird’s nest with five eggs in, They all took one, and left four in.



她们找到一个里面有五个蛋的鸟巢, 她们拿了一个,留了四个。

================================================================ 37.Elsie Marley

Elsie Marley’s grown so fine,

She won’t get up to feed the swine, But lies in bed ’till eight or nine! Lazy Elsie Marley.

埃尔希?玛丽成长得如此漂亮健康, 她长大后不会去喂猪,

除了躺在床上直到八点或九点! 懒惰的埃尔希?玛丽。

================================================================ 38.Eencey Weencey Spider

Eencey Weencey spider Climbed up the water spout; Down came the rain

And washed poor Eencey out; Out came the sun

And dried up all the rain;

And the Eencey Weencey spider Climbed up the spout again.

咪咪小的蜘蛛 爬上喷水嘴; 雨下下来

冲走了小蜘蛛; 太阳升起来

晒干了所有雨点; 咪咪小的蜘蛛 再次爬上喷水嘴。

================================================================ 39.Every Lady In This Land

Every lady in this land

Has twenty nails -- upon each hand Five, and twenty on hands and feet: All this is true without deceit.


有二十只长指甲——在每只手上 五个一组,一共二十只在手和脚上: 这些都是真实的。

================================================================ 40.Father And Mother And Uncle John

Father and Mother and Uncle John Went to market one by one. Father fell off -- ! Mother fell off -- !

But Uncle John went on, and on, And on, And on, And on, And on, And on ...

爸爸妈妈和约翰叔叔 一个接一个地去集市。 爸爸摔倒了——! 妈妈摔倒了——!

但约翰叔叔继续走,继续, 继续, 继续, 继续, 继续, 继续„„ (完)

鹅妈妈童谣集 中英对照

一、什么是鹅妈妈童谣 (Mother Goose) 鹅妈妈童谣(Mother Goose)是英国民间童谣集,中文译为鹅妈妈童谣集。这些民间童谣在英国流传时间相当久,有的长达数百年,总数约有八百多首,内容典雅,有幽默故事、游戏歌曲、儿歌、谜语、催眠曲、字母歌、数数歌、绕口令、动物歌等,英国人称其为 Nursery Rhymes(儿歌),美国人称其为 Mother Goose(鹅妈妈童谣),是英、美人士从孩童时代就耳熟能详的儿歌。 二、起源

0.1 鹅妈妈童谣的起源

对于鹅妈妈童谣流传的时间众说纷纭,至今无法确切定论。一般有两种说法,第一是源自法国作家 Charles Perrault 在 1697 年写的故事集 Contes de ma mère l'Oye(Tales of My Mother Goose),之后由英国人收集编辑而成。不过也有十四世纪就出现的说法。因为大部份的歌词为了顺口的缘故,句末都会押韵,而有些字随着时代不同会有不同发音。所以有人发现,某某歌的歌词如果要押韵的话,应该用十四世纪的发音才对,因此就有从十四世纪开始流传的说法。

0.2 鹅妈妈童谣中残酷句子的起源 著名的「伦敦铁桥倒下来」、「玛丽有只小绵羊」等童谣,都是所谓的鹅妈妈童谣。 随着时间的流逝,鹅妈妈童谣的内容不断扩大,至今包涵数百首童谣,不过有少数歌词内容相当的血腥,其最大的原因,即是由于东、西方对死亡的态度不同,东方人非常避讳谈到「死」这个字眼或相关话题;西方人则相反,他们不畏惧谈到关于死亡,甚至对于生死有关的教育皆是从小教起。不过鹅妈妈童谣中的歌词,也可以从它的时代背景来看。

18 世纪的英国,发生了工业革命,促使资本主义产生,也造成严重的贫富不均与阶级对立。使得大多数的人民成了资本主义的工具和牺牲品,他们大多生活困苦艰难,在这种人心动乱、生活环境差的年代,会出现鹅妈妈童谣里的这类歌词也不会是稀奇的事。有些歌词是反应时代背景,有些歌词则是反映了一部份的现实,发疯的人、杀人犯、杀了父母的小孩、卖掉小孩的父母„等等,在穷困的时代皆是常见的角色,把他们的故事写进童谣中,或许现在的人们看了会无法接受,但那却是一个历史的悲哀。

==========+===================+===================+============= 1.My mother has killed me

My mother has killed me My father is eating me,

My brothers and sisters sit under the table, Picking up my bones,

And they bury them under the cold marble stones.

我的母亲杀了我, 我的父亲在吃我,

我的兄弟姐妹坐在桌旁, 收拾着我的残骸,

然后将他们埋葬在冰冷的大理石下。 ========+================+==================+==============+==== 2. Lizzie Borden

Lizzie Borden took an axe, Hit her father forty whacks.

When she saw what she had done, She hit her mother forty-one.

里兹·波顿拿起斧头 打了她爸爸四十下

当她看见自己所做的一切 她又打了她妈妈四十一下

备注: 出自《少年的孵化之音》-《布丁小姐的悲剧》




===================+=============我,甲虫说, 用我的线和针, 我来为他制丧衣。

Who'll dig his grave? ======+=================+====== 3.Who killed Cock Robin

Who killed Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.

谁杀死了知更鸟? 我,麻雀说, 用我的弓和箭, 我杀了知更鸟。

Who saw him die? I, said the Fly, With my little eye, I saw him die.

谁看见他的死? 我,苍蝇说, 用我的小眼睛, 我看见他死去。

Who caught his blood? I, said the Fish, With my little dish, I caught his blood.

谁取走了他的血? 我,鱼说, 用我的小碟子, 我取走了他的血。

Who'll make his shroud? I, said the Bettle,

With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud.

谁来为他制丧衣? I, said the Owl,

With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave.

谁来为他挖坟墓? 我,猫头鹰说, 用我的锄和铲


Who'll be the parson? I, said the Rook, With my little book, I'll be the parson.

谁来当他的牧师? 我,乌鸦说, 用我小小的册子, 我来当他的牧师。

Who'll be the clerk? I, said the Lark,

If it's not in the dark, I'll be the clerk.

谁来为他记史? 我,云雀说,

如果不是在黑暗中, 我来为他记史。

Who'll carry the link? I, said the Linnet,

I'll fetch it in a minute, I'll carry the link.

谁来秉持火把? 我,红雀说,

我马上就把它拿来, 我来秉持火把。

Who'll be the chief mourner?

I, said the Dove, I mourn for my love, I'll be chief mourner.

谁来充当丧主? 我,鸽子说,

我来悼念我的爱人, 我来充当丧主。

Who'll carry the coffin? I, said the Kite,

If it's not through the night, I'll carry the coffin.

谁来运载棺材? 我,鸢说。

如果不用穿过夜晚, 我将运载棺材。

Who'll bear the pall? We, said the Wren,

Both the cock and the hen, We'll bear the pall.

谁来负责棺罩? 我们,鹪鹩说, 夫妇俩一起,


Who'll sing a psalm? I, said the Thrush, As she sat on a bush, I'll sing a psalm.

谁来吟唱圣歌? 我,画眉说, 她停坐在灌木上, 我来吟唱圣歌。

Who'll toll the bell? I, said the Bull, Because I can pull, I'll toll the bell. 3

谁来敲响丧钟? 我,公牛说, 因为我能够拉, 我来敲响丧钟。

All the birds of the air

Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing, When they heard the bell toll For poor Cock Robin.

空中所有的鸟 叹息并且悲哀

当他们听到丧钟响起 为了可怜的知更鸟。


To all it concerns, This notice apprises, The Sparrow's for trial, At next bird assizes.


给所在有关者, 这则启事通知, 麻雀将受审判,


备注: 收录于《谁杀了知更鸟》

===========+================+====================+============== 4.When a good King Arthur rule this land

When good King Arthur ruled this land, He was a goodly king;

He stole three pecks of barley-meal To make a bag-pudding.

当亚瑟王统治这片土地的时候 他是一位优秀的国王 他偷了三配克大麦粗粉 为了做一个大布丁

A bag-pudding the king did make, And stuffed it well with plum;


And in it put great lumps of fat,

As big as my two thumbs.

国王做的大布丁 塞满了李子干

还放进了一块大奶油 像我的两个拇指那么大

The king and queen did eat thereof, And noblemen beside;

And what they could not eat that night, The queen next morning fried.

国王和皇后吃了该吃的那份 吃了身边贵族们的那份,

还吃了那天晚上不该吃的那份, 第二天早上皇后被油煎了


世上留传著许多关于亚瑟王的精彩故事,以及英勇的圆桌武士的传奇。他大约是在一千五百年前统治英国,打了许多场胜仗。但历史上是否存在这位王还有待查证。这首关于亚瑟王的童谣揭示了古代王族中的残忍吧。===============+=================+======================+======= 5.Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy, Born on a Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on Wednesday, Took ill on Thursday, Worse on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday. This is the end

Of Solomon Grundy.

所罗门·格朗迪 星期一出生 星期二受洗 星期三结婚 星期四生病 星期五病危 星期六死亡 星期天掩埋 这就是


备注: 出自《God Child vol 5》- 《周日的所罗门·格朗迪》

这个算是《God Child》里的一个特别短篇。把人的一生所会经历到的事融汇在这个短短的童谣里——一个星期里的7天。 ===================+====================+======================= 6.Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses, And all the king's men,

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

蛋放在墙上, 蛋重重的摔下来。

就算聚集了国王所有的马, 就算聚集了国王所有的臣子, 蛋也不能恢复原来的样子 。



=======================+===================+==================== 7.There was a lady all skin and bone

There was a lady all skin and bone, Sure such a lady was never known: It happened upon a certain day, This lady went to church to pray.





When she came to the church stile, There she did rest a little while; When she came to the church yard, There the hells so loud she heard.

当她来到教堂阶梯, 她停了一小会; 当她来到教堂墓园,


When she came to the church door, She stopped to rest a little more; When she came the church within,

The parson prayed 'gainst pride and sin.

当她来到教堂的门口, 她又停了一会; 当她进入教堂,


On looking up, on looking down, She saw a dead man on the ground; And from his nose unto his chin, The worms crawled out, the worms crawled in.


她看见一个死人躺在地上; 从他的鼻子到下巴, 蛆们爬出, 蛆们蠕进。

Then she unto the parson said, Shall I be so when I am dead? O yes!

O yes, the parson said,

You will be so when you are dead.

然后她对牧师说, 我死后会变成这样吗? 5


噢,是的,牧师说道, 你死后就会变成这样。

======================+===================+===================+= 8.There was a man, a very untidy man

There was a man, a very untidy man,

Whose fingers could nowhere to be fonud to put in his tomb.

He had rolled his head far underneath the bed; He had left his legs

and arms lying all over the room.


一个非常不整洁的男子 他的手指无法被寻到 以放进他的墓中。 他把头滚落到床下 四肢散落在房间里。

备注 : 出自《谁杀了知更鸟》-《布丁小姐的悲剧》

=====================+====================+================+==== 9.Crooked man

There was a crooked man,

and he walked a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat,

which caught a crooked mouse,

And they all lived together in a little crooked house.


走在一条长一里的扭曲的路上 手里那着扭曲的六便士 踏在扭曲的台阶上 他买了一只扭曲的猫 猫捉了一只扭曲的老鼠


备注: 出自《God Child vol.1》-《The Little 24只黑鸟, 烤在派中 Crooked House》

==========+===================+===================+============= 10.Baa, Baa, Black sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool ? Yes, sir, yes, sir, Three bags full; One for the master, And one for the dame, And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

咩,咩,黑羊, 你有羊毛吗?

是的,先生,是的,先生, 三袋满满的 一袋给主人 一袋给夫人 还有一袋给那个 住在街尾的小男孩

备注: 出自《God Child vol.1》-《Black Sheep》

在最早的时候,最后一句是:什么都没有给小男孩。童谣里“master”指的是国王,“dame”指的是贵族,“little boy”即是最底层的平民。揭示了上流社会的有钱人对底层人的压迫和榨取。

==========+===================+===================+============= 11.Sing a song of sixpence

Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye;

Four and twenty blackbirds, Baked in a pie.

唱一首六便士的歌, 慢慢一袋的黑麦;

When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing; Was not that a dainty dish, To set before the king ?

当派被打开, 鸟儿们开始歌唱; 这是多么美味的菜肴, 摆放在国王面前?

The king was in his counting-house, Counting out his money; The queen was in the parlour, Eating bread and honey.

国王在他的金库里, 清点他的财富; 皇后在大厅里, 吃着面包和蜂蜜。

The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes, There came a little blackbird, And snapped off her nose.

女仆在花园里, 晾着刚洗的衣服, 来了只小黑鸫,


备注: 出自《God Child vol.2》-《Bloodberry jam》

这首童谣大约是17世纪中叶在民间出现,但在更早些时候似乎就有了迹象,在莎士比亚的《第12夜》中有这样的一句话:Come on, there is sixpence for you; let's have a song. 1614年,在包蒙(Beaumont 1584-1616)和佛勒契(John Fletcher 1579-1625)合作的一部作品中有这样的一句:Whoa, here's a stir now!

Sing a song of sixpence!在这首童谣中,皇帝

指的是英国都铎王朝的第二代国王亨利八世(HenryⅧ,1509-1547),他的残暴乖戾在历代君主中是很突出的,拥有6位妻子并处决了2位而闻名。童谣中的女王指的是凯瑟琳(Catherine of Aragon),她是西班牙阿拉贡国王斐迪南二世的女儿,曾经是亨利七世的妻子,亨利八世的第一任妻子,但是由于她没有为亨利生下皇子,渐渐导致亨利对她的冷淡,但又由于教会的原因使之迟迟不能废后。“皇后在大厅里吃着面包和蜂蜜”这句算是影射了当时凯瑟琳被冷落的情形吧。在那时亨利看中了安妮·博林(Anne Boleyn, 1507?--1516),她是托马斯·博林爵士和伊丽莎白·霍华德郡主的小女儿,也就是他的第2任妻子--童谣中的那个侍女。然而她也没有为亨利生下儿子,又由于她天生的生理缺陷和一些政治因素,安妮被控告与5个男人通奸,其中包括与她的亲兄弟乔治?伯林通奸——乱伦的罪行被关进伦敦塔,随后于1536年5月19日被处决,成为第一个被处决的王后。这也就是“来了只小黑鸫,突然啄下她的鼻子”的来历吧。童谣中的“派”和“24只黑鸫”分别是指格拉斯顿堡的管理人,和他所赠送给亨利八世的圣诞礼物。

-------------------------------- 12.There was an old man

There was an old man And he had a calf And that's half

从前有个老人 他养了一头小牛 现在说到一半

He took him out of the stall And put his on the wall And that's all

老人把小牛带出牛舍 再把它系在墙上 这就是全部

备注:出自《Mad tea party》《Scold's Bridle》《Zigeunerweisen》《Mortician's daughter》《Little Miss Muffet》《Bloody Maria》《Castrato》《ユダの接吻》《エディプスの刃》《Misericorde》每一章的最后一句

-------------------------------- 13.Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey; There came a big spider, Who sat down beside her

And frightened Miss Muffet away

小玛菲特小姐 坐在土堆上 吃着乳凝和乳清 来了一只大蜘蛛 坐在她旁边


备注: 出自《God Child vol.3》-《Little Miss Muffet》

==========+===================+===================+============= 14.What are little boys made of ?

What are little boys made of ? Frogs and snails

And puppy-dogs' tails,

小男孩是由什么做的? 青蛙和蜗牛


What are little girls made of ? Sugar and spice And all that's nice.

小女孩是由什么做的? 糖和香料


备注:出自《God Child vol.4》-《Bloody “让我尝尝你的东西。 ”

Says the pieman to Simple Simon,

Says Simple Simon to the pieman,



15.Georgie Porgie

Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,

Kissed the girls and made them cry; When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away.

乔治·珀治 布丁和派

亲吻女孩惹她们哭 男孩们出来玩耍时 乔治·珀治就跑了

备注: 出自《God Child vol.2》《-Bloodyberry Jam》

-------------------------------- 16. Simple Simon

Simple Simon met a pieman Going to the fair;

Says Simple Simon to the pieman,

无知的西蒙遇见一个卖派的商人 正要赶往集市;


商人对无知的西蒙说: “先让我看看你的便士吧。” 无知的西蒙对商人说: “其实我身无分文。”

He went to catch a dickeybird, And thought he could not fail, Because he'd got a little salt, To put upon his tail.


并认为自己不会失败, 因为他有一把盐, 撒在它的尾巴上。

He went to take a bird's nest, Was built upon a bough;

The branch gave way and Simon fell Into a dirty slough.


那个筑在一根大树枝上的鸟窝; 树枝断了西蒙掉下来 落在肮脏的泥沼里。

He went to shoot a wild duck, But wild duck flew away; Say Simon, I can't hit him, Because he will not stay.

他去打野鸭, 但是野鸭飞走了; 西蒙说,我打不中它, 因为他不呆在那里。

Simple Simon went a-fishing, For to catch a whale;

All the water he had got

Was in his mother's pail.

无知的西蒙去钓鱼, 想要钓一条鲸鱼; 然而他所拥有的水 都在妈妈的水桶里。

Simple Simon went a-hunting, For to catch a hare;

He rode an ass about the streets, But couldn't find one there.

无知的西蒙去打猎, 想要打中一只野兔; 他骑着驴穿过街道, 那里找不到一只野兔。

He went for to eat honey, Out of the mustard pot;

He bit his tongue until he cried, That was all the good he got.


从一只餐桌上的芥末罐子; 他咬着自己的舌头直到哭出来, 这就是他吃到的全部。

He went to ride a spotted cow That had a little calf;

She threw him down upon the ground, Which made the people laugh.

他去骑头花斑牛 可母牛还有头小牛; 母牛甩他在地上, 惹的人们笑哈哈。

Once Simon made a great snowball, And brought it in to roast; He laid it down before the fire, And soon the ball was lost.

一次西蒙做了个大雪球, 把它带回来烤一烤; 把它放在火前面, 雪球一会儿不见了。

He went to slide upon the ice Before the ice would bear;

Then he plunged in above his knees, Which made poor Simon stare.

他到冰上去滑冰 在冰还能支撑前;

接着他陷入水中直到膝盖, 可怜的西蒙睁大了眼。

He washed himself with blacking ball, Because he had no soap; Then said unto his mother,

他用黑色的鞋油来洗澡, 因为他没有肥皂; 然后他对妈妈说:


Simple Simon went to look If plum grew on a thistle;

He pricked his fingers very much, Which made poor Simon whistle.

无知的西蒙去看看 李子是不是长在蓟上; 手被刺伤了好几次, 可怜的西蒙唿哨着。

He went for water in a sieve, But soon it all ran through. And now poor Simple Simon Bids you all adieu.


但是水很快就漏光了。 可怜而又无知的西蒙啊 永远地再见了

备注: 出自《God Child vol.8》-《Godless》

一个睡过头还剩八个。 最后一章的最后一句


17.Three Blind Mice

Three blind mice! See how they run! They all ran after the farmer's wife,

Who cut off their tails with a carving knife. Did you ever see such a thing in your life As three blind mice?

三只瞎眼的老鼠!看它们跑的方式! 它们追着农夫的老婆, 她用餐刀切了它们的尾巴。 你这辈子见过像这样的东西吗? 和三只瞎眼的老鼠一样。


18.Ten Little Nigger Boys Went Out To Dine

Ten little nigger boys went out to dine;

One choked his little self, and then there were nine.

Nine little nigger boys sat up very late;

One overslept himself, and then there were eight.

十个小黑人出外用膳; 一个噎死还剩九个。 九个小黑人熬夜到很晚;

Eight little nigger boys travelling in Devon; One said he'd stay there, and then there were seven.

Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in half, and then there were six.

八个小黑人在到丹文游玩; 一个说要留在那儿还剩七个。 七个小黑人在砍柴;


Six little nigger boys playing with a hive; A bumble-bee stung one, and then there were five.

Five little nigger boys going in for law;

One got in chancery, and then there were four.


一只黄蜂叮住一个还剩五个。 五个小黑人进入法院; 一个被留下还剩四个。

Four little nigger boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one, and then there were three.

Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo; A big bear bugged one, and then there were two.


一条红鲱鱼吞下一个还剩三个。 三个小黑人走进动物园里; 一只大熊抓走一个还剩两个。

Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up, and then there was one. One little nigger boy living all alone;

He got married, and then there were none.

两个小黑人坐在太阳下; 一个热死只剩一个。



-------------------------------- 19.All Around The Mulberry Bush

All around the mulberry bush, The monkey chased the weasel.

The monkey thought ’t was all in fun. Pop! goes the weasel.

围绕着桑树丛, 猴子追赶着黄鼠狼。 猴子认为这只是玩笑。


A penny for a spool of thread, A penny for a needle.

That’s the way the money goes. Pop! Goes the weasel.

一便士买了线轴, 一便士买了针。 这就这样花完了。 砰!责任被推托。

Up and down the City Road, In and out of the Eagle,

That’s the way the money goes. Pop! goes the weasel.

来来往往的城市街道, 飞进飞出的鹰, 这就这样花完了。 砰!责任被推托。

-------------------------------- 20.As I Went Over Lincoln Bridge

As I went over Lincoln Bridge I met Mister Rusticap;

Pins and needles on his back, A-going to Thorney Fair.

当我走过林肯桥, 我遇到了锈帽子先生; 钉和针在他背上, 正向着荆棘集市走去。


21.As White As Milk

As white as milk, And not milk; As green as grass, And not grass; As red as blood, And not blood; As black as soot, And not soot.

像牛奶一样白, 而不是牛奶; 像青草一样绿, 而不是青草; 像鲜血一样红, 而不是鲜血; 像煤烟一样黑, 而不是煤烟。

---------------------------------------------------------------- 22.BAT

Bat,Bat,Come Under My Hat

Bat, bat, come under my hat,

And I’ll give you a slice of bacon; And when I bake, I’ll give you a cake, If I am not mistaken.

蝙蝠,蝙蝠,来我的帽子下, 我会分给你一片熏肉, 而当我烘焙食物, 我会分给你一块蛋糕,



23.Birds Of A Feather

Birds of a feather flock together, And so will pigs and swine;

Rats and mice will have their choice, And so will I have mine.


老鼠和耗子有他们自己的选择, 而我也有我的。


24.Boys And Girls,Come Out To Play

Boys and girls, come out to play.

The moon doth shine as bright as day! Leaves your supper and leave your sleep, And come with your playfellows into the street.

Come with a whistle, Come with a call,

Come with a good will, or not at all.

男孩女孩出来玩。 月亮亮得像白天! 抛开晚餐和睡眠, 携朋带友游大街。 伴着一声呼哨, 伴着一声号召,


Variant form:

Boys and girls, come out to play.

The moon doth shine as bright as day! Leaves your supper and leave your sleep, And come with your playfellows into the street.

Come with a whoop, come with a call, Come with a good will, or not at all. Up the ladder and down the wall, A half-penny loaf will serve us all;

You find the milk, and I’ll find the flour, And we’ll have a pudding in half an hour.


男孩女孩出来玩, 月亮亮得像白天! 抛开晚餐和睡眠, 携朋带友游大街。

伴着一声呼喊,伴着一声号召, 伴着一个好意愿,或者干脆都没有。 爬上梯子跳下墙, 半条面包都吃饱;

你找到了牛奶,我找到了面粉, 半个小时做布丁。



Butterfly, butterfly, Whence do you come? I know not, I ask not, Nor ever had a home. Butterfly, butterfly, Where do you go? Where the sun shines, And where the buds grow.

蝴蝶,蝴蝶, 你来自何方?

我不知道,我不问, 从来就没有一个家。 蝴蝶,蝴蝶, 你要去何方? 太阳闪耀的地方, 蓓蕾成长的地方。


26.Barber,Barber,Shave A Pig

Barber, barber, shave a pig!

How many hairs to make a wig?

Four and twenty, that’s enough! Give the barber a pinch of snuff.

剃头匠,剃头匠,给猪刮毛! 要多少毛发做头假发? 二十四,那就够了! 给剃头匠一撮鼻烟。


27.A Cat Came Fiddling Out Of A Barn

A cat came fiddling out of a barn,

With a pair of bagpipes under her arm. She could sing nothing but fiddle dee dee, The mouse has married the bumblebee. Pipe, cat; dance, mouse;

We’ll have a wedding at our good house.

一只猫蹑手蹑脚地走出谷仓, 手臂下面夹着一对风笛。

她唱不了任何东西除了乱拉着嘀嘀声。 老鼠嫁给了大黄蜂, 风笛,猫;舞蹈,老鼠;



28.The Cats Went Out To Serenade

The cats went out to serenade And on a banjo sweetly played;

And summer nights they climbed a tree And sand,

猫儿们出去歌唱小夜曲, 用一台班卓琴美妙演奏; 在这夏夜它们爬上了树, 唱着:“吾爱,哦,来我怀抱!”


29.Come To The Window

Come to the window, My baby, with me, And look at the stars That shine on the sea! There are two little stars That play bo-peep With two little fish Far down in the deep; And two little frogs Cry

That should be asleep.


我的宝贝,和我一起, 看看繁星, 闪耀在海上。 有两颗小星星, 他们玩躲猫猫 和两条小鱼儿 远在深海里; 两只小青蛙, 叫着:“小潮,小潮,小潮;”(偶疑心这是象声词)

我看见一个亲爱的宝贝 他该睡觉了。


30.Curly Locks, Curly Locks

Curly Locks, Curly Locks, Will you be mine?

You shall not wash dishes, Nor feed the swine, But sit on a cushion And sew a fine seam,

And sup upon strawberries, Sugar, and cream.

古力·洛克斯,古力·洛克斯, 你会成为我的吗? 你不必洗碟子, 不必喂猪,


牢牢地缝合裂口, 吃一口草莓, 带着糖,和奶油。

==========+===================+===================+============= 31.Cut Thistles In May

Cut thistles in May, They’ll grow in a day; Cut them in June, That is too soon; Cut them in July, Then they will die.

五月割蓟, 他们一天就长; 六月割蓟, 那会太快; 七月割蓟, 他们死亡。


32.Cross Patch,Draw The Latch

Cross Patch, draw the latch, Sit by the fire and spin;

Take up a cup, and drink it up, Then call the neighbors in.

克劳斯?帕奇,画上门插销, 坐在炉子和纺车边上; 拿起一杯茶,把它喝光, 然后把邻居们叫进来。

=============================================================== 33.Dame Trot And Her Cat

Dame Trot and her cat Led a peaceable life,

When they were not troubled With other folks’ strife. When Dame had her dinner, Pussy would wait,

And was sure to receive A nice piece from her plate.

特罗特女爵和她的猫, 过着平静的生活, 当她们不被

别的亲戚的冲突打扰。 当特罗特女爵进晚餐, 猫将等待, 确定能够得到, 她盘中美味的一份。

=============================================================== 35.Do Your Ears Hang Low

Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie ’em in a knot? Can you tie ’em in a bow?

Can you throw ’em over your shoulder Like a continental soldier? Do your ears hang low?

你是否垂耳倾听? 他们是否摇摆不定?

你能否将他们打进一个结中? 你能否将他们系进一张弓中? 你能否将他们从肩头掷出 就像一个步兵? 你是否垂耳倾听?

================================================================ 36.Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsey, And Bess

Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsey, and Bess,

They all went together to seek a bird’s nest; They found a bird’s nest with five eggs in, They all took one, and left four in.



她们找到一个里面有五个蛋的鸟巢, 她们拿了一个,留了四个。

================================================================ 37.Elsie Marley

Elsie Marley’s grown so fine,

She won’t get up to feed the swine, But lies in bed ’till eight or nine! Lazy Elsie Marley.

埃尔希?玛丽成长得如此漂亮健康, 她长大后不会去喂猪,

除了躺在床上直到八点或九点! 懒惰的埃尔希?玛丽。

================================================================ 38.Eencey Weencey Spider

Eencey Weencey spider Climbed up the water spout; Down came the rain

And washed poor Eencey out; Out came the sun

And dried up all the rain;

And the Eencey Weencey spider Climbed up the spout again.

咪咪小的蜘蛛 爬上喷水嘴; 雨下下来

冲走了小蜘蛛; 太阳升起来

晒干了所有雨点; 咪咪小的蜘蛛 再次爬上喷水嘴。

================================================================ 39.Every Lady In This Land

Every lady in this land

Has twenty nails -- upon each hand Five, and twenty on hands and feet: All this is true without deceit.


有二十只长指甲——在每只手上 五个一组,一共二十只在手和脚上: 这些都是真实的。

================================================================ 40.Father And Mother And Uncle John

Father and Mother and Uncle John Went to market one by one. Father fell off -- ! Mother fell off -- !

But Uncle John went on, and on, And on, And on, And on, And on, And on ...

爸爸妈妈和约翰叔叔 一个接一个地去集市。 爸爸摔倒了——! 妈妈摔倒了——!

但约翰叔叔继续走,继续, 继续, 继续, 继续, 继续, 继续„„ (完)


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  • 小学二年级英语单词 Unit 1 她是我的阿姨 单词-----中文 叔叔 表妹 阿姨 高 矮 句子-----中英文对照 这是我的表妹.她很可爱. 这是你叔叔吗?是的. 这是你妈妈吗?不是,她是我阿姨. 这是我妈妈.你好王女士. Unit 2 ...查看

  • 阿甘正传观后感 中英文对照
  • Life is like a box of chocolates, results are often surprising If you do not insist on the struggle of life do not never ...查看
