
英国人把排队叫做“queue up”,美国人把排队叫做“wait in line”,只有纽约人不同,他们把排队叫做“wait on line”。似乎没有人知道纽约人为什么要这样说,这倒是我们在排队时可以好好考虑的问题。




1. 一位艾滋病研究专家昨天在华盛顿说,有些人感染了艾滋病毒后仍然十分健康地活着。这为他们的研究提供了“一线希望”,那就是一旦传染上艾滋病并不等于被判了死刑。

2. 是否能够欣赏这些现代画取决于你的想象力。

3. 许多人宁愿放弃比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位,这在西方是人之常情。

4. 我兴奋得什么话都说不出来。

5. 走在纽约第五大道的人行道上,污雪成浆,阴冷潮湿,他疲惫不堪。

6. 许多人认为,普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学家的思维活动相比,认为这些思维活动必须经过某种专门训练才能掌握。

7. Since he was not clear with this matter, he declined to express his ideas.

8. The sight of him reminds me of his father.

9. The misunderstanding was caused by their quarrel.

10. The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end to.


Suggested answer:


上世纪下半叶,服务产业增长迅速。在美国,1960到1985年期间,服务业所占的比重从56%增长到69%,而同期在欧洲则从33%增长到55%。另外,计算机在从农业到电信业的各个行业产生了巨大影响。这两者共同促使了我们通常所说的信息时代的到来。这一时代,信息和知识取代了传统制造业的地位。 技术,尤其是计算机技术的快速发展,引领了一种全新的工作方式,改变了现代社会对男女角色的看法,而人口老龄化和缺乏有经验的技术人员更加快了这









4. 5. 6.




10. 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

11. 他把手插进口袋里,然后耸了耸肩。






17. ,这种行为违背了中央的精神。


















领导艺术的精髓,在于使人各尽所能,发挥所长,帮助他们充分发挥自己的潜能,激励大家为了共同的目标而奋斗。领导者总能因地制宜,因势力导。 一个优秀的领导者,一个卓有成效的领导者,必须尊重别人。因为要想得到别人的尊重,首先要尊重别人。领导者对本组织各级人员都表示尊重,尊重他们的工作,重视他们的能力,关心他们的愿望,满足他们的需求,他就会发现他也会受到别人的尊重。这样,所有相关人员都会倍感激励,努力工作。

3. 公立学校由选民选出的地方学校管理委员会管理。

4. 美国境内气候多样,但大部分国土位于温带。

5. 如果能把电脑造得足够复杂的话,那么电脑就能像人一样富于创造力。

6. 美国政府的整个体制,是以宪法和《人权法案》确立的原则为基础的。

7. 我们都认为,有了警惕和实力,用你们的话来说,就可以推迟战争;用我们的话来说,就可以避免战争。

8. 据说,新任总统将去访问难民营。

9. 必须指出,这样的错误不能再犯。

10. 人们常说科学是把双刃剑,增长了财富,带来了安逸的同时,也使人们恐惧着克隆人之类的潜在危险。

11. 美国报纸和世界其他国家一样,既有耸人听闻的小报,报道犯罪、色情和小道消息,也有严肃报刊,聚焦时事新闻,分析国际时事。

12. 电子商务是个充满挑战、充满活力的领域,变革、发展和创新是其根本准则。

13. 剑桥大学培养出了诸如牛顿、培根、拜伦、弥尔顿、达尔文这样的伟大科学家、思想家和诗人,他们为人类的进步作出了杰出的贡献。

14. 大部分反对转基因食品的呼声来自于富裕的西方国家,那里的人民生活富足,不愁温饱。

15. 家庭是社会的传统组成部分,而美国青年越来越拒绝婚姻,使这种观念受到了挑战。

16. 在金融界可以通过互联网进行交易,在家上班的潮流正在金融界兴起。

17. 今天的日本和五十年前完全不同,尤其是社会观念已经偏离了传统的亚洲价值观念。

18. 美国在网络发展的初级阶段处于领先地位,目前在全球百强企业内仍然占据强有力的地位。

19. 美国人民认为政府应当规定法律和秩序的准则,让人们自由地过自己的生活。

20. 我把消息告诉了罗伯特,他又告诉了他的朋友莱里,消息很快在校园里传开了。

21. 挪威自然十分关切欧洲和大西洋国家的发展,因为这些发展大大有助于维护世界上我们这一地区的和平与安全。

22. 因此,让我们在今后的5天里一起开始一次长征吧,不是在一起迈步,而是在不同的道路上向着同一个目标前进。这个目标就是建立一个和平和正义的世界结构,使所有的人都在一起享有同等的尊严,使每一个国家,不论大小,


A. 学生在校园内做点小买卖与他们走出校园推销自己在本质上都是一回事,因为两者带给人们的启发是一样的:大学该怎么培养学生的市场商业意识,让他们在合法的条件下愉快创业,并为他们创造必要的条件呢?而学校又如何在培养学生的经商意识的过程中,把学生也做成一件好卖的商品推向市场呢?毕竟,作为学校这间公司产品的大学生,拿到市场没有竞争力,大学是要关门的。

5. 国会已制定法律,要求大部分压力集团呈报他们花费了多少钱、怎样花的,以及该款项的总合和来源、成员人数、代表的姓名和薪金等情况。

6. 1974年,该研究所接到命令:如果其研究成果确实可用于市场预测,则其研究可继续进行下去。

7. 各州先要制定符合规章的管理标准,联邦政府才会拨给财政援助,这是为了使联邦政府的财源基本上得到平均的分配,确保实行一种平衡的财政制度。

8. 农民由于农业机械日益用于生产而被赶出自己的家园;而由于手工业机械化的结果又使他们在城市里无以为生。

9. 50年代后期的美国出现了一个任何人都不可能视而不见的现象,穷知识分子以“垮掉的一代”这种颇为浪漫的姿态出现而成为美国的典型的穷人。而大批的毕业生正被迫加入


10. 在大多数问题上,政党所起的只是次要作用,遇到有分歧的问题,每个党内几乎无


11. 许多人常常宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是


12. 现在美国有一种奇怪的现象:一方面,人们为上升到不再依靠体力劳动来谋生的地


13. 道路更加平坦畅通,交通工具更加高速舒适,使得富裕阶层开始居住市郊。这一趋


14. 我认为,如果一个人思路不清,他写文章也不可能写得清楚;如果他喜怒无常,他


15. 美国人能否成为自由人,还是沦为奴隶;能否享有称之为自己所有的财产;能否使


16. 汽车给美国生活带来了许多变化,例如过去25年中郊区不断发展壮大。许多在城


17. 在美国,许多行业可以完全停业,某些主要工业可以完全废除,一两个次要职业也


18. 在记者招待会上,问题主要集中于昨天的选举结果。总统指出,他无法解释为什么


19. 决策人要能对自己采取独到行动的情势做出正确的估量,对自己采取这种行动的回


A. 数以百万计的人们正在从事第二甚至第三职业以增加收入,有的仅仅是为了维持收支平衡,有的是为了攒钱购买高档消费品,有的是为了退休养老。几乎每个城市的职业介绍所都反映,兼职工作供不应求。在大多数情况下,兼职申请象雪片一样飞来,远远超过了能够提供的岗位。据美国劳动统计局估计,大约有三分之一的兼职者需要这份额外收入来支付基本生活的开销。在洛杉矶警署工作了十四年的老警官鲁普.德拉加扎就属于这种情况。每个月500美元的额外收入可以使德拉加扎家庭存钱供孩子们上大学用,还可以让全家人外出度假。德拉加扎说:“有时候我感觉有点累,但是为了全家人,我辛苦一点也是值得的。”

B. 私家车与商品房在争夺人们心中消费第一支出的位置,这本身就是对传统安居乐业观念的超越与颠覆。买商品房是一种相当静态的保值型投资,这种不动产提供的封闭空间,客观上将人的生活固定在一种保守的模式上;而买车是一种积极的动态投资,就汽车本身来说会越来越贬值,但在社交的意义和精神需要上,它能自由地将人带往很远的地方和更大的圈子,


1. Dad put his hands on little Tom’s shoulders to show his support.

2. You are too young to distinguish right from wrong.

3. After her neighbors learnt about her family difficulties, they offered her a helping hand.

4. Unless (they are) compelled, they will not go.

5. His remarkable speech brought down the house.

6. He is a black sheep, always bringing trouble to his family.

7. It remains to be seen whether the country stays in one piece or is driven to civil war and partition.

8. Restricting communication is a symptom of short-range thinking.

9. The adoption of this new device will greatly improve the efficiency.

10. He is not content with his present achievements.

11. We should not take advantage of the ignorance of others.

12. She drew the curtain to keep the sunshine out.

13. She does not believe he is an ungrateful man.

14. He was like a cat on hot bricks before his driving test.

15. On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month every year, every Chinese household wrap and eat zongzi (a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves).

A. In China, whenever people talk about Hangzhou, they will invariably refer to the West Lake, so named because it is located in west of the city. Throughout the country, there are actually 36 fresh-water lakes that have got the name of West Lake, but of these the one in Hangzhou is somehow blessed with the most picturesque natural scenery. Many men of letters like to compare the West Lake in Hangzhou whose Chinese name is Xi Hu to the famous ancient beauty Xi Shi of the State of Yue, calling it Xi Zi Hu or Xi Shi Hu where zi is used to refer to a female person.

Today’s West Lake streches some 3.3 kilometres north to south and 2.8 kilometres east to west, covering in total an area of about six square kilometres, with

a perimeter that of approximately 15 kilometres. It is sheltered by hills on three sides, with open, flat land only to the northeast where downtown Hangzhou is situated. Such a unique topographical feature has been described as

The lake view is not the only scenic feature that is attractive. Its charm is accentuated by the presence of the wooded hills that surround it on three sides, their picturesque peaks, rocks, caves and ravines intermingling with sparklingsprings, ponds, brooks and creeks. From the wooded hillsides peep out temples, pagodas, towers and pavilions. With the lake and the hills setting each other off, the overall scenery has gained a singular charm.

B. Reed Flute Cave is the most magnificent of all in Guilin. It derives its name from the reeds at its entrance, which were once used to make flutes. The cave was first discovered in the Tang Dynasty. Since 1959, it has been turned into a tourist attraction. Inside the cave there are many unusual stalactite and stalagmite formations, which resemble coral, amber and jade under colourful lights. Their shapes suggest images of ferocious beasts and human forms. The cave has a vast grotto, named Crystal Palace, capable of holding up to 1,000 people. Legend has it that the stone pillar in the grotto is the Dragon King’s magic needle. The underground path opens out onto a terrace which affords a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains, farmland and river courses.

5. The time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall not exceed a period of two years counting from the date of loss.

6. With the pocket money he had saved for quite a few years, he bought a digital video, with which he then visited various scenic spots throughout the country and shot a lot of videos.

7. No, the village is not dead. It is now more vital than ever before.

8. One spring evening, my parents held a banquet in the garden where all sorts of flowers were in full bloom. Instantly, a crowd of guests gathered together and their laughter was heard all over there.

9. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Lujiazui in Pudong. The tower, surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a picture of “twin dragons playing with pearls”. The entire scene is a photographic jewel that always arouses the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round.

10. The news of his full recovery assured her. /

She rested assured at the news of his full recovery.

11. New ideas, new attitudes, new horizons, new trades and occupations were revealed to them.

12. This meeting provides us with an ideal arena where we will exchange views, clear up misunderstandings and reach common ground.

13. Given all of this experience in implementing safe automated transportation systems, it is not such a large leap to develop road vehicles that can operate under automatic control.

14. The boss was lost in contemplation, smoking a cigar.

15. The students welcomed the visiting scholar with warm applause.

16. Yellow is the soil — the uncultivated virgin soil. It is the outer covering of the loess plateau accumulated by Mother Nature several hundred thousand years ago.

17. This is our internationalism, the internationalism with which we oppose both narrow nationalism and narrow patriotism.

18. They felt the whole building shaking.

19. The booming economy can enable a country to have more say in world affairs.

A. Li Ning Company Limited is one of the leading sports brand enterprises in China. It has its own branding, research and development, design, manufacturing, distribution and retail capabilities. The Group's products include sports footwear, apparel and accessories for sport and leisure use which are primarily sold under its own LI-NING brand. The Group has established an extensive distribution and retail network in China, under which distributors manage the franchised LI-NING retail outlets in congruence with the Group's marketing direction. The Group also directly manages its own LI-NING retail outlets and concessions. In addition, the Group has established a joint venture with AIGLE, under which the joint venture has been given the exclusive right by AIGLE to manufacture, market, distribute and sell for 50 years in China, outdoor sports products which bear the AIGLE trademarks registered and owned by AIGLE. In April 2007, the Group officially launched a new brand called Z-DO. Z-DO's products include sports footwear, apparel and accessories, and primarily targets the hypermarkets as its sales channel.

B. The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion. Easy to slip on and comfortable to wear, the cheongsam fits well the female Chinese figure. Its neck is high, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on season and taste. The dress is buttoned on the right side, with a loose chest, a fitting waist, and slits up from the sides, all of which combine to set off the beauty of the female shape. Another beauty of the cheongsam is that, made of different materials and to varying lengths, they can be worn either on casual or formal occasions. In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance and neatness. No wonder it is so much liked by women not only of China but of foreign countries as well.

Steamed Lobster with Garlic Braised Green Bean

Deep Fried Prawns Bitter Gourd in Black Bean Sauce Ginger and Onion Crab Sauteed Vegetable

Sauteed Scallop with Mushrooms Mushroom in Oyster Sauce

Spicy Fired Crab Hot & Sour Soup

Sweet & Sour Pork West Lake Beef Thick Soup

Pork in Soy Sauce with Shaoxin Preserved Spring Rolls


Beef Fillet with Oyster Sauce Yang Chow Fried Rice

Bean Noodle with Dried Shrimp in Clay Seafood Chow Mein


Fish Flavored Eggplant in Clay Pot Chicken Noodle Soup

B.B.Q. Pork Beef Chow Fun with Vegetable

To the Chinese, eating is a kind of culture in itself. Chinese cuisine is as long in origin and rich in content as Chinese culture. There are marked differences in climate, geography and customs in the different regions of China, and food is no exception. Chinese cuisine falls into four major categories, Shangdong cuisine along the Yellow River valley, Sichuan cuisine along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Jiangsu-Zhejiang cuisine along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and China’s south-east coast, and Guangdong cuisine along the Pearl River valley and China’s south coast.

B. Beijing cuisine has a great deal of variety and emphasizes fine slicing techniques, rich aroma and sophisticated combination and seasonings. Great attention is paid to the exact degree of heat while cooking so that color, taste, smell and appearance of the dish are all at their best. Sichuan cuisine is world-famous for its hot, spicy dishes. The climate in Sichuan is very humid most of the year, and the Sichuanese like to keep the damp out by eating heavily spiced food. Hot chili, pepper and ginger are the

ever-present ingredients.


I. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

A. Western teachers working at Chinese preschools express shock at the levels of strictness imposed, and the ways in which the most difficult children are chastised.

While this high degree of discipline has the negative effect of making children reluctant to initiate play, it does succeed in teaching self-control and respect for authority — precisely those qualities that are seen to be lacking in U.S. schools.

Friends and family in North America often tell me that between piano, art and sports lessons, their kids are already overscheduled and subject to pressures beyond their years.

Yet, regardless of the number of extracurricular activities, the lives of Western children are leisurely when compared to Chinese.





B. The differences between methods of learning in the East and the West are thus based on profound cultural differences that will be glacially slow to shift.

Yet, while only limited change can be expected from domestic education reforms, a global educational environment is emerging which offers an ever-widening variety of choice.

In China, more and more parents are sending their toddlers to private American-style preschools that — despite their exorbitant fees — are doing a booming business in the most prosperous cities, such as Shanghai.

因此,东西方学习方法有别,根源还在于巨大的文化差异,改变将是极其缓慢的。 尽管可以预见,国内的教育改革只会带来有限的变化,然而一个全球化的教育环境正在形成,提供了越来越多的选择。


II. Translate the following paragraph into English.


It was once frequently told that “you have the guts to make a living anywhere with a mastery of math, physics and chemistry”. However, people nowadays, whether the middle-aged working stagers or those greenhorn college grads, have reached a consensus—gone are the days when “a diploma determines your life-time fate”. With the awesome update of knowledge in the era of

information explosion, we need to reskill ourselves continuously. Thus, lifelong education has become a historical inevitability.


I. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

A. It will be helpful to your search if you understand the structure of the U.S. educational system, which may be very different from that of your home country. Admission to undergraduate and graduate programs in particular will require you to have completed a particular level of education at the time of admission. It is important that you realize that not all U.S. programs are the same. Some programs are extremely demanding and the workload can even be difficult for American students. Other programs are more relaxed and focus on connecting students in cross-cultural learning. Before making a decision, it is important that you know how challenging your program will be.


B. Despite this, do not let the cost of an education in the U.S.A. scare you off! If you are feeling overwhelmed by the cost, consider what an education in the U.S.A. will mean to your future. Education is one of the best investments you can make — an investment in yourself! A U.S. education and proficiency in English paves the way to more secure and higher paying jobs. In the end, your U.S. education will pay for itself many times over.


II. Translate the following letter into English.


我已获得中国国家留学基金的资助,包括学习生活费用和往返机票,时间为一年。 随函附上我的简历和推荐信。如需更多信息,请及时与我本人联系。静候佳音。

Your department has been recommended to me by Dr. Li Yonghua, my doctorate supervisor. I would like to be considered for acceptance as a visiting scholar in the Department of Psychology. I am intensely interested in Consumer Psychology and have been engaged in its research for many years.

The China Scholarship Council has approved my request for financial support during my one-year visit covering the tuition, round-trip ticket fare and living expenses.

My resume and letters of recommendation are enclosed herewith. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Ⅰ. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

A. For a quarter of a century finance basked in a golden age. Financial globalisation spread capital more widely, markets evolved, businesses were able to finance new ventures and ordinary people had unprecedented access to borrowing and foreign exchange. Modern finance improved countless lives.

But more recently something went awry. Through insurance and saving, financial services are supposed to offer shelter from life’s reverses. Instead, financiers grew rich even as their industry put everyone’s prosperity in danger. Financial services are supposed to bring together borrowers and savers. But as lending markets have retreated, borrowers have been stranded without credit and savers have seen their pensions and investments melt away. Financial markets are supposed to be a machine for amassing capital and determining who gets to use it and for what. How could they have been so wrong?



B. Reform is certainly needed, yet, for all the excesses and instability of finance, a complete clampdown would be a mistake. For one thing, remember the remarkable prosperity of the past 25 years. Finance deserves some of the credit for that. Note, too, that finance has always been plagued by crises, whether the system is open or closed, simple or sophisticated. Attempts to regulate finance to make it safe often lead to dangerous distortions as clever financiers work around the rules. If there were a simple way to prevent crises altogether, it would already be the foundation stone of financial regulation. In fact, the aim should be neither to banish finance nor to punish it, but to create a system that supports economic growth through the best mix of state-imposed stability and private initiative.


Ⅱ. Translate the following business letters into Chinese.

A. Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you very much for your Order No. BS123 for our rotary printing presses Models PM600 and PM800 for November shipment. We wish to inform you that we can comply with all your requirements except for PM600, which is unfortunately out of stock at the present moment. We, therefore, would like to place before you two alternatives for your consideration.

1) As an excellent substitute for PM600, we recommend PM630, which is our latest model (for details, see attached leaflet) and can be shipped together with PM800 in November.

2) In case you still prefer PM600, we can ship your order in two lots, i.e. PM800 in November and PM600 in January next year, which is the earliest time we can manage. We look forward to your early decision.

Yours faithfully,

Grace Washington






此致 格雷斯·华盛顿

B. Dear Sir,

We have received your quotation of November 5, which we find quite competitive. We would be glad if you would cover us against All Risks, warehouse to warehouse, to the value of Can$1.2million, on fifteen cases of ceramic handicrafts, from Qingdao to Vancouver by M.V. Seagull.

The certificate must reach us by the 17th at the latest, since it has to be presented with the other documents to the bank with which a letter of credit has been opened.

We look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,

Denny Lee







Ⅲ. Translate the following contract into Chinese.

Sellers: Qingdao Textile Imp. & Exp. Corp.

Buyers: Far East Trading Co. Ltd.

This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity on the terms and conditions stipulated:

Commodity: Cardigans, Art. No. 406L

Specifications: 100% wool, pink 30%, blue 30%, brown 40%

Quantity: 900 cardigans

Unit Price: at DM 25 — each, CIFC 2% EMP

Total Value: DM 22,500 (Say Deutsche Marks Twenty-two Thousand Five Hundred Only) Packing: Each in a polybag, 5 dozens to a carton, in the color assortment stipulated above

Insurance: To be effected by the Seller for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks & War Risks as per China Insurance Clauses of January 1, 1981

Time of Shipment: During September/October, 2009, with transshipment prohibited

Port of Shipment: Qingdao, China

Port of Destination: EMP, to be specified in the L/C

Shipping Marks: At the Sellers’ option

Terms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight in favor of the Sellers to be opened by the Buyers through a first-class bank for 100% of the invoice value to reach the Sellers 40 days before shipment

This contract is signed on 25th October, 2009 in Qingdao, in two originals, each copy written in Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally valid. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.

Buyer: Seller:




商品:羊毛衫 货号:406L






保险:由卖方按照中国保险条款(1981.1.1)按发票金额110%投保综合险和战争险。 装运时间:2009年9/10月,禁止转运







买方: 卖方:


Ⅰ. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

A. We can wag fingers and self-righteously shout that the domestic car companies are reaping the unhappy fruits of the thoughtless seeds they planted. Schadenfreude is joy in hypocrisy. We bought all of those big trucks and big-engine cars. And we demanded more of them as long as we had access to the developed world's cheapest gasoline. But we whined like babies and screamed for more fuel-efficient vehicles like infants crying for nipples when gasoline topped $4 a gallon.

Put another way, we — consumers and politicians — were complicit in the automobile industry’s reluctance to do better in the arenas of fuel economy and emissions control. The natural tendency in a purely profit-oriented, capitalist system is to give consumers what they are demanding at a price that returns a handsome reward on investment in product development.

我们可以摇晃着手指自以为是地说,国内的汽车公司由于缺乏考虑,正在自食其果。幸灾乐祸是一种虚伪的快乐。我们一直在购买大型皮卡和大马力汽车,只要我们还能买到所有发达国家中价格最低的汽油,我们还会继续购买这样的车。然而,一旦燃油价格飙升至每加仑四美元,我们就像婴儿哭哭啼啼闹着要吃奶一样,叫嚷着要更多省油节能型的汽车。 换句话说,汽车工业不愿意在节能减排方面做出更多努力,我们——消费者和政客——也难辞其咎。在以纯利润为导向的资本主义体制中,为消费者提供其所需的能为投资带来丰厚回报的产品,是再自然不过的事情。

B. Both the two-door and four-door versions of the 2008 Jeep Wrangler do extremely well in federal government crash tests. Jeep also provides a number of accident avoidance features as standard equipment.

The two-door Wrangler and Unlimited model each receive 5-star scores for driver and passenger safety in frontal crash tests. Side crash tests have not been conducted. Both models receive 4 stars for two-wheel-drive versions in rollover tests, and 3 stars for four-wheel-drive versions. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety gives the 2008 Wrangler a top rating of “Good” in frontal offset tests, but much lower ratings of “Marginal” in side impact and rear protection tests. However, note that these ratings are for Wranglers without the optional side air bags.



Ⅱ. Translate the following advertisements into Chinese.

A. Complete home gym Reebok power bike

Thinking of adopting a healthier lifestyle? Why not do it from the comfort of your own home! Get started now — order online and have it all delivered straight to your door for free if your order is over $200.

家庭健身房 锐步健骑机

您是否正在考虑换一种更健康的生活方式? 为什么不从舒适的家居开始?马上行动,在线订购!订货价值200美元以上,我们将免费为您送货上门。

B. The older your feet get, the more you have to baby them

Everyone is born with fat feet; an extra padding of fatty tissue cushions footstep. But as we grow older, we lose tissue. Until there’s little left to absorb the bumps and jolts.

That’s why your feet get tired and jolts.

Dr. Herbert’s Air-Pillo Insoles help take the place of that fatty tissue. They’re soft, so you’ll feel the comfortable difference with every step. They are thin, so slip into your shoes without bunching and binding. And they help keep feet cooler and drier.

Because the older your feet get, the more you have to baby them.


每个人出生时,都有一双丰满的脚;脚底的脂肪组织象一层衬垫,使我们的脚步得到缓冲减震。但随着年龄的增长,这层组织越来越薄,直至无法吸收脚底的震颤。 这就是为什么双脚容易疲劳酸痛的原因。




MBA. Over 20-year experience in international financial management including mergers and acquisitions, venture capital, analysis of investments and acquisitions, cash management, project financing, finance administration. Having worked in manufacturing consumer products, banking, shipping and trading operation. Geneva based.

Fax: (4122) 1234567



传真: (4122) 1234567

D. Fresh food and fresh air. The perfect recipe for a healthy life. I’ve chosen. It’s Candy. (Candy冰箱广告)


英国人把排队叫做“queue up”,美国人把排队叫做“wait in line”,只有纽约人不同,他们把排队叫做“wait on line”。似乎没有人知道纽约人为什么要这样说,这倒是我们在排队时可以好好考虑的问题。




1. 一位艾滋病研究专家昨天在华盛顿说,有些人感染了艾滋病毒后仍然十分健康地活着。这为他们的研究提供了“一线希望”,那就是一旦传染上艾滋病并不等于被判了死刑。

2. 是否能够欣赏这些现代画取决于你的想象力。

3. 许多人宁愿放弃比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位,这在西方是人之常情。

4. 我兴奋得什么话都说不出来。

5. 走在纽约第五大道的人行道上,污雪成浆,阴冷潮湿,他疲惫不堪。

6. 许多人认为,普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学家的思维活动相比,认为这些思维活动必须经过某种专门训练才能掌握。

7. Since he was not clear with this matter, he declined to express his ideas.

8. The sight of him reminds me of his father.

9. The misunderstanding was caused by their quarrel.

10. The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end to.


Suggested answer:


上世纪下半叶,服务产业增长迅速。在美国,1960到1985年期间,服务业所占的比重从56%增长到69%,而同期在欧洲则从33%增长到55%。另外,计算机在从农业到电信业的各个行业产生了巨大影响。这两者共同促使了我们通常所说的信息时代的到来。这一时代,信息和知识取代了传统制造业的地位。 技术,尤其是计算机技术的快速发展,引领了一种全新的工作方式,改变了现代社会对男女角色的看法,而人口老龄化和缺乏有经验的技术人员更加快了这









4. 5. 6.




10. 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

11. 他把手插进口袋里,然后耸了耸肩。






17. ,这种行为违背了中央的精神。


















领导艺术的精髓,在于使人各尽所能,发挥所长,帮助他们充分发挥自己的潜能,激励大家为了共同的目标而奋斗。领导者总能因地制宜,因势力导。 一个优秀的领导者,一个卓有成效的领导者,必须尊重别人。因为要想得到别人的尊重,首先要尊重别人。领导者对本组织各级人员都表示尊重,尊重他们的工作,重视他们的能力,关心他们的愿望,满足他们的需求,他就会发现他也会受到别人的尊重。这样,所有相关人员都会倍感激励,努力工作。

3. 公立学校由选民选出的地方学校管理委员会管理。

4. 美国境内气候多样,但大部分国土位于温带。

5. 如果能把电脑造得足够复杂的话,那么电脑就能像人一样富于创造力。

6. 美国政府的整个体制,是以宪法和《人权法案》确立的原则为基础的。

7. 我们都认为,有了警惕和实力,用你们的话来说,就可以推迟战争;用我们的话来说,就可以避免战争。

8. 据说,新任总统将去访问难民营。

9. 必须指出,这样的错误不能再犯。

10. 人们常说科学是把双刃剑,增长了财富,带来了安逸的同时,也使人们恐惧着克隆人之类的潜在危险。

11. 美国报纸和世界其他国家一样,既有耸人听闻的小报,报道犯罪、色情和小道消息,也有严肃报刊,聚焦时事新闻,分析国际时事。

12. 电子商务是个充满挑战、充满活力的领域,变革、发展和创新是其根本准则。

13. 剑桥大学培养出了诸如牛顿、培根、拜伦、弥尔顿、达尔文这样的伟大科学家、思想家和诗人,他们为人类的进步作出了杰出的贡献。

14. 大部分反对转基因食品的呼声来自于富裕的西方国家,那里的人民生活富足,不愁温饱。

15. 家庭是社会的传统组成部分,而美国青年越来越拒绝婚姻,使这种观念受到了挑战。

16. 在金融界可以通过互联网进行交易,在家上班的潮流正在金融界兴起。

17. 今天的日本和五十年前完全不同,尤其是社会观念已经偏离了传统的亚洲价值观念。

18. 美国在网络发展的初级阶段处于领先地位,目前在全球百强企业内仍然占据强有力的地位。

19. 美国人民认为政府应当规定法律和秩序的准则,让人们自由地过自己的生活。

20. 我把消息告诉了罗伯特,他又告诉了他的朋友莱里,消息很快在校园里传开了。

21. 挪威自然十分关切欧洲和大西洋国家的发展,因为这些发展大大有助于维护世界上我们这一地区的和平与安全。

22. 因此,让我们在今后的5天里一起开始一次长征吧,不是在一起迈步,而是在不同的道路上向着同一个目标前进。这个目标就是建立一个和平和正义的世界结构,使所有的人都在一起享有同等的尊严,使每一个国家,不论大小,


A. 学生在校园内做点小买卖与他们走出校园推销自己在本质上都是一回事,因为两者带给人们的启发是一样的:大学该怎么培养学生的市场商业意识,让他们在合法的条件下愉快创业,并为他们创造必要的条件呢?而学校又如何在培养学生的经商意识的过程中,把学生也做成一件好卖的商品推向市场呢?毕竟,作为学校这间公司产品的大学生,拿到市场没有竞争力,大学是要关门的。

5. 国会已制定法律,要求大部分压力集团呈报他们花费了多少钱、怎样花的,以及该款项的总合和来源、成员人数、代表的姓名和薪金等情况。

6. 1974年,该研究所接到命令:如果其研究成果确实可用于市场预测,则其研究可继续进行下去。

7. 各州先要制定符合规章的管理标准,联邦政府才会拨给财政援助,这是为了使联邦政府的财源基本上得到平均的分配,确保实行一种平衡的财政制度。

8. 农民由于农业机械日益用于生产而被赶出自己的家园;而由于手工业机械化的结果又使他们在城市里无以为生。

9. 50年代后期的美国出现了一个任何人都不可能视而不见的现象,穷知识分子以“垮掉的一代”这种颇为浪漫的姿态出现而成为美国的典型的穷人。而大批的毕业生正被迫加入


10. 在大多数问题上,政党所起的只是次要作用,遇到有分歧的问题,每个党内几乎无


11. 许多人常常宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是


12. 现在美国有一种奇怪的现象:一方面,人们为上升到不再依靠体力劳动来谋生的地


13. 道路更加平坦畅通,交通工具更加高速舒适,使得富裕阶层开始居住市郊。这一趋


14. 我认为,如果一个人思路不清,他写文章也不可能写得清楚;如果他喜怒无常,他


15. 美国人能否成为自由人,还是沦为奴隶;能否享有称之为自己所有的财产;能否使


16. 汽车给美国生活带来了许多变化,例如过去25年中郊区不断发展壮大。许多在城


17. 在美国,许多行业可以完全停业,某些主要工业可以完全废除,一两个次要职业也


18. 在记者招待会上,问题主要集中于昨天的选举结果。总统指出,他无法解释为什么


19. 决策人要能对自己采取独到行动的情势做出正确的估量,对自己采取这种行动的回


A. 数以百万计的人们正在从事第二甚至第三职业以增加收入,有的仅仅是为了维持收支平衡,有的是为了攒钱购买高档消费品,有的是为了退休养老。几乎每个城市的职业介绍所都反映,兼职工作供不应求。在大多数情况下,兼职申请象雪片一样飞来,远远超过了能够提供的岗位。据美国劳动统计局估计,大约有三分之一的兼职者需要这份额外收入来支付基本生活的开销。在洛杉矶警署工作了十四年的老警官鲁普.德拉加扎就属于这种情况。每个月500美元的额外收入可以使德拉加扎家庭存钱供孩子们上大学用,还可以让全家人外出度假。德拉加扎说:“有时候我感觉有点累,但是为了全家人,我辛苦一点也是值得的。”

B. 私家车与商品房在争夺人们心中消费第一支出的位置,这本身就是对传统安居乐业观念的超越与颠覆。买商品房是一种相当静态的保值型投资,这种不动产提供的封闭空间,客观上将人的生活固定在一种保守的模式上;而买车是一种积极的动态投资,就汽车本身来说会越来越贬值,但在社交的意义和精神需要上,它能自由地将人带往很远的地方和更大的圈子,


1. Dad put his hands on little Tom’s shoulders to show his support.

2. You are too young to distinguish right from wrong.

3. After her neighbors learnt about her family difficulties, they offered her a helping hand.

4. Unless (they are) compelled, they will not go.

5. His remarkable speech brought down the house.

6. He is a black sheep, always bringing trouble to his family.

7. It remains to be seen whether the country stays in one piece or is driven to civil war and partition.

8. Restricting communication is a symptom of short-range thinking.

9. The adoption of this new device will greatly improve the efficiency.

10. He is not content with his present achievements.

11. We should not take advantage of the ignorance of others.

12. She drew the curtain to keep the sunshine out.

13. She does not believe he is an ungrateful man.

14. He was like a cat on hot bricks before his driving test.

15. On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month every year, every Chinese household wrap and eat zongzi (a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves).

A. In China, whenever people talk about Hangzhou, they will invariably refer to the West Lake, so named because it is located in west of the city. Throughout the country, there are actually 36 fresh-water lakes that have got the name of West Lake, but of these the one in Hangzhou is somehow blessed with the most picturesque natural scenery. Many men of letters like to compare the West Lake in Hangzhou whose Chinese name is Xi Hu to the famous ancient beauty Xi Shi of the State of Yue, calling it Xi Zi Hu or Xi Shi Hu where zi is used to refer to a female person.

Today’s West Lake streches some 3.3 kilometres north to south and 2.8 kilometres east to west, covering in total an area of about six square kilometres, with

a perimeter that of approximately 15 kilometres. It is sheltered by hills on three sides, with open, flat land only to the northeast where downtown Hangzhou is situated. Such a unique topographical feature has been described as

The lake view is not the only scenic feature that is attractive. Its charm is accentuated by the presence of the wooded hills that surround it on three sides, their picturesque peaks, rocks, caves and ravines intermingling with sparklingsprings, ponds, brooks and creeks. From the wooded hillsides peep out temples, pagodas, towers and pavilions. With the lake and the hills setting each other off, the overall scenery has gained a singular charm.

B. Reed Flute Cave is the most magnificent of all in Guilin. It derives its name from the reeds at its entrance, which were once used to make flutes. The cave was first discovered in the Tang Dynasty. Since 1959, it has been turned into a tourist attraction. Inside the cave there are many unusual stalactite and stalagmite formations, which resemble coral, amber and jade under colourful lights. Their shapes suggest images of ferocious beasts and human forms. The cave has a vast grotto, named Crystal Palace, capable of holding up to 1,000 people. Legend has it that the stone pillar in the grotto is the Dragon King’s magic needle. The underground path opens out onto a terrace which affords a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains, farmland and river courses.

5. The time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall not exceed a period of two years counting from the date of loss.

6. With the pocket money he had saved for quite a few years, he bought a digital video, with which he then visited various scenic spots throughout the country and shot a lot of videos.

7. No, the village is not dead. It is now more vital than ever before.

8. One spring evening, my parents held a banquet in the garden where all sorts of flowers were in full bloom. Instantly, a crowd of guests gathered together and their laughter was heard all over there.

9. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Lujiazui in Pudong. The tower, surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a picture of “twin dragons playing with pearls”. The entire scene is a photographic jewel that always arouses the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round.

10. The news of his full recovery assured her. /

She rested assured at the news of his full recovery.

11. New ideas, new attitudes, new horizons, new trades and occupations were revealed to them.

12. This meeting provides us with an ideal arena where we will exchange views, clear up misunderstandings and reach common ground.

13. Given all of this experience in implementing safe automated transportation systems, it is not such a large leap to develop road vehicles that can operate under automatic control.

14. The boss was lost in contemplation, smoking a cigar.

15. The students welcomed the visiting scholar with warm applause.

16. Yellow is the soil — the uncultivated virgin soil. It is the outer covering of the loess plateau accumulated by Mother Nature several hundred thousand years ago.

17. This is our internationalism, the internationalism with which we oppose both narrow nationalism and narrow patriotism.

18. They felt the whole building shaking.

19. The booming economy can enable a country to have more say in world affairs.

A. Li Ning Company Limited is one of the leading sports brand enterprises in China. It has its own branding, research and development, design, manufacturing, distribution and retail capabilities. The Group's products include sports footwear, apparel and accessories for sport and leisure use which are primarily sold under its own LI-NING brand. The Group has established an extensive distribution and retail network in China, under which distributors manage the franchised LI-NING retail outlets in congruence with the Group's marketing direction. The Group also directly manages its own LI-NING retail outlets and concessions. In addition, the Group has established a joint venture with AIGLE, under which the joint venture has been given the exclusive right by AIGLE to manufacture, market, distribute and sell for 50 years in China, outdoor sports products which bear the AIGLE trademarks registered and owned by AIGLE. In April 2007, the Group officially launched a new brand called Z-DO. Z-DO's products include sports footwear, apparel and accessories, and primarily targets the hypermarkets as its sales channel.

B. The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion. Easy to slip on and comfortable to wear, the cheongsam fits well the female Chinese figure. Its neck is high, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on season and taste. The dress is buttoned on the right side, with a loose chest, a fitting waist, and slits up from the sides, all of which combine to set off the beauty of the female shape. Another beauty of the cheongsam is that, made of different materials and to varying lengths, they can be worn either on casual or formal occasions. In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance and neatness. No wonder it is so much liked by women not only of China but of foreign countries as well.

Steamed Lobster with Garlic Braised Green Bean

Deep Fried Prawns Bitter Gourd in Black Bean Sauce Ginger and Onion Crab Sauteed Vegetable

Sauteed Scallop with Mushrooms Mushroom in Oyster Sauce

Spicy Fired Crab Hot & Sour Soup

Sweet & Sour Pork West Lake Beef Thick Soup

Pork in Soy Sauce with Shaoxin Preserved Spring Rolls


Beef Fillet with Oyster Sauce Yang Chow Fried Rice

Bean Noodle with Dried Shrimp in Clay Seafood Chow Mein


Fish Flavored Eggplant in Clay Pot Chicken Noodle Soup

B.B.Q. Pork Beef Chow Fun with Vegetable

To the Chinese, eating is a kind of culture in itself. Chinese cuisine is as long in origin and rich in content as Chinese culture. There are marked differences in climate, geography and customs in the different regions of China, and food is no exception. Chinese cuisine falls into four major categories, Shangdong cuisine along the Yellow River valley, Sichuan cuisine along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Jiangsu-Zhejiang cuisine along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and China’s south-east coast, and Guangdong cuisine along the Pearl River valley and China’s south coast.

B. Beijing cuisine has a great deal of variety and emphasizes fine slicing techniques, rich aroma and sophisticated combination and seasonings. Great attention is paid to the exact degree of heat while cooking so that color, taste, smell and appearance of the dish are all at their best. Sichuan cuisine is world-famous for its hot, spicy dishes. The climate in Sichuan is very humid most of the year, and the Sichuanese like to keep the damp out by eating heavily spiced food. Hot chili, pepper and ginger are the

ever-present ingredients.


I. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

A. Western teachers working at Chinese preschools express shock at the levels of strictness imposed, and the ways in which the most difficult children are chastised.

While this high degree of discipline has the negative effect of making children reluctant to initiate play, it does succeed in teaching self-control and respect for authority — precisely those qualities that are seen to be lacking in U.S. schools.

Friends and family in North America often tell me that between piano, art and sports lessons, their kids are already overscheduled and subject to pressures beyond their years.

Yet, regardless of the number of extracurricular activities, the lives of Western children are leisurely when compared to Chinese.





B. The differences between methods of learning in the East and the West are thus based on profound cultural differences that will be glacially slow to shift.

Yet, while only limited change can be expected from domestic education reforms, a global educational environment is emerging which offers an ever-widening variety of choice.

In China, more and more parents are sending their toddlers to private American-style preschools that — despite their exorbitant fees — are doing a booming business in the most prosperous cities, such as Shanghai.

因此,东西方学习方法有别,根源还在于巨大的文化差异,改变将是极其缓慢的。 尽管可以预见,国内的教育改革只会带来有限的变化,然而一个全球化的教育环境正在形成,提供了越来越多的选择。


II. Translate the following paragraph into English.


It was once frequently told that “you have the guts to make a living anywhere with a mastery of math, physics and chemistry”. However, people nowadays, whether the middle-aged working stagers or those greenhorn college grads, have reached a consensus—gone are the days when “a diploma determines your life-time fate”. With the awesome update of knowledge in the era of

information explosion, we need to reskill ourselves continuously. Thus, lifelong education has become a historical inevitability.


I. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

A. It will be helpful to your search if you understand the structure of the U.S. educational system, which may be very different from that of your home country. Admission to undergraduate and graduate programs in particular will require you to have completed a particular level of education at the time of admission. It is important that you realize that not all U.S. programs are the same. Some programs are extremely demanding and the workload can even be difficult for American students. Other programs are more relaxed and focus on connecting students in cross-cultural learning. Before making a decision, it is important that you know how challenging your program will be.


B. Despite this, do not let the cost of an education in the U.S.A. scare you off! If you are feeling overwhelmed by the cost, consider what an education in the U.S.A. will mean to your future. Education is one of the best investments you can make — an investment in yourself! A U.S. education and proficiency in English paves the way to more secure and higher paying jobs. In the end, your U.S. education will pay for itself many times over.


II. Translate the following letter into English.


我已获得中国国家留学基金的资助,包括学习生活费用和往返机票,时间为一年。 随函附上我的简历和推荐信。如需更多信息,请及时与我本人联系。静候佳音。

Your department has been recommended to me by Dr. Li Yonghua, my doctorate supervisor. I would like to be considered for acceptance as a visiting scholar in the Department of Psychology. I am intensely interested in Consumer Psychology and have been engaged in its research for many years.

The China Scholarship Council has approved my request for financial support during my one-year visit covering the tuition, round-trip ticket fare and living expenses.

My resume and letters of recommendation are enclosed herewith. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Ⅰ. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

A. For a quarter of a century finance basked in a golden age. Financial globalisation spread capital more widely, markets evolved, businesses were able to finance new ventures and ordinary people had unprecedented access to borrowing and foreign exchange. Modern finance improved countless lives.

But more recently something went awry. Through insurance and saving, financial services are supposed to offer shelter from life’s reverses. Instead, financiers grew rich even as their industry put everyone’s prosperity in danger. Financial services are supposed to bring together borrowers and savers. But as lending markets have retreated, borrowers have been stranded without credit and savers have seen their pensions and investments melt away. Financial markets are supposed to be a machine for amassing capital and determining who gets to use it and for what. How could they have been so wrong?



B. Reform is certainly needed, yet, for all the excesses and instability of finance, a complete clampdown would be a mistake. For one thing, remember the remarkable prosperity of the past 25 years. Finance deserves some of the credit for that. Note, too, that finance has always been plagued by crises, whether the system is open or closed, simple or sophisticated. Attempts to regulate finance to make it safe often lead to dangerous distortions as clever financiers work around the rules. If there were a simple way to prevent crises altogether, it would already be the foundation stone of financial regulation. In fact, the aim should be neither to banish finance nor to punish it, but to create a system that supports economic growth through the best mix of state-imposed stability and private initiative.


Ⅱ. Translate the following business letters into Chinese.

A. Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you very much for your Order No. BS123 for our rotary printing presses Models PM600 and PM800 for November shipment. We wish to inform you that we can comply with all your requirements except for PM600, which is unfortunately out of stock at the present moment. We, therefore, would like to place before you two alternatives for your consideration.

1) As an excellent substitute for PM600, we recommend PM630, which is our latest model (for details, see attached leaflet) and can be shipped together with PM800 in November.

2) In case you still prefer PM600, we can ship your order in two lots, i.e. PM800 in November and PM600 in January next year, which is the earliest time we can manage. We look forward to your early decision.

Yours faithfully,

Grace Washington






此致 格雷斯·华盛顿

B. Dear Sir,

We have received your quotation of November 5, which we find quite competitive. We would be glad if you would cover us against All Risks, warehouse to warehouse, to the value of Can$1.2million, on fifteen cases of ceramic handicrafts, from Qingdao to Vancouver by M.V. Seagull.

The certificate must reach us by the 17th at the latest, since it has to be presented with the other documents to the bank with which a letter of credit has been opened.

We look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,

Denny Lee







Ⅲ. Translate the following contract into Chinese.

Sellers: Qingdao Textile Imp. & Exp. Corp.

Buyers: Far East Trading Co. Ltd.

This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity on the terms and conditions stipulated:

Commodity: Cardigans, Art. No. 406L

Specifications: 100% wool, pink 30%, blue 30%, brown 40%

Quantity: 900 cardigans

Unit Price: at DM 25 — each, CIFC 2% EMP

Total Value: DM 22,500 (Say Deutsche Marks Twenty-two Thousand Five Hundred Only) Packing: Each in a polybag, 5 dozens to a carton, in the color assortment stipulated above

Insurance: To be effected by the Seller for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks & War Risks as per China Insurance Clauses of January 1, 1981

Time of Shipment: During September/October, 2009, with transshipment prohibited

Port of Shipment: Qingdao, China

Port of Destination: EMP, to be specified in the L/C

Shipping Marks: At the Sellers’ option

Terms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight in favor of the Sellers to be opened by the Buyers through a first-class bank for 100% of the invoice value to reach the Sellers 40 days before shipment

This contract is signed on 25th October, 2009 in Qingdao, in two originals, each copy written in Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally valid. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.

Buyer: Seller:




商品:羊毛衫 货号:406L






保险:由卖方按照中国保险条款(1981.1.1)按发票金额110%投保综合险和战争险。 装运时间:2009年9/10月,禁止转运







买方: 卖方:


Ⅰ. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

A. We can wag fingers and self-righteously shout that the domestic car companies are reaping the unhappy fruits of the thoughtless seeds they planted. Schadenfreude is joy in hypocrisy. We bought all of those big trucks and big-engine cars. And we demanded more of them as long as we had access to the developed world's cheapest gasoline. But we whined like babies and screamed for more fuel-efficient vehicles like infants crying for nipples when gasoline topped $4 a gallon.

Put another way, we — consumers and politicians — were complicit in the automobile industry’s reluctance to do better in the arenas of fuel economy and emissions control. The natural tendency in a purely profit-oriented, capitalist system is to give consumers what they are demanding at a price that returns a handsome reward on investment in product development.

我们可以摇晃着手指自以为是地说,国内的汽车公司由于缺乏考虑,正在自食其果。幸灾乐祸是一种虚伪的快乐。我们一直在购买大型皮卡和大马力汽车,只要我们还能买到所有发达国家中价格最低的汽油,我们还会继续购买这样的车。然而,一旦燃油价格飙升至每加仑四美元,我们就像婴儿哭哭啼啼闹着要吃奶一样,叫嚷着要更多省油节能型的汽车。 换句话说,汽车工业不愿意在节能减排方面做出更多努力,我们——消费者和政客——也难辞其咎。在以纯利润为导向的资本主义体制中,为消费者提供其所需的能为投资带来丰厚回报的产品,是再自然不过的事情。

B. Both the two-door and four-door versions of the 2008 Jeep Wrangler do extremely well in federal government crash tests. Jeep also provides a number of accident avoidance features as standard equipment.

The two-door Wrangler and Unlimited model each receive 5-star scores for driver and passenger safety in frontal crash tests. Side crash tests have not been conducted. Both models receive 4 stars for two-wheel-drive versions in rollover tests, and 3 stars for four-wheel-drive versions. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety gives the 2008 Wrangler a top rating of “Good” in frontal offset tests, but much lower ratings of “Marginal” in side impact and rear protection tests. However, note that these ratings are for Wranglers without the optional side air bags.



Ⅱ. Translate the following advertisements into Chinese.

A. Complete home gym Reebok power bike

Thinking of adopting a healthier lifestyle? Why not do it from the comfort of your own home! Get started now — order online and have it all delivered straight to your door for free if your order is over $200.

家庭健身房 锐步健骑机

您是否正在考虑换一种更健康的生活方式? 为什么不从舒适的家居开始?马上行动,在线订购!订货价值200美元以上,我们将免费为您送货上门。

B. The older your feet get, the more you have to baby them

Everyone is born with fat feet; an extra padding of fatty tissue cushions footstep. But as we grow older, we lose tissue. Until there’s little left to absorb the bumps and jolts.

That’s why your feet get tired and jolts.

Dr. Herbert’s Air-Pillo Insoles help take the place of that fatty tissue. They’re soft, so you’ll feel the comfortable difference with every step. They are thin, so slip into your shoes without bunching and binding. And they help keep feet cooler and drier.

Because the older your feet get, the more you have to baby them.


每个人出生时,都有一双丰满的脚;脚底的脂肪组织象一层衬垫,使我们的脚步得到缓冲减震。但随着年龄的增长,这层组织越来越薄,直至无法吸收脚底的震颤。 这就是为什么双脚容易疲劳酸痛的原因。




MBA. Over 20-year experience in international financial management including mergers and acquisitions, venture capital, analysis of investments and acquisitions, cash management, project financing, finance administration. Having worked in manufacturing consumer products, banking, shipping and trading operation. Geneva based.

Fax: (4122) 1234567



传真: (4122) 1234567

D. Fresh food and fresh air. The perfect recipe for a healthy life. I’ve chosen. It’s Candy. (Candy冰箱广告)



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