
  儿时的我们都梦想成为超级英雄,可以任意飞翔,可以飞檐走壁,可以一变身就成为英雄惩奸除恶、帮助弱小。下文盘点了漫画中的十大著名超级英雄,让我们一起重温儿时的梦想吧!  1. Superman 超人  You can't beat him. He can fly. He has out-of-this-world strength, laser vision and let's face it, a pretty awesome costume. Superman is the hero that started it all and he's still a major player. How many times has this character been recreated in books, movies, TV shows and Halloween costumes? It's no surprise—he was the first and is still the No. 1 most super of all the superheroes!  超人是无法被打败的。他能够飞行,拥有超凡的力量和激光视线。承认吧,他还有一套极其拉风的行头。正是超人开创了超级英雄传奇的先河,而现在,他依旧是其中的主角。在书籍、电影、电视剧以及万圣节装扮中,这个角色被重新塑造过多少次已无从算起。这不足为奇:他是第一个超级英雄,在今天依旧是所有超级英雄中能力最强的那个!  2. Spider-Man 蜘蛛侠  He has to be a very cool superhero to turn one of the most hated, creepy1) crawly things in the world into a highly admired hero. Spider-Man makes the No. 2 spot because of this. He also makes a huge difference without very many skills—he can climb, catch people in webs and swing from the silky string that comes out of his wrist, but compared to others he has very few powers. Somehow he still makes it work and he gets big kudos2) for being the underdog3)! In the comics and movies, people mistake him for a bad guy and give poor Spidey a hard time; it's not always easy being super!  蜘蛛侠注定是个超酷的超级英雄,因为他使世上最招人厌、最让人毛骨悚然的一种爬行动物摇身一变成了极受仰慕的英雄。为此,蜘蛛侠荣登超级英雄榜第二位。仅凭为数不多的技能,他同样产生了巨大的影响力。他能够攀爬,用蛛网捕人,还能借助手腕上射出的蛛丝摆荡行进。不过,与其他英雄相比,他的超能力就少得可怜了。但不知为何,他仍旧很成功,并且以自己劣势的地位获得了很高的声望!不论在漫画还是电影中,人们都误以为他是个坏人,这让可怜的蜘蛛侠苦不堪言。做超级英雄并不总是那么容易啊!  3. Wolverine 金刚狼  One of the coolest things about Wolverine is that he's actually a mutant4) with wolverine-like characteristics. He has supreme strength and also an ability to heal his wounds in the blink of an eye. So even when you think you've got him down and out, he'll snap back to beastly strength before you know it! His claws are one of his most deadly weapons, not to mention his animal-like instincts. Last but not least is the fact that Wolverine is tough as nails but has a huge, superhero sized heart!  金刚狼身上最酷的特质之一就是他实际上是一个具有狼的特征的突变异种。他力大无比,还能在瞬间治愈自己的伤口。因此,即便你以为他已被你打得毫无还手之力,他还是会在你发觉之前迅速恢复那野兽般的力量!他的爪子是他最具致命杀伤力的武器之一,就更别提他那与生俱来的动物本能了。最后还有一点值得重视:金刚狼强壮而坚毅,但同时也是侠骨柔肠、胸怀天下的大英雄!  4. Batman 蝙蝠侠  The best part about Batman is his mystery. He's such a dark character but still seems to win us over. This has a lot to do with his gazillion5) gadgets6), especially in the amazing bat-mobile. Pretty much everyone has dreamed of taking a ride in this all-powerful car at least once in their lives. With no actual powers (just a lot of money), Batman is still one of the most hard-core7) of all the heroes. He fights crime and protects Gotham City8) with pure confidence, strength and a need to stop the bad guys.

  儿时的我们都梦想成为超级英雄,可以任意飞翔,可以飞檐走壁,可以一变身就成为英雄惩奸除恶、帮助弱小。下文盘点了漫画中的十大著名超级英雄,让我们一起重温儿时的梦想吧!  1. Superman 超人  You can't beat him. He can fly. He has out-of-this-world strength, laser vision and let's face it, a pretty awesome costume. Superman is the hero that started it all and he's still a major player. How many times has this character been recreated in books, movies, TV shows and Halloween costumes? It's no surprise—he was the first and is still the No. 1 most super of all the superheroes!  超人是无法被打败的。他能够飞行,拥有超凡的力量和激光视线。承认吧,他还有一套极其拉风的行头。正是超人开创了超级英雄传奇的先河,而现在,他依旧是其中的主角。在书籍、电影、电视剧以及万圣节装扮中,这个角色被重新塑造过多少次已无从算起。这不足为奇:他是第一个超级英雄,在今天依旧是所有超级英雄中能力最强的那个!  2. Spider-Man 蜘蛛侠  He has to be a very cool superhero to turn one of the most hated, creepy1) crawly things in the world into a highly admired hero. Spider-Man makes the No. 2 spot because of this. He also makes a huge difference without very many skills—he can climb, catch people in webs and swing from the silky string that comes out of his wrist, but compared to others he has very few powers. Somehow he still makes it work and he gets big kudos2) for being the underdog3)! In the comics and movies, people mistake him for a bad guy and give poor Spidey a hard time; it's not always easy being super!  蜘蛛侠注定是个超酷的超级英雄,因为他使世上最招人厌、最让人毛骨悚然的一种爬行动物摇身一变成了极受仰慕的英雄。为此,蜘蛛侠荣登超级英雄榜第二位。仅凭为数不多的技能,他同样产生了巨大的影响力。他能够攀爬,用蛛网捕人,还能借助手腕上射出的蛛丝摆荡行进。不过,与其他英雄相比,他的超能力就少得可怜了。但不知为何,他仍旧很成功,并且以自己劣势的地位获得了很高的声望!不论在漫画还是电影中,人们都误以为他是个坏人,这让可怜的蜘蛛侠苦不堪言。做超级英雄并不总是那么容易啊!  3. Wolverine 金刚狼  One of the coolest things about Wolverine is that he's actually a mutant4) with wolverine-like characteristics. He has supreme strength and also an ability to heal his wounds in the blink of an eye. So even when you think you've got him down and out, he'll snap back to beastly strength before you know it! His claws are one of his most deadly weapons, not to mention his animal-like instincts. Last but not least is the fact that Wolverine is tough as nails but has a huge, superhero sized heart!  金刚狼身上最酷的特质之一就是他实际上是一个具有狼的特征的突变异种。他力大无比,还能在瞬间治愈自己的伤口。因此,即便你以为他已被你打得毫无还手之力,他还是会在你发觉之前迅速恢复那野兽般的力量!他的爪子是他最具致命杀伤力的武器之一,就更别提他那与生俱来的动物本能了。最后还有一点值得重视:金刚狼强壮而坚毅,但同时也是侠骨柔肠、胸怀天下的大英雄!  4. Batman 蝙蝠侠  The best part about Batman is his mystery. He's such a dark character but still seems to win us over. This has a lot to do with his gazillion5) gadgets6), especially in the amazing bat-mobile. Pretty much everyone has dreamed of taking a ride in this all-powerful car at least once in their lives. With no actual powers (just a lot of money), Batman is still one of the most hard-core7) of all the heroes. He fights crime and protects Gotham City8) with pure confidence, strength and a need to stop the bad guys.


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