
Task 3: Role-playing

Now task three. Carry out a conversation with your partner based on a given situation. You will be given a sheet which contains a specific situation and specified role you are expected to play. Read the sheet carefully. You will have three minutes for preparation.

Situation 1

Student A: Nowadays search engine such as Baidu have become very popular among students. You think search engines do more good than harm. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.

Student B: Nowadays search engine such as Baidu have become very popular among students. You think search engines do more harm than good. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her.

Situation 2

Student A: Microblog was widely accepted soon after its arrival. With millions of microbloggers, it has provided us with a new access to information and communication. You think the boons(利) brought by microblog outweigh its banes(弊). But your partner doesn't agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.

Student B: Microblog was widely accepted soon after its arrival. With millions of microbloggers, it has provided us with a new access to information and communication. You think the banes(弊) brought by microblog outweigh its boons(利). But your partner doesn't agree with you. Try to convince him/her.

Situation 3

Student A: You and your partner are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large modern city. You hold the view that it is good to live in a large modern city. But your partner doesn't agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.

Student B: You and your partner are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large modern city. You partner holds the view that it is good to live in a large modern city. But you do not agree. Try to convince him/her.

Task 3: Role-playing

Now task three. Carry out a conversation with your partner based on a given situation. You will be given a sheet which contains a specific situation and specified role you are expected to play. Read the sheet carefully. You will have three minutes for preparation.

Situation 1

Student A: Nowadays search engine such as Baidu have become very popular among students. You think search engines do more good than harm. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.

Student B: Nowadays search engine such as Baidu have become very popular among students. You think search engines do more harm than good. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her.

Situation 2

Student A: Microblog was widely accepted soon after its arrival. With millions of microbloggers, it has provided us with a new access to information and communication. You think the boons(利) brought by microblog outweigh its banes(弊). But your partner doesn't agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.

Student B: Microblog was widely accepted soon after its arrival. With millions of microbloggers, it has provided us with a new access to information and communication. You think the banes(弊) brought by microblog outweigh its boons(利). But your partner doesn't agree with you. Try to convince him/her.

Situation 3

Student A: You and your partner are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large modern city. You hold the view that it is good to live in a large modern city. But your partner doesn't agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.

Student B: You and your partner are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large modern city. You partner holds the view that it is good to live in a large modern city. But you do not agree. Try to convince him/her.


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