


both parties of party a and party b have signed the translation service contract based on the principle of friendly cooperation and mutual development. the articles are as follows:


1.party a entrusts party b with the translation service. party a shall provide legible documents in time and give clear requirements and control the translation quality of party b.


2. party b shall complete the translation work in time and deliver the translation by printed hard copy and a relevant disk within the agreed date (with the exception of the delay caused by force majeure). details about the delivery time will be discussed between the two parties. for the urgent request, the delivery time will be discussed accordingly between the two parties.


3.party b shall keep confidentiality of any documents provided by party a and can not disclose to the third party.

四、翻译工作量统计:电子译稿:按电脑统计的中文版字符数计算(中文版wordXX 中 “不计空格的字符数”); 打印译稿:按中文原稿行数×列数统计计算(行×列)。

4.calculation of the load of translation: for electronic

documents, the translation load shall be based on the statistics of the computer (chinese version wordXX “chinese characters not

including blank spaces ”). for printed documents, the translation load shall be calculated according to lines of chinese characters (the original printed copy), i.e. lines × rows.

五、乙方按优惠价格向甲方收取翻译费用:英译汉为 元/千字符(十万字以上)。

5.party b will charge the translation project from party a with favorable price: for english–chinese rmb / 1000 chinese characters and marks(more than 100000 chinese characters and marks).






6. party b can evaluate and notice party a the estimated

translation fee before the launch of the project. party a shall pay to party b the amount of translation fee according to the actually



both parties of party a and party b have signed the translation service contract based on the principle of friendly cooperation and mutual development. the articles are as follows:


1.party a entrusts party b with the translation service. party a shall provide legible documents in time and give clear requirements and control the translation quality of party b.


2. party b shall complete the translation work in time and deliver the translation by printed hard copy and a relevant disk within the agreed date (with the exception of the delay caused by force majeure). details about the delivery time will be discussed between the two parties. for the urgent request, the delivery time will be discussed accordingly between the two parties.


3.party b shall keep confidentiality of any documents provided by party a and can not disclose to the third party.

四、翻译工作量统计:电子译稿:按电脑统计的中文版字符数计算(中文版wordXX 中 “不计空格的字符数”); 打印译稿:按中文原稿行数×列数统计计算(行×列)。

4.calculation of the load of translation: for electronic

documents, the translation load shall be based on the statistics of the computer (chinese version wordXX “chinese characters not

including blank spaces ”). for printed documents, the translation load shall be calculated according to lines of chinese characters (the original printed copy), i.e. lines × rows.

五、乙方按优惠价格向甲方收取翻译费用:英译汉为 元/千字符(十万字以上)。

5.party b will charge the translation project from party a with favorable price: for english–chinese rmb / 1000 chinese characters and marks(more than 100000 chinese characters and marks).






6. party b can evaluate and notice party a the estimated

translation fee before the launch of the project. party a shall pay to party b the amount of translation fee according to the actually


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