


出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and for this family sharing it with their pet camel is a no-brainer.


Joe, a six-year-old Bactrian camel visits the Anderson-Dixon family's home every morning, and enjoys munching his way through carrots and bananas on the breakfast table.


While Nathan, 34 and wife Charlotte, 31, who live on a farm in Staffordshire attempt to have a nice civilised breakfast with their two sons, Reuben, 3 and Beau, 2, the family barely have the chance to sit down before Joe pokes his head through the window and helps himself.


Joe, who stands at 5.83 feet is not particularly picky and will happily chow down on bread, cereal and fruit, but does turn his nose up at cheese.


Although Joe lives with three other female camels, he is the only one lucky enough to share breakfast w ith his owners.


The others have to eat hay, barley, straw and corn mix in their stable.


Mr Anderson-Dixon, said: 'The first time Joe joined us for breakfast he was uninvited.'He leaned in and rudely helped himself to the fruit bowl. But I wasn’t surprised because he’s very good at persuading all the other animals to give him their food too.’


'Now he comes over whenever he feels like it and hovers around in anticipation.He is eating us out of house and home, but we can’t get angry at him. He is like a big soft giant teddy bear and has become part of the family.'


Although the family have gotten used to Joe’s freeloading, the family were initially frustrated at first with his lack of table manners.


Luckily for the family, Joe is the best behaved animal on the farm.




出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and for this family sharing it with their pet camel is a no-brainer.


Joe, a six-year-old Bactrian camel visits the Anderson-Dixon family's home every morning, and enjoys munching his way through carrots and bananas on the breakfast table.


While Nathan, 34 and wife Charlotte, 31, who live on a farm in Staffordshire attempt to have a nice civilised breakfast with their two sons, Reuben, 3 and Beau, 2, the family barely have the chance to sit down before Joe pokes his head through the window and helps himself.


Joe, who stands at 5.83 feet is not particularly picky and will happily chow down on bread, cereal and fruit, but does turn his nose up at cheese.


Although Joe lives with three other female camels, he is the only one lucky enough to share breakfast w ith his owners.


The others have to eat hay, barley, straw and corn mix in their stable.


Mr Anderson-Dixon, said: 'The first time Joe joined us for breakfast he was uninvited.'He leaned in and rudely helped himself to the fruit bowl. But I wasn’t surprised because he’s very good at persuading all the other animals to give him their food too.’


'Now he comes over whenever he feels like it and hovers around in anticipation.He is eating us out of house and home, but we can’t get angry at him. He is like a big soft giant teddy bear and has become part of the family.'


Although the family have gotten used to Joe’s freeloading, the family were initially frustrated at first with his lack of table manners.


Luckily for the family, Joe is the best behaved animal on the farm.



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