
注:C是吴巧燕 F是李意

C: Hello, Mr Li. Good to see you again.

F: Me, too. What a change in here!

C: It’s true. Could I do you a favor?

F: I want to place a large order of your Nike shoes.

C: These are the Nike shoes that we carry. They are all authentic products from our joint venture manufacturer, and we have several series of them at the present time. We have running shoes, tennis shoes, basketball shoes and cross trainer's. The sizes available are from 8 to 13. They’re really nice shoes.

F: (after carefully looking at the samples for a while) Hmm, they’re nice shoes indeed, not much different from the shoes we sell at home. What’s your quotation of these shoes?

C: Could you tell me what's the minimum quantity of an order for your goods? Our price is different according to the size of the order.

F: Okay, let me be frank. Our primary concern is whether your price is competitive. If the price is good, we plan to import 10, 000 pairs first. We’re also thinking of establishing a long term relationship.

C: I see what you mean. Why don’t we do it this way then? For running shoes and tennis shoes, we quote you $32 a pair; for basketball shoes and cross training shoes, we ask for $46 a pair.

F: Could you reduce your price a little? You know it’s our third dealing with each other. How about giving me 5%discount.

C: We are not used to giving customers commissions. But considering that you have a large retailers’ market on hand, and for long term profit, we would make an exception to give you 1% commissions.

F: Let it be so. And then We would be much appreciated if you could allow us to make the payment by deterred payment.

C: I’m sorry to tell you that you only can make the payment by L/C.

F: What kind of L/C does your company stipulate?

C: From the exporter’s point of view, the terms of payment which can offer the best protection is irrevocable confirmed, sight L/C or transferable L/C.

F: Might I make the payment by L/C after sight?

C: All right, all right. I’ll let you make the payment by a 30 day L/C.

F: How will the shoes be packed?

C: We can pack them by every one pair in a paper carton, every 50 boxes in a wooden case and every 1000 cases in a container.

F: Are you sure about the safety of the products?

C: Well, the safety of packing is something we always pay a lot of attention to. So there is no need to worry about it .

F: Ok. When do you plan to deliver the shoes?

C: We’ll deliver them in 45 days in two groups, with the same quantity in each group. Besides, the first shipment will be in September by sea and the second shipment will be in November by air. What do you think?

F: Why?

C: The thing is we have received many inquiries and orders recently. So we have to be sure we have enough supply and we deliver them to the old place, New York ? F: Of course. And make sure that the second consignment be shipped on time. C: Do you want to have products risks coverage?

F: Sure. Please help me deal with it.

C: Ok. Now, we’ve finally come to a basic agreement on the quality, quantity, price, delivery, packing, shipment, insurance, payment that need to be worked out. Shall we check the contract to see if we’ve got them right?

F: Ok. (After a while) That’s no problem at all. And you ?

C: It’s ok. let’s sign the contract and I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation !

注:C是吴巧燕 F是李意

C: Hello, Mr Li. Good to see you again.

F: Me, too. What a change in here!

C: It’s true. Could I do you a favor?

F: I want to place a large order of your Nike shoes.

C: These are the Nike shoes that we carry. They are all authentic products from our joint venture manufacturer, and we have several series of them at the present time. We have running shoes, tennis shoes, basketball shoes and cross trainer's. The sizes available are from 8 to 13. They’re really nice shoes.

F: (after carefully looking at the samples for a while) Hmm, they’re nice shoes indeed, not much different from the shoes we sell at home. What’s your quotation of these shoes?

C: Could you tell me what's the minimum quantity of an order for your goods? Our price is different according to the size of the order.

F: Okay, let me be frank. Our primary concern is whether your price is competitive. If the price is good, we plan to import 10, 000 pairs first. We’re also thinking of establishing a long term relationship.

C: I see what you mean. Why don’t we do it this way then? For running shoes and tennis shoes, we quote you $32 a pair; for basketball shoes and cross training shoes, we ask for $46 a pair.

F: Could you reduce your price a little? You know it’s our third dealing with each other. How about giving me 5%discount.

C: We are not used to giving customers commissions. But considering that you have a large retailers’ market on hand, and for long term profit, we would make an exception to give you 1% commissions.

F: Let it be so. And then We would be much appreciated if you could allow us to make the payment by deterred payment.

C: I’m sorry to tell you that you only can make the payment by L/C.

F: What kind of L/C does your company stipulate?

C: From the exporter’s point of view, the terms of payment which can offer the best protection is irrevocable confirmed, sight L/C or transferable L/C.

F: Might I make the payment by L/C after sight?

C: All right, all right. I’ll let you make the payment by a 30 day L/C.

F: How will the shoes be packed?

C: We can pack them by every one pair in a paper carton, every 50 boxes in a wooden case and every 1000 cases in a container.

F: Are you sure about the safety of the products?

C: Well, the safety of packing is something we always pay a lot of attention to. So there is no need to worry about it .

F: Ok. When do you plan to deliver the shoes?

C: We’ll deliver them in 45 days in two groups, with the same quantity in each group. Besides, the first shipment will be in September by sea and the second shipment will be in November by air. What do you think?

F: Why?

C: The thing is we have received many inquiries and orders recently. So we have to be sure we have enough supply and we deliver them to the old place, New York ? F: Of course. And make sure that the second consignment be shipped on time. C: Do you want to have products risks coverage?

F: Sure. Please help me deal with it.

C: Ok. Now, we’ve finally come to a basic agreement on the quality, quantity, price, delivery, packing, shipment, insurance, payment that need to be worked out. Shall we check the contract to see if we’ve got them right?

F: Ok. (After a while) That’s no problem at all. And you ?

C: It’s ok. let’s sign the contract and I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation !


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