

每个专题包含两篇文章,学生可在Passage A 和 Passage B中任选一篇文章,认真阅读和研究后,可根据“要求”写一篇500词左右(不包括参考文献)的英文读书报告或研究报告,注意写作的格式,引用要有出处,注明参考文献,严禁抄袭。使用Email或其他任课老师要求的方式进行提交,并打印出一份交给任课老师。其他问题请咨询任课老师。 1.打印出来的文章应遵循以下格式要求: 纸张大小:A4

封面(title page): 单独一页,包括题目、姓名、学院和任课老师。 字号:14pts, 字体:Times New Roman;双倍行距

正文:字号:12pts; 字体:Times New Roman;每段首行缩进5个字符;页边距设置为上下左右1 inch (25.4mm); 双倍行距;页码从正文开始插入右下角。 参考文献:另起一页,请选择APA、MLA或AMA 其中的一种格式来编制参考文献列表,参考《国际学术交流英语》P99. 2.参考英文范例:(见下页)

Varying Definitions of Online Communication and

Their Effects on Relationship Research

Xu Meitian School of Mathematics Instructor: Wang Ming

Varying Definitions of Online Communication and

Their Effects on Relationship Research

Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of Internet relationships, focusing on the levels of intimacy, closeness, different communication modalities, and the frequency of use of computer-mediated communication (CMC). However, contradictory results are suggested within this research mostly because only certain aspects of CMC are investigated, for example, email only. Cummings, Butler, and Kraut (2002) suggest that FtF interactions are more effective than CMC (read: email) increating feelings of closeness or intimacy, while other studies suggest the opposite. In order to understand how both online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships are affected by CMC, all forms of CMC should be studied. This paper examines Cummings et al.’s research against other CMC research to propose that additional research be conducted to better understand how online communication effects relationships.

In Cummings et al.’s (2002) summary article reviewing three empirical studies on online social relationships, it was found that CMC, especially email, was less effective than FtF contact in creating and maintaining close social relationships. Two of the three reviewed studies focusing on communication in non-Internet and Internet relationships mediated by FtF, phone, or email modalities found that the frequency of each modality’s use was significantly linked to the strength of the particular relationship (Cummings et al., 2002).


Cummings, J. N., Butler, B., & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of online social

relationships. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108.

Hu, Y., Wood, J. F., Smith, V., & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM:

Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of

Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(1), 38-48.

Tidwell, L. C., & Walther, J. B. (2002). Computer-mediated communication effects on

disclosure, impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one another a bit at a time. Human Communication Research, 28(3), 317-348. Underwood, H., & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and their impact on

primary relationships. Behaviour Change, 21(2), 127-140.


每个专题包含两篇文章,学生可在Passage A 和 Passage B中任选一篇文章,认真阅读和研究后,可根据“要求”写一篇500词左右(不包括参考文献)的英文读书报告或研究报告,注意写作的格式,引用要有出处,注明参考文献,严禁抄袭。使用Email或其他任课老师要求的方式进行提交,并打印出一份交给任课老师。其他问题请咨询任课老师。 1.打印出来的文章应遵循以下格式要求: 纸张大小:A4

封面(title page): 单独一页,包括题目、姓名、学院和任课老师。 字号:14pts, 字体:Times New Roman;双倍行距

正文:字号:12pts; 字体:Times New Roman;每段首行缩进5个字符;页边距设置为上下左右1 inch (25.4mm); 双倍行距;页码从正文开始插入右下角。 参考文献:另起一页,请选择APA、MLA或AMA 其中的一种格式来编制参考文献列表,参考《国际学术交流英语》P99. 2.参考英文范例:(见下页)

Varying Definitions of Online Communication and

Their Effects on Relationship Research

Xu Meitian School of Mathematics Instructor: Wang Ming

Varying Definitions of Online Communication and

Their Effects on Relationship Research

Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of Internet relationships, focusing on the levels of intimacy, closeness, different communication modalities, and the frequency of use of computer-mediated communication (CMC). However, contradictory results are suggested within this research mostly because only certain aspects of CMC are investigated, for example, email only. Cummings, Butler, and Kraut (2002) suggest that FtF interactions are more effective than CMC (read: email) increating feelings of closeness or intimacy, while other studies suggest the opposite. In order to understand how both online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships are affected by CMC, all forms of CMC should be studied. This paper examines Cummings et al.’s research against other CMC research to propose that additional research be conducted to better understand how online communication effects relationships.

In Cummings et al.’s (2002) summary article reviewing three empirical studies on online social relationships, it was found that CMC, especially email, was less effective than FtF contact in creating and maintaining close social relationships. Two of the three reviewed studies focusing on communication in non-Internet and Internet relationships mediated by FtF, phone, or email modalities found that the frequency of each modality’s use was significantly linked to the strength of the particular relationship (Cummings et al., 2002).


Cummings, J. N., Butler, B., & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of online social

relationships. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108.

Hu, Y., Wood, J. F., Smith, V., & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM:

Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of

Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(1), 38-48.

Tidwell, L. C., & Walther, J. B. (2002). Computer-mediated communication effects on

disclosure, impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one another a bit at a time. Human Communication Research, 28(3), 317-348. Underwood, H., & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and their impact on

primary relationships. Behaviour Change, 21(2), 127-140.


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