


(120 minutes)

Part One: T ranslate the following words from English into Chinese and vice versa. (10 points)

template (模板)

retrieve (检索)

firmware (固件)

metadata (元数据)

bandwidth (带宽)

调制解调器(modem )

扫描仪(scanner )

微芯片(microchip )

工作站(workstation )

虚拟的(virtual )

Part Two: Translate the following phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa. (10 points)

源代码(source code)

数据库对象(database object)

硬件平台(hardware platform)

搜索引擎(search engine)

地址总线(address bus)

character set(字符集)

command-line interface(命令行界面)

entity relationship diagram(实体关系图)

public key cryptosystem(公钥密码系统)

root hub(根集线器)

Part Three: Write in full the following abbreviations and give their Chinese meaning. (10 points)

GUI (Graphical User Interface图形用户界面)

IP (Internet Protocol网际协议)

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language超文本标记语言)

BBS (Bulletin Board System公告板系统)

SQL (Structured Query Language结构化查询语言)

Part Four: Translate the following passage from English into Chinese. (20 points)

UNIX is a popular operating system among computer programmers and computer scientists. It is a very powerful operating system with three outstanding features. First, UNIX is a portable operating system that can be moved from one platform to another without many changes. The algorithm (算法) embed (把…嵌入) topology (拓扑结构) surfer (网上冲浪者) spreadsheet (电子数据表,电子表格) 节点(node ) 域(domain ) 网关(gateway ) (鼠标)点击(click ) 端口(port )

reason is that it is written mostly in the C language instead of a machine language for a specific system. Second, UNIX has a powerful set of utilities (commands) that can be combined in an executable file called a script to solve many problems that require programming in other operating systems. Third, it is device independent because it includes the device drivers in the operating system itself, which means that it can be easily configured to run any device. In summary, UNIX has every feature that a powerful operating system has. The only criticism heard often about UNIX is that its commands are short and esoteric (深奥的) for normal users; in fact, it is very convenient for programmers who need short commands.

UNIX 是一个在计算机程序设计员和计算机科学家中广为流行的操作系统。它是一个非常强大的操作系统,具有三个显著的特点。第一,UNIX 是可移植的操作系统,可以只经过少量改动而从一个平台移植到另一个平台。原因是它多半用C 语言编写,而不是用于特定系统的机器语言。第二,UNIX 拥有一套功能强大的实用程序(命令),它们能够组合成被称为脚本的可执行文件,去解决许多问题,而这一工作在其他操作系统中则需要通过编程来完成。第三,它具有设备无关性,因为操作系统本身就包含了设备驱动程序,这意味着它易于配置,去运行任何设备。概括地说,UNIX 具有一个强大的操作系统所拥有的一切特点。惟一经常听到的有关UNIX 的批评是,它的命令短而且对一般用户来说很深奥。事实上,这一点对于需要短命令的程序设计员非常方便。


Part One: Choose among the four choices the one that best completes the sentence. (10 points)

1. A ________ copy is a copy of a current file made in order to protect against loss or damage.

A. hard B. backup C. soft D. file

2. The infamous “Michelangelo” ________ strikes thousands of computers every year on March

6th .

A. cracker B. hacker C. virus D. disease

3. A ________ is a set of rules that controls the interaction of different devices in a network or


A. model B. protocol C. dialog D. query

4. After I finished the last paragraph, I moved the ________ back to the third paragraph and

deleted a sentence. A. icon B. mouse C. joystick D. cursor

5. These days it is not uncommon for one to see people using ________ everywhere--even on


A. laptops B. desktops C. minicomputers D. microcomputers

6. Their company used international lawyers to prosecute a crime ring involving software

________ in Thailand.

A. cloning B. copying C. duplication D. piracy

7. Some restaurants have provided touch ________ computers to enable their customers to order

food via the computer without having to tell someone.

A. menu B. window C. display D. screen

8. ________ printers are being phased out and replaced by printers that can produce clean type.

A. Laser B. Inkjet C. Dot-matrix D. Drum

9. The abbreviation HTTP stands for Hypertext ________ Protocol.

A. Transfer B. Transportation C. Transmission D. Transition

10. A(n) ________ area network spans a city or a town and provides services to individual users

or organizations.

A. urban B. wide C. local D. metropolitan

11. For some time, we’ve been experiencing some ________ in this particular program. It cannot

run in a normal way. A. routines B. loops


A. compression C. bugs D. defaults 12. Data ________ can reduce the amount of data sent or stored by partially eliminating inherent B. conversion C. configuration D. compilation

13. Confidentiality of the message is not enough in a secure communication; ________ is also

needed. The receiver needs to be sure of the sender’s identity.

A. encryption B. authorization C. authentication D. encapsulation

14. When you send a document electronically, you can also sign it. This is called _______


A. online B. digital C. virtual D. simulated

15. To access a page on the WWW, one needs a ________ that usually consists of three parts: a

controller, a method, and an interpreter.

A. router B. code C. password D. browser

16. The abbreviation USB stands for Universal ________ Bus.

A. Serial B. Sequential C. Symmetric D. Syntactic

17. The data, when they are not encrypted, are called ________.

A. plaintext B. ciphertext C. hypertext D. context

18. Whereas the decimal system is based on 10, the ________ system is based on 2. There are

only two digits in the latter system, 0 and 1.

A. bilateral B. binary C. byte D. bit

19. Just a minute, I’m waiting for the computer to ________ up. It won’t take long to start it.

A. activate B. scroll C. boot D. log

20. A hardware or software malfunction can cause a system to ________.

A. crush B. crash C. crack D. collide

Part Two: Match the following abbreviations with their Chinese meaning. (10 points)

21. AOL ( 30 ) A. 个人数字助理

22. COM ( 28 ) B. 综合业务数字网

23. Mbps ( 22 ) C. 组件对象模型

24. Kbps

25. POP

26. ISP

27. ORB

28. ISDN

29. XML

30. PDA ( 27 ) D. 对象请求代理程序 ( 29 ) E. 可扩展标记语言 ( 21 ) F. 美国在线服务公司 ( 23 ) G. 兆位每秒 ( 24 ) H. 千位每秒 ( 25 ) I. 邮局协议 ( 26 ) J. 因特网服务提供者

Part Three: Read the passages and decide on the best answers for the questions that follow each passage. (20 points)

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

Operating systems have gone through a long history of evolution.

Batch operating systems were designed in the 1950s to control mainframe computers. At that time, a computer was a large machine using punched cards for input, line printers for output, and tape drives for secondary storage media.

Each program to be executed was called a job. A programmer who wished to execute a job sent a request to the operating room along with punched cards for the program and data. The programmer did not have any control of or interaction with the system. The punched cards were processed by an operator. If the program was successful, the result was sent to the programmer; if not, a printout of the error was sent.

Operating systems during this era were very simple; they only ensured that all of the resources were transferred from one job to the next.

To use computer system resources efficiently, multiprogramming was introduced. The idea is to hold several jobs in memory and only assign a resource to a job that needs it on the condition that the resource is available. For example, when one program is using an input/output device, the CPU is free and can be used by another program.

Multiprogramming brought the idea of time sharing: Resources can be shared between different jobs. Each job can be allocated a portion of time to use the resource. Because a computer is much faster than a human, time sharing is transparent to the user. Each user has the impression that the whole system is serving him or her.

Multiprogramming, and eventually time sharing, tremendously improved the efficiency of a computer system. However, it required a more complex operating system. The operating system now had to do scheduling: allocating the resources to different programs and deciding which program should use which resource when.

During this era, the relationship between a computer and a user also changed. The user could directly interact with the system without going through an operator. A new term was also coined: process. A job is a program to be run; a process is a program that is in memory and waiting for resources.

When personal computers were introduced, there was a need for an operating system for this type of computer. During this era, single-user operating systems such as DOS (disk operating system) were introduced.

The need for more speed and efficiency led to the design of parallel systems: multiple CPUs on the same machine. Each CPU can be used to serve one program or a part of a program, which means that many tasks can be accomplished in parallel instead of serially. The operating system for these systems is more complex than the ones with single CPUs.

Networking and internetworking have created a new dimension in operating systems. A job that was previously done all on one computer can now be shared between computers that may be thousands of miles apart. A program can be run partially on one computer and partially on another computer if they are connected through an internetwork such as the Internet. In addition, resources can be distributed. A program may need files located in different parts of the world. Distributed systems combine features of the previous generation with new duties such as controlling security.

31. A system with more than one CPU requires a ________ operating system.

A. batch B. time-sharing C. parallel D. distributed

32. Multiprogramming requires a ________ operating system.

A. batch B. time-sharing C. parallel D. distributed

33. The earliest operating system, called ________ operating systems, only had to ensure that

resources were transferred from one job to the next.

A. batch B. time-sharing C. parallel D. distributed

34. A ________ operating system is needed for jobs shared between distant connected computers.

A. batch B. time-sharing C. parallel D. distributed

35. Because a computer is much faster than a human, the user ________.

A. can easily notice time sharing C. can see through time sharing B. is unaware of time sharing D. cannot keep up with time sharing

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

Images today are represented in a computer by one of two methods: bitmap graphic or vector graphic.

In the first method, an image is divided into a matrix of pixels, where each pixel is a small dot. The size of the pixel depends on what is called the resolution. For example, an image can be divided into 1000 pixels or 10,000 pixels. In the second case, although there is a better representation of the image (better resolution), more memory is needed to store the image.

After dividing an image into pixels, each pixel is assigned a bit pattern. The size and value of the pattern depend on the image. For an image made of only black-and-white dots (e.g., a chessboard), a 1-bit pattern is enough to represent a pixel. A pattern of 0 represents a black pixel and a pattern of 1 represents a white pixel. The patterns are then recorded one after another and stored in the computer.

If an image is not made of pure white and pure black pixels, you can increase the size of the bit pattern to represent gray scales. For example, to show four levels of gray scale, you can use 2-bit patterns. A black pixel can be represented by 00, a dark gray pixel by 01, a light gray pixel by 10, and a white pixel by 11.

To represent color images, each colored pixel is decomposed into three primary colors: red, green, and blue (RGB). Then the intensity of each color is measured, and a pattern (usually 8 bits) is assigned to it. In other words, each pixel has three bit patterns: one to represent the intensity of the red color, one to represent the intensity of the green color, and one to represent the intensity of the blue color.

The problem with the bitmap graphic method is that the exact bit patterns representing a particular image must be stored in a computer. Later, if you want to rescale the image, you must change the size of the pixels, which creates a ragged or grainy look. The vector graphic method, however, does not store the bit patterns. An image is decomposed into a combination of curves and lines. Each curve or line is represented by a mathematical formula. For example, a line may be described by the coordinates of its endpoints, and a circle may be described by the coordinates of its center and the length of its radius. The combination of these formulas is stored in a computer. When the image is to be displayed or printed, the size of the image is given to the system as an input. The system redesigns the image with the new size and uses the same formula to draw the image. In this case, each time an image is drawn, the formula is reevaluated.

36. In the bitmap graphic method of representing an image in a computer, the number of bit

patterns assigned to each pixel depends on the ________ of the image.

A. size B. resolution C. intensity D. color

37. The higher the resolution of an image, the ________ the size of a pixel.

A. smaller B. bigger C. A or B D. none of the above

38. In the bitmap graphic method of representing an image in a computer, a ragged look can be

created when you rescale the image because ________.

A. the pixels are made smaller C. A or B

the form of ________.

A. curves and lines

B. mathematical formulas describing certain features of curves and lines

C. mathematical formulas B. the pixels are made larger D. none of the above 39. In the vector graphic method of representing an image in a computer, the image is stored in

D. mathematical formulas describing coordinates of curves and lines

40. A gray scale picture is digitized using four different gray levels. If the picture is composed of

100×100 pixels, ________ bits are needed to represent the picture. A. 10000 B. 20000 C. 40000 D. 80000

Part Three :Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary. (10 points)

store operation item independent problem programmer perform combination passive active

Object-oriented programming uses an approach to problem solving that is totally different from procedural programming. Y ou can think of a data item in both languages as an object. A program can be thought of as a series of operations that you want to perform on the object.

In procedural programming, the objects are totally separate and independent from the operations. The objects can be stored on a computer, and different programs using different operations are applied to them. In other words, in procedural programming, the objects are passive . They do not have any operations defined for them. The programmers define the operations and apply them to the objects.

In object-oriented programming, the objects and the operations to be applied to them are tied together. The programmer first defines an object and the types of operations that can be applied to this object. The programmer (or another programmer) can then use this combination and invokes some or all of the operations defined to solve a problem . In other words, the objects in object-oriented programming are active .



(120 minutes)

Part One: T ranslate the following words from English into Chinese and vice versa. (10 points)

template (模板)

retrieve (检索)

firmware (固件)

metadata (元数据)

bandwidth (带宽)

调制解调器(modem )

扫描仪(scanner )

微芯片(microchip )

工作站(workstation )

虚拟的(virtual )

Part Two: Translate the following phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa. (10 points)

源代码(source code)

数据库对象(database object)

硬件平台(hardware platform)

搜索引擎(search engine)

地址总线(address bus)

character set(字符集)

command-line interface(命令行界面)

entity relationship diagram(实体关系图)

public key cryptosystem(公钥密码系统)

root hub(根集线器)

Part Three: Write in full the following abbreviations and give their Chinese meaning. (10 points)

GUI (Graphical User Interface图形用户界面)

IP (Internet Protocol网际协议)

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language超文本标记语言)

BBS (Bulletin Board System公告板系统)

SQL (Structured Query Language结构化查询语言)

Part Four: Translate the following passage from English into Chinese. (20 points)

UNIX is a popular operating system among computer programmers and computer scientists. It is a very powerful operating system with three outstanding features. First, UNIX is a portable operating system that can be moved from one platform to another without many changes. The algorithm (算法) embed (把…嵌入) topology (拓扑结构) surfer (网上冲浪者) spreadsheet (电子数据表,电子表格) 节点(node ) 域(domain ) 网关(gateway ) (鼠标)点击(click ) 端口(port )

reason is that it is written mostly in the C language instead of a machine language for a specific system. Second, UNIX has a powerful set of utilities (commands) that can be combined in an executable file called a script to solve many problems that require programming in other operating systems. Third, it is device independent because it includes the device drivers in the operating system itself, which means that it can be easily configured to run any device. In summary, UNIX has every feature that a powerful operating system has. The only criticism heard often about UNIX is that its commands are short and esoteric (深奥的) for normal users; in fact, it is very convenient for programmers who need short commands.

UNIX 是一个在计算机程序设计员和计算机科学家中广为流行的操作系统。它是一个非常强大的操作系统,具有三个显著的特点。第一,UNIX 是可移植的操作系统,可以只经过少量改动而从一个平台移植到另一个平台。原因是它多半用C 语言编写,而不是用于特定系统的机器语言。第二,UNIX 拥有一套功能强大的实用程序(命令),它们能够组合成被称为脚本的可执行文件,去解决许多问题,而这一工作在其他操作系统中则需要通过编程来完成。第三,它具有设备无关性,因为操作系统本身就包含了设备驱动程序,这意味着它易于配置,去运行任何设备。概括地说,UNIX 具有一个强大的操作系统所拥有的一切特点。惟一经常听到的有关UNIX 的批评是,它的命令短而且对一般用户来说很深奥。事实上,这一点对于需要短命令的程序设计员非常方便。


Part One: Choose among the four choices the one that best completes the sentence. (10 points)

1. A ________ copy is a copy of a current file made in order to protect against loss or damage.

A. hard B. backup C. soft D. file

2. The infamous “Michelangelo” ________ strikes thousands of computers every year on March

6th .

A. cracker B. hacker C. virus D. disease

3. A ________ is a set of rules that controls the interaction of different devices in a network or


A. model B. protocol C. dialog D. query

4. After I finished the last paragraph, I moved the ________ back to the third paragraph and

deleted a sentence. A. icon B. mouse C. joystick D. cursor

5. These days it is not uncommon for one to see people using ________ everywhere--even on


A. laptops B. desktops C. minicomputers D. microcomputers

6. Their company used international lawyers to prosecute a crime ring involving software

________ in Thailand.

A. cloning B. copying C. duplication D. piracy

7. Some restaurants have provided touch ________ computers to enable their customers to order

food via the computer without having to tell someone.

A. menu B. window C. display D. screen

8. ________ printers are being phased out and replaced by printers that can produce clean type.

A. Laser B. Inkjet C. Dot-matrix D. Drum

9. The abbreviation HTTP stands for Hypertext ________ Protocol.

A. Transfer B. Transportation C. Transmission D. Transition

10. A(n) ________ area network spans a city or a town and provides services to individual users

or organizations.

A. urban B. wide C. local D. metropolitan

11. For some time, we’ve been experiencing some ________ in this particular program. It cannot

run in a normal way. A. routines B. loops


A. compression C. bugs D. defaults 12. Data ________ can reduce the amount of data sent or stored by partially eliminating inherent B. conversion C. configuration D. compilation

13. Confidentiality of the message is not enough in a secure communication; ________ is also

needed. The receiver needs to be sure of the sender’s identity.

A. encryption B. authorization C. authentication D. encapsulation

14. When you send a document electronically, you can also sign it. This is called _______


A. online B. digital C. virtual D. simulated

15. To access a page on the WWW, one needs a ________ that usually consists of three parts: a

controller, a method, and an interpreter.

A. router B. code C. password D. browser

16. The abbreviation USB stands for Universal ________ Bus.

A. Serial B. Sequential C. Symmetric D. Syntactic

17. The data, when they are not encrypted, are called ________.

A. plaintext B. ciphertext C. hypertext D. context

18. Whereas the decimal system is based on 10, the ________ system is based on 2. There are

only two digits in the latter system, 0 and 1.

A. bilateral B. binary C. byte D. bit

19. Just a minute, I’m waiting for the computer to ________ up. It won’t take long to start it.

A. activate B. scroll C. boot D. log

20. A hardware or software malfunction can cause a system to ________.

A. crush B. crash C. crack D. collide

Part Two: Match the following abbreviations with their Chinese meaning. (10 points)

21. AOL ( 30 ) A. 个人数字助理

22. COM ( 28 ) B. 综合业务数字网

23. Mbps ( 22 ) C. 组件对象模型

24. Kbps

25. POP

26. ISP

27. ORB

28. ISDN

29. XML

30. PDA ( 27 ) D. 对象请求代理程序 ( 29 ) E. 可扩展标记语言 ( 21 ) F. 美国在线服务公司 ( 23 ) G. 兆位每秒 ( 24 ) H. 千位每秒 ( 25 ) I. 邮局协议 ( 26 ) J. 因特网服务提供者

Part Three: Read the passages and decide on the best answers for the questions that follow each passage. (20 points)

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

Operating systems have gone through a long history of evolution.

Batch operating systems were designed in the 1950s to control mainframe computers. At that time, a computer was a large machine using punched cards for input, line printers for output, and tape drives for secondary storage media.

Each program to be executed was called a job. A programmer who wished to execute a job sent a request to the operating room along with punched cards for the program and data. The programmer did not have any control of or interaction with the system. The punched cards were processed by an operator. If the program was successful, the result was sent to the programmer; if not, a printout of the error was sent.

Operating systems during this era were very simple; they only ensured that all of the resources were transferred from one job to the next.

To use computer system resources efficiently, multiprogramming was introduced. The idea is to hold several jobs in memory and only assign a resource to a job that needs it on the condition that the resource is available. For example, when one program is using an input/output device, the CPU is free and can be used by another program.

Multiprogramming brought the idea of time sharing: Resources can be shared between different jobs. Each job can be allocated a portion of time to use the resource. Because a computer is much faster than a human, time sharing is transparent to the user. Each user has the impression that the whole system is serving him or her.

Multiprogramming, and eventually time sharing, tremendously improved the efficiency of a computer system. However, it required a more complex operating system. The operating system now had to do scheduling: allocating the resources to different programs and deciding which program should use which resource when.

During this era, the relationship between a computer and a user also changed. The user could directly interact with the system without going through an operator. A new term was also coined: process. A job is a program to be run; a process is a program that is in memory and waiting for resources.

When personal computers were introduced, there was a need for an operating system for this type of computer. During this era, single-user operating systems such as DOS (disk operating system) were introduced.

The need for more speed and efficiency led to the design of parallel systems: multiple CPUs on the same machine. Each CPU can be used to serve one program or a part of a program, which means that many tasks can be accomplished in parallel instead of serially. The operating system for these systems is more complex than the ones with single CPUs.

Networking and internetworking have created a new dimension in operating systems. A job that was previously done all on one computer can now be shared between computers that may be thousands of miles apart. A program can be run partially on one computer and partially on another computer if they are connected through an internetwork such as the Internet. In addition, resources can be distributed. A program may need files located in different parts of the world. Distributed systems combine features of the previous generation with new duties such as controlling security.

31. A system with more than one CPU requires a ________ operating system.

A. batch B. time-sharing C. parallel D. distributed

32. Multiprogramming requires a ________ operating system.

A. batch B. time-sharing C. parallel D. distributed

33. The earliest operating system, called ________ operating systems, only had to ensure that

resources were transferred from one job to the next.

A. batch B. time-sharing C. parallel D. distributed

34. A ________ operating system is needed for jobs shared between distant connected computers.

A. batch B. time-sharing C. parallel D. distributed

35. Because a computer is much faster than a human, the user ________.

A. can easily notice time sharing C. can see through time sharing B. is unaware of time sharing D. cannot keep up with time sharing

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

Images today are represented in a computer by one of two methods: bitmap graphic or vector graphic.

In the first method, an image is divided into a matrix of pixels, where each pixel is a small dot. The size of the pixel depends on what is called the resolution. For example, an image can be divided into 1000 pixels or 10,000 pixels. In the second case, although there is a better representation of the image (better resolution), more memory is needed to store the image.

After dividing an image into pixels, each pixel is assigned a bit pattern. The size and value of the pattern depend on the image. For an image made of only black-and-white dots (e.g., a chessboard), a 1-bit pattern is enough to represent a pixel. A pattern of 0 represents a black pixel and a pattern of 1 represents a white pixel. The patterns are then recorded one after another and stored in the computer.

If an image is not made of pure white and pure black pixels, you can increase the size of the bit pattern to represent gray scales. For example, to show four levels of gray scale, you can use 2-bit patterns. A black pixel can be represented by 00, a dark gray pixel by 01, a light gray pixel by 10, and a white pixel by 11.

To represent color images, each colored pixel is decomposed into three primary colors: red, green, and blue (RGB). Then the intensity of each color is measured, and a pattern (usually 8 bits) is assigned to it. In other words, each pixel has three bit patterns: one to represent the intensity of the red color, one to represent the intensity of the green color, and one to represent the intensity of the blue color.

The problem with the bitmap graphic method is that the exact bit patterns representing a particular image must be stored in a computer. Later, if you want to rescale the image, you must change the size of the pixels, which creates a ragged or grainy look. The vector graphic method, however, does not store the bit patterns. An image is decomposed into a combination of curves and lines. Each curve or line is represented by a mathematical formula. For example, a line may be described by the coordinates of its endpoints, and a circle may be described by the coordinates of its center and the length of its radius. The combination of these formulas is stored in a computer. When the image is to be displayed or printed, the size of the image is given to the system as an input. The system redesigns the image with the new size and uses the same formula to draw the image. In this case, each time an image is drawn, the formula is reevaluated.

36. In the bitmap graphic method of representing an image in a computer, the number of bit

patterns assigned to each pixel depends on the ________ of the image.

A. size B. resolution C. intensity D. color

37. The higher the resolution of an image, the ________ the size of a pixel.

A. smaller B. bigger C. A or B D. none of the above

38. In the bitmap graphic method of representing an image in a computer, a ragged look can be

created when you rescale the image because ________.

A. the pixels are made smaller C. A or B

the form of ________.

A. curves and lines

B. mathematical formulas describing certain features of curves and lines

C. mathematical formulas B. the pixels are made larger D. none of the above 39. In the vector graphic method of representing an image in a computer, the image is stored in

D. mathematical formulas describing coordinates of curves and lines

40. A gray scale picture is digitized using four different gray levels. If the picture is composed of

100×100 pixels, ________ bits are needed to represent the picture. A. 10000 B. 20000 C. 40000 D. 80000

Part Three :Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary. (10 points)

store operation item independent problem programmer perform combination passive active

Object-oriented programming uses an approach to problem solving that is totally different from procedural programming. Y ou can think of a data item in both languages as an object. A program can be thought of as a series of operations that you want to perform on the object.

In procedural programming, the objects are totally separate and independent from the operations. The objects can be stored on a computer, and different programs using different operations are applied to them. In other words, in procedural programming, the objects are passive . They do not have any operations defined for them. The programmers define the operations and apply them to the objects.

In object-oriented programming, the objects and the operations to be applied to them are tied together. The programmer first defines an object and the types of operations that can be applied to this object. The programmer (or another programmer) can then use this combination and invokes some or all of the operations defined to solve a problem . In other words, the objects in object-oriented programming are active .


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