
A song for ~ University

On July 6, 2012, my mother school, ~will(迎来她一百年生日)welcome for her one hundredth birthday!

One hundred is a long journey; One hundred is a kind of great change; One hundred is a stormy course!

Through centuries, ~ University, the fertile soil that covered with hard sweat and fighting sprit, has beared too much life work of our ancestors.

In 1902,it was a great time when the people and the city witnessed that our mother shcool was founded,and I believe that all of us will never forget this day ;,during the centuries,our mother school has spent many difficult days ,such as the twists and turns of the reform, the construction ,and the development of society . that’s all gives her enough courages and wills to stand ahead of our students and our country,and even now she is still trying her best to devote to her education career .After amount of great changes,finnaly in December 1984, she was renamed ~ university, one of the few hundred universities.

Even suffered so many frustrations, she never give up or we can say she became even stronger. History of the zigzag(曲折的) development has created an inflexible(不曲挠的)will for ~ University. Rough experiences of education have confirmed the inspirit of respecting science of ~ University. During a century , my mother school has shared the noble spirit of plain with people.

One hundred years, our teachers work conscientiously(有良心地) and serve as ladders for us. One hundred years, our students are diligent in study all the time:

One hundred years, our agricultural university has conveyed large quantities of talents to our country;

One hundred years, our mother shcool has written a lot of glorious epics with regretless youth: With one hundred years of perseverance, our mother shcool has become a cradle(摇篮) of talents.

With one hundred years of pursuiting, there has been filled with bright stars.

On the occasion of our mother schools’ one hundredth birthday, let’s give her great bless forever! And we have enough good reasons to believe that tomorrow will be better!

Let our mother shcool stride(大步) proudly ahead for a new milestone from now on!

A song for ~ University

On July 6, 2012, my mother school, ~will(迎来她一百年生日)welcome for her one hundredth birthday!

One hundred is a long journey; One hundred is a kind of great change; One hundred is a stormy course!

Through centuries, ~ University, the fertile soil that covered with hard sweat and fighting sprit, has beared too much life work of our ancestors.

In 1902,it was a great time when the people and the city witnessed that our mother shcool was founded,and I believe that all of us will never forget this day ;,during the centuries,our mother school has spent many difficult days ,such as the twists and turns of the reform, the construction ,and the development of society . that’s all gives her enough courages and wills to stand ahead of our students and our country,and even now she is still trying her best to devote to her education career .After amount of great changes,finnaly in December 1984, she was renamed ~ university, one of the few hundred universities.

Even suffered so many frustrations, she never give up or we can say she became even stronger. History of the zigzag(曲折的) development has created an inflexible(不曲挠的)will for ~ University. Rough experiences of education have confirmed the inspirit of respecting science of ~ University. During a century , my mother school has shared the noble spirit of plain with people.

One hundred years, our teachers work conscientiously(有良心地) and serve as ladders for us. One hundred years, our students are diligent in study all the time:

One hundred years, our agricultural university has conveyed large quantities of talents to our country;

One hundred years, our mother shcool has written a lot of glorious epics with regretless youth: With one hundred years of perseverance, our mother shcool has become a cradle(摇篮) of talents.

With one hundred years of pursuiting, there has been filled with bright stars.

On the occasion of our mother schools’ one hundredth birthday, let’s give her great bless forever! And we have enough good reasons to believe that tomorrow will be better!

Let our mother shcool stride(大步) proudly ahead for a new milestone from now on!


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