
January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King was born in the US city of Atlanta, 501 Auburn Street, a small building of Victoria. His father was a pastor and his mother is a teacher. Where he learned how to postpone your love from the mother, sympathy and understanding of others;Learned from the father of bold, strong, candid and frank. Blacks living in the district but he also felt the dignity and personality as a black suffering. 15, USA diligent with distinction in the College studying sociology Moore Niehaus, after obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Although the US post-war economy has developed rapidly, and strong political, military boarded it "free world" chief of Kau Yi. Blacks may have in the domestic economic and political discrimination and oppression. Faced with the ugly reality that is determined to achieve social equality and justice as a priest. He has enrolled in the Boston University Kelaze seminary and in 1955 received a doctorate of theology in Alabama, Montgomery City Baptist Church for a single Christian pastor.

December 1955, police authorities in violation of section Montgomery bus segregation ordinances seats on the grounds that the arrest of black women, Rosa Parkes. Gold was with several black activists organized "Montgomery municipal improvement associations" and called on the city of nearly 50,000 Ethiopian law and public companies as long as a year boycott, forcing the court to abolish local carriers seating segregation. This is the first time in the southern United States Ethiopian forces achieved their struggles to open a sustained the civil rights movement for more than 10 years prelude, and also makes payments into the civil rights movement leader Dr. training.

April 4, 1968, the ethnic elements were assassinated. The US government, from 1986 onwards, the annual January 3 Monday for Martin Luther King National Day.

January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King was born in the US city of Atlanta, 501 Auburn Street, a small building of Victoria. His father was a pastor and his mother is a teacher. Where he learned how to postpone your love from the mother, sympathy and understanding of others;Learned from the father of bold, strong, candid and frank. Blacks living in the district but he also felt the dignity and personality as a black suffering. 15, USA diligent with distinction in the College studying sociology Moore Niehaus, after obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Although the US post-war economy has developed rapidly, and strong political, military boarded it "free world" chief of Kau Yi. Blacks may have in the domestic economic and political discrimination and oppression. Faced with the ugly reality that is determined to achieve social equality and justice as a priest. He has enrolled in the Boston University Kelaze seminary and in 1955 received a doctorate of theology in Alabama, Montgomery City Baptist Church for a single Christian pastor.

December 1955, police authorities in violation of section Montgomery bus segregation ordinances seats on the grounds that the arrest of black women, Rosa Parkes. Gold was with several black activists organized "Montgomery municipal improvement associations" and called on the city of nearly 50,000 Ethiopian law and public companies as long as a year boycott, forcing the court to abolish local carriers seating segregation. This is the first time in the southern United States Ethiopian forces achieved their struggles to open a sustained the civil rights movement for more than 10 years prelude, and also makes payments into the civil rights movement leader Dr. training.

April 4, 1968, the ethnic elements were assassinated. The US government, from 1986 onwards, the annual January 3 Monday for Martin Luther King National Day.


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