

Welcome to China, welcome to Changzhou .Here is a warm welcome and sincere salute from a city with 2500 years of civilization, a city with a population of 3.5 million in the process of reform and opening to the rest of the world, a city with so many beautiful scenic.

I'm your local guide during your staying in Changzhou, my name is Xu Zhixian,Xu is my family name and Zhixian is my second name which means to be a wise person. For your convenience, you can call me Annie, that's my English name. This is our driver Mr. Wang, his bus number is 33241.It's my great honor to be here to provide service to you, my job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide, I'll try my best level to

Changzhou is a city spreading out in the south of Jiangsu Province, a city of scenic beauty and historical site, it is located in the middle point between Nanjing and Shanghai, with the mighty river up in the north, Taihu Lake to the east, the Maoshan Mountain by the west, and the Tianmu Mountain down to the south. Early in 1985,Changzhou was listed as one of the main cities for tourism development.

Changzhou has always been known as a land of fish and rice. It is a part of Jiangnan. For we Chinese people, Jiangnan is a vague geographical name, it refers to the south of lower reaches of the Yangtze River, it's a beautiful landscape of blue hills and green waters and dancing weeping willows and blossoming peach trees, and also the reassuring scene of little bridges across flowing streams lined with households. Moreover, the mere mention of Jiangnan will arouse in our hearts a great deal of poetry, for this part of China have been written great numbers of classical poems. It's a place where flowers and willows flourish, and the home of pleasure and luxury. As an important city, Changzhou is located in Jiangnan. Covering an area of 4375 square kilometers, it has five districts and two country level cities under its jurisdiction, with a population of nearly 3.55 million, of which the city proper covers about 1.8square kilometers, populated by around 2.17 million

people. So far as the history is concerned Changzhou can be traced back to over 2500 years ago in the

History has made Changzhou a place where gathered a galaxy of men of letters, during the initial period of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Qu Qiubai, Zhang Tailei and Yun Daiying were the three outstanding ones from among its leaders. In order to seek for the truth of saving the country and the Chinese nation as well as the lofty ideal of communism contributed their whole hearts and souls to the cause, thus serving an everlasting example for the latecomers to learn from and hold the in esteem. Gong Zizhen, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty said

There are numbers of places of interest for visit in Changzhou, such as Tianning Temple,


组员:王宇 高旭 卞涵彬


Welcome to China, welcome to Changzhou .Here is a warm welcome and sincere salute from a city with 2500 years of civilization, a city with a population of 3.5 million in the process of reform and opening to the rest of the world, a city with so many beautiful scenic.

I'm your local guide during your staying in Changzhou, my name is Xu Zhixian,Xu is my family name and Zhixian is my second name which means to be a wise person. For your convenience, you can call me Annie, that's my English name. This is our driver Mr. Wang, his bus number is 33241.It's my great honor to be here to provide service to you, my job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide, I'll try my best level to

Changzhou is a city spreading out in the south of Jiangsu Province, a city of scenic beauty and historical site, it is located in the middle point between Nanjing and Shanghai, with the mighty river up in the north, Taihu Lake to the east, the Maoshan Mountain by the west, and the Tianmu Mountain down to the south. Early in 1985,Changzhou was listed as one of the main cities for tourism development.

Changzhou has always been known as a land of fish and rice. It is a part of Jiangnan. For we Chinese people, Jiangnan is a vague geographical name, it refers to the south of lower reaches of the Yangtze River, it's a beautiful landscape of blue hills and green waters and dancing weeping willows and blossoming peach trees, and also the reassuring scene of little bridges across flowing streams lined with households. Moreover, the mere mention of Jiangnan will arouse in our hearts a great deal of poetry, for this part of China have been written great numbers of classical poems. It's a place where flowers and willows flourish, and the home of pleasure and luxury. As an important city, Changzhou is located in Jiangnan. Covering an area of 4375 square kilometers, it has five districts and two country level cities under its jurisdiction, with a population of nearly 3.55 million, of which the city proper covers about 1.8square kilometers, populated by around 2.17 million

people. So far as the history is concerned Changzhou can be traced back to over 2500 years ago in the

History has made Changzhou a place where gathered a galaxy of men of letters, during the initial period of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Qu Qiubai, Zhang Tailei and Yun Daiying were the three outstanding ones from among its leaders. In order to seek for the truth of saving the country and the Chinese nation as well as the lofty ideal of communism contributed their whole hearts and souls to the cause, thus serving an everlasting example for the latecomers to learn from and hold the in esteem. Gong Zizhen, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty said

There are numbers of places of interest for visit in Changzhou, such as Tianning Temple,


组员:王宇 高旭 卞涵彬


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