
茄子是我们餐桌上一道十分常见的蔬菜,关于它的做法也是多种多样的。因为茄子煮熟后十分的好咀嚼,所以老人小孩都十分的喜欢这道蔬菜。眼下秋天将要到了,其实你知道吗? 茄子不仅仅作为蔬菜供人饱餐,其实它还可以养生。给我们的人体在换季之时补充营养。下面介绍一种常见的与茄子搭配养生的蔬菜组合给大家。

中医认为秋季的食疗养生是少不了茄子的,茄子属于秋季的蔬菜之一,而且品种较多,按形状分,常见的有圆茄、灯泡茄、线茄三类。茄子含有多种维生素、蛋白质、糖及矿物质等。特别是茄子富含维生素P ,含量最多的部位是紫色表皮和果肉的结合处,故茄子以紫色品种为上品。100克紫茄中维生素P 的含量高达720毫克以上。维生素P 能增强人体细胞间的黏着力,改善微细血管脆性,防止小血管出血。

此外,茄子中的皂苷具有降低血液胆固醇的功效,与维生素P 协同,可提高微血管的弹性,有利于心血管病的防治。

茄子美味营养,它和谁搭帮能更好地发挥食疗作用? 而和谁又不太对脾气?





茄子+苦瓜=心血管患者理想菜 苦瓜有解除疲劳、清心明目、益气壮阳、延缓衰老作用。




中医还指出,现代医学研究表明,老年人因血管逐渐老化与硬化,皮肤上会出现“寿斑”(老年斑) ,而秋季多吃茄子,老年斑会明显减少。

看了以上中医为大家介绍的秋季食疗养生之茄子,是不是对你有所帮助呢? 茄子虽然美味,但是在做菜的时候也应该注意搭配,以免把美味的食物做成毒药,爱食疗养生的朋友们赶快试试吧!

Eggplant is our table a very common vegetables, about its practice is also a variety of. Because the eggplant cooked very good chewing, so the children are very likethe vegetable. The autumn will come, you know? Eggplant just as vegetables

forprovisions, but it can also be health. To our human nutrition in change garments

according to the season when. Here is a common with health and eggplantvegetables to everyone. www.guaihoo.com

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the autumn therapeutic health is notone of the eggplant, eggplant vegetables belongs to autumn, and more varieties,according to the shape, often a round tomato, eggplant, eggplant three bulb line.Eggplant contains a variety of vitamins, protein, sugar and minerals etc.. Especially the eggplant is rich in vitamin P, site content is the

largest with purple skin andflesh, the eggplant purple varieties for the top grade. The content of vitamin P inpurple eggplant 100 grams up to 720 mg. Vitamin P can enhance humanintercellular adhesion, improve the tiny blood vessel brittleness, prevents small blood vessel hemorrhage.

In addition, saponins in eggplant can lower blood cholesterol, collaborative and vitamin P, can improve the elasticity of capillaries, promote the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Eggplant delicious nutrition, who it together and can play a better therapeutic

effect? And who not to temper?

Eggplant + crab, may harm the stomach

Eggplant + = diarrhea crab, crab cold, eggplant, sweet and cold smooth, bothbelong to cold food resistance.

If you eat, gastrointestinal discomfort, serious can cause diarrhea, especially thecold of the spleen and stomach should not eat.

Eggplant perfect partner

Eggplant + bitter gourd = cardiovascular patients with ideal food Momordica

charantia relieves fatigue, Qingxin eyesight, Qi impotence, delaying senility.

While eggplant with pain, promoting blood circulation, heat swelling, pain andprevent vascular rupture, diuretic, cough blood pressure.

Two people with food, is the ideal food cardiovascular patients.

Eggplant + meat = stable blood pressure, prevent purpura, eggplant and meat with the food, can enrich the blood, blood pressure. www.jich.net

Chinese medicine is also pointed out that, modern medical research shows that,the elderly due to aging and vascular sclerosis, "ting spot will appear on the skin"(senile plaques), while the autumn eat eggplant, senile plaque will be significantly reduced. See more Chinese to introduce the autumn diet regimen eggplant, Is it right? Help you? Eggplant though delicious, but also used in the cooking process should pay attention to the collocation, lest the delicious food made of poison, love health preserving friends to try it!

茄子是我们餐桌上一道十分常见的蔬菜,关于它的做法也是多种多样的。因为茄子煮熟后十分的好咀嚼,所以老人小孩都十分的喜欢这道蔬菜。眼下秋天将要到了,其实你知道吗? 茄子不仅仅作为蔬菜供人饱餐,其实它还可以养生。给我们的人体在换季之时补充营养。下面介绍一种常见的与茄子搭配养生的蔬菜组合给大家。

中医认为秋季的食疗养生是少不了茄子的,茄子属于秋季的蔬菜之一,而且品种较多,按形状分,常见的有圆茄、灯泡茄、线茄三类。茄子含有多种维生素、蛋白质、糖及矿物质等。特别是茄子富含维生素P ,含量最多的部位是紫色表皮和果肉的结合处,故茄子以紫色品种为上品。100克紫茄中维生素P 的含量高达720毫克以上。维生素P 能增强人体细胞间的黏着力,改善微细血管脆性,防止小血管出血。

此外,茄子中的皂苷具有降低血液胆固醇的功效,与维生素P 协同,可提高微血管的弹性,有利于心血管病的防治。

茄子美味营养,它和谁搭帮能更好地发挥食疗作用? 而和谁又不太对脾气?





茄子+苦瓜=心血管患者理想菜 苦瓜有解除疲劳、清心明目、益气壮阳、延缓衰老作用。




中医还指出,现代医学研究表明,老年人因血管逐渐老化与硬化,皮肤上会出现“寿斑”(老年斑) ,而秋季多吃茄子,老年斑会明显减少。

看了以上中医为大家介绍的秋季食疗养生之茄子,是不是对你有所帮助呢? 茄子虽然美味,但是在做菜的时候也应该注意搭配,以免把美味的食物做成毒药,爱食疗养生的朋友们赶快试试吧!

Eggplant is our table a very common vegetables, about its practice is also a variety of. Because the eggplant cooked very good chewing, so the children are very likethe vegetable. The autumn will come, you know? Eggplant just as vegetables

forprovisions, but it can also be health. To our human nutrition in change garments

according to the season when. Here is a common with health and eggplantvegetables to everyone. www.guaihoo.com

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the autumn therapeutic health is notone of the eggplant, eggplant vegetables belongs to autumn, and more varieties,according to the shape, often a round tomato, eggplant, eggplant three bulb line.Eggplant contains a variety of vitamins, protein, sugar and minerals etc.. Especially the eggplant is rich in vitamin P, site content is the

largest with purple skin andflesh, the eggplant purple varieties for the top grade. The content of vitamin P inpurple eggplant 100 grams up to 720 mg. Vitamin P can enhance humanintercellular adhesion, improve the tiny blood vessel brittleness, prevents small blood vessel hemorrhage.

In addition, saponins in eggplant can lower blood cholesterol, collaborative and vitamin P, can improve the elasticity of capillaries, promote the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Eggplant delicious nutrition, who it together and can play a better therapeutic

effect? And who not to temper?

Eggplant + crab, may harm the stomach

Eggplant + = diarrhea crab, crab cold, eggplant, sweet and cold smooth, bothbelong to cold food resistance.

If you eat, gastrointestinal discomfort, serious can cause diarrhea, especially thecold of the spleen and stomach should not eat.

Eggplant perfect partner

Eggplant + bitter gourd = cardiovascular patients with ideal food Momordica

charantia relieves fatigue, Qingxin eyesight, Qi impotence, delaying senility.

While eggplant with pain, promoting blood circulation, heat swelling, pain andprevent vascular rupture, diuretic, cough blood pressure.

Two people with food, is the ideal food cardiovascular patients.

Eggplant + meat = stable blood pressure, prevent purpura, eggplant and meat with the food, can enrich the blood, blood pressure. www.jich.net

Chinese medicine is also pointed out that, modern medical research shows that,the elderly due to aging and vascular sclerosis, "ting spot will appear on the skin"(senile plaques), while the autumn eat eggplant, senile plaque will be significantly reduced. See more Chinese to introduce the autumn diet regimen eggplant, Is it right? Help you? Eggplant though delicious, but also used in the cooking process should pay attention to the collocation, lest the delicious food made of poison, love health preserving friends to try it!


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