





李洁厅 [1**********]13

陈珂瑾 [1**********]36

彭凌霄 [1**********]06

In college, students ’ cheating in school is rampant and getting worse. And also, the cheating tools are ever-changing, such as bringing small notes into the exam room, peeking at others ’ answers, helping others cheat or taking the exam instead of others, and so on. Students' cheating behavior severely hit the students' learning initiative and hurt the dignity of fairness and justice.

In view of this phenomenon, we have carried out a investigation and study. We find the main reason why students want to cheat in the exam is that some students have a wrong concept to examinations and pursue pure high marks. And other reasons also lead students to cheating in the exam such as parents expecting, imperfect teaching system, etc. Then, to help others cheat most because others feel they can’t pass the exam and seek help. We know cheating in the exam is a risky action. However, there are also many students choose to cheat and being caught because of too high vanity or fear of failure in exams.

In order to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon, the school set a lot of punishment means. For examples, if a student is found cheating in the exam, he will be canceled the exam qualification, his grade of the course will be zero, and he will be given a warning. Later, not only he will rebuild this class, but also his cheating behavior will be recorded in the file and have an impact on job search.

To the campus cheating, our group finds out some suggestions to help

school put an end to such behavior. Firstly, we can organize moral education to help students establish a correct view of the examination. Then, we can reform the old teaching mode and stimulate students' learning motivation, improve the examination form and establish scientific evaluation. Finally, technology assistance is needed, such as monitor and Signal Ping Biyi. They can effectively reduce the number of students cheating.






李洁厅 [1**********]13

陈珂瑾 [1**********]36

彭凌霄 [1**********]06

In college, students ’ cheating in school is rampant and getting worse. And also, the cheating tools are ever-changing, such as bringing small notes into the exam room, peeking at others ’ answers, helping others cheat or taking the exam instead of others, and so on. Students' cheating behavior severely hit the students' learning initiative and hurt the dignity of fairness and justice.

In view of this phenomenon, we have carried out a investigation and study. We find the main reason why students want to cheat in the exam is that some students have a wrong concept to examinations and pursue pure high marks. And other reasons also lead students to cheating in the exam such as parents expecting, imperfect teaching system, etc. Then, to help others cheat most because others feel they can’t pass the exam and seek help. We know cheating in the exam is a risky action. However, there are also many students choose to cheat and being caught because of too high vanity or fear of failure in exams.

In order to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon, the school set a lot of punishment means. For examples, if a student is found cheating in the exam, he will be canceled the exam qualification, his grade of the course will be zero, and he will be given a warning. Later, not only he will rebuild this class, but also his cheating behavior will be recorded in the file and have an impact on job search.

To the campus cheating, our group finds out some suggestions to help

school put an end to such behavior. Firstly, we can organize moral education to help students establish a correct view of the examination. Then, we can reform the old teaching mode and stimulate students' learning motivation, improve the examination form and establish scientific evaluation. Finally, technology assistance is needed, such as monitor and Signal Ping Biyi. They can effectively reduce the number of students cheating.


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