
2017年大学英语四级作文高分词汇(一) 有益,有助于:

be beneficial

e.g. Mild acute stress can actually be beneficial —it can spur you into action, motivate and energize you. 轻微的急性压力事实上是有益的——它可以促使你采取行动, 激发并鼓励你。

be instrumental

e.g. And while strength may be instrumental in winning respect, it has nothing to do with winning affection. 虽说强大的实力也许在赢得尊敬方面有帮助作用,但它和赢得喜爱却毫无关系。 be helpful

e.g. Your experiences may well be helpful to other readers, and to me. 你的经历或许对读者, 还有我都是有帮助的。

be conducive

e.g. What we hope is that the development of relations between any countries should be conducive to maintaining world peace and promoting common development. 我们所希望的就是任何国家之间发展关系,都应该有利于维护世界和平、促进共同发展。 be favorable

e.g. Partnerships will be favorable and contracts can be signed. 建立伙伴关系是有利的,可以签订合同。

be optimal

e.g. It's important to experiment so you can tune the delay that prompts a retransmission to be optimal. 你需要通过一些实验调节延时的范围来对重传的机制进行优化。


e.g. The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism. 新机场将促进旅游业的发展。


exert...effects on

e.g. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. 越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作用。

have an effect/ impact/ influence on

e.g. What you say or do will have an effect on others. 你所说或所做的每一件事都会对别人产生影响。

e.g. These shifts will inevitably have an impact on financial regulatory policy. 这些变化将不可避免地影响金融监管政策。

e.g. Eighty-four percent of Americans say online customer evaluations have an influence on their decision to purchase a product or service. 84%的美国人认为网上顾客的评价, 会影响他们购买产品或服务的决定。


no matter...

e.g. No matter what the situation, they just smile. 不管在什么情况下, 他们只是笑笑。

regardless of

e.g. Every problem you have is your responsibility, regardless of who caused it. 不管是谁造成的, 你都需要对你面对的每个问题负全责。 despite

e.g. All the people on the ship were in safety despite the storm. 虽然遇到风暴, 船上所有的人都安然无恙。

in spite of

e.g. We adhered to our original plan of swimming in spite of the bad weather. 尽管天气恶劣, 我们仍然坚持按预定计划游泳。



e.g. Mr. Taylor was not bitter toward those who had opposed him. 泰勒先生并不仇恨那些曾经反对过他的人。


e.g. They were protesting soaring prices. 他们在抗议不断飞涨的物价。

frown 皱眉

e.g. In her family, any expression of feeling was frowned upon. 她家里对任何感情的流露都不以为然。

object to

e.g. Those who object to it argue that students should not spend their precious time in this way. 反对大学生打工的人指出大学生不应该把宝贵的时间花在这上面。

go against

e.g. Changes are being made here which go against my principles and I cannot agree with them. 这里在被改变, 这有悖我的原则, 我不能同意。

disagree with

e.g. But he said that to recognize forces and opinions that disagree with government policies is a sign of strength. 但他说,对于武装力量和舆论而言,不同意政府的政策, 这是力量的象征 。

opponent 反对者

e.g. If you don't know yourself and know your opponent, then this kind of confidence scares me. 如果你不了解你自己和你的对手,那么你的这种信心让我感到害怕。

2017年大学英语四级作文高分词汇(一) 有益,有助于:

be beneficial

e.g. Mild acute stress can actually be beneficial —it can spur you into action, motivate and energize you. 轻微的急性压力事实上是有益的——它可以促使你采取行动, 激发并鼓励你。

be instrumental

e.g. And while strength may be instrumental in winning respect, it has nothing to do with winning affection. 虽说强大的实力也许在赢得尊敬方面有帮助作用,但它和赢得喜爱却毫无关系。 be helpful

e.g. Your experiences may well be helpful to other readers, and to me. 你的经历或许对读者, 还有我都是有帮助的。

be conducive

e.g. What we hope is that the development of relations between any countries should be conducive to maintaining world peace and promoting common development. 我们所希望的就是任何国家之间发展关系,都应该有利于维护世界和平、促进共同发展。 be favorable

e.g. Partnerships will be favorable and contracts can be signed. 建立伙伴关系是有利的,可以签订合同。

be optimal

e.g. It's important to experiment so you can tune the delay that prompts a retransmission to be optimal. 你需要通过一些实验调节延时的范围来对重传的机制进行优化。


e.g. The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism. 新机场将促进旅游业的发展。


exert...effects on

e.g. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. 越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作用。

have an effect/ impact/ influence on

e.g. What you say or do will have an effect on others. 你所说或所做的每一件事都会对别人产生影响。

e.g. These shifts will inevitably have an impact on financial regulatory policy. 这些变化将不可避免地影响金融监管政策。

e.g. Eighty-four percent of Americans say online customer evaluations have an influence on their decision to purchase a product or service. 84%的美国人认为网上顾客的评价, 会影响他们购买产品或服务的决定。


no matter...

e.g. No matter what the situation, they just smile. 不管在什么情况下, 他们只是笑笑。

regardless of

e.g. Every problem you have is your responsibility, regardless of who caused it. 不管是谁造成的, 你都需要对你面对的每个问题负全责。 despite

e.g. All the people on the ship were in safety despite the storm. 虽然遇到风暴, 船上所有的人都安然无恙。

in spite of

e.g. We adhered to our original plan of swimming in spite of the bad weather. 尽管天气恶劣, 我们仍然坚持按预定计划游泳。



e.g. Mr. Taylor was not bitter toward those who had opposed him. 泰勒先生并不仇恨那些曾经反对过他的人。


e.g. They were protesting soaring prices. 他们在抗议不断飞涨的物价。

frown 皱眉

e.g. In her family, any expression of feeling was frowned upon. 她家里对任何感情的流露都不以为然。

object to

e.g. Those who object to it argue that students should not spend their precious time in this way. 反对大学生打工的人指出大学生不应该把宝贵的时间花在这上面。

go against

e.g. Changes are being made here which go against my principles and I cannot agree with them. 这里在被改变, 这有悖我的原则, 我不能同意。

disagree with

e.g. But he said that to recognize forces and opinions that disagree with government policies is a sign of strength. 但他说,对于武装力量和舆论而言,不同意政府的政策, 这是力量的象征 。

opponent 反对者

e.g. If you don't know yourself and know your opponent, then this kind of confidence scares me. 如果你不了解你自己和你的对手,那么你的这种信心让我感到害怕。


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