


一、 Read and choose.选出与众不同的一个单词。(8分) ( )1.A.bike B.bus C.train D.traffic ( )2.A.read B.write C.driver D.drive ( )3.A.north B.south C.east D.left

( )4.A.actor B.artist C.aunt D.accountant ( )5.A.rainy B.funny C.cloudy D.snowy ( )6.A.teaches B.goes C.likes D.watch ( )7.A.rain B.snow C.cloudy D.cloud ( )8.A.today B.then C.tomorrow D.tonight


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.


1.ac___ ___ess( ) 2.b___y ( )

3.engin___ ___r ( ) 4.li___ra___y( )

5.tr___ff___c ( ) 6.f___ ___t ( )

7.cl___un ( ) 8.spr___ ___t( )

9.str___ ___m ( ) 10.coll___ct ( )


A. policewoman B. science C. Teacher D. library E. Singer ( )1. This is Miss Yang. She is a ______.

( )2. He is Xie Tingfeng. He is a ______.

( )3. I want to be a ______.

( )4. My mother works in a ______.

( )5.. —Excuse me. How can I get to the ______? —You can take the No.16 bus.

五、Think and write. 按要求写单词。(12分)

1.yes (反义词) __________ 2.teach (第三人称单数)__________

3.make (现在分词) __________ 4.does (原形) __________

5.two (序数词) __________ 6.dance (现在分词)__________

7.go (第三人称单数)___________ 8.dive (现在分词)__________

9.fun (形容词) ___________ 10.east (对应词)__________

11.left (对应词)___________ 12.he (宾格) __________


1. My father is living ________ Shanghai now.

2.The school is next ________ the hospital.

3.Dose she go _______ work by bus?

4.We plant trees _______ March 12th.

5.You must listen _______ your teacher.

6.I often watch TV _______ night.

7.I go to school _______seven o’clock every morning.

8.My brorher goes to school _______bus.

9.What are you going to do _______ Sunday?

10.I think it’s fun to walk _______the moon.

七、Findfriends. 手牵手,找朋友。(15分)

1.after school A. 下车

2.on the right B. 寻找

3.go straight C. 上车

4.in front of D. 与„„相邻

5.get off E. 在„„前面

6.get on F. 直走

7.look for G. 在右边

8.next to H. 放学以后

9.make sure I. 醒来

10.wake up J. 核实

11.wait for K. 等待

12.come from L. 来自

八、Translate. 英汉直通车。(10分)

1. 交通规则_____________ 2.science museum ____________

3. 向右转 _____________ 4.read a magazine ____________

5. 今天下午_____________ 6.take a trip ____________

7. 明信片 _____________ 8.go to the cinema ____________

9. 制作风筝_____________ 10.pet shop ____________


Feel, wants, doing, shopping, doesn’t, comes, Are, have, goes, waits Linda 1.______ to the store with Mike. But Mike 2.______ like to go 3.______. So Linda does the shopping and Mike takes a sit and 4.______ for Linda. But an hour passes by, Linda doesn ’t come out. Mike doesn’t 5.______ happy.

“What is Linda 6.______? Why does she stay so long? ”Mike thinks. At this moment, an aunt 7.______ up to Mike. “Excuse me. 8.______ you Mike?” “Yes. ” “Linda is waiting for you. She doesn’t 9.______ enough money. She 10.______ you to help her. ” “Oh, my God.”



一、 Read and choose.选出与众不同的一个单词。(8分) ( )1.A.bike B.bus C.train D.traffic ( )2.A.read B.write C.driver D.drive ( )3.A.north B.south C.east D.left

( )4.A.actor B.artist C.aunt D.accountant ( )5.A.rainy B.funny C.cloudy D.snowy ( )6.A.teaches B.goes C.likes D.watch ( )7.A.rain B.snow C.cloudy D.cloud ( )8.A.today B.then C.tomorrow D.tonight


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.


1.ac___ ___ess( ) 2.b___y ( )

3.engin___ ___r ( ) 4.li___ra___y( )

5.tr___ff___c ( ) 6.f___ ___t ( )

7.cl___un ( ) 8.spr___ ___t( )

9.str___ ___m ( ) 10.coll___ct ( )


A. policewoman B. science C. Teacher D. library E. Singer ( )1. This is Miss Yang. She is a ______.

( )2. He is Xie Tingfeng. He is a ______.

( )3. I want to be a ______.

( )4. My mother works in a ______.

( )5.. —Excuse me. How can I get to the ______? —You can take the No.16 bus.

五、Think and write. 按要求写单词。(12分)

1.yes (反义词) __________ 2.teach (第三人称单数)__________

3.make (现在分词) __________ 4.does (原形) __________

5.two (序数词) __________ 6.dance (现在分词)__________

7.go (第三人称单数)___________ 8.dive (现在分词)__________

9.fun (形容词) ___________ 10.east (对应词)__________

11.left (对应词)___________ 12.he (宾格) __________


1. My father is living ________ Shanghai now.

2.The school is next ________ the hospital.

3.Dose she go _______ work by bus?

4.We plant trees _______ March 12th.

5.You must listen _______ your teacher.

6.I often watch TV _______ night.

7.I go to school _______seven o’clock every morning.

8.My brorher goes to school _______bus.

9.What are you going to do _______ Sunday?

10.I think it’s fun to walk _______the moon.

七、Findfriends. 手牵手,找朋友。(15分)

1.after school A. 下车

2.on the right B. 寻找

3.go straight C. 上车

4.in front of D. 与„„相邻

5.get off E. 在„„前面

6.get on F. 直走

7.look for G. 在右边

8.next to H. 放学以后

9.make sure I. 醒来

10.wake up J. 核实

11.wait for K. 等待

12.come from L. 来自

八、Translate. 英汉直通车。(10分)

1. 交通规则_____________ 2.science museum ____________

3. 向右转 _____________ 4.read a magazine ____________

5. 今天下午_____________ 6.take a trip ____________

7. 明信片 _____________ 8.go to the cinema ____________

9. 制作风筝_____________ 10.pet shop ____________


Feel, wants, doing, shopping, doesn’t, comes, Are, have, goes, waits Linda 1.______ to the store with Mike. But Mike 2.______ like to go 3.______. So Linda does the shopping and Mike takes a sit and 4.______ for Linda. But an hour passes by, Linda doesn ’t come out. Mike doesn’t 5.______ happy.

“What is Linda 6.______? Why does she stay so long? ”Mike thinks. At this moment, an aunt 7.______ up to Mike. “Excuse me. 8.______ you Mike?” “Yes. ” “Linda is waiting for you. She doesn’t 9.______ enough money. She 10.______ you to help her. ” “Oh, my God.”


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