
如何用fall 在合同中表达时间点

fall ,大家知道,其基本含义是“下降\降落\跌倒”,作为名词有“秋天”的意思,但是这些含义在合同中几乎不会出现;

除此之外,fall 还有一层含义,那就是“适逢(某日)”,这层含义经常用在英文合同中,表示某个时间点。

协议(investment agreement)、可转换债券文书(convertible bond instrument)等投融资文件中,下面通过两个例子,大家可以体会一下该词使用的语言环境,学会使用它,能让译文增色不少:


Interest Payment Date means each of the following:


(a)the date falling 3 months from the first Convertible Bond Issue Date;


(b)the date falling 6 months from the first Convertible Bond Issue Date;


(c)the date falling 12 months from the first Convertible Bond Issue Date;


(d)the Original Maturity Date;


(e)(if the Original Maturity Dateis extended pursuant to Condition 5.2 (Extension)),the date falling 20 months from the first Convertible Bond Issue Date; and


(f)(if the Original Maturity Dateis extended pursuant to Condition5.2 (Extension)), the Final Maturity Date.



The Bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 2.0 per cent. per annum from and including the Issue Date to but excluding [ ] 2021, and interest will be payable on each date (each an “Interest Payment Date”) which (save as mentioned below) falls every three month after the preceding Interest Payment Date or,in the case of the first Interest Payment Date, three months after the Issue Date.

债券将自发行日期(含)至2021年[ ](不含)以每年百分之2.0的比率产生利息,且利息应在付息日后每三个月结束之日(“各付息日”)支付或首个付息日情况下,应在发行日后三个月支付。


如何用fall 在合同中表达时间点

fall ,大家知道,其基本含义是“下降\降落\跌倒”,作为名词有“秋天”的意思,但是这些含义在合同中几乎不会出现;

除此之外,fall 还有一层含义,那就是“适逢(某日)”,这层含义经常用在英文合同中,表示某个时间点。

协议(investment agreement)、可转换债券文书(convertible bond instrument)等投融资文件中,下面通过两个例子,大家可以体会一下该词使用的语言环境,学会使用它,能让译文增色不少:


Interest Payment Date means each of the following:


(a)the date falling 3 months from the first Convertible Bond Issue Date;


(b)the date falling 6 months from the first Convertible Bond Issue Date;


(c)the date falling 12 months from the first Convertible Bond Issue Date;


(d)the Original Maturity Date;


(e)(if the Original Maturity Dateis extended pursuant to Condition 5.2 (Extension)),the date falling 20 months from the first Convertible Bond Issue Date; and


(f)(if the Original Maturity Dateis extended pursuant to Condition5.2 (Extension)), the Final Maturity Date.



The Bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 2.0 per cent. per annum from and including the Issue Date to but excluding [ ] 2021, and interest will be payable on each date (each an “Interest Payment Date”) which (save as mentioned below) falls every three month after the preceding Interest Payment Date or,in the case of the first Interest Payment Date, three months after the Issue Date.

债券将自发行日期(含)至2021年[ ](不含)以每年百分之2.0的比率产生利息,且利息应在付息日后每三个月结束之日(“各付息日”)支付或首个付息日情况下,应在发行日后三个月支付。



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