

【中文摘要】预制混凝土结构是一种实现住宅产业化的有效途径, 而预制混凝土构件间的连接是关键, 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接是由哈尔滨工业大学课题组研发应用于预制混凝土结构工程的钢筋连接方法。该关键技术的优点在于连接安全可靠、操作简便、成本低。本文以螺旋箍筋作为约束措施, 进行了不同配箍率对钢筋搭接长度影响的试验研究, 通过试验研究和理论分析, 在保证连接可靠性前提下, 建立起了螺旋箍筋体积配箍率对钢筋搭接长度的影响规律。约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接是基于粘结锚固原理进行连接的方法, 《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB50010)要求钢筋搭接接头面积百分率为100%时, 搭接长度ll 为

1.6倍的锚固长度la, 经初步理论分析和前期研究结论, 提高配箍率ρsv 可以使搭接长度ll 降低。因此本文设计了一系列试件加以验证, 试验设计参数以理论分析公式为基础设定:钢筋直径12mm 、16mm 以及20mm, 搭接长度1.4la 、1.2la 、1.0la, 螺旋箍筋体积配箍率以理论分析为基准进行增减。试验方法参照《钢筋机械连接通用技术规程》(JGJ107),进行了123个约束浆锚搭接连接试件的单向拉伸和高应力反复拉压试验。试验中, 配箍率为0的试件, 在钢筋屈服荷载附近发生纵向劈裂破坏; 配箍率为理论分析设定的试件, 在钢筋极限荷载附近试件破坏或者钢筋拉断。试验表明, 在配置螺旋箍筋约束的情况下, 可有效地降低钢筋的搭接长度。本文以试验数据为基础, 进行了深入的理论分析和有限元分析, 给出了考虑安全系数的设计计算方法及构

造要求, 为完善预制混凝土结构设计规程和工程应用提供了重要依据。

【英文摘要】Precast concrete structure is a efficient path to realize housing industrialization, whereas precast concrete members joint is key. Restraint grouting-anchoring

overlap-joint of steel bar method is brought forward for the first time by Harbin institute of technology, and researched and applied to the system built-concrete structure engineering field. The merit of this critical technology is safe joint, simple and convenient manipulation, low cost.This article used spiral hoop acting as restraint measure, researched the

influencing of different match stirrup ratio to the bond length. By theoretical and experimental research, under the joint credibility, this article established the influence law of match stirrup ratio to bond length.Restraint

grouting-anchoring overlap-joint of steel bar is the joint method build on bond anchorage theory. Code for design of concrete structures(GB50010)requires that when splicing of bars joint-area percentage is 100%,lap length ll is 1.6 times of anchorage length la. By theoretical analysis and advanced research conclusion,improving match stirrup ratioρsv could reduce the lap length ll .So this article designed a series of

test specimen to verify it. The experiment design parameter set by theoretical analysis formula: bar diameter is 12mm,16mm and 20mm, lap length is 1.4la,1.2la and 1.0la,and spiral hoop match stirrup ratio. Experimentation referred to Technical

specification for mechanical splicing of steel reinforcing bars (JGJ 107), proceed 123‘Restraint grouting-anchoring overlap-joint of steel bar specimens’simply tensioned and heavily stressed repeat pull- press test. On trial, the specimens of 0% spiral hoop match stirrup ratio occurred portrait split destroyed phenomena at steel bar yield load round. Specimens of spiral hoop match stirrup ratio set by theoretical analysis, occurred specimens destroyed or steel bar snapped off at steel bar critical load round. Test indicate that on deploying spiral hoop restrain occasions,it could effectively reduce lap length. This article used experimental data as root, proceed in-depth theoretical analysis and finite element analysis, ascertained design calculation formula considering safety coefficient, supplied import gist for perfecting design specifications of system built-concrete structure and engineering practice.

【关键词】预制混凝土结构 住宅产业化 约束 搭接连接 体积配箍率

【英文关键词】Precast concrete structure Housing industrialization Restraint overlap match stirrup ratio



8-9Abstract 5第1章 绪论8-231.1 课题背景及意义1.2.1 国内外住宅产业

1.3 1.2 国内外研究现状及分析9-21化现状9-171.2.2 国内外钢筋搭接连接研究现状17-21


221.5 本章小结22-231.4 本文的主要研究内容第2章 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接试验23-58



31-382.1 约束浆锚钢筋搭接试件设计及试验方案2.1.1 钢筋搭接试验试件设计23-252.1.3 试验用材料力学性能30-312.3 试验数据处理与分析38-562.1.2 试验方案2.2 试验现象与分析2.3.1 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接试件强度38-47

筋应变47-562.3.2 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接试件螺旋箍第3章 约束浆锚钢筋搭接2.4 本章小结56-58


论基础58-623.1 螺旋箍筋P_(sv)与纵筋l_ l 关系的理3.1.2 钢筋与混

3.2 3.1.1 搭接作用理论基础58-59凝土界面应力分析59-603.1.3 螺旋箍筋应力分析60-62



64-673.2.1 无约束3.2.2 螺旋箍筋约束情况的钢筋锚固3.3 螺旋箍筋 3.2.3 约束状态下的钢筋搭接连接67-69

ρ_(sv)与纵筋 l_l的理论及设计公式69-73

3.4 本章小结

73-75第4章 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接有限元分析75-814.1 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接有限元分析前处理75-77


准则75-764.1.1 钢筋混凝4.1.2 钢筋混凝土材料的本构关系与破坏4.2 有限

4.2.2 4.1.3 几何模型建立以及网格划分76-774.2.1 求解过程77-78元求解过程和后处理分析77-80


81-82参考文献82-874.3 本章小结80-81致谢87



【中文摘要】预制混凝土结构是一种实现住宅产业化的有效途径, 而预制混凝土构件间的连接是关键, 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接是由哈尔滨工业大学课题组研发应用于预制混凝土结构工程的钢筋连接方法。该关键技术的优点在于连接安全可靠、操作简便、成本低。本文以螺旋箍筋作为约束措施, 进行了不同配箍率对钢筋搭接长度影响的试验研究, 通过试验研究和理论分析, 在保证连接可靠性前提下, 建立起了螺旋箍筋体积配箍率对钢筋搭接长度的影响规律。约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接是基于粘结锚固原理进行连接的方法, 《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB50010)要求钢筋搭接接头面积百分率为100%时, 搭接长度ll 为

1.6倍的锚固长度la, 经初步理论分析和前期研究结论, 提高配箍率ρsv 可以使搭接长度ll 降低。因此本文设计了一系列试件加以验证, 试验设计参数以理论分析公式为基础设定:钢筋直径12mm 、16mm 以及20mm, 搭接长度1.4la 、1.2la 、1.0la, 螺旋箍筋体积配箍率以理论分析为基准进行增减。试验方法参照《钢筋机械连接通用技术规程》(JGJ107),进行了123个约束浆锚搭接连接试件的单向拉伸和高应力反复拉压试验。试验中, 配箍率为0的试件, 在钢筋屈服荷载附近发生纵向劈裂破坏; 配箍率为理论分析设定的试件, 在钢筋极限荷载附近试件破坏或者钢筋拉断。试验表明, 在配置螺旋箍筋约束的情况下, 可有效地降低钢筋的搭接长度。本文以试验数据为基础, 进行了深入的理论分析和有限元分析, 给出了考虑安全系数的设计计算方法及构

造要求, 为完善预制混凝土结构设计规程和工程应用提供了重要依据。

【英文摘要】Precast concrete structure is a efficient path to realize housing industrialization, whereas precast concrete members joint is key. Restraint grouting-anchoring

overlap-joint of steel bar method is brought forward for the first time by Harbin institute of technology, and researched and applied to the system built-concrete structure engineering field. The merit of this critical technology is safe joint, simple and convenient manipulation, low cost.This article used spiral hoop acting as restraint measure, researched the

influencing of different match stirrup ratio to the bond length. By theoretical and experimental research, under the joint credibility, this article established the influence law of match stirrup ratio to bond length.Restraint

grouting-anchoring overlap-joint of steel bar is the joint method build on bond anchorage theory. Code for design of concrete structures(GB50010)requires that when splicing of bars joint-area percentage is 100%,lap length ll is 1.6 times of anchorage length la. By theoretical analysis and advanced research conclusion,improving match stirrup ratioρsv could reduce the lap length ll .So this article designed a series of

test specimen to verify it. The experiment design parameter set by theoretical analysis formula: bar diameter is 12mm,16mm and 20mm, lap length is 1.4la,1.2la and 1.0la,and spiral hoop match stirrup ratio. Experimentation referred to Technical

specification for mechanical splicing of steel reinforcing bars (JGJ 107), proceed 123‘Restraint grouting-anchoring overlap-joint of steel bar specimens’simply tensioned and heavily stressed repeat pull- press test. On trial, the specimens of 0% spiral hoop match stirrup ratio occurred portrait split destroyed phenomena at steel bar yield load round. Specimens of spiral hoop match stirrup ratio set by theoretical analysis, occurred specimens destroyed or steel bar snapped off at steel bar critical load round. Test indicate that on deploying spiral hoop restrain occasions,it could effectively reduce lap length. This article used experimental data as root, proceed in-depth theoretical analysis and finite element analysis, ascertained design calculation formula considering safety coefficient, supplied import gist for perfecting design specifications of system built-concrete structure and engineering practice.

【关键词】预制混凝土结构 住宅产业化 约束 搭接连接 体积配箍率

【英文关键词】Precast concrete structure Housing industrialization Restraint overlap match stirrup ratio



8-9Abstract 5第1章 绪论8-231.1 课题背景及意义1.2.1 国内外住宅产业

1.3 1.2 国内外研究现状及分析9-21化现状9-171.2.2 国内外钢筋搭接连接研究现状17-21


221.5 本章小结22-231.4 本文的主要研究内容第2章 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接试验23-58



31-382.1 约束浆锚钢筋搭接试件设计及试验方案2.1.1 钢筋搭接试验试件设计23-252.1.3 试验用材料力学性能30-312.3 试验数据处理与分析38-562.1.2 试验方案2.2 试验现象与分析2.3.1 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接试件强度38-47

筋应变47-562.3.2 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接试件螺旋箍第3章 约束浆锚钢筋搭接2.4 本章小结56-58


论基础58-623.1 螺旋箍筋P_(sv)与纵筋l_ l 关系的理3.1.2 钢筋与混

3.2 3.1.1 搭接作用理论基础58-59凝土界面应力分析59-603.1.3 螺旋箍筋应力分析60-62



64-673.2.1 无约束3.2.2 螺旋箍筋约束情况的钢筋锚固3.3 螺旋箍筋 3.2.3 约束状态下的钢筋搭接连接67-69

ρ_(sv)与纵筋 l_l的理论及设计公式69-73

3.4 本章小结

73-75第4章 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接有限元分析75-814.1 约束浆锚钢筋搭接连接有限元分析前处理75-77


准则75-764.1.1 钢筋混凝4.1.2 钢筋混凝土材料的本构关系与破坏4.2 有限

4.2.2 4.1.3 几何模型建立以及网格划分76-774.2.1 求解过程77-78元求解过程和后处理分析77-80


81-82参考文献82-874.3 本章小结80-81致谢87



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