

环境科学:environmental science

环境工程:environmental engineering

定量环境科学:quantitative environmental science

定性环境科学:qualitative environmental science

衰减再生:decay and recycling

新陈代谢率:metabolic rates

外来物质:foreign matter

研究和发展:Research and Development

一次大气污染物:primary air pollutant 二次大气污染物:secondary air pollutant

氧含量:Oxygen content

点源:point sources

沥青残留物:asphaltic residue

酸雨:acid rain

设备维护:facilities maintenance

废物最小化:waste minimization

正常浓度:normal concentration

胡乱收集:magpie collection

需氧量:oxygen demand/the amount of oxygen required



揭示大的差别;expose the considerable gaps

空气质量监测:air-quality monitoring


石油精炼:petroleum refining

活性炭:activated carbon

质量控制:quality control

海轮:ocean liner

挥发性化学物质:volatile chemicals


火山喷发:volcanic eruption

间歇源:intermittent sources

衡量浓度:trace concentrations

氯化物和硫化物:chlorides and sulphates

风化:wind erosion

不完全燃烧:incomplete combustion

化石燃料:fossil fuels

液滴:liquid droplets

SO3:sulfur trioxide

for managerial and administrative reasons行政管理上的原因

stacks of generating stations许多发电站

Roman empire罗马皇帝

Cloaca maxima 古罗马的大排泄沟

Wate phosphorous 亚磷的(三价磷)

phosphorous acid亚磷酸

phosphoric 磷的(五价)

carbonates ,bicarbonates 碳酸盐,碳酸氢盐

carbohydrates 碳水化合物,主要含氢和碳

TOC(total organic carbon)总有机碳

COD(chemical oxygen demand)化学需氧量

BOD(biological oxygen demand)生化需氧量

Biodegradable organic可生物降解的有机物

BOD5 BOD 的测试标准化

rborne diseases 水传染的疾病

epilimnion 表层水hypolimnion 深水层thermocline 热变形层

become depleted of oxygen 缺氧



1.Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us;that which we can see,hear ,touch ,smell ,and taste.


2.System,according to Webster dictionary

is defined as “a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unit or organic whole ;as ,a solar system,irrigation system,supply system,the world or universe”

系统,依据韦伯斯特的字典,被定义为“一组或一系列能形成一个整体或者有机整体的相互关联的事物; 比如,太阳系统,灌溉系统,供水系统,世界或宇宙” 。

3.Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical,chemical ,or biological characteristics of the air,water ,or land that can harmfully affect the health,survival ,or activities of humans or other living organisms.


4.Source reduction: Any action that reduces the amount of waste exiting a process. 资源减量化:减少在于一个过程中的大量废物的任何行为。

Waste minimization: The reduction to the extent feasible, of waste that is generated or subsequently treated, stored, or disposed of. 废物最少化:产生的废物最大程度减少,然后处理,存储,或者处置。

5.Recycling : The use or reuse of a waste as a substitute for a commercial product or as a feedstock to an industrial process. 回收:作为一个商业产品的代替品,或


6.Pollution prevention: Pollution may be generated during manufacturing, or when certain products are used commercially or by consumers. 污染的防止:污染可能在生产过程之中产生,或者在当一个产品被用作商业用途或被消费者使用的时候产生。

7.Waste Reduction/Waste Minimization Techniques废物回收/废物最少化技术(包括以下几点)

●product changes产品改变 ●process changes过程改变

●equipment modifications设备改造 ●operating practices操作训练

●recycling and reuse回收和再利用

8. What is air pollution? Air pollution is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentration to harm humans, other animals, vegetation or materials. 什么是空气污染 ?空气污染通常是指那种包含一种或多种化学物质富集到高浓度并足以伤害人类、其他动物、植物或材料的空气。

9.There are two major types of air pollution.主要有两种类型的空气污染 。

10.A primary air pollution is a chemical added directly to the air that occurs in a harmful concentration.初级空气污染是指有害的浓度直接进入到空气中的化学物质。

11.A secondary air pollution is a harmful chemical formed in the atmosphere through a chemical reaction among air components.次生空气污染是指在大气中由气体成分之间发生化学反应的有害化学物质。

12.Organic matter.Proteins and carbohydrates constitute 90 percent of the organic matter in domestic sewage. 在生活污水中蛋白质和碳水化合物构成百分之90的有机质。)

三、课后的NOTES 部分(UNIT1、2、3、8、12、13)


1) Care and impartiality in gathering and recording date, as well as independent

verification, are the cornerstones of science.


2) When the collection and organization of date reveal certain regularities, it may be

possible to formulate a generalization or hypothesis


3)the two types of logic are qualitative and quantitative logic.


4)theories,and in particular,mathematical theories,often enable us to bridge the gap between experimentally controlled observations and observations made in the field. 理论,尤其是数学理论,通常使我们可以弥补(缩小)实验过程观察的结果与该领域理论推导的结果间的差距。

5)environmental engineering is manifest by sound engineering thought and practice in the solution of problems of environmental sanitation,notably in the provision of

safe,palatable,and ample public water supplies.


1) APS materials,inc,generated two hazardous wastes,1-1-1 trichloroethane and methanol from cold solvent degreasing operations associated with their plasma spray deposition process.


2) AT&T美国最大的电话电信公司

3) CFC=chlorofluoro carbon 含氯氟烃

4) Sloppy housekeeping practices such as leaking tanks , valves ,or pumps may cause process chemicals to spill requiring cleanup and disposal.



1)the geographic location of some heavily populated cities,such as Los Angeles and Mexico city ,makes them particularly susceptible tofrequent air stagnation and pollution buildup.


2)by themselves,measured concentrations tell us nothing about the danger caused by pollutants,because threshold levels,synergy ,and biological magnification are also determining factors


1)most boating associations now urge their members never even to take anything disposable and plastic to sea and encourage ocean liners to follow suit.


四、课文填空:UNIT13的第一部分(1、Pollution of streams and rivers) PoHution of Streams and Rivers

When sewage is discharged into a freshwater stream ,the stream becomes pollution 。This does not mean that the oxygen content drop instantaneously。But the potential for oxygen depletion exists wherever there is sewage。The measure of this potential is the BOD, which rises as soon as the sewage goes in。Now follow the water downstream from "Polutionville." There processes are going on, all at the same time. Process1. The bacteria are feasting on the sewage. because of this action ,the amount of sewage in the water is decreasing,so the BOD is going down。

Process2. As the bacteria consume the sewage, they also use dissolved oxygen,so that concentration,too ,start to decrease。

Process3. some of the lost oxygen is being replenished from the atmosphere and form photosynthesis by the vegetation in the stream。

For the first 50km or so downstream, the natural ability of the river to recover its oxygen (process3)simple cannot keep up with the feasting bacteria(process2),so the dissolved oxygen concentration goes down。The fish begin to die,but it is not the sewage that is killing them。(In fact,the sewage provides food.)Instead ,the fish die from lack of oxygen,beginning when the dissolved oxygen concentration falls below about 4mg per liter,depending on the particular species。

The fish kills start about 15km downstream from the introduction of the raw sewage。In time ,as the sewage is used up by bacteria,the BOD goes down (process1),the consumption of oxygen also slows down,and the natural ability of the river to recover(process3)becomes predominant。The river then begins to repurify itself 。About 90km downstream the fish begin to survive again,and at about 140km the oxygen content has increased to its former,unpolluted level。

Of course,if additional sewage is discharged before recovery is complete,as shown in the illustration at 160km,the river becomes pollution again。When sources of pollution are closely spaced,pollution becomes practically continuous。Rivers in such a condition,which unfortunately can be found near densely polluted areas all over the world ,support no fish ,are high in bacterial content (usually including pathogenic organisms ),appear muddily bluegreen from choking algae ,and ,in extreme cases,stink from putrefaction and fermentation。


环境科学:environmental science

环境工程:environmental engineering

定量环境科学:quantitative environmental science

定性环境科学:qualitative environmental science

衰减再生:decay and recycling

新陈代谢率:metabolic rates

外来物质:foreign matter

研究和发展:Research and Development

一次大气污染物:primary air pollutant 二次大气污染物:secondary air pollutant

氧含量:Oxygen content

点源:point sources

沥青残留物:asphaltic residue

酸雨:acid rain

设备维护:facilities maintenance

废物最小化:waste minimization

正常浓度:normal concentration

胡乱收集:magpie collection

需氧量:oxygen demand/the amount of oxygen required



揭示大的差别;expose the considerable gaps

空气质量监测:air-quality monitoring


石油精炼:petroleum refining

活性炭:activated carbon

质量控制:quality control

海轮:ocean liner

挥发性化学物质:volatile chemicals


火山喷发:volcanic eruption

间歇源:intermittent sources

衡量浓度:trace concentrations

氯化物和硫化物:chlorides and sulphates

风化:wind erosion

不完全燃烧:incomplete combustion

化石燃料:fossil fuels

液滴:liquid droplets

SO3:sulfur trioxide

for managerial and administrative reasons行政管理上的原因

stacks of generating stations许多发电站

Roman empire罗马皇帝

Cloaca maxima 古罗马的大排泄沟

Wate phosphorous 亚磷的(三价磷)

phosphorous acid亚磷酸

phosphoric 磷的(五价)

carbonates ,bicarbonates 碳酸盐,碳酸氢盐

carbohydrates 碳水化合物,主要含氢和碳

TOC(total organic carbon)总有机碳

COD(chemical oxygen demand)化学需氧量

BOD(biological oxygen demand)生化需氧量

Biodegradable organic可生物降解的有机物

BOD5 BOD 的测试标准化

rborne diseases 水传染的疾病

epilimnion 表层水hypolimnion 深水层thermocline 热变形层

become depleted of oxygen 缺氧



1.Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us;that which we can see,hear ,touch ,smell ,and taste.


2.System,according to Webster dictionary

is defined as “a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unit or organic whole ;as ,a solar system,irrigation system,supply system,the world or universe”

系统,依据韦伯斯特的字典,被定义为“一组或一系列能形成一个整体或者有机整体的相互关联的事物; 比如,太阳系统,灌溉系统,供水系统,世界或宇宙” 。

3.Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical,chemical ,or biological characteristics of the air,water ,or land that can harmfully affect the health,survival ,or activities of humans or other living organisms.


4.Source reduction: Any action that reduces the amount of waste exiting a process. 资源减量化:减少在于一个过程中的大量废物的任何行为。

Waste minimization: The reduction to the extent feasible, of waste that is generated or subsequently treated, stored, or disposed of. 废物最少化:产生的废物最大程度减少,然后处理,存储,或者处置。

5.Recycling : The use or reuse of a waste as a substitute for a commercial product or as a feedstock to an industrial process. 回收:作为一个商业产品的代替品,或


6.Pollution prevention: Pollution may be generated during manufacturing, or when certain products are used commercially or by consumers. 污染的防止:污染可能在生产过程之中产生,或者在当一个产品被用作商业用途或被消费者使用的时候产生。

7.Waste Reduction/Waste Minimization Techniques废物回收/废物最少化技术(包括以下几点)

●product changes产品改变 ●process changes过程改变

●equipment modifications设备改造 ●operating practices操作训练

●recycling and reuse回收和再利用

8. What is air pollution? Air pollution is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentration to harm humans, other animals, vegetation or materials. 什么是空气污染 ?空气污染通常是指那种包含一种或多种化学物质富集到高浓度并足以伤害人类、其他动物、植物或材料的空气。

9.There are two major types of air pollution.主要有两种类型的空气污染 。

10.A primary air pollution is a chemical added directly to the air that occurs in a harmful concentration.初级空气污染是指有害的浓度直接进入到空气中的化学物质。

11.A secondary air pollution is a harmful chemical formed in the atmosphere through a chemical reaction among air components.次生空气污染是指在大气中由气体成分之间发生化学反应的有害化学物质。

12.Organic matter.Proteins and carbohydrates constitute 90 percent of the organic matter in domestic sewage. 在生活污水中蛋白质和碳水化合物构成百分之90的有机质。)

三、课后的NOTES 部分(UNIT1、2、3、8、12、13)


1) Care and impartiality in gathering and recording date, as well as independent

verification, are the cornerstones of science.


2) When the collection and organization of date reveal certain regularities, it may be

possible to formulate a generalization or hypothesis


3)the two types of logic are qualitative and quantitative logic.


4)theories,and in particular,mathematical theories,often enable us to bridge the gap between experimentally controlled observations and observations made in the field. 理论,尤其是数学理论,通常使我们可以弥补(缩小)实验过程观察的结果与该领域理论推导的结果间的差距。

5)environmental engineering is manifest by sound engineering thought and practice in the solution of problems of environmental sanitation,notably in the provision of

safe,palatable,and ample public water supplies.


1) APS materials,inc,generated two hazardous wastes,1-1-1 trichloroethane and methanol from cold solvent degreasing operations associated with their plasma spray deposition process.


2) AT&T美国最大的电话电信公司

3) CFC=chlorofluoro carbon 含氯氟烃

4) Sloppy housekeeping practices such as leaking tanks , valves ,or pumps may cause process chemicals to spill requiring cleanup and disposal.



1)the geographic location of some heavily populated cities,such as Los Angeles and Mexico city ,makes them particularly susceptible tofrequent air stagnation and pollution buildup.


2)by themselves,measured concentrations tell us nothing about the danger caused by pollutants,because threshold levels,synergy ,and biological magnification are also determining factors


1)most boating associations now urge their members never even to take anything disposable and plastic to sea and encourage ocean liners to follow suit.


四、课文填空:UNIT13的第一部分(1、Pollution of streams and rivers) PoHution of Streams and Rivers

When sewage is discharged into a freshwater stream ,the stream becomes pollution 。This does not mean that the oxygen content drop instantaneously。But the potential for oxygen depletion exists wherever there is sewage。The measure of this potential is the BOD, which rises as soon as the sewage goes in。Now follow the water downstream from "Polutionville." There processes are going on, all at the same time. Process1. The bacteria are feasting on the sewage. because of this action ,the amount of sewage in the water is decreasing,so the BOD is going down。

Process2. As the bacteria consume the sewage, they also use dissolved oxygen,so that concentration,too ,start to decrease。

Process3. some of the lost oxygen is being replenished from the atmosphere and form photosynthesis by the vegetation in the stream。

For the first 50km or so downstream, the natural ability of the river to recover its oxygen (process3)simple cannot keep up with the feasting bacteria(process2),so the dissolved oxygen concentration goes down。The fish begin to die,but it is not the sewage that is killing them。(In fact,the sewage provides food.)Instead ,the fish die from lack of oxygen,beginning when the dissolved oxygen concentration falls below about 4mg per liter,depending on the particular species。

The fish kills start about 15km downstream from the introduction of the raw sewage。In time ,as the sewage is used up by bacteria,the BOD goes down (process1),the consumption of oxygen also slows down,and the natural ability of the river to recover(process3)becomes predominant。The river then begins to repurify itself 。About 90km downstream the fish begin to survive again,and at about 140km the oxygen content has increased to its former,unpolluted level。

Of course,if additional sewage is discharged before recovery is complete,as shown in the illustration at 160km,the river becomes pollution again。When sources of pollution are closely spaced,pollution becomes practically continuous。Rivers in such a condition,which unfortunately can be found near densely polluted areas all over the world ,support no fish ,are high in bacterial content (usually including pathogenic organisms ),appear muddily bluegreen from choking algae ,and ,in extreme cases,stink from putrefaction and fermentation。


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